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Safari isn't letting Command L make a link


Allen - Watchman Monitoring wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Document keyboard command to link a URL:

In Safari 8, the ⌘L is going to the main browser bar, not letting me make a link.

Repro'd in try.disccourse.org just now.


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Do daily backups cause downtime? read only? how long do they take?


Tobias Eigen wrote:

do the automated daily backups cause downtime? or does the site go into read only during backups? how long do the backups take to complete? Is there somewhere I can look to find out this information?

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Make forum emails send to user as BCC


Matches wrote:

Per discussion over at TDWTF, we've come to a loose agreement that having Discourse send email as 'BCC' to users would be the best option to prevent accidental email leakage to the world.

Original topic, and original suggenstion

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Calendar in Discourse


SirWill wrote:

hey, is there any plugin to have a calendar for events in discourse or what's the best way for events in discourse?

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CSS class .posters not set for Users column in topic list

Admin section Plugins category i18n


Bahadır Yağan wrote:

The string admin.site_settings.categories.plugins is not present on currently translated files on transifex. I think it is in emoji plugins locale file. Do we need to add another file for translations?

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Search, Users show more - always empty


lid wrote:

To replicate

  1. input some string in search for example "bla"
  2. click show more on the users section


Unfortunately back button on "show more" was removed.
With or without this bug, it hurt the UX.

perhaps changing the behavior of "show more" as follow, the back button can be avoided:
Instead of clearing the result and loading the expanded results
Append the more results the to loaded result list.

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Cannot create hstore on upgrade


Jared W wrote:

Hey All,
We are attempting to upgrade from 9.3.2 to 1.0.2 and are running into some issues. We started with the base Bitnami instance and ended up getting in a bad spot with our initial VM so we're now attempting to restore a backup from the 9.3.2 system onto the 1.0.2 instance of Bitnami.

I've been following this guide:
and for the most part things have gone smoothly until I attempt to run the Rake command to do the migration. Which results in the following error:

bitnami@bitnami-discourse-e6ab:/opt/bitnami/apps/discourse/htdocs$ bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
2014-10-08T01:16:08Z 45804 TID-otkppfgm4 INFO: Sidekiq client with redis options {:url=>"redis://localhost:6379/0", :namespace=>"sidekiq"}
== 20120924182000 AddHstoreExtension: migrating ===============================
rake aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:

PG::Error: ERROR:  permission denied to create extension "hstore"
HINT:  Must be superuser to create this extension.
: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore/opt/bitnami/apps/discourse/htdocs/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-0.9.1/lib/patches/sql_patches.rb:160:in `exec'

Previously it seemed to be stopping on 20120921162512_add_meta_data_to_forum_threads.rb however now it's stopping on 20120924182000_add_hstore_extension.rb. Both attempt to add the hstore extension.

I've verified that the extensions do exist in postgres:

postgres=# \dx
                                    List of installed extensions
  Name   | Version |   Schema   |                            Description
 hstore  | 1.2     | public     | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
 pg_trgm | 1.1     | public     | text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
 plpgsql | 1.0     | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(3 rows)

I'm certainly not a Ruby or Postgres expert so any help here would be beneficial! I've attempted to run the migration as root but that doesn't seem to make any difference.

I should mention we don't have any customization besides some CSS. It's a pretty vanilla install. It would be great to get our users and posts back but minimally our users would be acceptable!

Thanks in advance!

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Can not bootstrap discourse


Peng wrote:

I have installed discourse on my ubuntu 14 VPS in digitalocean.
However, after I reboot the vps server, I can not access discourse again.
When I use ./launcher start app,
I got error:
WARNING: No swap limit support
cid found, ensuring container is started

Then I tried to bootstrap discourse then I got following error...please help, I am newbie to discourse.


RuntimeError: su postgres -c 'psql discourse -c "alter schema public owner to discourse;"' failed with return #
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:85:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params "su postgres -c 'psql discourse -c \"alter schema public owner to discourse;\"'"

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Cannot delete Uncategorized category


dtester wrote:

For some reason I cannot delete this category "Uncategorized"

I dont see the option "delete" as in the picture here:

It's rather annoying because "uncategorized" comes up as the default category when someone makes a new post and users are not using the categories and everyhting is going in uncategorized and I would rather just remove this category and tell them to pick which category their post should go in


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How to treat a post as Spam after Flagging to Moderators?


cpradio wrote:

Okay, this is an issue that came up today. We had a post that was "questionable", and now I want to treat it as spam, but I can't.

Here is what I did:
1) I flagged the post to Moderators for discussion
2) Several moderators chimed in with good reason that it is spam
3) I go back to the post, and I only have Notify member when I click on the Flag option
4) I deferred the existing flag, in hopes of having the full set of flags again... didn't work.

How do I handle these type of situations?

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Topic list stays filtered after visiting category and clicking on site logo


Gerhard Schlager wrote:

Steps to reproduce:

Expected behaviour:
The topic list should be unfiltered like it is on Latest.

