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Editing the name of an uploaded image


@BerryBlue wrote:

How do you change the name of an attached image? I noticed it preserves the original name.

I've also tried deleting the post entirely and submitting a new post with renamed image files but it still preserves the name of the original image attachment.

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Log in with Discourse?


@ark wrote:

My users are all signed up on Discourse, not via SSO. Is there any way to provide a "log in with discourse" button on my webapp? Most of the threads I can find just have info on using an external user database with Discourse, not the other way around.

I don't need (and would prefer to not use) oauth or anything overly complicated, just a check that the user knows the u/p for that account.

My frontend loadbalancer(s) all emit X-Forwarded-For, and Discourse's docker nginx config trusts them for it, so just attempting to POST a login should work and not trigger anything like too many login attempts from one IP?

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Deprecating ObjectController


@eviltrout wrote:

Ember 1.11 includes a major deprecation that affects Discourse in a big way: ObjectController has been deprecated. We unfortunately have dozens of ObjectControllers in our codebase and they will need to be migrated to regular Controllers.

It would take too long migrate them all in this release, so the plan is to have developers can fix them incrementally they encounter them. Here is my suggested plan of attack:

  • Leave all controllers as ObjectControllers for now. I have actually silenced their warnings so in development mode for now you will not even be alerted to it.

  • You will get warnings when the deprecated functionality of an ObjectController is used. Here's how to fix them:

    • In a template, {{name}} will output a deprecation in the console until you replace it with

    • In the ObjectController, any calls to this.get('name') will have to be replaced with this.get('model.name')

    • Sometimes we'd add additional properties to the ObjectController itself without declaring them. If you call this.set and expect the value to be set on the controller itself, make sure you initialize the property like this: customProperty: null when the ObjectController is declared.

    • This goes without saying but test the functionality of properties you changed. Make sure the site still works in your browser. Do not submit PRs you haven't tested thoroughly.

Over time, we will reduce the amount of proxy errors to nothing. Once we do this, we will convert all ObjectController instances to Controller and identify any more regressions.

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Ember 1.11 Upgrade Notes + Discourse Stability


@eviltrout wrote:

Shortly, we will be merging in support for Ember 1.11. This is an exciting release for Ember because it has many performance benefits over our current version of 1.09, so Discourse should be snappier across all platforms.

It is probable that the tests-passed/master branch of Discourse will have regressions. As always, use caution when running the bleeding edge of discourse in production. The latest beta of discourse does not have the ember upgrade included, so if you are on that you will not need to be concerned about this upgrade.

We'll be running master here on meta and on our try.discourse.org servers. Report anything you see that isn't working correctly here and we'll fix it promptly!

When things have stabilized in this branch we'll make a beta release, but only once we're sure everything is running smoothly.

If you are a developer, please see this topic about deprecations.

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Profile Preview update


@AlexAB wrote:

Hello, for our "support" forum users it's annoying for them to have to navigate to the user seeking support's profile to see if they filled out the questions that I (as admin) set up (to help with support) such as:

  • Software version
  • Computer type and version...etc.

These are important bits of information when supporting and answering questions.

See the question below that I made so users could update in their profile below:

Now this takes me to a suggestion, what if we would support that information in the profile preview area? (when someone clicks on the name) see below:

People would much rather know the answers to the profile questions such as: their operating system and version than what badges they may or may not have. If your interested, this is the related thread on our forum.


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Force image to keep external url reference?


@JP_ wrote:

Automatically downloading/hosting images is nice, but there needs to be a way to opt out for some images.

For example, this gif is dynamically generated as a countdown to a specific date: http://gifcountdown.com/america-chicago/1431176400/141414/0f0f0f/aaaaaa/fdfdfd/faedad/true/counter.gif

[edit: if that link gets cached as an image, here:



If I embed it with html tags, Discourse will download and cache the current version, making it outdated when people come back and look at it later.

Is there some property in the tag I can add to tell Discourse to keep the external reference?

edit: Didn't realize simply pasting the image link on its own line would embed it -- testing to see if that's cached as well.

