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How to Create Polls


@jomaxro wrote:

Creating a poll

The easiest way to create a poll is to use the poll builder. The poll builder can be accessed from the :gear: in the topic composer, and allows you to make a poll without needing to know the exact syntax.

Manually creating a poll

To create a poll surround a markdown list with [poll] and[/poll]

- option one
- option two
- option three


* option one
* option two
* option three

or, for numbered options—

1. option one
2. option two
3. option three

Any of the above create the following result:

  1. option one
  2. option two
  3. option three

0 voters

You can also make a poll with multiple choices. Simply add type=multiple to the opening tag like so:

[poll type=multiple]
- option one
- option two
- option three

This creates the following result:

  • option one
  • option two
  • option three

0 voters

To limit the number of choices (or set a minimum), add min=X and/or max=Y

[poll type=multiple min=2 max=2]
- option one
- option two
- option three

This creates the following result:

  • option one
  • option two
  • option three
  • option four

0 voters

For a numbered poll, enter the following:

[poll type=number min=1 max=10][/poll]

Which produces:

[poll name=“poll_4” type=number min=1 max=10][/poll]

You can also have it increment the numbers in steps using step=X

[poll type=number min=2 max=10 step=2][/poll]

Which produces:

[poll name=“poll_5” type=number min=2 max=10 step=2][/poll]

If multiple polls are used in a single post (like this one!) be sure to give each poll a unique name, or they will not work. Do this by adding name="poll_name" as a parameter.

[poll name="poll_1"]
1. option one
2. option two
3. option three

[poll name="poll_3" type=multiple min=2 max=3]
- option one
- option two
- option three
- option four

[poll name="poll_5" type=number min=2 max=10 step=2][/poll]

Lastly, any poll can have the voters made “public” by adding public=true to the parameter list.

Do you like polls?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

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Tapping edit history bubbles to timeline on iPad?


@Mittineague wrote:

I have been attributing this to my “shaky fat-finger taps” but I can consistently reproduce it here using iPad Safari

  • go to a longer topic and find a post near the end that has the edit pencil icon.
  • open the modal
  • close the modal

will be at the same place in the topic

will be more than several posts back in the topic

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Discourse crashed after backup - http 500


@omarfilip wrote:

I woke up to a crashed Discourse showing an HTTP 500 error this morning. I performed git-pull and ./launcher rebuild app and it was quickly back online. This happened once before, so I’d like to figure out why and prevent future occurrences.

A backup runs at 11 pm, and it looks like Discourse crashed shortly after that:

Sidekiq from this morning:

There are no errors in /log.

free -h after rebuilding looks like this:

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           3.9G        2.0G        215M        282M        1.7G        1.3G
Swap:          2.0G         31M        2.0G

Discourse is running alone on a 4 GB Memory / 2 CPU / 60 GB Disk DO droplet. It was originally set up on the smaller 2 GB memory / 2 CPU / 40 GB Disk size droplet.


I’ve checked the S3 bucket, and there is a 4.9GB backup from last night - looks normal.

Should I run ./discourse-setup to tweak the settings, or do I need to look elsewhere?

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Verifying email in mandrill


@ThePixelBro22 wrote:

Im using mandrill and i have all the config and SPF, DKIM set up. The only thing I need to do is verify the email account, so mandrill is asking me for an email address from my discourse server. How do can i receive emails to the server.

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Restore from backup broke images


@ebourcier wrote:

Hey guys - recently moved hosts with my site by making a backup and restoring it - it appears to have broken all the images in topics on the sites though, Any easy way to fix that? Unsure if it’s a plugin thing since we moved to digital ocean, or a URL thing changing… Or maybe the images just aren’t contained in the backup?


EDIT: here’s an example - broken in the thread, but if I go to edit their post it loads in the preview… so weird.

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Topic quoting itself displays reply indicator


@jomaxro wrote:

If a topic quotes itself, the “1 reply” indicator is displayed despite there being no replies, even if the quote is removed during the 5 minute edit window.

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Easy theme development


@sam wrote:

One huge pain point current theme developers have is that you need to install Discourse locally or be an admin on a Discourse site somewhere in the cloud just to get started.

This is enormously raising the barrier to entry and making it practically impossible for us to do things like a “theme” competition and so on.

The plan

I would like someone (probably us) to build a “theme editor” plugin for Discourse that allows non-admins to hack on Discourse themes.

Then we can run a theme-creator.discourse.org where end users can hack on themes and show off their work.

How I see this working?

  • User would have an area on the user page where they can add a git repo for their theme and the ability to load up theme json.

  • User would be able to select the theme on said site

  • We would ship a local tiny application to interact with this plugin that would include file watcher that would automatically update a theme when you save files on local, so you get live refresh for css changes.

Devil is in the details here, but this would open the door big time to random people hacking on themes and would have enormous positive effect for our ecosystem in a theme competition.

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Missing feature - multi-word and case sensitive tags


@nesnera wrote:

Original plugin “discourse-tagging” starts with description which contains sentence '…For example if you were running a music forum, being able to tag a topic as “Hip Hop” and “Electronica” would be useful…'
Unfortunately if I try do that upper case are converted to lower case and space is replaced by dash. Why? Is there an option how to preserve exact entry? (e.g. new-york-city or usa looks funny :slight_smile: )

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Has anyone ever had trouble indexing their communities on google


@Scott_G_Overend wrote:

I have been waiting quite a long time for google to index my pages (one month plus) and I am wondering if there could be something wrong…

I have a site registered with discourse, but I use a re-direct to my website and I think this could be related…

I know google takes a while to index pages, I just want to be sure there’s no issue so I’m not waiting for months like tool!

