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Working Mailgun inbound mail plugin

Animated "pulsing alerts" theme


@ChrisBeach wrote:

A theme (which can be used as a “child theme”), which adds a subtle animation to update banners and badges:


  1. Admin > Customize > Themes > Import > From the web
  2. Type: https://github.com/chrisbeach/discourse-pulsing-alerts
  3. Select your current theme (it’s indicated with a star)
  4. Under “Theme Components,” click:

I admit this theme won’t be to everyone’s taste, but I wanted to try out the very cool Native Theming feature of Discourse :wink:

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Override 1GB requirement


@SmoothModeler wrote:


I’m trying to install Discourse on my Raspberry Pi 3. I keep this error message:

WARNING: Discourse requires 1GB RAM to run. This system does not appear
to have sufficient memory.

Your site may not work properly, or future upgrades of Discourse may not
complete successfully.

Now, my question is, can you somehow override this 1GB requirement?


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Incomplete model when a topic has just been created


@jack2 wrote:

From the didTransition hook of a topic.* route, I access the parent’s model with this.modelFor('topic').

This works very well, except in one case: when the topic has just been created (with the API), the model I get from modelFor is incomplete. For example, it has the id property, but not the tags property. The complete model becomes available a moment later.

Which hook should I use to get the complete model?

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Theme: Clearer distinction between topics and PMs


@ChrisBeach wrote:

A theme (which can be used as a “child theme”) making a clearer distinction between normal topics and private message threads, based on user feedback.

  • Adds “Privately” and “(Private)” to some UI elements
  • Adopts a subtle green theme in private message screens
  • Hides extraneous topic metadata from private message UI
  • Enlarges and colours the envelope UI detail in the header


  1. Admin > Customize > Themes > Import > From the web
  2. Type: https://github.com/chrisbeach/discourse-private-message-clarity
  3. Select your current theme (it’s indicated with a star)
  4. Under “Theme Components,” select “Private Message Clarity” and click “Add”

Recommended Text Customisation

Use Admin > Customise > Text Content to set the following:

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Set up Slack notifications using the discourse-chat-integration plugin


@David_Taylor wrote:

This #howto describes how to setup the Slack provider included in discourse-chat-integration.

It allows posting notifications to Slack, managing rules using Slash Commands, and posting transcripts back to Discourse (/discourse post 20 will create a draft topic containing the last 20 slack messages).


If you haven’t already, install the discourse-chat-integration plugin

Setup Slack

  1. Head over to https://api.slack.com/apps and create a new app. If you’re not already logged in, you’ll be prompted to do so. (you may need to click on this link again, as it doesn’t seem to redirect after login :frowning: )

  2. Click Create New App

  3. Choose a name (can be anything), and select the Slack Team you want it to be a part of

  4. Under “Add features and functionality”, click “Permissions”.

  5. Scroll down to “permission scopes”, add each of these, then Save Changes

    • chat:write:bot
    • users:read
    • channels:history
  6. Go to the Slash Commands page, and click Create New Command

    • Command - /discourse
    • Request URL - <your-discourse-url>/chat-integration/slack/command
    • Short Description - Manage this channel's integration with Discourse
    • Usage Hint - [watch|follow|mute|delete|status|post|help]
  7. Save

  8. Go to the top of the OAuth & Permissions page, click Install App to Team, and authorise the app with your team

  9. Copy the OAuth Access Token, and paste it into your Discourse site settings under chat_integration_slack_access_token

  10. Go to the Basic Information page, copy the Verification Token, and paste it into your Discourse site settings under chat_integration_slack_incoming_webhook_token

  11. At the bottom of the Basic Information page, you can set your bot’s icon, name and description.

  12. Setup some “Rules” for your channels, according to the discourse-chat-integration instructions, or alternatively use the slash commands within a channel to get started.

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Moderators Viewing Email Addresses


@Martin_Cash wrote:

Just FYI,

I know this has already been discussed a few times. Not to beat a dead horse, but my use case is…

I have to be PCI compliant and giving non-employees the ability to view/export email addresses is a security problem that restricts me from adding moderators. I’d like to use this feature so mods can see reports and such, but viewing email addresses is a no-go for me for me.

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Image metadata stripping


@Patrick_David wrote:

I understand the reasons for wanting to strip metadata out of images generally, but I was wondering if there might be a way to allow us to keep the metadata?

