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Where do I find the logo that keeps popping up as I scroll up and down?


@McBlu wrote:

Here is a video of me scrolling up and down my forum on my desktop.

The logo in the header is what we want . . .


We do not want this logo:


Where might I find the setting for the errant logo? Thanks in advance.

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[Discourse customers] Facebook React link is a bit off

Where do I find the customizable text for "Topic"?

Category that unlists topics by default


@Daquantics wrote:

Does this plugin exist?

We do all our company’s support in public, but I’m trying to set up an additional support category for a “VIP” group of customers that don’t want their posts shown in public, including to other VIP’s in the group.

I could just set up a VIP-Support group and allow PMs, but if the group name was made public non-VIPs would gain access, and of course we can’t have that :roll_eyes:

Any ideas?

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Right Align text, or add spacing between text


@fellowshipforums wrote:


Is it possible to right align a section of text in a post? For example, at the bottom of a post I’d like to hyperlink to two additional posts. I’ve added a picture to give an idea of what I’m looking for, but I’d like to delete the …'s in between.

If right align isn’t possible, is it possible to add spaces between text? By default it looks like only one space is allowed.

Additionally, is it possible to add extra rows/blank space between text? For example, if we want the “previous question / next question” to show up a little lower on the page?

I really appreciate all of the helpful responses that people have given in the past for me. It has been incredibly useful and I hope that others will be able to benefit from these types of questions in the future.

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Add subdomain exception to nginx to host another site on same host


@trudat wrote:

I am setting up another web service on the same host as discourse.
I would like to add an exception to the nginx config so that discourse ignores requests to that subdomain, and the routing can be handled by another process.
Let’s say I have discourse on forum.mysite.com and I’d like to install another service at xyz.mysite.com. Is there a howto describing how to add an expection?

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Async/await in plugin: works in dev instance, not in docker instance


@jack2 wrote:

I get this error when installing a plugin in a docker instance:

Compressing: plugin-third-party-ea46d31326df4fb4ed1d79ef5ecad5179b0512d15492b09e348b67b027cced32.js
uglifyjs '/var/www/discourse/public/assets/_plugin-third-party-ea46d31326df4fb4ed1d79ef5ecad5179b0512d15492b09e348b67b027cced32.js' -p relative -c -m -o '/var/www/discourse/public/assets/plugin-third-party-ea46d31326df4fb4ed1d79ef5ecad5179b0512d15492b09e348b67b027cced32.js' --source-map-root '/assets' --source-map '/var/www/discourse/public/assets/plugin-third-party-ea46d31326df4fb4ed1d79ef5ecad5179b0512d15492b09e348b67b027cced32.js.map' --source-map-url '/assets/plugin-third-party-ea46d31326df4fb4ed1d79ef5ecad5179b0512d15492b09e348b67b027cced32.js.map'
Parse error at _plugin-third-party-ea46d31326df4fb4ed1d79ef5ecad5179b0512d15492b09e348b67b027cced32.js:637,7
	async function onEvent(container, event) {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token: keyword (function)
    at JS_Parse_Error.get (eval at <anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/uglify-js/tools/node.js:27:1), <anonymous>:86:23)
    at /usr/lib/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs:384:40
    at time_it (/usr/lib/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs:620:15)
    at /usr/lib/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs:345:9
    at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:511:3)

Removing async/await fixes the issue. It looks like some es6 code is sent to uglifyjs before conversion to es5.

The error doesn’t always occur. A few days ago, I retried installing several times and it finally succeeded. But now I’m stuck again.

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Getting errors on Incoming SMTP

Support for Jupyter notebooks

Request: a drop-down for open/closed/both status


@wolftune wrote:

Instead of having to make dedicated version of Latest or similar that has ?status=open by default or otherwise, I’d like to have a drop-down menu just like the tags one. It would have “open”, “closed” and “show all” as the three options.

We could make it default to “open” so that it filters out closed for all the nav items (Latest, New, Unread, Top). I’d also want to see the same setting when viewing any particular category.

I’ll be happy to hear any suggestions about other ways to make this practical or to filter out closed topics generally but make it easy to discover them still…

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Embed Latest Post Teasers Into Your Website


@modius wrote:

We needed to dynamically load content from our Discourse forum at labs.daemon.com.au into our company’s public web site at www.daemon.com.au/labs

The code retrieves the latest content in selected categories from Discourse and then wraps it around the markup that works with our website before injecting it into the page. We then add a few more changes to make the code more generic so it can be easily reused on different websites for loading content from different Discourse forums.

