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Japanese translation


chouchuuchochouchou wrote:

2 days long
x minutes long

one: "1分前"
other: "%{count}分前"
one: "1時間前"
other: "%{count}時間前"
one: "1日前"
other: "%{count}日前"

< is not meaning of Japanese.

Longer when it is also ruined.
January 2015
Shown: 1月 3
Meaning: January, number Three
Correct: 1月3日 (month number月day number日)
December 2014
Shown: 12月 '14
Meaning: December Dash of number Fourteen
Correct: 2014年12月 (year number年month number月)
' is not meaning of Japanese.

Displayed Languages
Jeff, you are doing it wrong.
Your bad practice is exposing the language code.

Your post was flagged as spam: the community feels it
is an advertisement that is is overly promotional in nature instead of
being useful or relevant to the topic as expected.

That Is Is Overly

one: "回答"
other: "回答"
It is codes but not of showing.

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SSO locked me out of Discourse!



I'm trying out SSO for my Wordpress site and it seems that if you get the configuration wrong, you can get locked out of your admin account.

Unfortunately, I am but a lowly publisher/admin. So the instructions here https://meta.discourse.org/t/sign-in-error-sso-may-be-enabled/15834 are no use to me. I am only vaguely technical - I paid a developer to set up Discourse on Digital Ocean for me.

I know what SSH is, but I haven't touched a command line for several years. I either need some real layman step-by-step instructions, or I'll have to pay another third party to sort this out.

Thanks in advance.

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Markdown style for Chinese character is broken when mixed with English letters


Erick Guan wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Why can't I put many spaces?:

As the common usages, test**测试**test should render the normal English letters and bold Chinese characters instead of unparsed one.

I can add space around Chinese characters to work around but it's not the case for Chinese at all.

And I can't add bold style between the letters in English word(test**bold**test). Is that intended?

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Private Commenting on Topics


Chirag Dodiya wrote:

Is it possible to keep private commenting on topics where only the one who asked the question can see your answer and no one else.

How to integrate the same?

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How to get referrer page

Is there such a thing as a low bandwidth version of discourse? Any thoughts on optimization?


Tobias Eigen wrote:

This past week I had a skype call with a colleague in Sierra Leone who's going to be a thematic coordinator on my forum. He shared his screen so I could introduce him to discourse and walk him through all the features and answer his questions. We're finding that Discourse is reasonably user friendly but that alot of complex features are hidden away behind that simple interface - so a one-on-one intro for key people is turning out to be pretty essential.

My reason for posting this topic and my question is about the fact that discourse is painfully slow for him on his slower internet connection. I was able to observe this directly during our skype call. When he clicks on a link, say to the speech bubble notification menu, it seriously takes 10-20 seconds for that menu to pop up. That is a crazy long time and a significant burden. There is also no progress indicator or anything - so he has to be verrrrrrry patient while waiting for something to happen after clicking.

While gmail (which we also use alot) downloads emails and makes them available on the client side for handling, it seems that discourse does not do this at all. Rather it is going back to the server to get updated content when you click on say the notifications menu.

We are trying to get people to keep discourse open in another tab in their browser, like email. But if it's going to take 10-20 seconds every time to see what's new and relevant to the user, we have a serious problem.

The alternative, to turn on email notifications for all activity, is not really ideal for coordinators since we want them to get in there and manage/organize discussions and also model good behavior for having productive (and, dare I say it, civilized) discussion by quoting multiple people in replies, starting new related topics etc.

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After importing into Discourse from a phpbb site I have strange characters in my posts


Ben M wrote:

For example I see


instead of


in the text of a post. I assume this is something like a 'MS Word-style' apostrophe in the original phpbb post. Any idea why my Discourse site isn't displaying it correctly?

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Customize/Design Category


Khoa Nguyen wrote:

Sam's topic show me

I'm playing around to customize my Discourse Instance and feeling amazing smiley . I can change Discourse template completely by overwrite handlebar template
I hope Meta will have a Customize/Design Category for people to share there own design.

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Failed to Bootstrap Ping is working to github


Kushan Liyanarachchi wrote:

root@daysrilanka:~# mkdir /var/discourse
root@daysrilanka:~# git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker.git /var/discourse
Cloning into '/var/discourse'...
remote: Counting objects: 1353, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Total 1353 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (1353/1353), 301.74 KiB | 115.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (791/791), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
root@daysrilanka:~# cd /var/discourse
root@daysrilanka:/var/discourse# cp samples/standalone.yml containers/app.yml
root@daysrilanka:/var/discourse# nano containers/app.yml
root@daysrilanka:/var/discourse# ./launcher bootstrap app
WARNING: No swap limit support
Unable to find image 'samsaffron/discourse:1.0.7' locally
Pulling repository samsaffron/discourse
22d62951587e: Pulling image (1.0.7) from samsaffron/discourse
22d62951587e: Pulling image (1.0.7) from samsaffron/discourse, endpoint: https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/
22d62951587e: Pulling dependent layers
511136ea3c5a: Pulling metadata
511136ea3c5a: Pulling fs layer
511136ea3c5a: Download complete
7e2a471a454a: Pulling metadata
7e2a471a454a: Pulling fs layer
7e2a471a454a: Download complete
cdb5237bc8a7: Pulling metadata
cdb5237bc8a7: Pulling fs layer
cdb5237bc8a7: Download complete
fa6d84c1e733: Pulling metadata
fa6d84c1e733: Pulling fs layer
fa6d84c1e733: Download complete
91cf3969bafa: Pulling metadata
91cf3969bafa: Pulling fs layer
91cf3969bafa: Download complete
22d62951587e: Pulling metadata
22d62951587e: Pulling fs layer
22d62951587e: Download complete
22d62951587e: Download complete
Status: Downloaded newer image for samsaffron/discourse:1.0.7
This user has no SSH key, but a SSH key is required to access the Discourse Docker container.
Generate a SSH key? (Y/n) Y
Generating SSH key
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
68:4c:97:44:a9:76:0f:33:c5:89:82:63:6f:76:09:2c root@daysrilanka.com
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| o .o+ . |
| E +.o.+ |
| . +.+oo |
| o*oB |
| ++oS= |
| . . |
| |
| |
| |

