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How to add a user on private forum when local login is disabled?


@karel wrote:


I have my private company forum configured to exclusively use Google oauth2 login, so the "enable local logins" has been disabled. (Because I only want people with a Google apps company email account to be able to access the forum)

However, how am I supposed to add a new user? The send invites button on the users page doesn't do anything and I can't find another place to add a user. I've tried adding my company domains to the "email domains whitelist" but that didn't help. When the user tries to login with his Google apps company account it just says "Sorry, access to this forum is by invite only."

What did I miss?

(I'm on version 1.2.0)

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Synchronizing avatars via SSO


@dabaer wrote:

I have SSO currently functioning retrieving login data from our main site, however I am having issues when trying to synchronize user avatars, as discourse caches them.

It is unclear how sync actually works as the documentation has no information on implementation, but the problem may also be that when a user changes their avatar on our side, the url does not change.

When using the sync endpoint discourse would presumably re cache, but the documentation does not explain that either.

What is the correct usage of the sync endpoint (GET or POST), and how does discourse handle avatars when syncing?

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Improving the "Top" criteria


@codinghorror wrote:

The top page in Discourse is intended for two cases

  1. It is where new users are directed after they join the site, and where existing users are directed after long absences from the site. The idea is that we show people the "greatest hits" of the community when they arrive, whether it is the last year, or the last month.

  2. When you want to catch up with a busy Discourse and skim just the most interesting / useful / active topics. Sort of like the summarize topic option, but at the topic list level. You can view top globally or at the category level.

You can try it out yourself at /top.

One thing Sam noticed is that the existing formula for inclusion on the top page...

log of views + (2 * post count) + (2 * like count)

... does not give the first post any priority, but probably should. So he changed it to

(log of views * 2) + first post likes + (least(likes/posts, 3) * 4)

This is better, but I am not sure it's quite right.

I wanted to brainstorm a bit on the concept here. What is a "top" discussion, exactly? What criteria would make you pick a particular topic for inclusion in the top topics for the last week, month or year?

When I thought about this and browsed the existing /top list at topics, here are the qualities they had:

  • Not too long. Very long (100, 200, 1000+ post) topics are kind of overwhelming and resemble chat more than a discussion.

  • Not too short. A topic with 0 replies is definitely not an interesting discussion. It's more of a notice. A topic with 1 or 2 replies is very unlikely to be an interesting discussion. And even a topic with 10 posts may not be a particularly interesting discussion, depending on how many people are participating in the topic.

  • Likes. These matter a lot, obviously, but how the likes are distributed is important. A topic with a first post that has zero likes but one reply that has 30 likes is still significant. Or a topic with 50 replies, and 3 of those replies have 10 likes. It seems to me that the "outlier" nature of some of the like density is what is important here. Just having 1 like on 30 replies is not interesting. But 30 likes on a single reply? That's massive.

  • First post likes. If the "head" of the topic is great, the discussion is likely to be great too. The first post sets the tone for all future replies.

  • Views. If we only weight likes, we get some inside baseball, bikesheddy topics dominating the list. We need to measure objective, outside world interest in our topics just as heavily as internal interest. To be blunt, what we think matters, and what the outside world decides matters, can be two very different things. Consider the new user seeing the /top page after account creation -- they want topics that are of legitimate interest to everyone not just our insular little like-brigade.

  • Topic length is problematic in that the larger the topic gets, the more replies there are to gather like votes. 200 replies with 1 like vote each is objectively a lot of like votes, but none of those posts are individually very interesting.

Based on the above, I think we should try:

(log of views * 2) + first post likes + (reply likes / ceiling(post count / 5))

So (and I probably should graph this):

  1. What is the value of an anonymous like? (1.3 votes at 2 views, 4.6 votes at 10 views, 9 votes at 100 views, 14 votes at 1k views, 18 votes at 10k views, 23 votes at 100k views)
  2. What is the value of a first post like? (1x)
  3. What is the value of a reply like? (1x, declining rapidly at intervals of 5 posts)

This optimizes for the "sweet spot" of topics at around 5 - 40 posts. It gives first post a boost and lets anon votes contribute. (Although as like counts get to 100+, the effect of views can be slim.)

