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Passing params to delete API method using golang


@richp10 wrote:

Using Go, I am trying to remove a user from a group using the api. I am confident the endpoint is correct - /groups/148/members.json where 148 is the ID of the group.

From the API spec - it seems I use the DELETE method and pass the user id in the body like this.


When I examine an actual api call from the standard discourse client, it appears to be plain form data like this:


To try achieve this in Golang, I have created form values like this:

form := url.Values{}
form.Add("user_id", strconv.Itoa(discouserid))
req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", url, body)

I also debugged and checked the sent body contains user_id=36. I also tried this as a json string as shown at the top and that did not work either.

All of these resulted only in a 500 error from the API - I am using Get and Post methods successfully elsewhere which uses the same url / authentication - it is just this delete method which needs form data that I am having trouble with.

Any thoughts>

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Permissions for users not logged in?


@plosprawrs wrote:


I had a question regarding a “permission” aspect of the forum.

Quick explnation:

Our company migrated to discourse, we like it. In our forum we have categories like other forums. Users wish to view or not view certain categories, so we created group level permissions for each category ( via groups, which are able to freely leave / join ). In doing this it essentially requires you to be in the group to see it. However we want users who are viewing the forum ( not logged in ) to see these categories even though not in a group. In other words, let the groups only have meaning if you’re logged in. To accomplish this we haven’t found an answer really, so are considering professional plugin to be written to achieve this. I guess if it worked properly within the group permissions we’d have a category or selection for users who are not currently logged in.

anyone come across this or accomplish this?

Kind Regards

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Which Discourse features are most valuable to you as a community manager?


@outofthebox wrote:

Hi, I just happened to read today about Discourse’s Timed Topics. What a great feature! This will definitely help with maintaining a consistent content calendar. It is much easier to pre-write posts a few days (or weeks) in advance, have time to sit on them and improve them, and know they are going to go out on at a specified time.

So I thought I’d put it out there: in your role as a community manager, what features of Discourse are most helpful to you - and why?

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Sorry for another Haproxy/Apache port 80 post but


@subtenko wrote:

Im going in circles confused for about 1-2 weeks now.

Here’s what Ive done since originally I found port 80 is already in use by apache (I have other sites on the service btw)

  1. I tried to run ./discourse-setup as you know but I cant, as you know because the port 80 is taken (there is no app.yml created since I cant install

  2. I installed Haproxy and set up the bottom portion of haproxy.cfg like so:

frontend http-in
bind *:80
default_backend main_apache_sites

        # Define hosts
        acl host_discourse hdr(host) -i my_site_here.com

        # figure out which one to use
        use_backend discourse_docker if host_discourse

backend main_apache_sites
    server server1 cookie A check

backend discourse_docker
    server server2 cookie A check
  1. I set me apache2 sites-available vhost for my_site_here.com from port 80 to port :*8080

  2. I edit apaches ports.cfg and change it from port 80 to port 8080

  3. I restart both haproxy and apache (I did this port change for another site no using discourse and it loaded minus the CSS being gone which probably has something to do with the site being cloudflare and/or https

6. Now when I try ./discourse-setup up instead of a list of ports using 80 its just haproxy now using port 80, but I thought those configurations did the forwarding, so Im confused…what am I missing?

sorry for being a noob :frowning:

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Tool for Tossing out Notifications via Discord


@Cyclops wrote:

Alright, so this has probably been done before and this is done in a very hacked sort of way, and if I’m posting this in the wrong place, please let me know.

I’ve coded a tool in python which receives webhook data from Huginn, which receives it from Discourse. The required configuration with Huginn isn’t posted to the repo yet, but it will be posted soon, just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Here is the repo URL. Other tools will be posted there as I write them, this is by no mean a finished and polished product, just how I solved a particular problem and, be aware, the code is messy and lacks comments as of me posting it here, I will update as I make changes and the like.

… And I just fixed the massive security risk of posting my API key… Damnit.

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How to assign a theme to a group?


@Biscuit wrote:

I’m working on a customised theme that adds functionality. Currently I’m the only user / tester of it, but I’d like to make it available for certain members, without listing it for everyone.

Is there any way to easily assign a theme to a group?

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Icons on the "compose" pane toolbar


@Biscuit wrote:

I’m modifying the icons on the compose pane toolbar. The default icons are shown below: -


I’m displaying an extra book icon as I guessed the name of the icon. Is there a list of the built-in available icons?

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Discourse + Wordpress + Nginx Example?

Is it possible to put a linked word into the customized user fields?


@McBlu wrote:

Is it possible to put a linked word into the customized user fields? And if so, how?

Thanks in advance.

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Design feedback from the perspective of Humane Tech


@Samuel_Klein wrote:

Reposting from a good conversation with @erlend_sh over at humanetech.org: Some specific feedback on design with a calm-tech perspective, to help people preserve focus and avoid distraction.

1: On the topic overview, let readers focus on the topic titles.

  • Make titles 90% of the view, rather than 40%.
  • Compress icons together (overlap?), limit the variation in repeated information like ‘views’ and ‘activity’ (e.g.: clustering to the nearest day or order-of-magnitude)
  • Offer slight variation in background color for the topic titles, to break up a long page.
  • Use color where you expect eyes to go. Don’t have most of the color variation in the user-icons, unless the goal is mainly viewing and clicking on those icons.

2: For categories: by default don’t let a category take up more than one line in the drop-down menu. That led to us removing most category-description posts, since they make the dropdown less convenient to use.

3: For alerts:

The bright blue New! that pops up when a topic has new posts is pretty intrusive.