The reason I ask is that we (discuss.pixls.us) are primarily a (Free Software) photography-oriented community. Many of us tend to keep information in the metadata that we’d like to stay intact:

  • copyright information
  • photographic parameters as a learning exercise for others
  • processing information that gets embedded by other software
  • colorspace information
  • and other reasons…

is there a way to toggle not stripping metadata on images that are uploaded? (I looked and haven’t found a setting yet personally).

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Set up HipChat notifications using the discourse-chat-integration plugin


@David_Taylor wrote:

This #howto describes how to set up the HipChat provider included in discourse-chat-integration.


If you haven’t already, install the discourse-chat-integration plugin

Setup HipChat

  1. Open the hipchat room you’d like to send notifications to

  2. In the right-hand sidebar, click Add Integrations

  3. Choose “Build your own integration”, and enter a name (e.g. “Discourse”)

  4. Copy the URL provided, you’ll need it later

  5. Save

Setup Discourse

  1. Enable the chat_integration_hipchat_enabled site setting

  2. Go to the Plugins tab, then Chat Integrations

  3. Go to the HipChat tab, and click Add Channel

  4. Enter a name for the channel (this is only displayed in the admin panel, it can be anything).

  5. Paste the “Webhook URL” that you copied earlier

  6. Type in a color, it must be one of the options listed under the box, then click Save Channel

  7. Use the Test button on the channel you just created to check that everything’s working. You should see something like this:

    which will then expand when clicked:
  8. Setup some “Rules” for your channel, according to the discourse-chat-integration instructions.

  9. :tada:

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Upgrades failing on migration with unique constraint violation


@burke wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Rebuilding app fails at db:migrate with unique constraint 'badges_pkey' error:

Our upgrades have started failing with a unique constraint violation, specifically ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_badges_on_name".

Here’s a full dump of the upgrade output.

There don’t appear to be any duplicates badges in our database (i.e., no counts > 1 of id or name in badges). From the output, it appears to be trying to create a “First Like” badge with ID 11; however, in our system the “First Like” badge has ID 5 and there’s an “Encourager” badge with ID 5. :confused:

We haven’t yet tried rebuilding, but, from similar posts in the past, it looks like an attempt to rebuild will likely fail during data migration.

Any suggestions on how to get past this?

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Hosted Discourse Version?

There was a problem sending the test email. Please double-check your mail settings, verify that your host is not blocking mail connections, and try again


@nixie wrote:

I’m getting below error:

There was a problem sending the test email. Please double-check your mail settings, verify that your host is not blocking mail connections, and try again.

This is what I tried to do:
I removed my SendinBlue credentials and tried updating SendGrid/Mailgun SMTP credentials.
Both SendGrid and MailGun - not working. I’m getting the above error.
I remember using Mailgun initially (before I started using SendinBlue - and it worked like a charm)
So, I’m wondering why Mailgun isn’t working now.

I get the above error while trying to do a “send test email” from the admin panel.

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Ability to add multiple topic timers


@robbyoconnor wrote:

Hey all,

Is it possible to set up multiple Topic Timers – for example: publish, and then a separate one to auto-close the thread. I have a direct need for this…it’s not a deal breaker for it not to exist…just automation is amazing.

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Google Registered Domain, Amazon Lightsail DNS, Google Compute Engine Discourse, SparkPost


@damasta55 wrote:

I have a registered domain name with google where I am using name servers issued by amazon lightsail where I am hosting my wordpress website. I wanted to use google compute to run a vps with discourse. I’ve installed discourse and have setup sparkpost according to https://www.sparkpost.com/docs/integrations/discourse/ with the exception of the last step which is to uncomment - exec: rails r "SiteSetting.notification_email=noreply@your-sending-domain.com" Unfortunately, uncommenting throws an error. However, the issue i am running into is when i try to register the admin account, I am not receiving the email. Discourse is sending the email since sparkpost shows an increase in the number of emails sent by 1 each time i try. It is not in my spam folder. Any clues? TIA.

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Ability to change the category of a post before approving


@ggurbet wrote:

Hello. We are using a forum where most of the posts are subject to moderator approval. When approving a post sometimes we need to change the category. Currently we approve the post first and then manually change its category by going to the topic. Can it be so that the category change is done in the approval page (/queued-posts)?

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Is it possible to change HTML of header and footer and message details on the forum?


@klalex wrote:

Is it possible to change HTML of header and footer and message details on the forum? I have a custom design that need to be implemented and customization features in admin looks very limited. Is it possible to use custom HTML template for header, footer and message thread page? Thanks.

