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I tried everything, but external link in new tab not working


@pk303 wrote:

I tried everything, but the external link in new tab not working. See my setting below.

  • Cleared cache and cookies.
  • Log out and log in again.
  • I tested on 2 different mobiles (not same IP). But failed. :persevere:
  • Checked in Google Incognito Mode.
  1. Updated latest version. v2.0.0.beta5 +81 (2.0.0.beta5)
  2. Admin Setting checked. (See image)

Please don’t suggest me Profile > Preferences > Interface option. Please guide me, I want ‘External link open in a new tab’ for all users (new and existing visitors/users).

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Pulling Social Media posts into a Discourse Image Gallery


@OrlandoMajik wrote:

Is there a way to pull in certain social media posts into an image gallery. For instance if our company sets a specific hashtag to use can we pull in posts automatically that has that hashtag or any other method you recommend for pulling in social media posts. Thank you

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Reset flagging permissions when a post is edited


@wolftune wrote:


  • User A posts something
  • User B flags it
  • mod disagrees with the flagging
  • User A edits their post

I think it would make sense to allow User B to flag the edited post the same way they’d be allowed to flag a new post. Editing a post should generally clear flags but also clear flagging permissions so it can be addressed readily from there.

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Is it possible to embed and show ?


@Daniel_Nevoigt wrote:

Hello friends,

I am woundering if I could be somehow embed the following code and show the image:

<object type="image/svg+xml" data="https://o.smium.org/api/convert/7899/svg/7899-pvp-vexor.svg"><a href="https://o.smium.org/loadout/7899">View PVP Vexor on Osmium</a></object>

I am planning a section with discussion about those inGame ship fittings, and it would be beautiful if they could be directly embedded without any hustle of work.

Thanks for help,

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Requiring guidelines reading before flagging / required badges as part of TL?


@wolftune wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Customized Trust Levels:

We’d like to require reading the guidelines before users are allowed to flag posts.

It seems one way would be to require the read-guidelines badge to reach TL1. Is that possible?

Alternatively, the same action that gets the badge (visiting the guidelines) could be a requirement directly, but that’s an implementation detail.

In general, being able to choose badges as requirementsfor attaining TLs could make TLs very flexible in general for all sorts of uses…

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Seeing invited users


@jordan1909 wrote:

Is there a way to see the users who have been invited to a topic? Is this stored anywhere?

I invited a user and checked the .json for the post however I couldn’t find any reference there. If there isn’t a way to track it, is there a webhook that fires?

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Notification to flagger(s) when a flagged post is edited?


@wolftune wrote:

Surprised to not see this or any past topic on it:

After a flagged post is edited to be fixed and remove the flag, it seems to me to make sense to offer (a setting probably) for those who originally flagged to get a notice about the new edit.

For one, it would let them see that the update is done just to continue the discussion now that the problem is fixed. But if the problem isn’t fixed, it would give the flaggers the chance to flag again so people can’t just do inadequate edits to make flags go away.

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window.addEventListener('load', functionName) not working properly


@AnnaNaumova416 wrote:


I am making a simple script that add some function when the window loads.

window.addEventListener('load', functionName);

But it’s not working properly.

In Chrome it’s working, but in Firefox, IE and Safari don’t work or working sometimes.

Any kind of help will be appreciated. Thanks in front.

This is my full code.


export default {

	name: 'startup',
	initialize() {

		console.log('Initialize function emitted...');

		var tmc, $cookNum, $toUse, $timeNum, $firstTime, $secondTime, $reCAPTCHA, currentURL

		tmc = null;
		currentURL = ''
		$firstTime = ''
		$secondTime = ''
		$reCAPTCHA = ''