I think an even better approach would be to discard like counts for all replies and topics that are less than the mean or median for all topics in the specified interval... but I don't think we can do that in SQL efficiently.

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Am I missing something about post deletion?


@meke wrote:

Hello again! Good experience so far.
I am attempting to delete posts that I have made as an admin. I am logged in as the admin, I click the trashcan button and the post turns red. Then I navigate back to the category listing and the post is still there, then I open up a private window and check with a non logged in instance: the post is still present. I go back to the post and the trashcan icon is still present. I then check the logs and see that no action was taken. If I go into the posts and click delete/undelete/delete nothing seems to happen.

I did perform a subdomain change and followed the guide here:

with no errors.

Am I experiencing normal behavior? I saw references to scheduled job to do post cleanup, but I don't see any reference to it in the admin panel. Suggestions? I can try destroying the container and site content and trying again as this is a new container.

I should add that I gave myself moderator privilege in the admin panel as well as gave full trust (4).

Ok another update. If I flagged my own post for another reason, then handled the post through the pm, I was able to delete it. I tried this with another post, but flagging it as off-topic. The off-topic flag didnt show up in the flag inbox for that post. I tried to undo the flag and the flag will not be removed.

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SketchUp: authorization error when signing up

Too many updates each week is effecting users


@Mohammad wrote:

Many of my users are complaining that they are not able to access the forum because of the FB login error which says:

When I upgrade discourse, the error disappears and users are then able to access the forum via FB. But causing readers such inconveneince every other day or week is surely not favourable. Can you guys do something related to these frequent updates? Can you guys release updates monthly instead of weekly? This would greatly help our readers grow and keep them happy.

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Voting Up the Best Answer!


@Mohammad wrote:

My forum is a "Blogger Help Forum" where users ask questions and they receive multiple answers. Currently what we are looking for is to enable a voting system that will Move up the best answer based on Like votes it receives, similar to the one used in Stackoverflow.

Discourse has a liking system but I don't understand its purpose. It doesn't differentiate the best answer from the weak and neither adds some highlighting nor moves up the answer closer to the question so that new visitors may read the best answer easily without having to scroll down to read all the answers

Can we hope to get this feature in next update? @sam @jeff

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What is the RSS URL for all Posts published by a User?


@Mohammad wrote:

I recently created a Latest Topic and Featured Topics widget on my blog that lets readers to read about the latest updates going on my forum directly from the blog's homepage.

latest topics

I am using the RSS (/latest.rss) file created for the latest topics page and category pages but I could not find a RSS link to display posts submitted by a user.

What I want is a RSS link that will display all posts or topics published by a user. Would really appreciate if I could achieve this because readers would to show their forum activity on their websites.

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Porting from Askbot to Discourse: my experience and code


@mcg wrote:

I recently moved CVX Forum, a support forum for users of my convex optimization software, from Askbot to Discourse. You can read about my motivations for making the change here. We can have some of that discussion here if you want, but in this thread I wanted to offer up my experience and code.

The code I used can be found in this GitHub repo. There are only two files there: base.rb and askbot.rb. base.rb is actually a very slightly modified version of script/import_scripts/base.rb in the Discourse tree. Indeed there is exactly one change: in line 302, I changed

if bio_raw.present? || website.present?


if bio_raw.present? || website.present? || location.present?

so that I could port user-supplied location information over from Askbot profiles.

Let's talk about the meat of the code in askbot.rb. Some general notes:

  • Askbot uses Markdown, making porting of the raw text easy.
  • Askbot uses PostgreSQL for its database. Alas, it seems none of the other import scripts rely on PostgreSQL, so I had to figure out how to use the PG Ruby interface all by my lonesome. (Poor poor pitiful me.) The toughest part was getting the timestamps right; I might have still gotten the time zone issues wrong, but I am fine with the result now.
  • I decided to thread comments and answers together into a single linear time stream. In my forum, the distinction between the two types of responses was unnecessary and forced, so I'm frankly happy not to have that distinction now.
  • I did not bother to link comments to their matching questions or answers; our threads were not that long. In theory, you could do so.
  • I chose to select a subset of Askbot tags to convert to categories. Any post that had one of those selected tags was moved into the corresponding category; all others were left uncategorized. I considered creating a default category to catch all of those other posts, but ultimately it seems like there is no real disadvantage to having uncategorized posts in my case.

