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Discobot's narrative is broken

The "New Badge" page thinks the type is blank when it's not


@notriddle wrote:

If you don’t go into the Badge Type menu when you create a badge, it thinks it’s blank (even though you can see it’s not).

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Admin login when local login is disabled


@lll wrote:

  • Discourse has the option to use other platforms for login (Google/Facebook/Twitter etc)
  • Discourse also has the option to use local login (Email/password)
  • Discourse gives the admin the option to disable local login like so:

Follow these steps:

1- Install Discourse
2- create admin account
3- login to admin account (email / password)
4- set up social login
5- disable local login
6- logout of admin account

How can you login to the admin account again?

If you click on the login button you get:

You cannot login in to the admin account because it uses local login, and you cannot use local login because it’s disabled.

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[Resolved] Getting Discourse going again after Vultr server hard restart


@JoelZaslofsky wrote:

tl;dr I just broke our Discourse install over an hour ago and need urgent server/docker/container/SSH help to get our paid community site running again. Please DM me if you can help tomorrow (Sunday in North America) so we can discuss me paying you for your help (assuming you don’t help for free).

Here’s the context: I got an admin notification in Discourse that 6505 email jobs had failed and, according to my apparently misunderstanding of this meta thread, I believed restarting my Vultr VPS server could be the solution.

So I logged into our Vultr VPS back-end admin panel, pressed the server restart link, confirmed I wanted to do a hard restart, the server started back up in seconds, and then every forum page I or anyone else has tried to load since has given me a generic “Problem loading page/Unable to connect” message. I have a feeling this has something to do with dockers and containers not reconfiguring/restarting properly after the hard server restart, but I’m in over my head on identifying the root cause and solution.

I can help you SSH for access if you need it. I’m feeling like a giant freakin’ idiot right now and you could help me save face with the community if we could resolve this quickly. Thanks in advance.

(Tagging @pfaffman because it seems like you’ve been helpful for these kinds of things in the past).

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Issues with default emoji on local dev install


@sau226 wrote:

I am experiencing an issue with discobot’s automated welcome messages on my own dev sandbox. The issue appears to be that certain emoji are missing from the initial message sent by discobot. I have included an image below.

Please help me rectify this. This particular sandbox is set to production mode to test what these tools are like in production mode. The images however seems to be requested from however my server is operating at .

Thank you in advance

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Menu, title collumn, and a lot a stuff are gone


@acidope wrote:

Hi there!

Just testing fresh instance of discourse and try some settings then this morning a lot a stuff are gone.
A jpg is more simple to explain the situation.

I will install discourse again but I would like to avoid reproducing this error. And currently I do not see what setting could have led me to this situation.

It’s a screenshot from the entire screen.

Same things on safari, opéra, firefox and ios app.

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Sending email failed with Net::SMTPServerBusy: 440 mail from account doesn't conform with authentication


@FrankFang wrote:

Here is my smtp settings in app.yml

  1   DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: 'smtp.xxx.com'
  3   DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME: 'no-reply@yyy.com'

The mail testing returned Net::SMTPServerBusy: 440 mail from account doesn't conform with authentication

But, when I test via another method:

require 'mail'

options = { :address              => "smtp.xxx.com",
            :port                 => 25,
            :user_name            => 'no-reply@yyy.com',
            :password             => '***',
            :authentication       => 'plain',
            :enable_starttls_auto => false  }

Mail.defaults do
  delivery_method :smtp, options
Mail.deliver do
  to 'zzz@zzz.com'
  from 'no-reply@yyy.com'
  subject 'testing sendmail'
  body 'testing sendmail'

ruby email.rb works.

So what’s the difference? Why did discourse mail testing fail?

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New installation + new domain + ssl


@Tumi wrote:



  • Clean Os (ubu /debian)
  • One domian at godaddy or etc
  • One SSL certufication (paid or free)

What should i do . Did i need change Dns from domian/hosting provider ? Did i need set somethink or just go like in readme file ??
And same q. about SSL . Should i install it just after installation or before ? (i know stupid question) . I jut dont know when i will change the adress from http tp https ;_

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Can't open attachments: that page doesn’t exist or is private


@devang wrote:

Hello All,

We have been experiencing this issue since last week or so. On clicking an attachment, a new page opens up saying, “That page doesn’t exist or is private.” I am aware that this has been discussed on this forum before. But I could find help in other posts. I operate at the trust level 3. So I am not sure how I can address this. Following is a screenshot of my admin panel.