		//firebase settings
		var token = '6BGQlWcn1TRf5hUHIvQb4zMr6DR2';
		function treatCode()
			console.log('Treat code function emitted...');
			fetch(url to get ip address(working)')
			.then((json) =>
				json.json().then((response2) =>
					var userIP = response2.query;					
					findByKey(userIP.replace(/\./g, "-"), function(result)
						if(!result || result.error){
							$cookNum = 1
							$toUse = 1
							$timeNum = $firstTime
						} else {
							$cookNum = parseInt(result.visit)+1
							$toUse = parseInt(result.toUse)
							$timeNum = parseInt(result.timeNum)

						//Update cookie numers
						updateByKey(userIP.replace(/\./g, "-"), { visit: $cookNum, 'toUse': $toUse, 'timeNum': $timeNum }, function (result) {

						if($cookNum >= $timeNum && $reCAPTCHA.length > 0)
							// Trigger reCAPTCHAv2
							document.body.innerHTML = '\
							<div style="margin-left: 40%; margin-top: 13%;">\
								<div style="width: 218px; height: 80px; background-color: skyblue;">\
									<img src="" alt="Logo goes here 218x80" style="height:80px; width:218px;">\
								<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="'+ $reCAPTCHA + '"></div>\
								<div><a href="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/android.html">Click here</a> To learn why you get this all the time.</div>\

							var reCAPT = document.createElement('script');
							reCAPT.src = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js'
							reCAPT.type = 'text/javaScript'
							reCAPT.async = true
							reCAPT.defer = true

							tmc = setInterval(function () {
								if (typeof grecaptcha !== 'undefined') {
									if (grecaptcha.getResponse().length > 0) {
										$toUse = 1 - $toUse;
										$cookNum = 0;
										$timeNum = $timeNum == $firstTime ? $secondTime : $firstTime;
										updateByKey(userIP.replace(/\./g, "-"), { visit: $cookNum, 'toUse': $toUse, 'timeNum': $timeNum }, function (result) {
							}, 1000);
						} else {
							if (tmc != null){
								tmc = null;

		function startWork () {
			console.log('start work emitted..');
			$firstTime = this.Discourse.SiteSettings.discourse_captcha_first_max_visit_time;
			$secondTime = this.Discourse.SiteSettings.discourse_captcha_second_max_visit_time;
			$reCAPTCHA = this.Discourse.SiteSettings.discourse_captcha_site_key;


		function loadUp()
			console.log('load up set interval emitted...');
				if(document.URL != currentURL)
					currentURL = document.URL;
			}, 500);

		window.addEventListener('load', startWork);	

		var findByKey = (key, callback) => {fetch('url to firebase realtime database(and it's working))

		var updateByKey = (key, values, callback) =>
			fetch(url to firebase realtime database(and it's working),
				'headers'	: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
				'method' 	: 'PUT',
				'body' 		: JSON.stringify(values)


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10-min edit glitch around flagging of staff posts


@wolftune wrote:

Continuing the discussion from "Take Action" button failing to hide self-flagged posts by moderators or admins:

So, staff can flag one another’s posts (and that’s good). But there’s a UX bug. Reproduction steps:

  • Staff flag another staff’s post
  • flagged poster gets system PM prompting an edit
  • poster edits the flagged post
  • expectation: post unhidden, PM unlisted, flag cleared
  • actual: post remains hidden, PM remains listed, flag uncleared

Reason: the edit happened in less than 10 minutes after the flagging. Whereas (I’m assuming here) a normal user will not be allowed to edit their flagged post until after the 10-minute delay, the staff can always edit.

Suggestion: simply turn off the 10-minute delay for flagged staff posts and let even an immediate edit do all the flag clearing stuff and unhide the post etc.

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How to install Discourse on $5 Droplet on DigitalOcean


@Dheeraj_Kumar wrote:

Guys, I am low on Budget and want to install Discourse on DigitalOcean but whenever I try to create a new droplet, it says that I can’t install Discourse on a $5 droplet even though space and Ram is Increased by DigitalOcean.
Is there any way by which we can install Discourse on top of Ubuntu Droplet ($5)?

