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Maintain tables from HTML email in when using HTML to Markdown


@mcwumbly wrote:

I was trying to advise a user on how they might import a Google Doc into Discourse as a new topic and suggested trying to copy/paste the doc into an email and then email it in. It mostly worked, but there were a few tables in the doc that got mangled in the process.

When an email into Discourse includes an HTML table, that table gets mangled and turned into plaintext on the Discourse side.

I have the incoming_email_prefer_html on as well as the "allow html tables" setting.

It'd be cool if tables were just skipped and maintained as HTML in that case. (Or perhaps there's a table extension we're planning on enabling once the markdown-it is in the mix?)

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Hide Visible Groups Activity Tab


@jidetheblogger wrote:


How can i hide the activity tab of visible groups?

No activity, posts, topics, mentions, messages.

I only want "members" to display.

Any working css for that?

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Facebook Groups - Zuck is coming for us


@ChrisBeach wrote:

I've been concerned for a while that local community forums like mine are dying out on the open web.

They're being superseded by Facebook Groups, and Zuck is now dedicating further effort to this feature:

Luckily Discourse still has the edge, technically, in a multitude of ways. And, of course, our forums are out on the open web, so are indexed in search engines and are linkable from other websites. :thumbsup:

Facebook threatens our model, though, and I'm pleased to see renewed effort from the Discourse team on the "Groups" feature - an important battleground in the war vs. Facebook.

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Emoji v2 bug reports


@jomaxro wrote:

So @sam and @joffreyjaffeux are going to use this topic to handle bugs with the new emoji code. Please keep all bug reports to this topic.

Tried to type something with a line that ends with a colon. After doing so, the emoji autocomplete modal would pop up continuously. The only way to fix it was to add a space after the colon.

Video for reference:

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Whitelisting internal hosts for crawling


@eviltrout wrote:

In the latest release of Discourse we added extra protection to prevent SSRF attacks. This new code ensures that links are only crawled if they are not on private networks, so if your server replies with an internal address for any host it won't be crawled.

However, this is not always ideal, for example if you are running a couple of Discourses on a private network, they wouldn't be able to onebox each other or crawl links to fetch topic titles and such.

To fix this, I've added a new site setting to whitelist internal hosts for link crawling and oneboxing.

Simply add your hosts to the whitelist internal hosts site setting and they will be crawled even if they are internal.

You should be absolutely sure these hosts are safe to crawl before you do this: we won't crawl on any ports except 443 and 80, but if you are running other web services on the same host it's possible an attacker could create a onebox or link crawling request that would hit those services and change data.

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Bug: Can't vote on Chrome mobile browser


@downey wrote:


  • Be using the Google Chrome Mobile version & OS combination below (or maybe others).
  • Be using the most recent version (0.4) of the feature voting plugin.
  • Navigate or link to a topic that has feature voting enabled.
  • Click the "Vote" button/box under the current vote count.

Expected Behavior:
The vote count increments by one.

Actual Behavior:
The icons of previous voters is toggled on and off when you tap the button. No votes are logged.

Browser Info:

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Search extension to combine WordPress and Discourse search results


@JagWaugh wrote:

Many sites combine Discourse and Wordpress. We use Wordpress to store static info like ebooks and model guides, as well as user photo albums.

Would it be a huge job to extend the discourse search to include the Wordpress site? Perhaps this would be better as a plugin.

What I'm observing is that someone asks "I tried searching for info on how to do job X, but didn't find anything. How do I do this?" on the forum. If they're lucky, one of the old hands will reply "There's a photo essay on how to do it at Y" which points to a URL on our static site.

I can reply, or add "Don't forget to search the static site" to all the guides and FAQs I want. If Search could also include hits from the static site then that would be more streamlined.

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Digital Ocean "High CPU" droplets


@pfaffman wrote:

Digital Ocean is rolling out new droplets (not yet available to everyone).

I did a rebuild on a $40/month droplet that completed in 5m10.854s (including Let's Encrypt).

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Possible onebox bug


@daath wrote:

I'm not sure it's a bug - To me it seems like it is.

Let me explain quickly. On my site people can create private recipes. They can then create a special URL to share this private recipe with people. A "token" is added to the query string: http://tjek.nu/r/7x55?token=6d62d94499ac10e (this is a shortened URL) - The onebox'er correctly parses the data and shows a onebox. However, the onebox now links directly to the content: http://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/940255 - which won't work for people beacuse of the missing "token" that was in the original URL (the original sets a session variable and redirects).

My question is this: Shouldn't the onebox use the original URL that you wanted to share?

I've worked around it by adding the token to the redirect and added code to support this in the app...

