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Transifex enforces parenthesis in translations - can it be switched off?


@meglio wrote:

In some cases, the translation should not contain parenthesis.

For example:

Average time (hours)

In Russian, however, units of measurement must be specified after comma:

Среднее время, часов

(hours translates to the word marked in bold)

Transifex does not let me Review the translation:

Can this enforcement be switched off, or is it the way Transifex works?

p.s. Translation key: reports.time_to_first_response.yaxis

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I would like to translate search special keywords: category:, status: etc


@meglio wrote:

Please could you make these translatable:

If my users don't understand English at all, how are they going to use this feature?

Note 1. Because this is actually part of functionality rather than GUI, I propose making these translatable in Settings, untranslated by default. I suppose every forum owner might translate it differently. The search help page should then show the translated version accordingly.

Note 2. Even if translated in Settings, English version of keywords should work as well.

P.S. The translation key to fix if it's implemented : static.search_help

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Explanation for "Muted" mode might be confusing


@meglio wrote:

Currently it says:

You will not be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear on your unread tab.

The problem arises when there is no "Unread" tab in the menu (can be configured in Settings) - it then confuses as people ask "Where is that tab and what I don't see it".

Translation key: js.category.notifications.muted.description

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How to change tracking icons


@meglio wrote:

Is there a way to change tracking icons?

I'd like to try using loud-speaker as a base for all 4 icons. The circle makes little sense and I notice that my users never click there and don't know what is that for. I think a different icon would bring their attention.

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Make tracking labels customizable


@meglio wrote:

It would be nice if tracking labels were customizable in settings. I think they can be "styled" uniquely for different communities.

I mean these:

  • Muted
  • Regular
  • Tracking
  • Watching

For example, for community of musicians I'd use:

  • Muted
  • Piano
  • Forte
  • Fortissimo

Additionally, it would be nice to be able to thematize the longer explanatory text under the labels as well.

I think all this thematisation should be available in Settings.

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What does "roll up IP blocks" mean?


@meglio wrote:

Please could someone explain what does "roll up IP blocks" mean?

Translation key: admin_js.admin.logs.staff_actions.actions.roll_up
File: client.en.yml

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Resize images after uploading


@meglio wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Optimize images before uploading?:

If it's not clear how to efficiently resize images client-side, we should probably resize them server-side after uploading.


  1. A user uploads an image 10MB. It's checked against a [newly created] setting max_upload_image_size_kb.
  2. The image is then resized to max_image_size_kb (for example, 3MB). So, no original image of 10MB is saved, but rather only the resized version 3MB.
  3. A thumbnail is created for image if its size is bigger than max_image_width and max_image_height (the way it works now).

This way we allow users to upload big images without the boredom of resizing them before uploading. In the same time, we only store reasonable size of the images, configurable in Settings.

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Images inside the post is not visible


@veryx wrote:


I have installed discourse for internal usage of my company.

When I opened it to internet, the forum works fine except that the images inside the post is not visible in internet.But the avatar is visible.

When I checked the image link, the url for the image shows the local ip and the avatar have the correct public ip. I am not sure whether I have missed something when opening the forum to internet.

So now I want to replace the ip of the image with the public ip if it is accessed from internet. How can I do that. I mean which file I have to edit for this.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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On the /badges page, order trust level correctly (also, allow badges ordering for admins)


@meglio wrote:

Currently, trust levels are ordered alphabetically on the /badges page.

For example, in Russian it may look like this (trust level marked by red):

I think, it should be sorted by trust level ASC.

Not to make too many topics, I'd also like to propose right here that badges are orderable by admin. As a good example of the inconsistency of the alphabetical ordering, take a look at our Russian badges - Promouter, Campaigner and Champion should really go together.

Placing them in a separate category is not a valid workaround as the ordering can still be wrong depending on the translation.

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System flag notification repeated several times


@adundovi wrote:

I'm fighting with a flood of notifications when the system flag a potential spammer (which is luckily not often). On the same automatically-given flag by system, I'm receiving several notifications (several mails too). The flag is about:

This new user tried to create multiple posts with links to the same domain. See the newuser_spam_host_threshold site setting.

Here is the screenshot:

All moderators/administrators experience the same thing. Is this a known bug?

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Accidental space at end of url causes page not found


@gingerling wrote:

I have links from the bottom of my manual pages for example https://phplist.org/manual/ at the bottom of each page (but the manual exists in a few other places too).

I / another documenter accidentally typed a space at the end of one url.

When the link is clicked, it takes you to a page which says "The page you requested doesn't exist or is private." then when you refresh the url it's fine, I guess the browser removes the space.

I tried a few other website urls I know well, adding in a space at the end, and they all went though fine. Is this a bug in discourse? Or perhaps it is because it is a link I am clicking rather than a typed url? Sorry if this is a dumbass question.