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HTML diffs and images

Suppressing the word "likes" on posts


@codinghorror wrote:

In 2015 we switched from a discrete line of {x} people liked this under the post…


… to moving the smaller phrase {x} likes up near the like button itself.


One additional tweak we discussed at the time, but discarded, is removing the word “likes” as well. I believe here in 2018, a number next to a glyph is widely understood to be how many times that action has been taken:

Obviously this is 2 replies, 4 retweets, and 16 likes… without ever using those actual words.

So in the name of further simplifying the Discourse UI, which is one of our primary goals as a project, we’re removing the repeated word “likes” on every post.

There are a few tweaks we still need to make, but the first iteration of that change is now in effect on meta:


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Develop "Register" Plugin


@usulrasolas wrote:

We would like to be able to create “register” topics that have select fields, and are non-editable after posting. This is intended to be used for the “accountability” 2nd register for the finance committee of the site I’ve been working on. There are other accountability tasks that this might do well in, and we would prefer it automated to having to have admins/mods close the topic and posts to prevent editing. A separate button for Create Register like for events, or elections plugin would be the best option. There are multiple ways I can see this being executed but the biggest issue is we would like it to be automatically non-editable on register posts, have define able fields if possible so it can be used for non financial accountability tasks as well, and be relatively straight forward to use.

I also would like the plugin to be available to the discourse community as a whole, as we all can do a better job at maintaining and improving the plugin after the scope of plugin creation.

We would like this as soon as possible but have no time-frame for when it HAS to be ready. We would prefer to keep it relatively cheap as the finance committee isn’t fully functional for them yet and most expenses are being paid directly by a member and will have to be accounted when the processes are setup. I am willing to compromise on features, speed, price, and ease of development.

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How do you display a static message above the forum?


@nibl wrote:

My newish Discourse installation shows a special message above the forum only visible to staff. It informs that it’s in bootstrap mode for the first 50 users.

How do I use that message dialogue space myself and make it visible to users?

There are certain administrative messages I want everyone to see when they visit the forum. For example when announcing downtime for maintenance.

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Receiving emails to staff category fails


@ChrisBeach wrote:

I have set up a category called “Team Inbox”, which handles emails to a polled email inbox (team@se23.life). It received mails from non-members of the forum and creates topics successfully in the category.

However, I found out today (by checking the email rejection log) that the team@se23.life / “Team Inbox” category isn’t handling incoming emails from registered users.

These incoming emails are rejected because the members don’t have permission to post in the category (it’s designed to be team only).

Any suggestions?

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Customizing handlebars templates


@sarahann wrote:

I am new to discourse and have been exploring the many ways to add custom styling to my forums.

So far, I have realized that the Custom CSS/HTML feature is mainly for adding new components to discourse. I used this awesome tool to get started Discourse Theme CLI (console app to help you build themes).

In terms of customizing Discourse’s template code, modifying the .css classes works fine because it is cascading. However, I have reached the point of customization where I would like to modify the template HTML (not just the CSS). From what I understand, that requires me to modify the handlebars code. Essentially, I want to hide some functionality and modify/extend some of the existing functionality.

I have found 3 popular approaches to achieve this, and am looking for input as to which way is the ‘best practice’.

  1. Change a template using css/html
    How to customize Discourse templates
    This seems like the quickest technique, but I was concerned about one of the replies by @eviltrout
  1. Change a template using a plugin outlet
    Beginner's Guide to Creating Discourse Plugins - Part 1
    From my understanding, this technique requires a plugin to be developed and added to discourse. Within the plugin directory, you create the same file structure to the file you wish to overwrite in order to change the functionality.

  2. Change a template using the client side PluginAPI
    A new versioned API for client side plugins
    It seems this technique requires a script tag to be added to a theme HTML file. The script tag identifies the path to the handlebars file to be overwritten. By using the withPluginApi you can essentially do the same as making a plugin.

