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Discourse in a Docker container

Discourse popularity. How to improve?


Ioann wrote:

I fell in love with Discourse at first sight. But this is an open, non-commercial (yet) product and it's highly depend on user base. It's not so large atm and I really want to know, does anyone knows the way how to make Discours easier in understanding and installing.

Tho worst thing is that 90% forum owners are using PHP, and they will leave Discourse after first steps in the installation guide.

It MUST be easier. IMHO

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Brand new plugin interface


Sam Saffron wrote:

I have been working on a heavily simplified plugin interface so its a lot easier for people to get started with extending Discourse.

For example:

Say you wanted to extend Discourse and add Ubuntu SSO to the dialog.

Place a file called plugin.rb in the directory plugins/ubuntu_sso


# name: discourse-ubuntu
# about: ubuntu login support for Discourse
# version: 0.1
# authors: Sam Saffron, Marco Ceppi

auth_provider :title => 'with Ubuntu',
              :authenticator => Auth::OpenIdAuthenticator.new('ubuntu','https://login.ubuntu.com', trusted: true),
              :message => 'Authenticating with Ubuntu (make sure pop up blockers are not enbaled)',
              :frame_width => 1000,   # the frame size used for the pop up window, overrides default
              :frame_height => 800

register_css <<CSS

.btn-social.ubuntu {
  background: #dd4814;

.btn-social.ubuntu:before {
  font-family: Ubuntu;
  content: "U";


Run bundle exec rake assets:precompile
Restart you services.

Done, you have working Ubuntu SSO.

This interface is still not complete, as I finalize it I will be adding more examples here.

The /plugins directory is ignored by git so you can place your extensions there safely.

Longer term plans

  1. Possibly use a Rails::Engine for greater flexibility
  2. More hooks
  3. Admin UI to enable or disable plugins (with multisite support)
  4. Central plugin repo
  5. External gem dependencies

If you are interested in extending the interface etc, let me know.

cc @marcoceppi

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A user page, but for a group


Jeff Atwood wrote:

The Blizzard "highlight all the posts from official Blizzard folks" forums feature has been a common request here, from @bp_ and others.

So I thought, we have


So why can't we have


which would show all activity from the official Discourse team, for example -- or any other named group in Discourse?

The page could be a lot simpler than the user page, with these subtabs:

  • simple flat list of recent posts by any member of the group (default)

  • online state of each group member (last seen time)

... and some of the other features from the user page, but just the essentials.

That would answer a lot of requests for the "Blizzard tracker" feature right off the bat. And it makes sense that a group would have a public page just like a user does, too.

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Cross domain rules, followed?


Abhishek Gupta wrote:

So, i use this page to gather information and post a new topic in my instance of discourse smile

Page: http://awake-gaming.com/join-us.htmlForums: http://forums.awake-gaming.com/

It is working fine. But when i took a look at console, i got this :

Although in discourse.conf , under conf.d in nginx directory i have

add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" ;

But still the error, yes, the post is created in forums, but is this a bug in chrome? or in discorse?

I restarted nginx after adding those lines, is that enough? do i need to compile headers?

Link to question on serverfault : http://serverfault.com/questions/568308/how-to-setup-cross-domain-rules-in-discourse

Question on SO : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21484408/add-access-control-allow-origin-in-nginx-discourse-conf

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502 Bad gateway


Tarık wrote:

Hi all;
i am getting bad gateway error and i think i lost my concentration so i need your help on this.

this is my nginx error log

2013/04/16 13:08:13 [error] 788#0: *20 connect() to unix:///var/www/discourse/tmp/sockets/thin.1.sock failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: x.x.x.x, server: localhost, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://unix:///var/www/discourse/tmp/sockets/thin.1.sock:/", host: "xxxxxxx.xxx"

any ideas please
i am going crazy

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How to replace the IP address from the email notifications with the domain name


Mihai Barbulescu wrote:

The email notifications have an IP address (I think a local IP) instead of the domain name( e.g. www.example.com ) set . I'm wondering how can we change that (e.g. ) . I already set company_domain .

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Specify the category by name or number?


Watchman Monitoring wrote:

My Wordpress / discourse bridge is working, but posts don't go into the right category.

Should I be specifying a category number? and if so, is there's a way to determine the category without diving into the database?

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URL shortening service support

Fixing the Windows Shared Folder problem


Erwin NH wrote:

Referring to this thread: https://meta.discourse.org/t/development-mode-super-slow/2179/6?u=erwinnh

I am attempting to follow the instructions provided here to get away from my shared folders in Windows. But, full disclosure, I really don't understand this process.

Try just copying everything from /vagrant into a local folder (I use ~/vagrant), then running it again.

For my development, I keep two aliases in my .zshrc:

alias sin="rsync -a --delete /vagrant ~"
alias sout="rsync -a --delete ~/vagrant /"

Can anyone explain what ^ this means? I don't have a /vagrant folder.