The execute procedure proceeds as follows:

  1. create_cats: create Discourse categories for the list given in the CATEGORIES global. These category names is assumed to match the Askbot tag name in a case-insensitive comparison.
  2. import_users: suck in the Askbot users. I mapped the username, email, is_staff, date_joined, last_seen, real_name, website, and location fields quite directly to corresponding Discourse fields. I have no idea if password hashes can map over; I didn't bother to try.
  3. read_tags: for simplicity, I read in the entire tag database from Askbot. I decided to attach the full tag list for each post as a custom_field entry, even as I sifted through them to make category determinations.
  4. import_posts: read in the questions, determine their categories, and store their thread_id values for later matching with comments and answers.
  5. import_replies: read in comments and answers. Questions, answers, and comments are actually stored in the same Askbot table, but I decided to make two passes since comments and answers were to be processed differently.
  6. post_process_posts: try to convert Askbot internal links to Discourse internal links. Thankfully, I didn't have too many of these, but I did need to distinguish between A HREF-style HTML links, Markdown-style []() links, and bare text links.

Needless to say, this is a hack. In theory, I could wipe my database clean and run this code, and be done. In practice, I ran it several times, commenting out some of the steps so I could verify the intermediate results before proceeding. This is not even close to being ready to dump into import_scripts, and I don't intend to make it so smile Besides, this is the longest piece of Ruby code I've written (the record before that was a Homebrew formula).

I'm quite pleased with how things turned out, and of course that's no small part due to the quality of the Discourse code, in particular the script/import_scripts directory. The base.rb code is essential, of course, but the other templates there were extremely helpful. Thank you to all contributors.

If you have questions or comments, by all means, let me know and I will do my best to respond.

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Default category issues


@miststlkr wrote:

We just updated to v1.3.0.beta2 +31. When posting a new topic, the default according to the dropdown is General Lounge, but unless you pick it manually it gets uncategorized and auto-closed. There had previously been an "Uncategorized Topic" in topics[0] forcing us to manually pick General Loung (topics[1]) so I'm guessing you removed topics[0] from the display to pick but not on the parse to assign a topic to a post?


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Storing Multisite Configuration in Database


@joeshidel wrote:

This may me more relevant here then in the extensibility category. The mods can feel free to remove my old post https://meta.discourse.org/t/dynamic-multisite-deployment/26032.

I have been exploring the source code to see if what I would like to do is possible, and I have come to the conclusion that it probably is with some modifications.

I would like to be able to create a discourse deployment where new forums can be created dynamically. I need a separate forum for each group that gets created on my main site.

The multisite gem uses multisite.yml to setup/manage all of the database connections. This means that this file needs to be modified in order to add a new forum (correct?).

What I would like to do is have a table, or store the data in redis. I would just need to modify the multisite gem to read from a database rather then the multisite.yml (correct?).

I would appreciate any tips on other approaches I could take, or steps I am missing in making this happen.

Also I would be happy to contribute my work back to the project If it is something that is desired, or already on the road map.

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Get Sub-Category name


@Craig_Kahle wrote:

I am looking to retrieve an actual Sub-Category name, similar to how I can retrieve regular Category names by hitting the "/categories.json" endpoint. I see the nested subcategory_ids, but no way to retrieve the name.

I have also tried "/c/5/6" which returns the nested category's topics , but no sign of the name. Maybe I am missing something in the JSON, but it doesn't seem like there is an easy way to do this. I may have to parse through the first post title, which I would like to avoid. Thanks a bunch everyone.

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User is not logged in after SSO sequence


@jamesgecko wrote:

I'm trying to set up Discourse (1.2.0) SSO with a Rails app. Right now, Discourse and my app send each other the tokens and don't log any errors, but the Discourse user still isn't logged in at the end.