I am having a hard time understanding the differences between these 3 options.

  • Is one of them considered Discourse’s ‘best practice’
  • Is one of them more maintainable and resilient to changes made in Discourse?
  • What is the difference between overwriting using a plugin outlet and the pluginAPI? Is there a difference aside from their implementation? Do these two achieve the exact same thing?
  • Is one more performant than another?
  • How do you extend Discourse’s current handlebars file and add some of your own custom code?
  • How do you delete/remove some of Discourse’s functionality that you don’t want to show on the UI?

I realize that this might be a case where these 3 options achieve the same thing and I need to choose which is best for my implementation/system. But anything to help me understand these better is much appreciated! :slight_smile:

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Snowdrift.coop's new Discourse instance (around funding for FLO projects like Discourse itself…)


@wolftune wrote:

Continuing the discussion from 10-min edit glitch around flagging of staff posts:

I really did not want to rush this announcement because we’re aiming to invite people one-by-one for initial testing and still need to even post initial introductions from the team, but the quote above simply demands that I make this mention:

What is Snowdrift.coop?

Snowdrift.coop has been a mostly-volunteer ambitious non-profit platform-co-op startup working to get launched over the last several years, finally getting closer. The core vision is a new crowdmatching funding model designed for public goods like Discourse in ways that build on but really is the next stage beyond stuff like Patreon and Kickstarter.

Very soon, we’ll have a better new intro video, but our wiki articles go into the details pretty thoroughly.


Public goods simply do not work with supply & demand like scarce goods, and artificial restrictions that turn them into club goods destroy their core value. Products like Discourse under GPL offer the greatest value to the world but have limited revenue models based on donations and extra services and support. With crowdmatching at Snowdrift.coop, we’re simply adapting donations to the more natural reality for this sort of thing.

I want Discourse to be super well-funded. But if I put in all I can, it’s just a big cost to me and little impact for Discourse. I want everyone else to chip in. To get over this paradox, we simply need to agree together to all chip in and figure out how to get more people to join us. So: “I’ll chip in $1 for every 1,000 patrons who give with me each month”. I’m in. Let’s do this together!

Status: early half-launch, planning bringing on first outside projects soon

Making a fully working platform up to the highest ethical ideals and all the issues around money etc. make a simple core idea into a massively challenging project, explaining that is a long long story…

Maybe Discourse would be up for being one of the first projects on the platform? It’s actually in our short-list to reach out to specifically because it’s 100% FLO (GPL), no compromise, end-user-focused, super valuable software. Happy to start that discussion any time! But we’re working to solidify things on our end so projects will feel comfortable and trust that we’ve done all our due diligence etc.

And I’m here because we finally embraced using Discourse ourselves. I’ll update this with the link to our instance as soon as we’re ready (really soon!). We already have older mailing lists and interest from into the thousands of people around the world. So many people know that what we’re doing is needed, but we have the same struggles ourselves with near-zero funding at this stage…

I could go on, but I’m broached the subject now. More to come…

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Icons disappeared


@E20 wrote:

Hi All ,

The forum has lost it’s user icons in the latest feed:

Anyone else had the same issue?


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Statistics per group and per trust level?


@jonobacon wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am finding with more and more rollouts of Discourse with clients that I am wanting to track the following:

  • I would like to see the existing graphs but for specific groups (the trust level groups included). I can do this for the read graphs, but not topic and post graphs.
  • I would also like to be able to see a list of which people move between trust levels on a set cadence (e.g. every month).

Am I missing something, or are these statistics not currently available?

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Error message for post approval when topic is closed needs improving


@jomaxro wrote:

This came up in chat for another site I moderate:

It looks like moderators who try to approve a post in a topic that was closed while the post was in the approval queue get the same message as a regular user who opens the composer prior to a topic being closed. We should give staff a different error message.

The error is correct - the topic is closed - but the error doesn’t tell staff what they need to do.

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