A Discourse forum possesses numerous data endpoints. For example, when you go to Latest, it loads the latest.json endpoint that returns the data needed for that particular page. This allows us to display content in Discourse on our own website.

Before we start

In order to load content from Discourse remotely, we have to make Discourse’s endpoints available to our website. This can be done in Discourse’s “Admin” settings.

Log in Discourse using an account with admin access, then go to the “Settings” tab in the “Admin” panel:

Find “Security” in the left hand navigation, then locate the “cors origins” field on the right hand side. Add the URL of the website that will display content from Discourse in the field (in our case: http://www.daemon.com.au/), then save the changes:


Since Discourse generates countless data endpoints, it is important to find the right one depending on what content is required to be displayed remotely. Adding /l/latest.json at the end of the URL of a category page will show the endpoint containing the latest posts for that particular category. For example, https://labs.daemon.com.au/c/design/l/latest.json is the endpoint for https://labs.daemon.com.au/c/design.

HTML & JavaScript

Since we now have the endpoint we needs, we now move to enable our site to read the endpoint so that it can retrieve useful information and display it correctly. In this example, we aim to display the latest 3 posts published by either User #1, #2 or #3 from the “Design” category in the #div on our site. In addition, we do not want to show the “About the design category” post.

N.B. In our example, we use default Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta.2 to provide some necessary styles for demo purposes only and its use is totally optional.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta content="ie=edge" http-equiv="x-ua-compatible">
    <meta content="initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no, width=device-width" name="viewport">
    <title>Discourse embed</title>

    <!-- Bootstrap CSS for basic styles in the demo -->
    <link crossorigin="anonymous" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0-beta.2/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-PsH8R72JQ3SOdhVi3uxftmaW6Vc51MKb0q5P2rRUpPvrszuE4W1povHYgTpBfshb" rel="stylesheet">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="card-deck" id="div"></div>

    <!-- jQuery -->
    <script crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha384-p7RDedFtQzvcp0/3247fDud39nqze/MUmahi6MOWjyr3WKWaMOyqhXuCT1sM9Q+l" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.js"></script>

    <!-- JavaScript -->
      (function ($) {
        'use strict'

        $(function () {
          $.ajax('https://labs.daemon.com.au/c/design/l/latest.json').then(function (result) {
            // Parse data to generate content from Discourse:
            // * Discourse endpoint, i.e. `result`,
            // * Number of posts to be shown on your site, e.g. `3`,
            // * Optional array of user IDs (whitelist)
            //   if only posts published by particular users are intended to be shown on your site, e.g. `[1, 2, 3]`.
            $('#div').discourse(result, 3, [1, 2, 3]);

          $.fn.discourse = function (feed, numToShow, whitelist) {
            var feedLength = feed.topic_list.topics.length;

            // Make sure there are enough posts to be shown.
            if (numToShow > feedLength) {
              numToShow = feedLength;

            for (var i = 0; i < numToShow; i++) {
              var content = '';

              // URLs in Discourse endpoints are all relative URLs (e.g. topic.image_url),
              // we need this so that the links displayed on your site point to the right places.
              // Please modify this to the URL of your Discourse forum.
              var discourseURL = 'http://labs.daemon.com.au/';

              // Variables for Discourse post data.
              var post          = feed.topic_list.topics[i],
                  postAuthor    = post.posters[0].user_id,
                  postDate      = new Date(post.created_at),
                  postLink      = discourseURL + 't/' + post.slug + '/' + post.id,
                  postThumbnail = discourseURL + post.image_url;

              // If whitelist is present, check whether the post author is a verified user.
              if (typeof whitelist !== 'undefined') {
                var verifiedUser = false;

                for (var n = 0; n < whitelist.length; n++) {
                  if (postAuthor === whitelist[n]) {
                    verifiedUser = true;

                // If the post author is not on the whitelist,
                // breaks this iteration and continues with the next iteration in the loop.
                if (!verifiedUser) {
                  // Increase number of posts to be shown if possible
                  // to compensate for the eliminated post.
                  if (numToShow < feedLength) {