Also, I'd love a Discourse plugin that would let you post auto-converted time/dates like that. wink

edit2: It seems to cache images even if they're just posted as links, whether or not they're on their own line (if they weren't on their own line, they change from a link to an embedded image, which changes the post's formatting -- is that intentional?).

edit3: found the remote download whitelist, which helps, but it'd be nice for users to have that ability on a case by case basis. The formatting change still seems weird to me.

edit4: I can't get the remote download whitelist to work sweat

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What's wrong with this CSS?


@Erik_Manger wrote:


I have a CSS code for Discourse backgrounds. The problem is, when I scroll down, the image doesn't scroll down - rather, a white background appears and covers the wallpaper...

    html, body {
    height: 100%;

// solid white background for content
body:before {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 1125px;
    min-height: 100%;
    height: inherit;
    background-color: white;
    content: " ";
    position: fixed;
    left: 50%;
    right: 0;
    transform: translate(-50%, 0);
    -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 0);

// compatibility for all devices
@media (max-width: 1139px) and (min-width: 1000px)
    body:before {
        width: 1010px;

.d-header {
    box-shadow: none;

body {
  background: url('http://minecraftrad.io/images/bg1.jpg') no-repeat 50% 50% fixed; 
  background-size: cover;
  -moz-background-size: cover;
  -o-background-size: cover;
  -webkit-background-size: cover;

What's wrong with it? The category background feature wont work because there is no white background for topics, etc. and it just simply looks bad.

All help appreciated!

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Let me Into-duce my self my name is Joshua Munene


@kenyacode wrote:

Hello Discourse Dev community, I am a new web developer who just graduated form general assembly's web development full stack program. I have written some small aps and I want to jump into a more robust full feature app like Discourse. Another developer told me about Discourse and here I am. I installed discourse onto my machine and I would love any guidance on writing tests. I also go by the name kenyacode.

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Files with weird permissions in the git repository


@darix wrote:

While upgrading my discourse rpm to beta7 i wanted to clean up my rpmlint warnings.

All those files have the x bit set but lack a shebang line. Do they need to be executable?

test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Inline HTML (Advanced).text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Inline HTML (Simple).xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Inline HTML comments.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Markdown Documentation - Basics.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Inline HTML (Simple).text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Markdown Documentation - Syntax.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Links, shortcut references.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Literal quotes in titles.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Blockquotes with code blocks.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Ordered and unordered lists.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Links, shortcut references.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Code Spans.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Backslash escapes.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Ordered and unordered lists.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Links, reference style.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Markdown Documentation - Syntax.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Blockquotes with code blocks.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Links, inline style.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Inline HTML (Advanced).xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Auto links.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Markdown Documentation - Basics.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Inline HTML comments.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Hard-wrapped paragraphs with list-like lines.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Hard-wrapped paragraphs with list-like lines.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Backslash escapes.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Literal quotes in titles.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Nested blockquotes.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Code Spans.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Amps and angle encoding.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Links, reference style.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Strong and em together.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Horizontal rules.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Code Blocks.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Horizontal rules.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Links, inline style.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Strong and em together.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Amps and angle encoding.xhtml
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Code Blocks.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Auto links.text
test/javascripts/mdtest/fixtures/Nested blockquotes.text

Those files have a shebang line but are not marked as executable:

config/cloud/cloud66/scripts/drop_create.sh 0640L /bin/bash
script/memstats.rb 0640L /usr/bin/env
script/version_bump.rb 0640L /usr/bin/env
vendor/gems/rails_multisite/Rakefile 0640L /usr/bin/env
script/test_email_settings.rb 0640L /usr/bin/env
vendor/gems/discourse_imgur/Rakefile 0640L /usr/bin/env
Rakefile 0640L /usr/bin/env
config/cloud/cloud66/scripts/permissions.sh 0640L /bin/bash
config/cloud/cloud66/scripts/migrate.sh 0640L /bin/bash
config/cloud/cloud66/scripts/import_prod.sh 0640L /bin/bash
config/cloud/cloud66/scripts/curl.sh 0640L /bin/bash
config/cloud/cloud66/scripts/env_vars.sh 0640L /bin/bash
config/cloud/cloud66/scripts/import_dev.sh 0640L /bin/bash
config/cloud/cloud66/scripts/kill_db.sh 0640L /bin/bash

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How to enable private messages?


