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Disable HTTPS on Discourse Clone?


@keith1 wrote:

I have an absolute newbie question here - I’m currently running a successful discourse community using Digital Ocean. I’d like to clone my discourse community on digital ocean and setup a testing server so that I can fiddle with all of the new features and settings in discourse without concerning the live service. All of that is fine, where I’m getting stuck is the SSL (and I know very very little about ssl certification).

After I clone the site, entering it’s new ip in my browser causes me to go to the primary domain, which causes me to connect to the real server, not the testing clone. Do I just need to disable HTTPS on discourse so that I can browse my cloned server without concern? If so, how would I even get there to disable it?

Apologies in advance if this question is way off target. Is there a better way for me to approach this entirely?

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Which is Better? Discourse or Flarum?

Disable some user interface language options


@guictx wrote:

I would like to disable most of the available languages is the user interface language options (Profile -> Interface -> Interface language) except English (es), Spanish (es), and French (fr).

Is it possible?

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Email Settings Not Adhered To On User Creation


@JamesNorth wrote:

Continuing the discussion from User profile watch/track/mute options not persisted:

I’ve got the same problem from the above thread happening again since updating Discourse.

What’s happening is similar to what I said at the end of that thread.

A new user is created with all email options ticked by default (that’s my setting on my forum) and they do not receive emails as they should.

If you untick all of those settings, save it and then re-tick them again, it works.

I’m on v1.9.0.beta12 +5.

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Disable users editing their profiles?


@jonobacon wrote:

Hi All,

I am working with a client who wants to populate user profile details via their own profile backend (they will use the Discourse API to update profile data when the respective data in their own backend changes).

As such, they want to disable the ability for users to edit their profile in Discourse, so as to avoid being out of sync. Is it possible to set a policy in Discourse that users can’t edit their profile fields?

Of course, another options is that fields can be edited in Discourse and then their profile backend is updated, but we wanted to explore the above option first.


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Can't create GET request route


@Mathieu wrote:


I’m trying to create a custom API on Discourse for a plugin I’m working on.
I haven’t any problem to create a POST request, but when I try to create one with GET, it all the time returns a 404 error page.

Here is my code.

after_initialize do
    module ::MyApiComments
        class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
            engine_name "myapi_comments"
            isolate_namespace MyApiComments

    class MyApiComments::CommentsController < ::ApplicationController
        def get_topic_comments
            # Some stuff here
            render :json => message, :status => 200

    MyApiComments::Engine.routes.draw do
        get '/myapi-t/:id' => 'comments#get_topic_comments'

    Discourse::Application.routes.append do
        mount ::MyApiComments::Engine, at: "/"

When I use post '/myapi-t/:id' => 'comments#get_topic_comments', all works fine. But I absolutely need to use a GET request and I can’t understand why it doesn’t works.

(by the way, I know there is already an API route to get topic posts, but I don’t use it for good reasons :))

Thanks for your help :).

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Unable to mention groups


@Trash wrote:

It happens here on Meta and also on my forum (just updated).

When typing @ followed by a group name, the auto complete pop up shows only username and not groups name

I’ve tried it with both moderators and admins, I do not see anything

The auto complete works if I try with custom groups if the name is composed only of one word (it works for translators but not for plugin_authors or theme_authors and so on)

Maybe the bug is related to this discussion Group long names - help give full citizenship to groups for mentions, messaging, group pages?

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Embed Discourse forum in a Wordpress website


@Vanina_Yordanova wrote:

Hello everybody!

I have a running Discourse forum on a web server and a Wordpress website on a localhost. What I want to do is the following: I want to embed the forum in a page of my website. Every user registered within my website should be registered to the forum as well. I read somewhere a comment that this is not a good practice(embed the forum).Is that tru and why?

I already isnalled WP Discource plugin on the website and connected the forum with the website. But I need to know extacly how to display the cpontent of the forum on a page of the website.
I hope I explained at least a bit clear!!!

Any help will be mucha appreciated!
I am looking forward to your asners!

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Strange XHR email log error


@schungx wrote:

My email logs keep getting littered by this error:

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘s.getResponseHeader’)
Url: https://support.chenhsong.com/assets/application-5b47578fb219400920413c66ef9908b3e05e6ba9f17ffbc897c47b9c708fb534.js

Tracing the code back to the source, it is this:

Apparently, xhr is undefined but somehow the XHR call succeeded.

User agent is all over the place, iPhone/Android/PC and so unlikely to be problem from a specific device.

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Autobot - Automatic Content Creator


@vinothkannans wrote:

Autobot is allows you to import content from external sources.

After the installation you can manage all your autobot polling campaigns in https://discourse.EXAMPLE.com/admin/plugins/autobot/campaigns


Currently it supports importing from below

  • YouTube Channel
  • Website RSS Feed


  • Can configure how frequent Discourse should poll from source for content.
  • Import content as either new topic or reply post for exsiting topic.