Here are the requests that happen when I click on the "Log In" button in Discourse. I've copied them from the Firefox dev tools as curl commands and split them up for readability.

  • dev.lvh.me:3000 is my rails app, running on my local box.
  • dev.lvh.me:4000 is my discourse instance, running in Vagrant.
  • (lvh.me just resolves itself and any subdomains to localhost)

Discourse 302 redirects to the rails app

curl 'http://dev.lvh.me:4000/session/sso?return_path=%2F'
-H 'Host: dev.lvh.me:4000'
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0'
-H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
-H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' --compressed
-H 'DNT: 1'
-H 'Referer: http://dev.lvh.me:4000/'
-H 'Cookie: __profilin=p%3Dt; _session_id=BAh7C0kiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFRkkiJTYxNTM0MmNmMDY1ZGJjZmRmYTI4OWY0ZjQ4MjFmYzJhBjsAVEkiE3VzZXJfcmV0dXJuX3RvBjsARiIOL2F1dGgvc3NvSSIZd2FyZGVuLnVzZXIudXNlci5rZXkGOwBUWwdbBmkC9kBJIiIkMmEkMTAkb3FEUlNTYk96TEZldExMYmFCOEtXLgY7AFRJIhFjYXJlZ2l2ZXJfaWQGOwBGaQK0O0kiGmNvbXBsZXRpb25fcGVyY2VudGFnZQY7AEZJIgYwBjsARkkiEF9jc3JmX3Rva2VuBjsARkkiMTVtTzF4a04veXdrcVd2SVF5YTRGUGxMWW5lUUtES2xUUXFKRjB2VjFSUzA9BjsARg%3D%3D--255aa6575a43498b74f995b4d71edad737af8811; destination_url=http%3A%2F%2Fdev.lvh.me%3A4000%2F; _forum_session=BAh7BkkiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFVEkiJWI4OGU2ZTk4YmE2NGVkZjZiNjdiYTE4NmYyYmU3OTJlBjsAVA%3D%3D--d09bb2323f993833822cc0bf3c385c90d1b12e84'
-H 'Connection: keep-alive'

The Rails app 302 redirects to Discourse

curl 'http://dev.lvh.me:3000/auth/sso?sso=bm9uY2U9MDcxMzE0YmY5YTk2MmE5OWJmMTA2YmYyZDk5M2Y3MTEmcmV0dXJu%0AX3Nzb191cmw9aHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRmxvY2FsaG9zdCUzQTQwMDAlMkZzZXNz%0AaW9uJTJGc3NvX2xvZ2lu%0A&sig=6693c5b2d347cc3064dead401d0384326cd78b1b0fa79ea4124919cf8b566359'
-H 'Host: dev.lvh.me:3000'
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0'
-H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
-H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' --compressed
-H 'DNT: 1'
-H 'Referer: http://dev.lvh.me:4000/'
-H 'Cookie: __profilin=p%3Dt; _session_id=BAh7C0kiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFRkkiJTYxNTM0MmNmMDY1ZGJjZmRmYTI4OWY0ZjQ4MjFmYzJhBjsAVEkiE3VzZXJfcmV0dXJuX3RvBjsARiIOL2F1dGgvc3NvSSIZd2FyZGVuLnVzZXIudXNlci5rZXkGOwBUWwdbBmkC9kBJIiIkMmEkMTAkb3FEUlNTYk96TEZldExMYmFCOEtXLgY7AFRJIhFjYXJlZ2l2ZXJfaWQGOwBGaQK0O0kiGmNvbXBsZXRpb25fcGVyY2VudGFnZQY7AEZJIgYwBjsARkkiEF9jc3JmX3Rva2VuBjsARkkiMTVtTzF4a04veXdrcVd2SVF5YTRGUGxMWW5lUUtES2xUUXFKRjB2VjFSUzA9BjsARg%3D%3D--255aa6575a43498b74f995b4d71edad737af8811; destination_url=http%3A%2F%2Fdev.lvh.me%3A4000%2F; _forum_session=BAh7BkkiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFVEkiJWI4OGU2ZTk4YmE2NGVkZjZiNjdiYTE4NmYyYmU3OTJlBjsAVA%3D%3D--d09bb2323f993833822cc0bf3c385c90d1b12e84'
-H 'Connection: keep-alive'