Will updating help?

This is an example of topics that don’t work.

Thank you!

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User Topic Timers for normal users

How can I activate user accounts in batch?


@rornoob wrote:

We have a site with many user accounts which need to be activated. Is there any way we can activate it all in batch? It’ll take a lot of time to do it from http://[site-url]/admin/users/[id]/[name]


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Minimum required Docker version and Docker versions available in offical package reqositories of Linux distributions


@Jens_Pelzetter wrote:


it would be very helpful if you could keep the minimum required version of Docker at the version(s) available in the official package repositories of the most used Linux Distributions. For example in Fedora 27 the Docker version available as official package is 1.13. The most current version of Discourse requires Docker version 17.03.1.

Also many admins might be unconformable with running bleeding edge distributions like Fedora or Ubuntu and prefer distributions like RHEL, CentOS or Debian…

Best regards


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Cannot Load App - when passing a long string to "/new-topic?" API


@dalerka wrote:

I’m consistently getting the Cannot Load App error page when passing a long string to create a new post via URL API as:

Sometimes I get these errors (for the same request):

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
The FetchEvent for "https://...." resulted in a network error response: an object that was not a Response was passed to respondWith().
GET "https://..." net::ERR_FAILED

Can somebody please help me understand and fix this issue?

I’ve tried shortening the payload strings and such request to my server successfully loads the composer with title and body strings getting passed properly into Composer.

I have a recent standard installation of Discourse ( on Ubuntu 17.x VPS, 12 GB RAM, 4 nice cores,
only Discourse, single container).

I’ve uninstalled the 3 plugins I had (even the Docker-manager) one by one and rebuilt the app several times to see if the issue can be related to some plugin, but the issue persisted even with no plugins installed.

Tested on several forums:

Here’s example which cannot load the app - EDIT: this link surprisingly works if clicked, but doesn’t load if copy+pasted into browser.

The same string passed to this meta-forum successfully loads the app (composer).

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Webhook for Discourse Uptime Monitoring?

Re-entering set-up wizard for uploading logo-url


@crazyhorse wrote:

I had to leave in the middle of the setup and closed all window. Now I can’t re-enter the set-up wizard again, I don’t find it.

How can I upload an image for the logo?


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Development in dockerized install


@AntonS wrote:

I am using digitalocean one-click app for Discourse. I don’t have a lot of experience with Docker and Discourse, and I couldn’t find any recommended ways for creating theme/plugin inside dockerized environment.

As far as I see, the only things that are not located in container are db folder and uploads folder (well, and logs).
For development (let’s say I want to hack my own theme) I want the folder with my theme to be outside of container in host folder as well.
Are there any best practices to achieve easily hackable folders located on host machine, with my plugin and my theme, while running regular discourse one click app?

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"Unlink" nasty Links


@RonjaS wrote:

Hi :slight_smile:

Is it possible to “unlink” a link via something like an escape-sequence?
Cause: for example the university graduations M.Sc and B.Sc (master/bachelor of science) are automatically linked. I suspect “.sc” is read as the top-level-domain of the Seychelles.
I don’t think that this is a bug: presumably it’s not possible to separate wanted from unwanted links technical in a perfect way.

Hope this ist the right category. Thanks!

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Error while adding new tags


@parisa wrote:

I get this error when I try to add new tags:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::InFailedSqlTransaction: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
: INSERT INTO "topic_tags" ("topic_id", "tag_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (9745, 89, '2017-12-11 19:58:18.401702', '2017-12-11 19:58:18.401702') RETURNING "id")
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-0.10.7/lib/patches/db/pg.rb:93:in `exec'

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Updating deleted post through API returns Internal Server Error


@Simon_Cossar wrote:

Attempting to update a deleted post through the API returns a 500 error. The error is undefined method 'id' for nil:NilClass. It’s coming from web_hook.rb.

The problem is that when publishing with the All Users API key the post update method is calling
post = post.with_deleted if guardian.is_staff?. The deleted post is then being used to trigger a DiscourseEvent.

My reason for wanting to get a better response when a deleted post is updated is so that the WP Discourse plugin can use the response to remove the Discourse metadata it has saved for a post. It’s not safe for the plugin to assume that a 500 response means that the post has been deleted.

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