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Discourse commenting for more complex, dynamic website


Krisjanis wrote:

I am contemplating on replacing proprietary commenting system for fastestlaps.com with discourse.

Site has different kinds of content pages which have to be comment-able - car pages, laptime pages, article pages, even highly dynamic comparison pages.

I would like to use discourse javascript embedding for comments on these pages, in such a way that each type of page creates a thread in it's corresponding discourse forum category, as soon as the first commenter leaves a comment.

The threads would also have to have generic topic names.

For example:

  • First post in a carpage creates a topic in forum cat "Carpage
    comments" with a generic name "Ferrari ABC comments".
  • First post in an article page creates a topic in forum cat
    "Article comments" with a generic name "This is a nice article
    title etc"

I would also need a widget for latest posts and threads with links to actual pages (carpages, article pages etc) or "native" discourse forum topics (to community.fastestlaps.com) if those threads/posts do not belong to a fastestlaps page.

The widget data I supposed I could try to fetch via some kind of json-ish discourse api (if such exists). Determining the links for each post would be the bigger issue.

Comment areas themselves I would like to generate with disqus-like javascript embed, I assume discourse has it. The issue here is that I would need to specify in that embed code the thread name and category, if that's even possible.

Also, if discourse associates embedded threads only with embed (master) page URL, what would happen if the master page URL changes?

So, is the described application possible, without hacking the discourse core?

Having a separate system take care of the community/discussion aspect of the page would reduce complexity and let me concentrate on the features that are actually unique to the page.

I also plan to replace my own blogging solution with wordpress, which is very doable via wordpress json API plugin. So, ideally, the site would be three separate services - core site + wordpress or blog + discourse for community/user management.

If discourse was usable in this way - as a very adaptable "community system for a website", it would greatly increase it's adoption - I bet I am not the only one having these same ideas.

So far I haven't found a system that would meet these requirements.

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TopicUser with topic's topic_id?


fantasticfears wrote:

I notice there is 1 record in the topic_users which has the same id with topic_id. But I couldn't find where it comes from and what's all about.

When I delete contents from topic_users and reload topic, the record will comes back... And invisible in the log.

So what is it? And how it works?

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Amazon links are not crawled correctly for the topic details

Users losing trust level, not seeing information


Travis Vocino wrote:

I've been having strange issues where users consistently report not being able to post to all the categories they should and not being able to see certain categories that are locked based on trust level.

Upon impersonating those users, it seems they are being treated as new or trust level 0, even when they more than meet the requirements and their flag is clearly set to basic or regular.

In one case, this happened (and is currently happening) to a user who is also a moderator. He can see the Staff (mods/admins only) category but not the Lounge (trust level 2+).

I've tried:

  • Cycling their permissions
  • Forcing browser refresh
  • Cycling moderate flags (on the moderator account that was hit)
  • Having the user clear their cache and refresh, etc.

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Gravatar update process issue


Beltran wrote:


An user found an issue with the gravatar process. The issue is he has many new users (around 100) and the problem was this process was taking a lot of time. He fixed it when he reduced the avatars look up from 500 to 3 time per day.

Did you find any similar issue? Should I modify the "max_daily_gravatar_crawls" option for busier sites?

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Specific classes for category badges


Adam Capriola wrote:

I would like to use background images for my category badges (the solid colors bother me when I have a bunch of categories and can't come up with a harmonious color scheme), but it looks like there isn't a way to target specific category badges with CSS.

It would be nice if maybe the link class also included category-ID or category-NAME so category badges could be specifically targeted.

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Barriers-to-entry slider


thepractice wrote:

Continuing the discussion from "How do I start my new Topic" - UI / UX Improvement Request:

...leading to the anonymous user signing up, becoming part of the community, and crossing the threshold of joining--which is the primary thing that new/small forums want!

I think it's funny that the situation you're most afraid of is the same situation that most Discourse users (forum webmasters) most want to happen.

Surely some type of compromise can be built into 1.0, something like a barrier-to-entry slider?

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Number of scheduled jobs is near 2,000


Paul Apostolos wrote:

In Sidekiq the "Scheduled" tab shows 1,960 scheduled jobs with When = 3 minutes from now.

Many of them seem to be Jobs::RunHeartBeat.

I think this is bad, because some of the site's functionality seems to be broken (email notifications most notably).

How can I fix this without losing data (pending notifications)?

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Scrolling over post indicator should sroll post wise


Richard Llom wrote:

It would be nice when when hovering over the post indicator (xx of zz) the scrolling would not be line wise, but post wise, i.e. skipping one post per "scroll".

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$100 Bounty: Create script or plugin that links Mumble to Discourse's user db


Travis Vocino wrote:

I would like my Mumble (Murmur) server to use my Discourse forum's user and group information for authentication.

