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How to get subcategory names using API?


@michaeld wrote:

/categories.json returns a list of categories.

For subcategories, only the id's are listed in category_list.categories.n.subcategory_ids

How can one get the other information about a subcategory using the API ? I can't seem to find it...

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Fill in post for user?


@peternlewis wrote:

I looked at the API, but I don't think it will do what I want (for one thing it requires the user to create an API key which isn't going to be practical).

What I want to do is have a way for my Mac application (Keyboard Maestro) to allow users to post content (from the application) to the forum. So the user selects a chunk of content, and clicks a button, and the forum opens up with the New Topic fields filled in (category, subject, content, including an uploaded file). The user can then edit the post as they desire before posting it.

Ideally, if the user is not logged in, they would be prompted to login/create an account first, but I could accept that they simply have to be logged in first.

Is there any way to accomplish something like this?

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Upgrading from Discourse


@jessp01 wrote:

Hello all,

I have installed this instance using the now deprecated method listed here:

I understand the current recommended install is via Docker which I am fine with.
However, looking here:

It says: Both the new and old Discourses MUST BE ON THE EXACT SAME VERSION to ensure proper backup/export.

How do I upgrade the existing instance to latest or, is there another easier option?
I am fine with any solution so long as there is no data loss.


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500 error when log in as admin


@beginner wrote:

I'v deploied discourse without docker or vagrant. I'v just cloned it.
When I try to log in as admin in production mode, I'm getting 500 error:

Started GET "/" for at 2015-06-07 22:43:43 +0200
Processing by ListController#latest as HTML
  Rendered list/list.erb within layouts/application (1.2ms)
  Rendered layouts/_head.html.erb (0.1ms)
  Rendered common/_special_font_face.html.erb (0.3ms)
  Rendered common/_discourse_stylesheet.html.erb (115.3ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 172ms (ActiveRecord: 26.9ms)

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `imported_filenames' for #<DiscourseSassImporter:0x0000000b1acab0>
  (in /home/local/discourse/app/assets/stylesheets/common/admin/admin_base.scss)):
     5: <%- end %>
     7: <%- if staff? %>
     8:   <%= stylesheet_link_tag "admin"%>
     9: <%- end %>
    11: <%- unless customization_disabled? %>
  app/views/common/_discourse_stylesheet.html.erb:8:in `_app_views_common__discourse_stylesheet_html_erb___3074388405429045765_74727940'
  app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:10:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__2602374800218544852_76003000'
  lib/topic_list_responder.rb:15:in `block (2 levels) in respond_with_list'
  lib/topic_list_responder.rb:11:in `respond_with_list'
  app/controllers/list_controller.rb:82:in `block (2 levels) in <class:ListController>'
  lib/middleware/anonymous_cache.rb:123:in `call'
  config/initializers/quiet_logger.rb:10:in `call_with_quiet_assets'
  config/initializers/silence_logger.rb:26:in `call'
  lib/middleware/request_tracker.rb:70:in `call'

It works only when I comment this line: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "admin"%>, but this causes having no admin styles.
Any idea?

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Keep poll results hidden?


@gordon_ryan wrote:

Pretty sure this isn't possible, but is there a way to keep poll results hidden? I want to do a secret ballot where only I know the results (until I want to announce them).

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Bundler version


@uwe_keim wrote:

When doing an upgrade through '/admin/upgrade#/upgrade/discourse', I get the warning in the on-screen log:

Warning: the running version of Bundler is older than the version that created the lockfile. We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running gem install bundler.

My question:

Is this something I can (should?) fix on my server, outside the Docker container?

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How to Upgrade Discourse from Azure Gallery Install


@CleverPatrick wrote:

I just installed discourse to a new virtual machine from the Azure gallery. It installed version The admin screen tells me that this version is woefully old and that I should upgrade to version 1.3.1.

I agree with the admin screen.

So now what? How do I do it? I've asked Google about a hundred different ways, and Google keeps telling me how to upgrade from a different starting point than I am at.

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How to load gzipped assets from cdn?


@Dmitry_Skavish wrote:

hey there,

we are setting up our forum at forum.animatron.com and found some problems we could not find any answers to. if you guys can answer it that would be awesome, thanks!

  • we enabled cdn for our forum following this article: https://meta.discourse.org/t/enable-a-cdn-for-your-discourse/14857
    the problem is that it loads static assets (.js etc) in uncompressed state which results in huge downloads (around 6mb).
    the funny things is that gzipped assets are already there, if you add .gz to the end of any of those static assets (i.e. blablabla.js.gz) it will be loaded. the question is how to force discourse to request those gzipped assets, not uncompressed ones?

  • we installed our SSO using this plugin https://gist.github.com/RobertoUa/c4ba4504ececad6585be
    the problem is that it created some nasty looking usernames which we cannot change. attempt to change any of those usernames either shows an error (error changing username) or just does nothing.

any insights into how to fix it would be much appreciated, thanks!

