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How do you install an earlier version of Discourse?


@AstonJ wrote:

I only have a backup of an older version and its recommend that both the install and backup are the same version - but how can I specify a specific version of Discourse on install?.

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Unofficial community docs - learndiscourse.org


@erlend_sh wrote:

Continuing the discussion from A community effort to improve Discourse's documentation:

After a few occasional weekend sprints, I’m happy to share with you all what we've got so far:

Go have a look at learndiscourse.org, v1.0

Huge thanks goes out to @fantasticfears, @mcwumbly and @nahtnam for getting this off the ground together with me. We all owe a special thanks to @fantasticfears for doing most of the technical heavy lifting, which repeatedly gave the rest of us a much needed boost.

What is learndiscourse.org?

LearnDiscourse is just a Jekyll site, pulling all of its content from meta.discourse.org. It's all of Meta's How-to & FAQ articles, neatly categorised and collected into one clean overview.

The way it works is a mixture of automatic and manual labor. But the average doc contributor won't ever have to leave Meta, or even learn any new conventions (though we might wanna try introduce some of those eventually).

To learn more about how it works, check out our WIP workflow doc.

We plan to keep iterating on this process, most likely introducing more advanced automation and build processes in the future.

What is the purpose of learndiscourse.org?

This site is our attempt at creating a proper documentation portal for the Discourse project. And since

  1. there's already loads of top notch content hosted on Meta, and;
  2. Discourse has a top-of-the-line content editor...

...we concluded that the only major thing missing was a clear A-Z presentation layer. So that's what the first iteration of learndiscourse.org is, and nothing more.

Going forward, I'm hoping Meta and LearnDiscourse can positively influence one another, and continue to be pulled ever closer together.

What does the "v1.0" mean?

This is merely the first iteration of the site. With more time and support, we'd like to keep on experimenting, as we have several ideas on how to make this site more useful. But before we get into that, this is what we'll continue working on, content-wise, for v1.0:


The current lineup isn't very impressive, but I will continue creating original articles for the Users category, with hopefully other contributors joining in over time.


Still very WIP. Hoping @mcwumbly can initiate some articles here once he's got more time on his hands.




Also very sparse, and will probably stay that way until Discourse has more powerful theming capabilities built in.


  • The Sub-categorisation (Install, Docker etc.) is pretty haphazardly done. Open to suggestions. Yo @mac, can you spare 2 cents?
  • Install is missing proper install guide, see separate discussion.
  • Many docs might no longer be relevant and should be unlisted.


  • Environment: We’d like to move some external blog posts and github guides into one place.
  • Plugins: @Mittineague any plans to migrate your external tutorials to Meta?
  • Discourse as your first Rails App should be on Meta.
  • Would be nice to have @eviltrout's embed article on Meta.
  • Many docs in Hacking might no longer be relevant and should be unlisted.

Known Issues

  • Order of sub-categories in sidebar doesn't match order of corresponding subfolder.
  • Sidebar should show all articles of current sub-category?
  • No search yet.

Will gladly hear out UX suggestions or pull requests from designers! Special rainbow nudge to @awesomerobot and @rewphus.

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Maintaining install docs et al on Meta


@erlend_sh wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Unofficial community docs - learndiscourse.org:

Any chance you could begin maintaining your docs on GitHub on Meta instead?

  • At this point they're fairly stable and won't change often (last change 24 days ago)
  • It makes them all searchable, discoverable and easily linkable here on Meta
  • It would be a great help to the community docs initiative, as we pull from Meta only at this time.

You'd still keep a copy of the docs on GitHub since it needs to be locally available to developers cloning the source code, but the canonical docs would be on Meta, and you'd occasionally copy&paste changes from there to GitHub.

Any chance that might happen?

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How to see and mass update user category watch/track/mute settings by group


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I'd be grateful for advice on a psql query for seeing and mass changing the category watch/track/mute setting for users, preferably by group. So I can see which users are e.g. watching a category, and also mass update their setting for a specific category based on the group they are in.

Thanks in advance!

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Discourse Mangling Text in a Code Block


@ccstone wrote:

Hey Folks,

I'm posting AppleScript on the Keyboard Maestro forum using a code-block.

A user reported a compile problem with my code.

Rendered by Discourse:

set foundList to cng("<td class=\"pricesens\">.+title=[[:punct:]](price sensitive)[[:punct:]]>", "\`", foundList) of me

What should be:


Is rendering as:



Using a <code></code> block on the forum I can get the few characters above to show up correctly by adding a backslash, but it the code-block doesn't like my complete line of code.

Using <pre></pre> tags doesn't help on the forum, although it works perfectly well in a normal html page.

Code-blocks should be completely unadulterated, so I conclude this is a bug.

Christopher Stone

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Irrelevant “free” disk usage numbers


@johnmuhl wrote:

If you have uploads and/or backups set to go to S3 the free disk space numbers on the admin dashboard are misleading.