There is currently a python script that does exactly what I need but for phpBB. There are also others and some more information about these authenticators located on the Mumble wiki.

Creating a Discourse plugin is also an option. I'm not sure if the functionality is possible within Discourse's plugin structure but I will leave that open to you.

There's a thread on the Discourse forums with a lot of information about this issue along with some initial help with the Discourse user passwords.

This script should be able to be run and daemonized on our either our Mumble server or our Discourse server and connect to the other one via Digital Ocean's private networking.

  • Users should use their username and password from Discourse to authenticate to Mumble.
  • Discourse's user Groups should be accessible from Mumble's ACL, e.g. @staff, @trust_level_1, etc.
  • The Mumble SuperUser should be kept in tact or should be set to a configurable user in the script.
  • Bonus: Support for user avatars and additional metadata like titles.

I would prefer a Ruby script since most of our tech is Ruby but I'm willing to accept other solutions to this problem.


  • functional script that links both Users and Groups from Discourse to Mumble (obviously)
  • a config file or config area of the script where values like ip can be set
  • detailed README with installation, running, and daemonization (unless written as a Discourse plugin) notes
  • suggested setup in terms of running it on the mumble server or discourse server

Here is the bounty page: https://bountify.co/create-ruby-others-accepted-script-that-links-mumble-to-discourse-s-user-db

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How about a filter for when you have sevral teams on the same forum?


Ekenheim wrote:

Hey guys,

I'm curious since I couldn't find a thread or on my deployment settings a feature that would allow me to filter like this:

Let's say I have a forum about fotball, and I have a few categories: X/Y/Z.
I would like to be able to filter the categories by team, so maybe I say filter by just showing topics involving 1 team..

Or let's say I play World of Warcraft and I have a category for all the different classes, but I'd like to filter the posts by just showing Alliance or maybe Horde...

I think you understand what I mean stuck_out_tongue
Basically it's having several teams/factions using the same forum but able to filter posts.
I guess this would need another box to be added for each user to identify the posts...?

I'd love to hear your replies...

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Can't zoom very much in discourse messages


Ian Kelling wrote:

When I know I'm going to be reading a few paraphraphs, I like to zoom in and make the text large so it is easy to read and focus. Many modern blogs get this and wrap text and get sidebar type things out of the way when I zoom in. I can't get anywhere near the zoom level I want when reading in discourse. The text of the message goes off the edge of the screen where I would have to side scroll to see it. I'm using firefox 29, debian, and a 1600x2560 vertical monitor.

Also, "new users can't upload images." It would be nice if it told me how long i'm going to be new for.

Also, I did some browsing to my preferences while writting this, then when I clicked, "Create Topic" I got a redish popup saying "Post can't be empty" red popup, but this post certainly was not empty. I canceled my post and am now trying a second time, lets see if it works.

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How to configure mailbox in Google Apps for user-friendly incoming email addresses for discourse categories (with screenshots)


Tobias Eigen wrote:

I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to set up the mailbox in google apps to work with Discourse so that there is a user-friendly incoming email address for each category. Here are some screenshots that show how I did it. Tested and it seems to be working well.

In summary: assuming the domain name is foo.com, there's an email mailbox discourse@foo.com for handling all discourse-bound mail, using discourse+replykey@foo.com to handle matching replies to topics and aliases for the mailbox to handle incoming mail for eg categoryname matched with nice email address categoryname@foo.com.

Google Apps settings from "Manage this Domain"

Discourse email settings

Discourse category settings

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Sidekiq Jobs::PollFeed failing - is this bad?


Lee_Ars wrote:

Checked on my /sidekiq URL for the first time in about a million years, and I've got a job that looks like it's failing repeatedly—Jobs:PollFeed. Is this bad? I watched it kick off automatically and it failed; tried firing it manually, and it failed then as well. Nothing relevant showing up under /logs.

Do I need to do anything to fix this, or should I not worry about it?

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Tags, plugins, fail, magic, docker, mysteries, linux


Frank wrote:

After I become a 'discourse expert' I am going to look back and regret this noob post but I am going to post it anyways so I can remember my frustration.

Anyways, I am trying to install tags as a plugin in discourse using the github repo located here:


He says: "Just two easy steps". <<< I love it...

From your main discourse do: (stop here)

Meaning from your main discourse directory do [the following]: I got tripped up because I was looking for /discourse/do or 'digital ocean' as 'do' or 'do' could mean 'docker' abbreviated or some reference like that. I was overthinking instructions.

To make things more embarrassing (I still have no clue how to install tag plugins on a discourse/docker/digitalocean droplet).

I did a locate /discourse and locate discourse/plugins and the results expand out into something like this:


that 'garble' after mnt/ means something. (but what):

And I am starting to feel like Will Smith in Men in Black II:

When I look at this:

I want to be part of the revolution and all, but I'm sort of lost in the forest.

