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Impossible to quote from closed topic


@tophee wrote:

Two related bugs (on mobile, in case it matters):

  1. It’s impossible to quote a topic that is closed. Pressing the quote button will correctly create a new topic with the usual “continuing discussion from…” notice but the quote is missing. Trying a second time to insert it will trigger the “Sure you want to abandon your post?” question.
  2. Trying to quote from a closed topic in a reply to another topic will destroy that reply. From memory, what I did was: reply to a post in a topic (by quoting it), write something, navigate to a closed topic, select text, hit" quote", (this will bring a new topic without the quote as described above), navigate back to the topic you are replying to and your reply will be gone (if you resume the message, it will be the one from the closed topic). Somehow (page reload?) the draft did reappear but I was unable to submit it because it complained that the title cannot be empty and changing the title in a reply is obviously not possible. This was here on meta. I can try and provide more details if necessary when I have more time later.

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Failed to render table in post


@realcasey wrote:

I try this script in post:

    .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
        text-align: right;

    .dataframe thead th {
        text-align: left;

    .dataframe tbody tr th {
        vertical-align: top;
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">

But the table failed to be styled.

Could you give me some instructions?


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How do I change this welcome message?

Likes not being displayed for top topics on user summary


@Pad_Pors wrote:

it seems that likes number for the best topics of each users, are not shown in their profile page anymore (though it’d been a good indicator).

meanwhile, in our forum at some profile pages number of likes of best topics, are shown to admin (and I wish others were also visible):

this is the profile page of one of our users:

and here is the profile of another one:

here is a third one which is even stranger:

note: in all of them when I refreshed the profile page, likes are disappeared. and I feel this is a sort of #bug; or maybe I’m missing some points.

anyway my question: it seems that number of likes of a user’s best topic is not accessible in the profile page. isn’t it?

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Trying to do embedding. Hit with “The referer did not match any of the following hosts:” issue


@Jane_Jojo wrote:

I tried to setup embedding according to

and I am hit with a


The referer did not match any of the following hosts:

Configure Embedding

Here’s how my embedding configuration is setup

Instead of discourseEmbedUrl I’ve used topicId

What am I doing wrong here?
Here’s my blog URL

and my forum

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How to remove this white line from bottom of footer (mobile)


@nixie wrote:

I created a footer with 5 icons for mobile version of my site (not desktop version).
There is a white line below the footer icons - when tested on a test-site.
But when I tested on a brand new test site (which I have never used before) - everything looks good.

So, I’m wondering what is causing this.

I have 2 test sites.

One test site - which I have been using for quite some time now. It had plugins etc installed. But to test my newly designed footer, I removed all the plugins, etc. and made it exactly like a new site.
(the footer doesn’t work well on this test site. There is a white-line below the footer in this test site)

And the other test site - is a brand new one which I have never used before for anything.
(the footer works well on this test site)

URL of test site 1

URL of test site 2

Please open both the sites in your mobile phone. And you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Can anyone tell me what is the cause of the issue here in test site 1?

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Can I embed instagram video into a post?


@StephaneFe wrote:

How can we embed an Instagram video directly in a post?

When I copy/paste the Instagram embeded code I get a link which leads to the video page but I’d like to get the video directly in the post. Would it be possible?

Exemple below:

Light compass

A post shared by Trevor Traynor (@trevortraynor) on Jun 20, 2013 at 12:55pm PDT

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PM enabled for wrong trust level

Users should be notified when a post they replied to is deleted


@Drew_Warwick wrote:

On multiple occasions on our forum, we’ve had someone post something that has already been addressed/answered, and another user responds to them. For instance:

“You can re-open tabs on Chrome by pressing Ctrl+Shift+T”
-> “OP already said this was incognito and wouldn’t work”

When the first user deletes their post to clean up the thread, after 24 hours the second user’s post looks weird. Ideally they’d withdraw their post as well since it is no longer relevant, but they never know the prior post was deleted. If users received an automated notification whenever a post they replied to is withdrawn or deleted, they could act on their own post.

I’m not sure whether on withdrawl/deletion is preferable – withdrawn would allow for chains to be cleaned up more quickly, but withdrawls can also be reversed. I could maliciously withdraw my controversial post, get someone to withdraw their reply to me, and then reinstate my own post now free of criticism. Is this a legitimate concern? Would we need to notify when posts are reinstated as well?

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How aggressively do you interlink your forum content?


@meglio wrote:

Here’s is one interesting question, which seems a bit controversial to me.

Do I need to aggressively interlink my own content?

I’ve been noticing that people very often miss content related to what they read.

I know that the platform embeds a lot of links everywhere: at the bottom of a topic, in the “related topics” area, and in the beginning of a topic, listing other topics which links to it. However, it seems that people often miss / ignore those links.

The question is, should we invest any time in building links to our own content from our own content, just like wikipedia does?

Anyone has experience with interlinking? Please share your practice and observations.

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Error installing discourse

Adding breadcrumbs to forum pages

Adding "New subject" button to all pages

Broken site after latest update


@rebel wrote:

Hi everyone,

I had discourse running for about one year before 1.9 came along and needed me to SSH into the server to update it.

I eventually did it but found out that I had to update docker which I did.

Then I updated and my site was working fine; I could see the new functionality (approve menu) etc.

One day later. It’s now broken and

Any clues as to how to diagnose this issue? Any links so that I learn etc would be most appreciated.

btw I can log-in to the system via Digital ocean without troubles.

[ I am not a computer tech so you will need to point towards beginner links thanks! ]

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Is the html for /tags/ topic list supposed have a different structure?


