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Failed to bootstrap pid 264 exit 128 runtime error


GavinRainey wrote:

Posts stopped loading properly, so i tried to rebuild the app, what have I done? I upgraded docker earlier is it because of that?

& git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git
Cloning into 'docker_manager'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git/': Empty reply from server
[180I, [2014-07-02T13:33:12.103411 #44] INFO -- :
2014-07-02 13:33:12 UTC LOG: received smart shutdown request
2014-07-02 13:33:12 UTC LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
| signal handler] (1404307992) Received SIGTERM, scheduling shutdown...
2014-07-02 13:33:12 UTC LOG: shutting down
2014-07-02 13:33:12 UTC LOG: database system is shut down
[180] 02 Jul 13:33:12.177 # User requested shutdown...
[180] 02 Jul 13:33:12.177 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
[180] 02 Jul 13:33:13.036 * DB saved on disk
[180] 02 Jul 13:33:13.037 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye...
/pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:85:in spawn': cd /var/www/discourse/plugins && git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 264 exit 128> (RuntimeError)
from /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:55:in
block in run'
from /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:53:in each'
from /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:53:in
from /pups/lib/pups/command.rb:6:in run'
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:85:in
block (2 levels) in run_commands'
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:76:in each'
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:76:in
block in run_commands'
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:75:in each'
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:75:in
from /pups/lib/pups/config.rb:71:in run'
from /pups/lib/pups/cli.rb:31:in
from /pups/bin/pups:8:in `'

EDIT: I think I may have solved this, i will be back soon

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Any Discourse people attending OSCON?


Michael Downey wrote:

I was just curious if anyone from here will be attending OSCON 2014 this month in Portland, Oregon. If so, maybe we could organize a Birds of a Feather session or other meet-up to share our experiences and generally hang out.

Anyone headed to Portland in a couple weeks?

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Post highlight only trigger once per message


lid wrote:

issue exists when let say I am using the "topic progress" to jump to id
then the message will highlight light blue for few seconds.
then let say I jump to message 9 using the topic progress
message 9 will highlight for few seconds too
but now if I jump to message 1, It will not highlight any more.

Making it more difficult to identify the message

I assume the the highlight is a visual aid to what message we actually want, I don't see why there is a limit to one highlight per message.

Expected behavior:
when ever a user jump to a post the post should provide the highlight visual unless the user is already on the post and then that can be optional.

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Topic lock icon is misaligned

Tmp/cache needs to be manually cleared when developing plugins


Atul Varma wrote:

Hello! This is my first post, and I'm also completely new to rails, so apologies for any noobish mistakes I make here.

I was trying to get the simple Ubuntu OpenID plugin that @sam wrote working on my development discourse install, but while bundle exec rails s was clearly loading the code (I put some puts statements in there to make sure), there was no sign of its generated JavaScript assets being loaded in my browser.

After a few hours of tinkering and searching, I discovered comment #70 from @sohara mentioning that rm -rf tmp/cache fixed things for him, and this fixed things for me too!

However, I also noticed immediately after the comment that @sam mentioned that a bugfix had been applied which makes the need to manually clear tmp/cache obsolete. Upon reading the source for the bugfix, though, it appears that the code to automatically clear tmp/cache is only run during rake assets:precompile, which isn't relevant to development. As far as I can tell, unless I am somehow doing development wrong, this means that tmp/cache still needs to be cleared when developing plugins (though not when deploying them).

Anyhow, I'm not sure if I'm doing development wrong, or if this is actually a bug, but I thought I'd mention it here.

P.S. - My original post contained more links that specifically referred to the comments I mentioned, but I was told after all this hard work that as a new user, I can only mention two links in a post, which was extremely frustrating. While I doubt I can convince anyone to drop such a "distrust-by-default" policy, it would be nice if the UI could inform users that they have too many links in real-time (rather than after they've peppered their post with helpful links and submitted the form), and it would also be nice if links to certain sites (such as other threads on the same discourse installation) could be exempted from the quota.

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Excempt Links to other Topics/Posts from Link Limit?


cpradio wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Tmp/cache needs to be manually cleared when developing plugins:

I think this has a lot of merit (especially the part I bolded). Thoughts from everyone else?

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Android input focus cause zoom


lid wrote:

Android chrome browser
When an input box get the user focus it cause a page zoom. Which can either require the user to pinch out or scroll left and right to see the full content. After leaving the input

This is a known behavior most solution to this issue seem some what hacky.

Setting a certain minimum text size
Disable viewport zoom temporarily

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Please lock - this topic used to contain 3 different topics


lid wrote:

-- The content of this post are now on the bug section --

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Persistent text composition box in different instances of Discourse


David Paul wrote:

In other forums it is pretty common for me to begin a longish comment and then open a new instance of the forum in another window where I can reply to other threads or even the same thread I am composing in the first instance. In Discourse, this is apparently impossible or at least not intended to be allowed, and I think that is a significant design flaw. When I open a new instance of Discourse, the same text composition box that I have open in the first instance rears its persistent little head in my new instance. This prevents me from making a new comment without "abandoning" the comment I am in the process of composing in the other instance. This is ridiculous and highly unusual. Is this the intended design? Is there a way around this problem?