The 21.6 GB free is the amount of free space on the server hosting Discourse not on the S3 bucket hosting the uploads and backups.

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I'm seeing NaN value, is it OK to ignore?

AppleScript fenced code block broken rendering of # line comments


@peternlewis wrote:

The AppleScript fenced code block does not always correctly render # line comments

This fails:

# Create Report on

This works:

# xCreate Report on

This works:

# Create Report o

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Manage multiple Discourse instances from one place only


@iamntz wrote:

If you manage multiple Discourse forums (I'm taking care of two), you often find yourself doing repetitive work: upgrading core/plugins, various settings & styling and so on. If I'd have one more forum to manage i'll probably go nuts smiley

There is a way of doing this one without going on all forum admins?


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Latest filter matches multiple categories


@steve_pd wrote:

I appreciate that Latest,-CategoryName is only a temporary solution, but thought I should share this for reference.

Duplicate category names are possible and as far as I'm aware this is intentional, but it means that filtering categories with the current approach can inadvertently match on multiple. For example, if we attempt to filter the root category 'News', it will also filter any subcategories of that name.

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Promote all users to TL1


@fefrei wrote:

In my new installation, about 100 users have signed up already. Most of them are still trust level 0.

I just realized that their topics will not be included in digests, which is bad – I want to use the digests to bootstrap the community. To remedy this, I set the default trust level to 1 (it's okay – we don't have realistic chances of spam posts).

How can I promote all my current users to trust level 1 if they're still at 0?

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Pressing return when searching in messages returns no results

Help with Okta SSO


@Jared_Needell wrote:

Has anyone got their Discourse instance working with Okta SSO? I see the settings in Discourse and Okta don't see to match.

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Searching with quoted term doesn't highlight the whole term

Styling of Embedded Discourse


@eviltrout wrote:

As of this morning, the bleeding edge version of Discourse allows you to add a stylesheet for when you embed discourse on your site using our Javascript/IFRAME solution.

Previously if you embedded discourse on a site that didn't have a white background it didn't look great. Here's an example of that:

And here's the same site with a stylesheet enabled:

To add a stylesheet to your embedded discourse, visit Admin > Customize > CSS/HTML > Embedded CSS

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Migrate old (custom made) forum to existing Discourse


@wil93 wrote:

we have ran a Discourse instance that has since replaced our old forum. The old forum was custom made, so we couldn't use an exporter/importer.

So, at the moment we have two forums: the new one (using Discourse) and the old one (in read-only mode).

How should I go on importing the old forum into the new one? I can access the old data via postgresql queries. I was thinking somethink like writing a Python script which iterates through all topics and then connects to the new forum (HTTP query) and posts each message by "impersonating" the user who originally wrote it. I guess that I would need to generate and admin API key to do that... but can I do that? (e.g. can I set a custom datetime for the post?) confused

Another option is to write an exporter in Python that translates our old format to a "famous" one like the Vanilla format. If you think that that's a better option, then can you point out to me a specification of the Vanilla format?

Thank you smile

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Change FAQ, TOS ...etc menu captions?


@dleung wrote:

Hi Is there anyway to modify the captions of the menu items appear on the faq, tos,.. pages?


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Admin/upgrade page is blank (aug 2015)


@mc0e wrote:

WE can't see the available update info at /admin/upgrade. i.e. this is similar to
https://meta.discourse.org/t/updated-docker-manager-no-updates-listed-since/23352 and
https://meta.discourse.org/t/admin-upgrade-page-is-blank/24046 .

The rails app logs show failure like so:

Started GET "/admin/upgrade" for at 2015-08-10 15:43:47 +0000
Processing by DockerManager::AdminController#index as HTML
  Rendered plugins/docker_manager/app/views/docker_manager/admin/index.html.erb (26.9ms)
Completed 200 OK in 41ms (Views: 30.1ms | ActiveRecord: 5.1ms)
Started GET "/admin/docker/repos" for at 2015-08-10 15:43:48 +0000
Processing by DockerManager::AdminController#repos as */*
Processing by SessionController#csrf as */*
Completed 200 OK in 15ms (Views: 0.6ms | ActiveRecord: 7.4ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 77ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)

NoMethodError (undefined method `downcase' for nil:NilClass):
  lib/middleware/anonymous_cache.rb:124:in `call'
  config/initializers/quiet_logger.rb:10:in `call_with_quiet_assets'
  config/initializers/silence_logger.rb:26:in `call'
  lib/middleware/request_tracker.rb:72:in `call'
  lib/scheduler/defer.rb:85:in `process_client'
  lib/middleware/unicorn_oobgc.rb:95:in `process_client'

I've had a look at traffic flows, and when I make the above request, there's no sign of any outgoing request, or dns request that might be the start of one. I'm not sure if that's a useful diagnostic though, or just a reflection of the remote content having already been fetched and cached.

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Embedding Discourse Comments via Javascript


@eviltrout wrote:

Discourse has the ability to embed the comments from a topic in a remote site using a Javascript API that creates an IFRAME. For an example of this in action, check out Coding Horror's blog. The blog is run via Ghost but the comments are embedded from his Discourse forum.