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Please visit our Discourse Forum! (Directory)


F. Randall Farmer wrote:

I know I'd like to visit various new Discourse servers once in awhile as they come up. As you'd like a visitor or two, please post your URL here and a description of the purpose of your site and any other notes...

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The system user needs a cool avatar


Kane York wrote:

Currently, the system user's avatar is this:

(note - I had to add a hack to get that to onebox - I added &x=.png to the end of the URL. pencil that down as a bug)

I think it would be cool if we could come up with some themed avatar for the system user.

Thoughts, ideas, specific images?


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Custom home page to discourse


bunjee wrote:

Greetings Discoursers,

Congratulations for what you did so far. It looks great.

I'm in the process of adding my custom home to discourse.

I'm new to Ember so I followed this cool tutorial from @eviltrout: http://eviltrout.com/2013/02/27/adding-to-discourse-part-1.html.

Added the following at the end of application_routes.js:

this.resource('home', { path: '/home' });

Created home_route.js inside app / assets / javascripts / discourse / routes.

Discourse.HomeRoute = Discourse.Route.extend({
  renderTemplate: function() {

Created home.js.handlebars inside app / assets / javascripts / discourse / templates.


For some reason I still get 404 when accessing myDiscourse.com/home.

Does anybody know why ?

Edit: I'm using bitnami and I precompile assets with the following:

sudo ​/opt/bitnami/ruby/bin/ruby bin/rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

Thanks ♥.

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Bulk topic selection UI problems


Kane York wrote:

  1. The wrench is in a horrible position. I don't have a suggestion for where to put it, but the current is bad.
  2. The background-color on checked rows doesn't work for some reason. https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/1696cde2ff7b1e20b5668c5c3509172f071aa0e2#diff-caf0a1cb28e94d61b20b99b0fbc13149R72

This CSS definitely works:

#topic-list > tbody > tr.checked:nth-child(even) {
    background-color: #F8F8C6;

#topic-list > tbody > tr.checked:nth-child(odd) {
    background-color: #FFFFCC;

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Image embedding is broken

Retweet trusted users' tweets based on hashtag


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

When I first saw @Sam's Discourse Security Guide my first thought was "so handy! has the internets been informed?"

Since it's only on Sam's Twitter feed and not the Discourse one, the answer was "only sort of".

I got to wondering how these sort of important news could be consolidated a bit more effectively. I managed to dig up an IFTTT recipe of what I was trying to achieve, but unfortunately it's outdated and I was unsuccessful at updating it.

Sooo, this ended up becoming more needy than helpful, but if someone can figure out a simple method for automatic retweeting of a specific user's specific hashtag, twitter/discourse would have all the news.

(Alternatively you could use http://grouptweet.com/, but it's expensive)

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Clicking arrows in progress bar not working right


David McClure wrote:

seen this a few times here on meta

  • when I click the Up Arrow, it does nothing (should go to the first post)
  • when I click the Down Arrow, it goes to the first post (should go to the last post)

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Photos always resize to 690px


Ray wrote:

The copy & paste img URL is amazing but once the user has pasted the photos, it looks like there's a slight issue in resizing them. If you observer user Carvacious, you'll see that the defacto width is 690px but after posting the photos it looks under 690px. I've then all edited photo size to 700px & it all looks fine after.

I logged out to see if the effects have settled but checking via Chrome inspector inspect element, we see that it's back to 690px width.

If I hit the edit button, it shows 700px width & the photos simultaneously show 700px width. Once a complete page refresh is hit, it's back to 690px.

Nissan IDx @ MTHQ

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What about an easier styling/theming system?


Jeff Atwood wrote:

This would really just be a "CSS generator".

How about a page that has nice color selectors and then nicely named coloring categories, like:

  • Primary background color
  • Secondary background color
  • Tertiary background color
  • Primary text color
  • Secondary text color
  • Primary link color
  • Secondary link color
  • Button background
  • Button background hover
  • Button text
  • Button text hover
  • Last poster highlight color

It doesn't need to be super detailed or advanced or able to do everything. Let people choose the colors on that page, and then click "Generate Style" which outputs a CSS page on the pre-existing Style page which they can then apply.

Most of the hours of work in theming Discourse are "replace #fff with #333, replace link colors with orange, replace #333/other dark with #ccc/other light". Having a simple styling CSS generator would get us 80% of the way there, and then we would be able to just fine-tune the colors of things.

(this text belongs to @DanYouhon but I really wanted it here for discussion and could not wait, sorry Dan!)

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Proper handling of loss of connection


Kane York wrote:

Currently, if you lose internet connection and try to refresh the homepage, you get stuck at a loading screen, even though the browser knows the request failed:

Would be nice if you replaced the loading spinner with a failure message.

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