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If automatic backup fails, there should be a warning


@pfaffman wrote:

I've had a site's auto backups fail because there was not enough disk space, but I didn't realize it. Running out of disk space is something that I would like to know about. Could the backup job notify the admin(s) if it fails?

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Hiring someone -> Moderators shouldn't have admin panel access


@nixie wrote:

What would you like done?
When I make a regular user, a moderator, the user then gets access to the admin panel.
And then, there the user sees things like : dashboard, users, plugins etc.
I don't want the moderator to see these things.
Is it possible to take away this from the moderator?
I want the moderator to be able to manage the posts.
I actually did this by making the user a level 4 user.
But then a level 4 user isn't able to merge posts.

So, this can be solved either by doing one of this:

Remove the admin panel access from the moderator

Grant ability to merge posts to level 4 user

When do you need it done?
I'm in no hurry.
But I think this should be a quick fix for the right person.

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
$50 max.

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Discobot Avatar Broken

The category name in the drop down category list when creating topic


@Pad_Pors wrote:

the default choices for the category drop-down menu in the editor window are:

  1. select a category
  2. uncategorized.

usually there exists a category that is more likable by users, and they often create topic in that category.

Also, for the newbies of a forum one can set only one category to be able to create topic at, so that newbies has less options and the workflow would be easier for them.

the simple feature request:

there would be an option where the admin can chose for the default category of the category drop-down menu, rather than the un-categorized.

or even simpler, if the user has only one category to chose, then instead of "select a category" the mentioned category is chosen for him.

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Discourse health check function


@JagWaugh wrote:

Further to this it might be worth considering a built in health check which runs at some configurable interval.

It would be enough if it posted a message to admins indicating:

Your instance is at release X
The source is at release Y

Your disk space usage is X%
It has grown by Y% over the last month
at this rate your disk will be full in Z days.

The swap file has been used X times in the last month
Your RAM usage is at 100% Y% of the time.

OS Info: Blah Blah
Docker info: Blah Blah

Your instance sent X mails in the last month, and received Y, Z bounced or were rejected. (I'm not sure about this as a health check parameter)

The logs for the last month are here: URL

It wouldn't have to include the generation of a bug report for upload, but that might be worth considering... If an admin had a text file which included all the info that support here on meta generally needs to know, with sensitive data already redacted, the handling of basic problems would become easier and faster.

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Done the manual update to update discourse to the latest version - Failed


@EducatorWaji wrote:

Pups::ExecError: cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile' failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 13427 exit 1>
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:108:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"bundle_exec", "cmd"=>["su discourse -c 'bundle install --deployment --verbose --without test --without development'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'", "su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile'"]}
** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one

What might be the cause?. All I did was

cd /var/discourse
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

The below one was the page requesting me to do it manually.

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Managing trouble in v1.9.0.beta2 +22


@Lorenzo_Perone wrote:

we have a Docker istance of Discourse for our project Ricostruzione Trasparente at this URL, at the moment the version is v1.9.0.beta2 +22 but since the previous release we had some issues:

  • I've an user registration pending, I've approve many times (also rejected) but it remain suspended;
  • I can'l log out from the forum;
  • when I try to edit e massage I've just written Discourse show me a "403 Forbidden" alert.

We'have upgraded to v1.9.0.beta2 +22 and relaunched the Docker but the issues remained. I've made a manual backup and it works.
Have you any tips?

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Image dissapeared from post


@arrowcircle wrote:


Got strange bug today. I have a post, that I edit regullary (once a week). Today I opened it and got broken images (404 error). I sshed to server and looked for uploads dir. There are no such images in original or optimized folders. Strange thing, there are 3 other images in that post and they are ok.

I dont really know how to reproduce it, but if it pops out again - I will post more info. I am running latest version of discourse via admin/upgrade.

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:es: "Onebox" y sus derivados


@SidV wrote:

Para la traducción de site_settings.whitelist_internal_hosts por ejemplo, en ingles dice:

A list of internal hosts that discourse can safely crawl for oneboxing and other purposes

¿Cómo podríamos traducir "oneboxing" en español?

Desde mi humilde punto de vista, lo dejaría en inglés, todo lo relacionado con onebox.
Google Translate no la traduce :wink:

Ideas? sugerencias? opiniones?

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Sync Evernote and Discourse


@huynhthai824 wrote:

i wanna sync all post discourse forum and all note evernote together.
Because, my website for all user can view and read offline
Do we have any extension or who can developt this plugin?

each user discourse sync with each account evernote to mobile

Price and time to finish? my email: tranhoangthai.com@gmail.com

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Transfer to anonymous mode failed


@Taoye wrote:

  1. I've already enabled anonymous mode in setting menu.
  2. I've already set trust level with "1".

I clicked the anonymous mode icon from the drop-down menu, but had no response. Is there something wrong of the settings? I tried both admin and normal account.

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