For embarrassment bonus points, I am backend developer: Coldfusion, jQuery and MySQL on Windows and IIS (go ahead and chuckle)

See, for me and my troglodyte Coldfusion brain, all this discourse stuff is like being airdropped into Beijing at night with only a pancake, a bunny and my wits to save me. Anyone else feel this way? or am I retarded in Bejing all by myself?

Hold on...I found an appropriate meme graphic (below) so you can feel my anguish with all these linux-rubies and droplet-dockers:

I promise I am not a hater...just need help with:

tags, plugins, docker, linux, droplets, discourse

Thanks for reading smile

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Gigantic pinned header when you zoom on mobile

500 Internal server error when using japanese as default locale


bediyap wrote:

I have set up Discourse through docker on a VPS running ubuntu 14.04.
Everything went well and discourse is up and running perfectly.
However, when I changed the default locale to japanese and tried to post a topic (even in english), I received the following error:

Unknown error saving post, try again. Error: 500 Internal Server Error

The production.log shows the following error:

Processing by PostsController#create as /  Parameters: {"raw"=>"This is topic number 2", "reply_to_post_number"=>"", "archetype"=>"regular", "title"=>"This is topic number 2", "auto_close_time"=>""}
PG::Error: ERROR:  text search configuration "japanese" does not exist
LINE 1: ...TE post_search_data SET search_data = TO_TSVECTOR('japanese'...
: UPDATE post_search_data SET search_data = TO_TSVECTOR('japanese', ' This is topic number 2  This is topic number 2 uncategorized') WHERE post_id = 23
PG::Error: ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
: DELETE FROM "topic_links" WHERE ((post_id = 23 AND NOT reflection) OR (link_post_id = 23 AND reflection))
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 191ms

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::Error: ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
: DELETE FROM "topic_links" WHERE ((post_id = 23 AND NOT reflection) OR (link_post_id = 23 AND reflection))):
  app/models/topic_link.rb:188:in block in extract_from'
  lib/post_creator.rb:265:in extract_links'
block in create'
  lib/post_creator.rb:56:in create'
block in create'
  lib/distributed_memoizer.rb:28:in memoize'
  lib/middleware/anonymous_cache.rb:119:in call'
  config/initializers/silence_logger.rb:19:in call'

I have switched to chinese and korean interface and there was no problem posting topics. This error only happens when the interface language is japanese.

I am not sure if this is my installation error or a bug in discourse japanese translation.
Can anyone confirm the following error? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much!

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Getting notifications through API


Clifford Duke wrote:

I was looking through the API and found that the notifications comes from https://meta.discourse.org/notifications.json

I was wondering if there was any way to get this based on the user if a master API key is provided?

And is there a way to create custom notifications from the API?

What I am hoping to accomplish is show the users own notifications in my main site using their username and also post notifications to it if something happens on the main site.

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"sudo ./launcher bootstrap app" get error


Cheney Jin wrote:

I, [2014-05-07T09:01:41.465328 #34] INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && gem update bundler
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read finished A (https://s3.amazonaws.com/production.s3.rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz)
I, [2014-05-07T09:05:55.228265 #34] INFO -- : Updating installed gems

165 | signal handler Received SIGTERM, scheduling shutdown...
2014-05-07 09:05:55 UTC LOG: received smart shutdown request
2014-05-07 09:05:55 UTC LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
2014-05-07 09:05:55 UTC LOG: shutting down
[165] 07 May 09:05:55.240 # User requested shutdown...
[165] 07 May 09:05:55.240 Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
2014-05-07 09:05:55 UTC LOG: database system is shut down
[165] 07 May 09:05:55.318
DB saved on disk
[165] 07 May 09:05:55.318 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...
/pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:85:in spawn': cd /var/www/discourse && gem update bundler failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 250 exit 1> (RuntimeError)
from /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:55:in
block in run'
from /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:53:in each'
from /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:53:in
from /pups/lib/pups/command.rb:6:in run'
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:85:in
block (2 levels) in run_commands'
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:76:in each'
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:76:in
block in run_commands'
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:75:in each'
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:75:in
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:71:in run'
from /pups/lib/pups/cli.rb:31:in
from /pups/bin/pups:8:in `'
zcj@ubuntu:/var/docker$ sudo ./launcher start app
WARNING: No swap limit support
cid found, ensuring container is started
Error: Cannot start container d87ad97cd2fcb8c910ceebaeeec59a3bac3371347a47b228eda3a65299d417ad: listen tcp bind: address already in use
2014/05/07 17:06:24 Error: failed to start one or more containers

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Pending post feature


nXqd wrote:

I think it would be very nice that in some category we accept pending post. So users can contribute, and staff can keep the quality of a category by choose which suites the best.

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