@Alex_Flom wrote:

On meta.discourse.org when clicking on a user's avatar, there is a blue button called 'message' , but there is no such message on my installation, and couldn't find where to enable it...

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Possible to filter by GT/GTE dates?


@rchoi wrote:

Would like to do some custom reporting on Topics, sub-filtered by Categories. To do so, would like to do a filter on Topic with created date GT/GTE a certain date, and filtered by Topic.

I don't see an obvious way to do it. Any ideas? I'm using the pydiscourse library, if that hurts/helps.



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Discourse support is amazing!


@Erik_Manger wrote:

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to give a main shout out to all of you who help members like myself with Discourse customization issues, support questions, etc.

It is greatly appreciated. Don't think it goes un-noticed smile

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Bulk file uploads (for migration)


@4ZM wrote:

We almost managed to migrate from Vanilla to discourse. Unfortunately the migration script didn't handle attachments.

Manually uploading all files and creating a "here is a list of all old attachments"-post with links to the documents would be an acceptable, albeit not very elegant solution, in our particual case. Is there any beter way?

Our naive approach, puting all files in an uploads/oldforum directory and creating links to them in a post, only works for images. Other files types can't be accessed ("The page you requested doesn't exist or is private."). Why? and is there any way around this?

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Using Discourse API for logout when the "Require authentication to read content on this site, disallow anonymous access." setting is checked


@asko wrote:


I enabled the setting "Require authentication to read content on this site, disallow anonymous access".

I'm making a POST request to the admin endpoint /admin/users/{USER_ID}/log_out, but whenever the above setting was enabled, it returned with no users found, and gave an error in logout.

As soon as I disabled the setting, my POST request went through just fine.

For reference, I have SSO enabled, and I'm sending the api key and username in my request.

Let me know if there's a workaround or if I'm thinking about this incorrectly.
Thanks in advance!

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Polls don't fit on mobile

Gathering statistics


@Rufus wrote:

I'd like to be able to measure how well we answer questions in our forums.

Is there an efficient way to find:

  • Posts without replies
  • Posts with replies by people in a particular group (e.g. admins)
  • Posts with replies after anyone from a particular group has posted (e.g. replies that need replies)
  • Limit this by a date range applied to either the post creation or the replies
  • Measure the time between the post creation and the first reply from a group.

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Embedded Youtube Videos: URL always showing "https://youtube.com/devicesupport"


@Yuun wrote:

As seen here:

There don't seem to be any unusual steps needed to produce this bug, just posting a youtube video will do it. Affects videos posted before today as well (assuming a recent update is the cause).

Everything else related to the video (actual link to original, video replay) is unaffected.

Update - this appears to only applies to the image generated before the actual video loads. Clicking 'play' and loading the video switches out the /devicesupport URL for the title of the Youtube video.

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Cannot edit a poll after 5 minutes as an administrator


@kennym wrote:

I was trying to update an old poll post as an administrator after updating to the latest version of Discourse, and I got the message "You cannot update a poll after 5 minutes, please contact a moderator".

Can you please fix that if I am logged in as a moderator or administrator that it updates the poll, please? This is clearly a bug.

I am running on Discourse: v1.3.0.beta7 +2

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How can we enable Auth0 SSO in Discourse


@User143 wrote:

I have one new wordpress installation with PrimeTime WordPress + Discourse SSO
plugin for dicourse and wordpress integration and also i am using

Wordpress Auth0 plugin for auth0 integration.

The discourse integration and Auth0 integration Successfully done in
But when i logged in wordpress through the Auth0 i need to automatically
login in discourse also (Single sign on). How can we make the single
sign on in wordpress and discourse. Please suggest the better options..

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Different category styles for "Latest" and "Categories" pages?


@steelmaiden wrote:

I'd like to have bullet style on my "Latest" page and box style on my "Categories" page.

Is there a way to do this yet?

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