              // The following block of code is optional.
              // The purpose is to ignore the "About the X category" post
              // since it may not be desirable to be displayed on your site.
              if (post.title.substring(0, 10) === "About the " && post.title.substring(post.title.length - 9) === ' category') {
                // Increase number of posts to be shown if possible
                // to compensate for the eliminated post.
                if (numToShow < feedLength) {


              // If a post does not have a thumbnail,
              // then use a default placeholder image as its thumbnail for your site.
              // Please modify this to use your site's placeholder image.
              if (post.image_url === null) {
                postThumbnail = 'http://placehold.it/320x180';

              // Generate HTML for your site.
              // This part of the code may need to be modified accordingly
              // to fit the markup of your site.
              content += '<div class="card" style="max-width: 20rem;">';
                content += '<img alt="' + post.fancy_title + '" class="card-img-top" src="' + postThumbnail + '">';
                content += '<div class="card-body">';
                  content += '<h4 class="card-title">' + post.fancy_title + '</h4>';
                  content += '<p class="card-text"><small>' + postDate.getDate() + '/' + postDate.getMonth() + '/' + postDate.getFullYear() + '</small></p>';
                  // The following line does a little bit more than displaying excerpt as it is,
                  // it replaces `<a>` tags in the excerpt with `<em>` tags
                  // so that they do not show up as links on your site.
                  // This is optional, however it may be necessary under certain circumstances. 
                  content += '<p class="card-text">' + post.excerpt.replace(/<a/g, '<em').replace(/<\/a/g, '</em') + '</p>';
                  content += '<a href="' + postLink + '">Read more</a>';
                content += '</div>';
              content += '</div>';


The final look

The JavaScript is generic enough to be reused on different websites. However, you may want to go through step by step to tailor it to your needs. Especially the HTML markup part as it’s very likely that will need to be customised to suit the markup of your site.


h/t @sesemaya Embed latest topics from Discourse on your website - development - Daemon Labs

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Images from Gliffy embed not rendering


@modius wrote:

Are there any specific reasons why an image wouldn’t be rendered within a post? Blocking headers… something?

I’m trying to embed an image from Gliffy diagramming service. When the digram is updated through Gliffy I want the image updated automatically on the forum. They have an image sharing service for exactly this purpose.

It generates the following URL for my test image:


Note, it doesn’t render as an image in Discourse.

But it does allow you to:

  • link to the image and see, download, etc within the browser
  • link and unfurl in services like Slack

I can “Copy Image” from the browser and paste into Discourse no troubles:


Any help much appreciated!

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Show user activities per group as a way to gamify groups

Associate link with topic


@hellekin wrote:

When pasting a link to a new topic title, this link is associated to the topic, even if the title is changed manually. This is a great feature. But it seems not feasible to associate a link to an existing topic. Associated links enable to distinguish local topics from externally focused topics.

Is there a way to associate a link to a topic after topic creation? Can someone provide pointers to the relevant code?

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Embedding not working


@mkiehl wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to embed my Discourse into other sites, but the embedded site gets stuck at “Loading Discussions…”

My setup is as follows: Installed Discourse from Docker, using SAML for authentication (disabled local users). Discourse is hosted at https://forum.example.com behind an Apache reverse proxy that handles SSL.
The embedding page (a static forum.html for testing) is located at https://www.example.com/forum.html
Embedding is allowed for “www.example.com” with the path whitelist “.*”

Chrome does not show any errors when loading the page, but after some seconds the following error gets output repeatedly:

comments:17 Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('https://forum.example.com') does not match the recipient window's origin ('https://www.example.com').

Is there anything else I need to configure, e.g. some special headers for the reverse proxy at forum.example.com or for www.example.com?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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External links in category description don't open in new window


@drreen wrote:

I activated external links in my admin + in my profile settings to open in new window/tab.

Yet the links in a category description don’t open in new window/tab.

Is there any workaround to enable external links in category description to open as target blank?

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What does "who can see this group" mean?


@carlokok wrote:

there’s a setting on the groups page; “Who can see this group”; if I set that to public; my group messages will still be hidden right?

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How to change Moderator's rights


@ankur1857 wrote:

I want to change some rights of Moderators of my forum.
Please tell me if there is any way to do the same.

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How show forum links below post?

Change how sub-categories are displayed on the categories page


@marcus7 wrote:

Hi all,

I’m trying to find how to change the way the sub-categories are displayed on the category page. This is how they’re displayed on my trial site:


However I’m looking to set them to how they are on this site:


Is it theme related? Or is it a setting I can change.


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