Load Discourse

curl 'http://dev.lvh.me:4000/?sso=bm9uY2U9MDcxMzE0YmY5YTk2MmE5OWJmMTA2YmYyZDk5M2Y3MTEmZW1haWw9%0AamFtZXNnZWNrbyU0MGdtYWlsLmNvbSZleHRlcm5hbF9pZD0xNjYzMCZyZXR1%0Acm5fc3NvX3VybD1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGbG9jYWxob3N0JTNBNDAwMCUyRnNl%0Ac3Npb24lMkZzc29fbG9naW4%3D%0A&sig=4bd17e5ea0c1455220ca53e261037e2f977127c9aa6c72d394d824f40fdff7c6'
-H 'Host: dev.lvh.me:4000'
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0'
-H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
-H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' --compressed
-H 'DNT: 1'
-H 'Referer: http://dev.lvh.me:4000/'
-H 'Cookie: __profilin=p%3Dt; _session_id=BAh7C0kiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFRkkiJTYxNTM0MmNmMDY1ZGJjZmRmYTI4OWY0ZjQ4MjFmYzJhBjsAVEkiE3VzZXJfcmV0dXJuX3RvBjsARiIOL2F1dGgvc3NvSSIZd2FyZGVuLnVzZXIudXNlci5rZXkGOwBUWwdbBmkC9kBJIiIkMmEkMTAkb3FEUlNTYk96TEZldExMYmFCOEtXLgY7AFRJIhFjYXJlZ2l2ZXJfaWQGOwBGaQK0O0kiGmNvbXBsZXRpb25fcGVyY2VudGFnZQY7AEZJIgYwBjsARkkiEF9jc3JmX3Rva2VuBjsARkkiMTVtTzF4a04veXdrcVd2SVF5YTRGUGxMWW5lUUtES2xUUXFKRjB2VjFSUzA9BjsARg%3D%3D--255aa6575a43498b74f995b4d71edad737af8811; destination_url=http%3A%2F%2Fdev.lvh.me%3A4000%2F; _forum_session=BAh7BkkiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFVEkiJWI4OGU2ZTk4YmE2NGVkZjZiNjdiYTE4NmYyYmU3OTJlBjsAVA%3D%3D--d09bb2323f993833822cc0bf3c385c90d1b12e84'
-H 'Connection: keep-alive'

The SSO controller in my Rails app looks like this. I'm using the SingleSignOn implementation provided in this post.

# app/controllers/single_sign_on_controller.rb
class SingleSignOnController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :authenticate_user! # I'm using the Devise gem.

  SSO_SECRET = 'password'
  FORUM_URL = 'http://dev.lvh.me:4000'

  def sso
    sso = SingleSignOn.parse(request.query_string, SSO_SECRET)
    sso.email = current_user.email
    sso.external_id = current_user.id
    redirect_to sso.to_url(FORUM_URL)

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Measures taken against bad behaviour in League of Legends


@erlend_sh wrote:

Here's an interesting read for community managers and web-anthropologists. It's about the measures taken against toxic players in online games.


As I read it I was constantly reminded of similarities in Discourse's design.

For one thing, the game has added an honor system, in which feedback from the community shows up on a player's profile


But more important than just finding the bad behavior is figuring out how to reform it. Lin says that the 1 percent of seriously toxic players have no real interest in changing, but pretty much everyone else will actually stop their negative behavior if you act quickly.

JIT notifications.

For those players who were regularly reported for bad behavior, Lin's team found that about 50 percent of them didn't offend again if Riot moderator explained what they actually did wrong, and that number jumped to 70 percent if the explanation included evidence like chat logs.

Authoritative moderator messages and suspensions in favour of permabanning.