  • To import from any YouTube channels you have to configure Google API key in Site Settings.

Further Development

  • Assigning post ownership for imported posts. (via Campaign setting)

Repo: https://github.com/vinkashq/discourse-autobot

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How to automatically replace a double exclamation point when a message is saved?


@Trash wrote:

I’m looking for a way to prevent double exclamation points when a user replies to messages.

In my particular case I have a super-user who has the bad habit (since 15 years) to conclude each sentence with !!

All older users know it is his way to write but new users often feel attacked by him (even if it is not his intention).
This sometimes generates bad responses from new users and I have to intervene to calm the situation.

Consider that I asked him several times to avoid !! at the end of a sentence, but his answer is that he does it unconsciously.

I know that I can use Replace a string in all posts to replace !! with a point, but this would only work on posts already published, not on those that will be published.

The only way I can think is to enter !! in watched words so that they are replaced by two black squares, but I find this method a little exaggerated.

Is there any other way?

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Search chinese words problems

Where are the instructions how to use the latest version of the widget plugin api


@piratdavid wrote:


There’s a few things I can’t make out how to do in the later versions of the widget api. Before it was very convenient where one could just add ‘icon’, ‘label’, ‘href’ etc to for example a menu link. In particular I’d like to know how to add a font-awsome icon with the virtual-dom api. Any instructions would be nice.


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Html access? templates?


@communitygal wrote:

We are looking to customize the layout of the landing page. If it’s hosted, do we have access to the html out of the box for layout purposes, not just the header and footer?

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How to place ad after first paragraph of the topic?


@veer wrote:

Actually we want to place adsense ads just after first paragraph of a topic main content, is there any css trick for it ?

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API returning user ID of -1 when uploading avatar


@Frank_Bailey wrote:

I’m trying to use the Dischord API to upload user avatars. I’m testing with Postman because I couldn’t get it working with curl in PHP. With Postman I can see that the POST to the API is actually succeeding, but that the avatar is not assigned to any user. The response shows a user ID of -1, which would seem to indicate that something is going wrong in the background. Here is my Postman config

I can’t see anything obviously wrong with the way I’ve set it up, and the images are definitely getting uploaded and cropped and resized (I’ve checked that the URLs in the responses do in fact exist). If anyone has any insight into what might be going wrong I’d be grateful.

EDIT: The same response is received regardless of whether I set synchronous to true or false.

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Configuring SMTP


@CyberSathya wrote:

I tried to configure the SMTP via Web View in the Dashboard of Admin Account. No option to edit.

Then, I tried to edit the file “/apps/discourse/htdocs/config/discourse.conf”, and I got back with this error, where i’m unable to save the file.

Looking forward for your suggestions.

Info: Installed Discourse on Microsoft Azure’s Linux VM from Marketplace (one click install). Connecting via PuTTY from a Windows PC with SSH.

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Writable directories


@tdutrion wrote:


I know this use case is not supported, but even though I am currently trying to install on platform.sh, I am running into a read-only filesystem exception (trying to create a folder apparently).

E, [2017-10-10T20:50:57.085606 #1442] ERROR -- : Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - tmp (Errno::EROFS)
/opt/ruby/2.4/lib/ruby/2.4.0/fileutils.rb:229:in `mkdir'
/opt/ruby/2.4/lib/ruby/2.4.0/fileutils.rb:229:in `fu_mkdir'
/opt/ruby/2.4/lib/ruby/2.4.0/fileutils.rb:207:in `block (2 levels) in mkdir_p'
/opt/ruby/2.4/lib/ruby/2.4.0/fileutils.rb:205:in `reverse_each'
/opt/ruby/2.4/lib/ruby/2.4.0/fileutils.rb:205:in `block in mkdir_p'
/opt/ruby/2.4/lib/ruby/2.4.0/fileutils.rb:191:in `each'
/opt/ruby/2.4/lib/ruby/2.4.0/fileutils.rb:191:in `mkdir_p'

I don’t really know Ruby and have no clue how to debug. Platform.sh indeed has a read-only filesystem (for security purpose), and I have to declare any writable folder as mount point. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a list of writable folders…

Here’s what I could retrieve from different implementations (docker, ansible and so on):

  • ${my_app}/log
  • ${my_app}/tmp
  • ${my_app}/app/log
  • ${my_app}/app/tmp
  • ${my_app}/app/app/public/uploads
  • ${my_app}/app/app/tmp

Not sure about these, or about other I could have missed, still doesn’t work though :frowning:
If you can help me please do!

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Emoji in topic title is rendered as a square in Chrome tab title

Discourse pricing

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