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@mention full name autocomplete doesn't work with international characters


@noamraph wrote:

Is there any reason @mentions don't autocomplete using the full name if it's not in English (specifically, if it's in Hebrew)? I plan to create a Hebrew forum mostly using full names, and having to switch to English, and remember the username, just to mention somebody is a real pain.

(If it can be fixed and isn't too complicated, I will be glad to contribute a patch.)


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Unsuccessful Page loads (especially on first try)


@Matthew_Gaudet wrote:

I'm trying to deploy a stand-alone discourse docker instance, but I'm finding that I'm getting unsuccessful page loads (blank pages). When I load the page the first time as an admin, sometimes I see miniprofiler report a up to 10 seconds for DOM Loaded Event. Yet, once the site is cached, everything seems fine. I've actually found I cannot get a successful page load if I use firefox's inspector, and hit the 'disable cache' button in settings.

Looking at the network profiler, I see huge load times for some files (though, it doesn't seem consistent); sometimes it's application-.js, othertimes it is vendor or en.

Similar effects happen if I try wgetting application js:

$ wget http://foo.internal.com/assets/application-1914811d144d39813a1f2689a90390b0.js
--2015-06-09 16:16:55--  foo.internal.com/assets/application-1914811d144d39813a1f2689a90390b0.js
Resolving foo.internal.com (foo.internal.com)...  x.y.22.219
Connecting to foo.internal.com (foo.internal.com)| x.y.22.219|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 3218361 (3.1M) [application/javascript]
Saving to: ‘application-1914811d144d39813a1f2689a90390b0.js’

 0% [                                                                                                                             ] 13,455      --.-K/s  eta 2h 8m

The transfer is completely stalled.

I'm sure this is a local problem, however, I'm not seeing any thing in the logging that indicates any way to pursue this. Any suggestions?

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Enhancements to Embedding Comments


@eviltrout wrote:

I checked in two enhancements to embedding comments on remote sites today:

You can now embed comments on multiple hosts. Just use the + button to add more.

You can also embed to an existing topic without creating it. Normally embedding is meant to create the topic, but some people want to create the topic in advance and then embed its comments elsewhere. To do this, grab the topicId from the URL. The topicId is the number that immediately follows the slug. For example given the URL http://meta.discourse.org/t/hello-world/12345/2 the topicId is 12345.

Use this slightly different embed code to embed by topic. Replace discourseUrl and topicId with your values:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var DiscourseEmbed = {
    discourseUrl: 'http://meta.discourse.org/',
    topicId: 29425

  (function() {
    var d = document.createElement('script'); d.type = 'text/javascript'; d.async = true;
      d.src = DiscourseEmbed.discourseUrl + 'javascripts/embed.js';
    (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(d);

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How to use :date: emoji?


@strager wrote:

How do you use the date function? It always seems to show an arbitrary date when you put just :date: - is there a way to change what date is shown?

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Discourse.Route.buildRoutes is not a function


@haroldsanchezb wrote:

I'm trying to create a new route in discourse with ember, but when i try to visit the new page, appear that not exists, and in console log an error appears: Discourse.Route.buildRoutes is not a function

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Better indication a topic is locked


@strager wrote:

So I was perusing the Emby forums the other day and I came across a locked thread. It was very obvious that the thread was locked because instead of the Post Reply button there was a big giant "This Topic is Locked" icon in it's place. Just wanted to suggest that Discourse consider doing something similar - this is really helpful as an end user so you aren't spending any time trying to reply to something when you don't realize it is locked.

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Adding a "spectrogram" poll type

Using the Discourse API to post with uploaded files?


@peternlewis wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Fill in post for user?:

Is it possible to use the Discourse API (ideally with curl) to upload files (and get the Discourse URL for the uploaded file) (best), or to post a message that includes one or more files (ok, but less ideal)?

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Search just the initial topic post, excluding replies?

Finished a large migration and "password recovery" doesn't work for my users / Test email yes


@cyborg wrote:

I've finished a 1M posts VB migration which I am intending to do a tutorial for smile since it took me a good research time that I want to minimize for others...

Anyways, straight to the point is that when I do the test emails, it works (using Mandrill) but when my user(s) try to recover their emails, those emails never reach. Checking mandrill and discourse log and nothing there either... It's like these never get tried to be sent as I can see the test emails on the log but not the other recovery ones.

Where could I look to diagnose?

Best regards,

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Prevent body from scrolling when dropdown is active


@tgxworld wrote:

It is really hard to be precise about how much to scroll to reach the end of the dropdown. What usually ends up happening is that I overscroll and the main body starts to scroll.

I was thinking if we would want to disable scrolling on the body when the dropdown is active or at least when the mouse is hovering the dropdown.

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Increase the number of Sidekiq processes temporarily


@cyborg wrote:


How could I increase the number of sidekiq processes in order to clearup a queue faster? I have plenty memory not used and CPU for this purpose.

Would adding UNICORN_SIDEKIQS=5 to the app.yml work?

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