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Deleted posts not deleting themselves after 24 hours


@Nelson wrote:

I found some older topcis on this. From 2014/2025 and didn’t want to bump those. Running latest fetes-passed in a docker install as per guidelines.

I was testing around and deleted (as admin) some posts by a test user and the discobot. A few days later these posts are still there. Nobody had flagged them so that can’t be the reason they’re not being deleted.

Are only posts deleted by the user gone after 24 hours? Also some posts of myself I deleted as admin don’t get the (post withdrawn) and also still appear in the lists after 24 hours.

Is this by design or am I doing something wrong here? I can still undelete them fine.

The deleted posts don’t bother me at all, just want to know why they’re not being deleted by the system after 24 hours.


If I change the ownership to a test user without any mod/admin rights and change the 24 hours to delete instantly deleting them as test user works. But it doesn’t work for admin/mod deletes. So I guess this is by design?

Oh, they only delete for the user itself, can still see the “instantly” deleted posts as admin… Confusing.

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Removal of timecop :timer_clock: :policeman:t3:


@sam wrote:

Yesterday I committed a change that removed the timecop gem and replaced it with these lines of code:

  class TrackTimeStub
    def self.stubbed

  def freeze_time(now=Time.now)
    datetime = DateTime.parse(now.to_s)
    time = Time.parse(now.to_s)

    if block_given?
      raise "nested freeze time not supported" if TrackTimeStub.stubbed


    if block_given?

  def unfreeze_time

Migrating from timecop to our freeze_time helper should be a breeze as it already supports the block form. So most changes are as simple as:

Timecop.freeze(1.day.from_now) do

# to

freeze_time(1.day.from_now) do

I manually changed every usage of Timecop in both core and core plugins to use the new pattern. It took me less than an hour.

Why was this done?

I guess the first thing people may ask when confronted with this "Sam!? Wheels why reinvent them? Cheese, why move it?

The catalyst for the change was 3 days of an unstable test suite, caused by misuse of the Timecop library. But that was not the only issue I had.

Timecop API is too wide

The timecop gem offered too many options and too much flexibility, for example, want to do:

Timecop.travel 1.day.ago do
    Timecop.travel 1.day.ago do
       Timecop.travel 1.day.ago do

Nesting can very quickly lead to incredibly hard to understand specs. Additionally, it had a bunch of fanciness we never used including date rounding, thread safe operation and time stack walking.

Timecop API required consumers to remember to “unfreeze” time, which is called return

before do

after do
   # forget this and you leak state into your test suite and break it
   # cause time is frozen after your test

Our API uses mocha which always cleans up, no need to remember anything.

Less dependencies make me happy

I don’t see why carry a whole gem dependency for 20 or so lines of code we control and can trivially debug. We already have a mocking library I don’t see why we need to introduce a second one.

There is no reason to have 2 time travel APIs

It is confusing to have 2 ways of mocking time. Developers should not be force to choose between 2 APIs that achieve essentially the same goal.

Additionally, Discourse uses mocha for all object mocking. You end up having 2 mocking libraries and if you mock Time with with both you can very quickly get very unexpected results.

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Accessibility for the blind, near blind, poor eyesight


@Jimble wrote:

Hi guys!
I have a forum where some participants have accessibility issues. Can Discourse be operated with keyboard shortcuts? What other accessibility features are there (for the blind, near blind and poor sight)?

Thanks for a great software!

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Proposed changes to discourse-setup because Digital Ocean blocks outbound smtp


@pfaffman wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Digital Ocean is blocking outgoing mail!:

It seems that Digital Ocean is blocking out bound SMTP traffic for at least some customers. My guess is that soon you’ll have to jump through hoops to be able to access a remote SMTP port. Simple solution: Mailgun, Sendgrid, and Sparkpost all accept TLS traffic on port 2525.

I propose these changes to discourse-setup

  • changing default SMTP port for those services to 2525.
  • adding a test (e.g., nc -z -w5 smtp.mailgun.org 25) to see if the chosen SMTP port is open

Why those 3 services services? They’re the ones that discourse-setup currently knows about and recommends smtp_user_name for).

Unless someone (i.e., @codinghorror) has some reason not to, I’ll try to do this later this week.

I’ll also see about changing the scary “your ip doesn’t resolve to your hostname” message too. It continues to confuse people. Or maybe I’ll look again at finding a more reliable way to test that the resolved host IP connects to the server.

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