One important thing to note with this setup is that users have to navigate to your forum to post replies. This is intentional, as we feel that the posting interface on a Discourse forum is currently much richer than what we could embed via Javascript.

This guide will show how to set up comment embedding on your own blog or web site.

How it works

In Discourse, a topic is made up of many posts. When you are embedding Discourse on another site, you are linking a document (blog entry, HTML page, etc.) with a single topic. When people post in that topic, their comments will automatically show up on the page you embedded it in.

You have the choice to have Discourse create the topics automatically when a new embedding is found, or you can create the topics yourself in advance.

Configuring Discourse for Embedding (simple setup)

The following setup will embed a comment feed on a page on a fake blog URL of http://example.com/blog/entry-123.html, from a discourse forum running at http://discourse.example.com.

  1. Visit Admin > Settings > Embedding on your Discourse install.

  2. Enter one or more embeddable hosts. This should be the hostname (domain) where you want to embed your comments. In this case the host is example.com -- note the lack of http:// and path.

  3. Enter the name of a user on your discourse who will create topics in the embed by username field. Let's assume our discourse has a user called eviltrout, so the value is eviltrout.

  4. Insert the following HTML on the web page at http://example.com/blog/entry-123.html

<div id='discourse-comments'></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  DiscourseEmbed = { discourseUrl: 'http://discourse.example.com/',
                     discourseEmbedUrl: 'http://example.com/blog/entry-123.html' };

  (function() {
    var d = document.createElement('script'); d.type = 'text/javascript'; d.async = true;
    d.src = DiscourseEmbed.discourseUrl + 'javascripts/embed.js';
    (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(d);

The configurable parts of the snippet are in the DiscourseEmbed object. discourseUrl is the full path to the base of your discourse, including the trailing slash. The discourseEmbedUrl is the document that is currently embedding a comment feed.

If you set this up correctly, the first time you visit http://example.com/blog/entry-123.html it will try to load comments for the blog post. Since there are none, it will tell the Discourse forum to create a new topic in the background. A new topic will be created by eviltrout and the contents of the first post will be crawled from your blog and the text will be extracted automatically.

Once the new topic is created, users can post on it, and their comments will automatically be displayed the next time http://example.com/blog/entry-123.html is visited.

Embedding on more than one page

In the above example we hard coded our http://example.com/blog/entry-123.html URL when embedding the snippet of Javascript. This usually won't be enough as many sites have many pages that are generated automatically. For example on a blog each entry typically gets its own page. To support this, put the same snippet on each page you want to display comments on, but replace the value passed to discourseEmbedUrl with the current page's URL. On my blog, I use the following value for discourseEmbedUrl: 'http://eviltrout.com<%= current_page.url %>' -- as new blog pages are created, new topics will be created for them automatically on Discourse.

Styling your Embedded content

If you are running the latest build of Discourse (or 1.4.0beta9 or 1.4.0 stable once it is released) you have the ability to add a stylesheet for your embedded comments. Visit Admin > Customize > CSS/HTML > Embedded CSS and you can add a custom stylesheet that will be served up with your embedded comments. By default we think the layout looks nice on a white background, but if your site has a unique layout you'll want to style it yourself.

(Optional) Adding a Feed for Polling

As mentioned above, Discourse will automatically crawl any site it is embedded on. However, sometimes HTML can be hard to parse and it might not extract the contents of your posts correctly. Many blogs and web sites support RSS/Atom feeds for syndication, and Discourse can use this to extract the content of your blog posts more accurately.

If you have a RSS or Atom feed set up on the site you are embedding Discourse into, you can configure Discourse to extract the content of posts from there by enabling the setting feed polling enabled and then providing the full URL to the feed in the feed polling url setting.

(Alternate Configuration) Linking to existing topics

Some people prefer to not have Discourse create topics for them automatically on their forums. They'd like to create the topics themselves, then simply tell their embedding code what topic they want to associate with. You can do this by slightly changing your embedding code:

<div id='discourse-comments'></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  DiscourseEmbed = { discourseUrl: 'http://discourse.example.com/',
                     topicId: 12345 };

  (function() {
    var d = document.createElement('script'); d.type = 'text/javascript'; d.async = true;
    d.src = DiscourseEmbed.discourseUrl + 'javascripts/embed.js';
    (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(d);

The only difference here is we've replaced discourseEmbedUrl with the id of a topic from Discourse. If you do this, no topic will be created and the comments from that topic will automatically be displayed.


The most common issue users have when embedding Discourse is setting the correct value for the embeddable hosts option. Make sure to double check that it is only the domain of your site, and contains no extra slashes or invalid characters.

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Update hosted version


@asouza wrote:

Hi, we have a hosted version of Discourse and I would like to know if it is possible to update version manually? The admin panel shows that our version is outdated. I saw in the FAQ that the update is made by the discourse team. However the message in the panel confused me.

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