What would you recommend instead?

Make the notification visible when someone is looking for it, in a persistent place, but not otherwise. So it shouldn’t show up in the title column at all – it interferes with alignment and linespacing. You could put the blue “{n}” indicator for new posts next to the existing count of the # of replies. You might replace an actual number with one, two, or three tiny dots, for “1-2”, “3-5”, “many” – again on the principle that you don’t want to overwhelm w/ detail.

4: The notifications summary can also be less distracting. Right now it is an undifferentiated stream that is always disarmingly messy: things never disappear from it, they simply become unhighlighted.
Simple: Let people keep notifs clear. Cluster them so a single round of interactions doesn’t take up an entire screen. Have two different palettes for the colorful reminders there are unviewed notifs: one if there are new notifs since you last looked at the list, and a less glaring set if you’ve already reviewed them. The full chronological list of notifs has its own page – make the link to that full page larger / more visible in the summary.

More work: automatically unflag changes whose pages you have visited / read directly. Possibly have each cluster expand on mouseover, or show the full set of notifs for a topic when you click through and visit that topic.

5: Offering a few short words rather than ‘likes

peripatetic writes:

Many people here in Humane Tech have complained about likes in general as being addictive. Personally I think they are shallow and create the problem that we are gamifying forums with addictive elements in the place of deeper conversation.
One big idea, I don’t know if its been done before. Give people the change to “react” to a post by typing say 3-10 words instead of doing a full reply. This would be used instead of likes. People would have a change to react in a meaningful way by typing “reactions” such as “Wonderful way you think”, “I agree in principle”, “Such beautiful colors in your photo” which is much more meaningful than a simple “like”. What do you think?

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Copying a link includes the click count


@yanokwa wrote:

Sometimes I have text with a URL that folks have clicked on, say 9 times.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet https://example.com/NQoiffrCbcaZHcKQe5syENZiKWsvEc onsetetur sadipscing elitr.

Someone copies that text and pastes it into another post. They don’t notice the 9 at the end. So we now have a link that looks valid, but isn’t.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet https://example.com/NQoiffrCbcaZHcKQe5syENZiKWsvEc9 onsetetur sadipscing elitr.

This happens because we have a group of people who take turns writing community announcements that always have a link to a running Google Doc. Person B copies the previous announcement from Person A and then yeah, broken links everywhere. Could there be a space added before the click count?

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Is there a setting to add Facebook, twitter , Instagram profile links?


@Donald_Swofford wrote:

I have the Facebook , Twitter Google Auth installed but wondering if there is a switch I can flip to post my Facebook and social media profile links?

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Emoji 5.0 support is a bit too patchy for woman version of emojis

Set order of tags on topics/messages and in lists


@tobiaseigen wrote:

So… it’s possible to show tags in alphabetical order or order of popularity in /tags and in pulldowns, but I am not seeing the ability to show tags on topics or messages or lists in alphabetical order. The ordering seems to be fairly random but may be in order of popularity, which makes tags somewhat more cumbersome to use to turn messages and topics into tickets, so we don’t drop any balls. :woman_juggling:

Is it possible for you to make this respect the alphabetical ordering so the tags appear in an order that make sense? Or, preferably, to provide ordering based on tag groups?

On my site, I have tag groups used for tickets (to set priority and status, if ticket is present) and for wiki topics (to identify draft and type etc), and then generally for other tags eg. community. region/country, theme, language etc etc. It would be superb to be able to decide the order - e.g. to see e.g ticket, priority, status, then the other tags after that.

Here’s an example of how it looks now:


and the messages tags view showing the number of messages (or is it topics?) with each of the tags, that might explain the ordering:

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Shared drafts - feature suggestions


@ChrisBeach wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Shared Drafts: Allow staff to collaborate on posts before publishing:

Great feature, thank you @eviltrout!

Can I suggest the following tweaks:

  • the destination category, once selected, remains set on the topic (but still able to be changed)

  • the topic timer indicator is moved to the top of the page, into the blue box where destination is selected. When a timer is running, the publish button should read “Publish Now”

  • team replies during the draft period should default to being whispers, so the draft can be discussed, but the discussion is not made public when the draft is published.

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Shared drafts only for staff?


@tophee wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Shared Drafts: Allow staff to collaborate on posts before publishing:

Just a question for clarification:

This almost sounds like the feature also works for non-staff users, as long as they have access to the category. But I sssume it’s limited to staff, is it?

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Automatic titles from trust groups


@cookywook wrote:


I’m probably missing something obvious, but is there a setting to automatically have your user Title match your current trust group? (Ie. it’d say Leader next to your name for TL4 users, Reguar, etc.)

I feel like this was the case before, but I switched it off or something at some point.

I’m using the Trust-Level Avatar Flair (Theme Component) for showing flair on user profile pics, but it looks kind of weird without the title too.

Any help would be great!

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Odd behaviour of the "New Topics" count?


@thorbenegberts wrote:

Hi there,

one of our users reported an odd behaviour of the “New Topics” count in /new/. He reported it in January. I tried to reproduce it ever since to recognize a pattern, but I wasn’t able to. So I’m reaching out to you.

The “new” count is correct for some days but seems to be reset at some point. Is there some kind of (maybe wanted) mechanism that resets the “new” count after a few days? Or does the query only display new topics within a certain time span?

Here my settings:

(Version: Discourse 2.0.0.beta4 - GitHub - discourse/discourse: A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. version fa95699fde72c8a0028a2195217da05066f0eaf8, hosted instance forum.plentymarkets.com)

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Datepicker in a custom User field

Minor design errors (groups)

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