@lll wrote:

Topics under /tags/ navigation (when you click on a tag to show all posts that share that tag) have a different html structure when compared to the homepage topic list or /c/ topic list (when you click on a category to show all posts under that category).

On the homepage (and every other page except /tags/)

The post are inside a div with the id #list-area, the structure is #list-area > table > tbody > posts

On /tags/ pages, the posts are inside a <footer> element that’s a child of the #list-area. The structure is #list-area > footer > table > tbody > posts

@angus pointed out that this is a part of the core Discourse templates. He also linked to the specific template for rendering /tags/ pages. Here is the link:

Is this the intended behavior for /tags/ pages?

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Composer Messages Exception


@angus wrote:

Steps to repro:

  1. On a vanilla instance with a new user, start to compose your first message.

  2. The education.new_topic composer message will appear. Dismiss it.

  3. Write until the draft process is triggered and the draft saves.

  4. Refresh the page. The composer will re-open with your draft.

  5. An exception will be thrown. _findMessages attempts to add the welcome message to queuedForTyping, which is null at the time it is assigned.

The issue is with the sequence of reseting queuedForTyping and initialising the async find for composer messages, see the console.log in the screenshot.

One simple fix is to move the queuedForTyping assignment inside the then block of the composer-messages lookup, however I think there’s still race conditions with that solution. Nevertheless, that’s all I have time for right now…

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Opt-In Conference Scheme


@hellekin wrote:

Let’s call conference a Category associated with a Group.

A conference has a home page, presenting the conference purpose and possibly inviting users to join, according to the group’s credentials, as in the group’s page. Technically, this home page could be the group’s home page, without the members list.

The conference scheme enables large communities to maintain opt-in work groups or special interest sections, or different language sections without overwhelming all users with notifications and a large number of topics.

This can be implemented as a plugin which I’m interested in programming. I’m proposing this to the community to see if there is traction, and if other people would like to participate. I suppose most of the functionality is already present, and it’s a matter of fixing the pipes to adapt the UI. This “category opt-in” scheme mostly moves the focus from topics to categories.

This scheme has been used in other online forums, e.g., Howard Rheingold’s Brainstorms, where hundreds of users exchange daily, rendering the contents quite overwhelming when you try to follow everything – hint: you can’t. As thousands of posts accumulate in your reading list, you’re very happy to be able to focus on some parts of the community rather than playing catch-up or muting the avalanche of new categories and topics.

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./launcher rebuild app Failed getting error


@dimu001 wrote:

After running ./launcher rebuild app I am getting this error / recently tried to generate CSR for SSL

I, [2017-11-26T14:18:34.117123 #13] INFO – : Loading --stdin

/pups/lib/pups/merge_command.rb:45:in `merge’: no implicit conversion of String into Hash (TypeError)

    from /pups/lib/pups/merge_command.rb:45:in `deep_merge'
    from /pups/lib/pups/cli.rb:21:in `block in run'
    from /pups/lib/pups/cli.rb:18:in `each'
    from /pups/lib/pups/cli.rb:18:in `run'
    from /pups/bin/pups:8:in `<main>'

** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one

any help for recover,

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Cooking text in plugin .es6.js / .hbs?


@ChrisBeach wrote:

I’d like my plugin to render some marked-up text that the admin is able to customise:

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:


import { default as PrettyText } from 'pretty-text/pretty-text';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
    init() {

        this.set('cooked_spiel', new Handlebars.SafeString(new PrettyText().cook(I18n.t('discourse_stripe.advertise_spiel'))));


<h1 class="advertise">Advertise</h1>



<p><a href="/">{{i18n 'topic.timeline.back'}}</a></p>

When I visit the page I get an error:

discourse/routes/application:74 Error: Could not find module pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown/helpers

Full Error
discourse/routes/application:74 Error: Could not find module pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown/helpers
    at missingModule (discourse-loader:134)
    at require (discourse-loader:149)
    at setup (pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown-it:242)
    at buildOptions (pretty-text/pretty-text:110)
    at new _default (pretty-text/pretty-text:120)
    at Class.init (javascripts/discourse/controllers/advertise:11)
    at Class.superWrapper [as init] (ember:42834)
    at new Class (ember:38507)
    at Function._ClassMixinProps.create (ember:38704)
    at FactoryManager.create (ember:3766)
error @ discourse/routes/application:74
ember:30889 Error while processing route: advertise Could not find module pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown/helpers Error: Could not find module pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown/helpers
    at missingModule (discourse-loader:134:11)
    at require (discourse-loader:149:17)
    at setup (pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown-it:242:26)
    at buildOptions (pretty-text/pretty-text:110:36)
    at new _default (pretty-text/pretty-text:120:16)
    at Class.init (javascripts/discourse/controllers/advertise:11:64)
    at Class.superWrapper [as init] (ember:42834:22)
    at new Class (ember:38507:19)
    at Function._ClassMixinProps.create (ember:38704:12)
    at FactoryManager.create (ember:3766:25)
logError @ ember:30889
ember:19818 Error: Could not find module pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown/helpers
    at missingModule (discourse-loader:134)
    at require (discourse-loader:149)
    at setup (pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown-it:242)
    at buildOptions (pretty-text/pretty-text:110)
    at new _default (pretty-text/pretty-text:120)
    at Class.init (javascripts/discourse/controllers/advertise:11)
    at Class.superWrapper [as init] (ember:42834)
    at new Class (ember:38507)
    at Function._ClassMixinProps.create (ember:38704)
    at FactoryManager.create (ember:3766)
defaultDispatch @ ember:19818

Would appreciate a nudge in the right direction please!

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Solved checkbox not green on Mobile

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