Any help this this would be greatly appreciated

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Managing multiple tags seems be tricky


@nesnera wrote:

Have a post with five tags e.g. first-tag, second-tag, third-tag, fourth-tag, fifth-tag, and try to remove “second-tag”. Do I really need to remove the last few tags first?

v1.9.0.beta16 +42

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External links are not clicktracking


@gap579137 wrote:

Please forgive me and point me in the right direction if this has been answered. I have tried to find the answer by searching not only this site but google. I am just getting started with Discourse and I really really like it but still have a good bit to learn.

This issue I am having is when links are included in post and they are clicked they are not being tracked, meaning that the grey indicator with the number to the right of the link is not there.

Thank you for your help in advance!


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Description for the Anniversary badge


@rizka wrote:

Continuing a discussion with @ljpp at our forum. Technically speaking the current description is ok, but otherwise I think it needs to be changed. I think that it is clumsy and can even be mislead a user to think that the badge is awarded on the first anniversary only.

This badge is granted when you’ve been a member for a year with at least one post in that year. Thank you for sticking around and contributing to our community. We couldn’t do it without you.

We ended up suggesting that the description should be changed to this.

This badge is granted annually to celebrate the anniversary of your membership, provided that you posted once or more during the past year. Thank you for sticking around and contributing to our community. We couldn’t do it without you.

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Build docker base image fail


@ray_chen wrote:

I tried to build image using Dockerfile from discourse_docker/image/base at master · discourse/discourse_docker · GitHub but ends up with below error.

Step 46/59 : ADD phantomjs /usr/local/bin/phantomjs
ADD failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder498252385/phantomjs: no such file or directory

I cannot find phantomjs on folder “/image/base” of [discourse_docker] repo (GitHub - discourse/discourse_docker: A Docker image for Discourse). Can someone point me where can I find the file?

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Auto authentication in webview for iOS App


@rahul.imedia wrote:

I’m implementing in an iOS app using the web view instance.
This is the scenario:

  • When the mobile app starts for the first time I create a user on my discourse instance by calling the API by setting active=true.

  • I use the username and password in the mobile app after successful creation.

[[challenge sender] useCredential:[NSURLCredential credentialWithUser:@“username” password:@“password” persistence:NSURLCredentialPersistencePermanent] forAuthenticationChallenge:challenge];

  • When the navigate web view controller starts I want to automatically login the user to discourse and show him the home page with the login done.

Can someone point me where can I find the solution?

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Urgent: Whitepage on Discourse Instance / Label Error


@thorbenegberts wrote:

Hi there,

(I sent a mail to urgent@discourse.org, but the auto-reply gave me an error message… so I’m trying it here)

It’s about our hosted instance forum.plentymarkets.com.

I reported the same error August: Important: Hosted instance error (post is invisible)

After saving a text label we got a whitepage with this error message:


I think it’s because the labels where changed and we got an invalid label value for js.topic.multi_select.select_replies.label within our settings:

According to the source code, this shouldn’t be a test label anymore:


—> discourse/client.en.yml at master · discourse/discourse · GitHub

Is there something you can do? Maybe a rebake would already help. We have lots of customers waiting for the site to run again, its our main support channel :frowning:

Thanks for your help!

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API - Get topics a user is active in


@Frank_Bailey wrote:

Is there an API endpoint to get all the topics a user has posted in, or perhaps all topics a user has started? We’ve got WordPress and Discourse working together but my client wants to display a list of the user’s topics on the user’s WordPress profile page (which I’ve custom-built from the ground up in WordPress).

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Category settings: focus remains fixed when you change window


@Dax wrote:

Whenever you change the window, the new window should display from the beginning, not from the middle or from the bottom otherwise some windows (security and tags) are displayed blank even if they are not.

The only window that shows the focus in the initial position (without manual intervention) is the “Topic template” window because inside there is a text editor (focus on the mouse cursor).

Tested here on Meta with Quantum and Chrome + Win 10

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Canned replies - no longer able to to scroll through list


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I just tried to use the canned replies for the first time since the new composer styling went in, and discovered that I am now unable to scroll down to see the ones disappearing off the bottom of the preview window. I can search to narrow the list shown which helps, but some sort of scroll is surely needed.

Also, while I’m here I noticed that if “hide preview” is selected, the canned messages are also hidden until you X out of canned messages, show preview again, then go back to the canned messages. Would it be possible to have the preview return automagically when canned messages is selected?

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Blank page after starting Discourse Docker for Development


@pacharanero wrote:

I’m trying out Discourse Docker for development using this README.md, having previously used Discourse Vagrant for development.

Everything seemed to build and run fine but the server shows a blank page (apart from the page load stats)


There are no errors in the Rails server logs.

There are some errors in the JS console:

However I’m unsure where to start with working out what’s going on and how to fix it.

Any pointers would be welcome

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How do I remove a forum from the Discourse app?


@oiclid wrote:

I need to remove a link from the discourse homepage, and I can’t seem to find an easy way to do it.

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