Also reminds me of this:

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Assets broken after moving installation to subdomain


@sobering wrote:

Hey guys,

I setup a Discourse instance on DigitalOcean using the discourse_docker repo. For the first few weeks we had it running at the root of our domain, but have since moved to a subdomain, which we should have done from the start.

Everything seems to be working fine, with the exception of uploaded assets. All images still reference //example.com/uploads/... instead of //foo.example.com/uploads/...

This isn't the end of the world as I'm going to be sending all assets to S3 within the next few days, but fixing the existing assets would be nice.

Thanks to anyone who can help out!

EDIT: Just noticed that Discourse.BaseUrl still reflects the root domain. This is likely what's causing the issue?

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Block users via API or other?


@layoric wrote:

Currently trying to maintain a list of users external to discourse which will update on a regular basis due to subscription status of each user.

I can see that you can update a users title, for example, via the API but trying to update 'blocked' by send a PUT request to /users/{username} doesn't change anything. Also tried /admin/users/{usersname} but get a 404.

Use case is:
Want to block users who don't have an active subscription.
Want discourse to manage user auth and management.
External list is updated daily.

Any tips/advice would be appreciated. Cheers!

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How can we require a full name?


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

Our forum is not a private, but yet we have users named ab and other unrecognizable names.

How can we require a full name be added at registration?

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Onebox: rewrite Github links to specific commit?


@elberet wrote:

In this old topic from two years ago (Only 21 "likes" allowed in 24 hours?), a post includes a link to Github, citing a specific line in one of Discourse's source files.

However, time has moved on and what was once helpful is now quite confusing as the lines shown are not related to the topic at all.

Should onebox'd Github links be rewritten (on submitting a post or asynchronously, similar to when linked images are downloaded and lightboxed), so that the link points to a specific commit instead of a movable target?

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Only create topics in Subcategories


@David_Rivera wrote:


I would create a Category: Cat1
And I would also create two subcategories within Cat1: Sub1 and Sub2

I want the user must always necessarily select one of the two subcategories for writing a post.
I want that users can not write anything Cat1 selecting only as a category.

How I can do this?


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When pasting text into the editor using Firefox, it incorrectly formats the text


@chapel wrote:

Some of my users identified this issue and I was able to reproduce it on my forum as well as here.

Specifically what is happening is the editor is changing the formatting of the pasted text, either by adding new lines where there were none, or removing them.

What it should look like:

“Hello. My name is David, and I’m a quinquagenerian.”

Game industry veteran David Mullich kicked off a panel discussion on game industry ageism today at the 2015 Game Developers Conference like he was introducing himself at a group therapy session.

It was a light-hearted way to address an insidious problem.

It turns out like this:

“Hello. My name is David, and I’m a quinquagenerian.”

Game industry veteran
David Mullich kicked off a panel discussion on game industry ageism
today at the 2015 Game Developers Conference like he was introducing
himself at a group therapy session.

It was a light-hearted way to address an insidious problem.

Source of above text: http://gamasutra.com/view/news/238236/Im_still_creative__Game_industry_vets_rally_against_ageism.php

One of my users had to paste the text into a text editor then into the edit box to get the intended formatting.

I honestly don't know if this is a Firefox bug or a Discourse bug, but other text inputs on Firefox don't display this issue in my testing.

If I copy and paste the properly formatted text from this post back into here, I get this:

“Hello. My name is David, and I’m a quinquagenerian.”Game
industry veteran David Mullich kicked off a panel discussion on game
industry ageism today at the 2015 Game Developers Conference like he was
introducing himself at a group therapy session. It was a light-hearted way to address an insidious problem.

This is from the first improperly formatted result from before:

“Hello. My name is David, and I’m a quinquagenerian.”Game industry veteran
David Mullich kicked off a panel discussion on game industry ageism
today at the 2015 Game Developers Conference like he was introducing
himself at a group therapy session. It was a light-hearted way to address an insidious problem.

Notice the slight difference in where it inserted the new lines?

Also noticed that sometimes when pasting in some text on Firefox, the preview doesn't reflect the new text until I make another change.

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