Actual behaviour:
The topic list is still filtered by the selected category (e.g. bug).
Clicking on the logo a second time refreshes the topic list and shows it unfiltered.

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Many error messages occur using https

Import avatars for user accounts programmatically - how?


Joe Seyfried wrote:

Hi all,

I'm currently stuck here: I try to import user avatars from my phpbb3 by modifying the import script. I tried to have a look at @elberet's great work on the SMF2 importer, but I have the problem that the users all have the letter avatar instead of the uploaded one. Here's what I'm doing:

I fetch the file name and path, do a create_upload, ask if it persisted and call

user.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id).

All works fine, the upload directory gets populated, the avatars get copied there, but they don't show up in the user profiles. I tried to reset user.import_mode to false, do a refresh_avatar, but I currently cannot figure out what else to do. Any hints?

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Parent category with more restrictions than subcategory


Michael Pavey wrote:

Here is where I have got to:

  1. Set up a new test instance of Discourse
  2. Created a category Cat1 and a subcategory Cat1a (let's call them)
  3. Created a group Group1
  4. Set Cat1 permissions to "admins can create/reply/see"
  5. Set Cat1a permissions to "admins and Group1 can create/reply/see"
  6. Logged in as admin still, created a topic Topic1 inside Cat1a
  7. On the invites screen, invited a new user User2 by entering his email address (in fact, my email address with +cc before the @ sign) and selecting the Group1 group
  8. In a different browser, accepted that invitation
  9. Still as User2, went to my profile and changed my username and requested a password
  10. As User2, clicked the password link I received by email and set a password
  11. As User2, went to the homepage
  12. I was able to see Topic1 (though it had no mention of the category next to it)
  13. Clicking gives me a blank screen except for the header bar
  14. Hitting refresh gives me an entirely blank screen.

This seems like a bug to me. But is there something in the permissions I need to correct to make it work?

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Cloudflare free ssl

Missing feature about warning on reviving an old topic

Troubleshooting 301 redirect "This webpage has a redirect loop" error after setting up SSL


Tobias Eigen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Allowing SSL for your Discourse Docker setup:

I ran into an odd problem after following the steps to allow SSL for my discourse docker setup - after turning on cloudflare, my chrome web browser started showing me a "this webpage has a redirect loop" error. It was not showing up when cloudflare was disabled. So I assumed it was a cloudflare issue and submitted a ticket. The response I got is below which I wanted to share for future reference for myself and for others who might find themselves in this situation.

The answer was to bootstrap my container to reflect the new templates - @sam's instructions to run ./launcher rebuild app didn't do it in my case unless I am confused (which is quite possible! smile). I ran ./docker bootstrap app it immediately started working correctly again.

The troubleshooting commands that showed the problem are here - you would replace URL with your forum URL and IP with your destination IP.

$ curl -vso dev/null https://forum.kabissa.org/
$ curl -vso dev/null -H "host: forum.kabissa.org"

And the full explanation from cloudflare support:

Hi Tobias,

Taking a look, I wasn't able to trigger the error - the site would resolve with both SSL and CloudFlare active. However I did notice that requests sent to the domain would never respond properly - there is a 301 redirect on forum.kabissa.org that points to itself:

$ curl -vso dev/null https://forum.kabissa.org/
* Trying
* Connected to forum.kabissa.org ( port 443 (#0)
* TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
* Server certificate: ssl7438.cloudflare.com
* Server certificate: GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - G2
* Server certificate: GlobalSign Root CA
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.30.0
Host: forum.kabissa.org
Accept: /

< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
* Server cloudflare-nginx is not blacklisted
< Server: cloudflare-nginx
< Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:57:41 GMT
< Location: https://forum.kabissa.org/

The redirect was in place even if I send a request directly to you origin:

$ curl -vso dev/null -H "host: forum.kabissa.org"
* About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
* Trying
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
* Server nginx/1.6.2 is not blacklisted
< Server: nginx/1.6.2
< Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 21:03:17 GMT
< Location: https://forum.kabissa.org/

While I was unable to trigger it from my end, likely this is why the loop is ocurring. You will need to remove this 301 redirect set on forum.kabissa.org.

I hope that helps, but if you have any questions or concerns please let me know.


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Simplify how users can view source of each message


Caue Rego wrote:

Currently you can simply replace /t/[topic-title] for /raw and you'll be able to see this. So, for unedited posts, url hacking is the only way.

( I didn't want to revive / ressurect that old topic, although maybe I should... In any case... )

Continuing the discussion from Allow user to view source of each message:

There's also at least another topic on the same subject.

I agree 100% in not cluttering the UI, but there's already a button for viewing the source. The little pencil only appears when we edit a post. Why not simply keep it there always, with no numbers when there's no edit, and a link to /raw?

I'd even suggest changing that little sometimes-red-pencil by a hourglass or something...

I'm actually only asking to know if this have been thought about and, if not, there's the suggestion! stuck_out_tongue

Last case scenario, I can't wait to find something this simple to do a PR.

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What does Subject mean in Staff Actions Log?


Anton wrote:

English text:


Translation key:


What does it mean, subject of what?


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