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Moderator for a specific category?


Manthan Mallikarjun wrote:


I have made a deal to allow a "guy" to have a category for his company on my site for support. The problem is that I want to give him moderator privileges but for that category only. I know there is another thread for this, but there is no resolution. Has there been any update that allows this?

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Blank page unless I start a new session


Michael Downey wrote:

Any reason why I'm getting a blank page here on meta for most things other than error pages, like, /latest, /top, /badges, any any categories?

If I start a new browser session and sign in again, everything's back to normal.

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Logging to Syslog


Caleb Richard wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to be able to use Syslog in connection with discourse. After some looking around, there doesn't seem to be much info on how to user Syslog cooperatively with docker. Does anyone have experience in this matter or know where further info on the issue could be found?


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Vimeo and Youtube next to each other different sizes


Justin Gordon wrote:

I'd prefer if the youtube and vimeo embedding were the same size.

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Show reply arrow and reply username on mobile


Sam Saffron wrote:

At the moment, mobile strips out all reply to information, on topics where there are a lot of back and forth responses this can cause a large amount of confusion.

This issue was raised on BBS and TDWTF. So its a "repeated request via complaint driven development"

It also bothers me personally. I use mobile a lot.

I think we should at least add an admin option to display the "arrow glyph", though I would prefer username as well.

cc @awesomerobot

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Towards a v1 version of discourse docker image


Sam Saffron wrote:

As we march towards v1 I would like us to tighten up our base docker image for release.

Issues I would like to see addressed:

  1. Sane/comprehensive logging strategy.
  2. Review of cron jobs.
  3. Update all software, add missing stuff.
  4. Document the base image

Comprehensive logging strategy

Logging is a bit all-over-the-place, some stuff shows up in ./launcher logs , some stuff is trapped in /var/logs. We need to have sane simple logging story. Log rotation should be running, logs should be pulled out of container in sample configs so you don't lose a pile of logs on re-bootstrap.

Review of cron jobs

What cron jobs do we need to run? Does it make sense to even backup discourse seeing it is built in?

Update all software, add missing stuff.

For v1 we should be on latest ruby 2.0, NGINX should be updated, PG updated to latest stable, OS packages updated. I always trip on VIM missing, I think we should add it.

Anything else?

Document the base image

Explain what the base image is, what it has and how its configured somewhere. Even as a meta topic.

@supermathie feedbacks? anything missing? Ideally you can take this one.

Also, we should review @honglilai's https://github.com/phusion/baseimage-docker to see if we want to borrow any concepts.

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Best way to override logo link url?


Matt McNeil wrote:

If my Discourse installation is installed at forum.example.com, what's the best way to change the target of the main site logo link (in the upper left corner) to point to www.example.com (ie the root of the main site instead of the root of the forum). I've tried setting the href in home-logo.js.handlebars using a plugin, but nothing seemed to happen when the link was clicked.
Thanks much for any insight!

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Disallowing "uncategorized" entries still offers uncategorized as default category


Martin Heidegger wrote:

When I disallow uncategorised topics by disabling the flag in the backend

It still shows the "uncategorized" category when I edit a topic:

and allows me to post that topic.

Is that supposed to be that way?

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Mobile: composer has fixed width on user preferences page / about me


lid wrote:

Under /users/user_name/preferences
|_About me

the bio composer uses a fixed width on the mobile version that causes on overflow on the window


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Adding a scroll indication on mobile for categories dropdown


lid wrote:

on my android device, when I click on the "All Categories" menu
I able to see about 3 tags, but have no way to know that this list actually goes on with more items and the it is in fact a scroll-able list

this is the desktop version snapshot this image does not show the issue on mobile

I have created a small proof of concept , that trigger a small scroll animation that will trigger the browser to reveal that
the scrollbar.

see the concept here

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Menu does not close when page is already loaded


lid wrote:

The issue
Any menu( with tooltip based) item that the user click while the page is already loaded will not close the menu on click

for example if I am on the Profile page and I click on the Profile link, nothing will happen
It will appear that the link is not working as there is no action as a result of the click

All menu items are affected
top menu --> Avatar --> All sub buttons | Affected

In some menu items some sub items are affected and some not for example
top menu --> "go to another topic list category"
"Latest", "Badges" are Affected
"FAQ" is not Affected

Expected behavior:
1. user click on button --> menu will close no additional actions
2. user click on button --> menu will close and it will trigger a section refresh

should be consistent between all sub items

Similar issue was reported 6 month ago, but the difference is that it the bug affect many other menu items but not all
The key is consistent behavior

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