Calculated ENV: -e LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -e RAILS_ENV=production -e UNICORN_WORKERS=2 -e UNICORN_SIDEKIQS=1 -e RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=40000000 -e RUBY_HEAP_MIN_SLOTS=800000 -e DISCOURSE_DB_SOCKET=/var/run/postgresql -e DISCOURSE_DB_HOST= -e DISCOURSE_DB_PORT= -e HOME=/root -e DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS=codedbykush@gmail.com -e DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME=100.daysrilanka.com -e DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS=smtp.mandrillapp.com
cd /pups && git pull && /pups/bin/pups --stdin
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/SamSaffron/pups.git/': Could not resolve host: github.com

I have checked a ping to github.com and it is working properly.

root@daysrilanka:/var/discourse# ping github.com
PING github.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from github.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=240 ms
64 bytes from github.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=234 ms
64 bytes from github.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=240 ms

Anyone can direct me to the error?

I can't provide access to my DigitalOcean Droplet


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Categories page - category / subcategory stats inaccurate to user


Dean Taylor wrote:

The categories page gives an inaccurate representation of the activity within a category / forum.

Within the screenshot above you will see category stats (circled on right), these stats do not include any of the posts from the subcategories giving a negative appearance of inactivity with the forum / category.

In addition if there are no posts in the top-level category there are no numbers indicated in the topic stats - again reflecting negatively on the forum overall - because other categories do contain these stats.

A user reviewing a forum may check the categories section to see how active a specific category is in considering if they should join.

Personally I believe it should include the subcategories in the stats as visually the sub-categories are not seperate in the row the numbers are for. Either that or a change in display / representation of the subcategories.

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Access Discourse.User.currentProp email via javascript?


Allen - Watchman Monitoring wrote:

Is there any chance the javascript API can be expanded to include the user's email address in the javascript API?

That way our chat & other tools could be updated via


just the same way we can get username & name

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Site usability for poor eyesight




I've had some issues where the light-grey on white default theme is causing issues for users with weaker eyesight.

The two most cited examples are:

  • the fading light -> dark grey options at the bottom of a post (where the like/edit/reply buttons are)

  • when a post is created, the text colour for created, last post, posts, views, etc

What is the best way to edit these colours?


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Minimum Development Machine Requirement


Khoa Nguyen wrote:

I'm trying to set up a Discourse Development Environment on my laptop.
- Windows 8.1 64 bits
- Core i5 2.6 GHz
- ram 4gb
- 2 HDD (one for OS and one for Virtual Box image + Discourse source)

I'm familiar in develop with Vagrant. The installation progress went smoothly.
Try to request Discourse at localhost:4000
The console tell this information:

But the browser's tab seem to load forever with Vagrant Discourse in the title.
Is this because my laptop ? I tried to increase VM machine RAM into ~2GB but still not work

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How can I update trust level via SSO site


Hwan wrote:

Hi guys,

I'd like to update trust level via SSO site. I have a website there is basic free user and premium user. I just update the trust level from my site. Is there any good practice?

I'd like to check API documents but I couldn't find it.


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How to add more then 3 custom fields


Love Chopra wrote:

I see on the admin panel there is a restriction of adding more then 3 custom fields, is there any way to add more number of custom fields?

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What's best way to upload new web font into docker container without being wiped out after app rebuild?


Huey Le wrote:

I've ssh into docker container and uploaded new web font for my forum. It's running just fine until I did the rebuild which wiped out all of my web fonts. I'm not really sure how can I upload my new web fonts into docker without getting those fonts being wiped out every single time I do rebuild? thanks

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Redirect to referral source just after login or signup


Rahul wrote:

Hi, I have setup discourse for my community and here is one use case I have, please help me how can I do this:

  1. User land to my main website ex (MyStaticWebsite.com/xyz)
  2. I have put a hyperlink on my main website called Login/Signup and link it to http://discourse.MyStaticWebsite.com/login
  3. After authentication is there any way I can identify the referral at this point and can redirect user to the referring url (MyStaticWebsite.com/xyz) ??

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Discourse not allowing any changes to custom emojis



After bulk-uploading a lot of emojis, some of them mistakenly with the same name as the default emojis Discourse now no longer lets us add new custom emojis or delete the existing custom emojis.

When trying to add any new emoji:

When trying to delete an emoji it is removed from the list but upon returning to the custom emoji section it is still listed albeit with the actual image missing:

And our emoji selector has the original emoji image missing as well:

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Is there a guide for custom themes?

Failed to launch discourse


Najam Sikander wrote:

i am following https://github.com/discourse/discourse to setup discourse on my laptop for testing.
Vagrant up works and when I am running bundle exec rails s it started a console showing whats in progress and after notifying me about rendering of few views it got stuck while browser is loading for ages.

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