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How to create different groups


@martindoersch wrote:

How can I create different stuff groups - maybe I have missed something.

I want groupA to see category u,v and w. And groupB to see x,y and z.

Thanks Martin

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First post result link in search within topic causing entire topic to re-render

Seeding Discourse's database in a testing environment


@RabidFX wrote:

I'm tinkering with Discourse a bit, learning some Ruby and moving towards writing a few plugins.

I have a dev VM (Vagrant-powered), and would like to have test data ready for me there. Even better, if a fellow member-developper of my community clones my Git repo, I would like him to have all the test data there without any effort.

My solution was to directly edit the db/fixtures/*.rb files to insert all the data I need in database. But it seems its not working as I thought it was.

My 001_categories.rb:

# fix any bust caches post initial migration
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:subclasses).each{|m| m.reset_column_information}

if SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id == -1 || !Category.exists?(SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id)
  puts "Seeding uncategorized category!"

  result = Category.exec_sql "SELECT 1 FROM categories WHERE lower(name) = 'uncategorized'"
  name = 'Uncategorized'
  if result.count > 0
    name << SecureRandom.hex

  result = Category.exec_sql "INSERT INTO categories
          (name,color,slug,description,text_color, user_id, created_at, updated_at, position, name_lower)
   VALUES ('#{name}', 'AB9364', 'uncategorized', '', 'FFFFFF', -1, now(), now(), 1, '#{name.downcase}' )
  category_id = result[0]["id"].to_i

  Category.exec_sql "DELETE FROM site_settings where name = 'uncategorized_category_id'"
  Category.exec_sql "INSERT INTO site_settings(name, data_type, value, created_at, updated_at)
           VALUES ('uncategorized_category_id', 3, #{category_id}, now(), now())"

  Category.exec_sql "INSERT INTO categories
          (name,color,slug,description,text_color, user_id, created_at, updated_at, position, name_lower)
   VALUES ('Idées', 'bcb5ad', 'idees', 'Exprimez vos idées !', 'FFFFFF', -1, now(), now(), 2, 'idées' )

This last INSERT block is mine, and should add a new (and very française) category of my own in there.

Thing is... After a bundle exec rake db:migrate... it doesnt. What am I doing wrong?

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Can you please help me with WP SSO? (Official SSO for Discourse plugin


@holden wrote:


I'm new to Discourse and I'm trying to setup SSO for Discourse / WP, but I'm confused by some settings. I searched for a Discourse / WP SSO 'how to' but couldn't find one. Can someone please tell me what I should enter/check for the following fields? I've included a screenshot of the 'login' page below.

Thanks in advance,



enable sso

enable sso provider

sso secret (I SET THIS UP OKAY)

sso overrides email

sso overrides username

sso overrides name

sso overrides avatar

sso not approved url

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Delete all categories/subcats without deleting posts


@Emily wrote:


Trying a big rearrangement of our forum. Whereas topics had been parsed out into categories and subcats, I'd now like no formal organisation, just the latest posts at the top. I know I can set default view to list newest topics, but I'd like the categories themselves to disappear too.

What's the easiest way to do this? Thanks!

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SSO with Wordpress but users cannot change their username


@namtrok wrote:

I have the SSO for Wordpress installed configured and working,... users are able to signup/login as expected.

However users cannot change their username.

I've set the username change period to 90 days but that still doesn't allow users to change their name (within 90 days of creating the account, users still cannot change their username)

Here's the user's screenshot showing the lack of an edit pencil next to their username.

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Core Advertisements


@EDisc wrote:

Through all my research on Google I can only come up with posts that are several years old that really get into this topic. Is there any way to add advertisements into a Discourse hosted forum? Either on the sides, top, bottom, and especially injecting in-between posts? If this is a paid only type of feature that's fine, but I'm not seeing any information on it whatsoever which is strange to me.

If it isn't a core feature, does anyone know of any third party plug-ins that can do the same?

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Create a category with restricted access


@riking wrote:

  • admin/groups/custom > +New
  • Fill out name (groupA, groupB) and other stuff Save, add members if required (could be done later, either on this page or individual users' admin pages) + Add:

  • Go to each category page (u, v, w, x, y, z) , hammer Edit > Security > Edit Permissions

  • Select your new group (groupA, groupB) from the drop down, Select Create/Reply/See (or one of the others if necessary) > Add Permission

  • Delete the Everyone permission
  • Save Category

Note that Admins (but not mods) can see all categories regardless of those settings.

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Varnish in front Discourse


@michael_solomon wrote:

Hi guys,

What the point to use Varnish upon Discourse? Most the content is a dynamic (uncachable) anyway no? (posts are dynamic... I think so...)


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