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Clicking page label (e.g. Latest) if already on that page results in infinite progress spinner


@jsick wrote:

We're running Discourse v1.4.0.beta10 +170 and a user recently noticed that if he was on the "Latest" page, and then clicked on the "Latest" button in the nav bar, there would be an infinite spinner. This works whenever you click on the nav bar link of a page you're already on. The same applies for keyboard shortcuts.

Going to any other page link is OK.

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"Losing" custom_fields on user while navigating


@stylesuxx wrote:

Hey guys,
I have the following problem:
I registered a custom field with user.

When I am on the front page (/) I have access to this field via:


Alright, now if I navigate to (for example) the user preferences page I have no longer access to this custom field => it is undefined.

Same thing seems to happen with the browser history plugin. Can access the field from the front page but not within the user preferences page, which also results in an unchecked checkbox even though it is clearly set to true when checking on the the front page.

Once the field "vanishes" I can no longer access it on the front page, need to reload the page and the field is available on the front page again.

Can someone help me out here?


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Wittgenstein explains why we always misunderstand each other on the internet


@mcwumbly wrote:

Thought some of you might enjoy this article:

Wittgenstein explains why we always misunderstand each other on the internet

Wittgenstein’s philosophy also accounts for the disastrous state of Internet discourse today. The shift to online communication, textual interactions separated from accompanying physical practices, has had a persistent and egregious warping effect on language, and one that most people don’t even understand. It has made linguistic practice more limited, more universal, and more ambiguous. More people interact with one another without even realizing they are following different rules for words’ usages. There is no time or space to clarify one’s self—especially on Twitter.

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'FIX: link to COPPA in Privacy Policy' not applied to 'meta.discourse.org'

Need Option to Mute Tags, Same way as Categories


@surjithctly wrote:

I'm using Discourse Forums on Envato

As you can see, Envato is using Tags instead of specific category. Envato Market authors includes 8 markets. As a Themeforest Author, I'm not interested to see anything related to audio or video. So there should be an option to blacklist those tags, so that it won't show in the home page list.

It would be a nice feature for authors like us.

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How to create this theme in Site Customization?

Moving topics: Category options not fully populated


@Yuun wrote:

When attempting to move around topics on my forum a bit earlier not all of the category options were available. I noted two specific occurences:

  1. I wanted to move a topic from a top-level category to one of its
    subcategories, but none of the subcategories were available on the
    dropdown (everything else, as far as I could tell, was available)
  2. I create a topic that ended up uncategorized (another bug? I have this disabled on my forum), and was unable to select any top-level categories from the dropdown

I'm currently using Chrome on a laptop with Windows 8.1, my forum is using the most recent version of Discourse with no additional plugins.

Edit: Poking around a bit more, the above conditions aren't set in stone, I've tried with various threads and I don't have a consistent set of "where I can't move things from->to" at the moment, but top-level categories are frequently missing, along with (less often) entire category trees (top level category + subcategories, not sure what else to call it). Not quite sure what the deal is.

Edit2: As far as I can tell, the move thread dropdown is fine on Meta. So, er, any ideas?

Edit3: Okay hold on, I just saw I'm one update behind, involving category permissions. Seeing if this fixes it.

Edit4: No, that didn't fix it, but I've narrowed down the issue better. When I follow a link to a topic (e.g. from the categories page or the latest page), the move topic dropdown isn't fully populated. But if I refresh the topic page, the topic dropdown then works fine and allows me the full selection of categories. I am unable to reproduce this behavior on meta.

Edit5: and last bit of this conversation with myself (...for now), removing all site customizations does not fix the issue

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TL0 users should be allowed to post pictures


@erlend_sh wrote:

Continuing the discussion from What do user trust levels do?:

I've run into this many, many times now. It's not uncommon that what compels a new or lurking user to make a post is to do some form of show & tell. It could be:

  • Something they made
  • A problem they're illustrating
  • Participating in an ongoing gag

I always feel like a new user has been given an unnecessarily cold greeting when they have to point out in their post that - as much as they would like to - they can't paste a picture, because they're not allowed yet.

So instead of disallowing image links altogether, couldn't we just be a bit more cautious about it instead? I'd suggest putting images from TL0 users behind a "click-to-show" protection, kind of like this:

There are many options for such a layer:

  1. Just a solid color overlay with a "play/show" button of sorts, similar to the above.
  2. A spoiler tag
  3. A heavily blurred out image

Number 3 would require more post-processing on Discourse's side, but it'd look pretty cool though ^^

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Navigating directly to user page breaks 'back' button

Confusing back button behavior in-topic


@erlend_sh wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Navigating directly to user page breaks 'back' button

Pretty minor thing, but I've definitely gotten burned by this a couple of times.

Say you're on a 100-post topic:

  1. You start at the top
  2. You use the widget to jump to the bottom
  3. You're now at the bottom, and the URL says /48982/103/, so you assume your browser has made a legit page transition
  4. But, if you realise there's nothing for you down there and wanna go back up top to where you came from by clicking the back button, you'll get transported to wherever it was you were before you entered the topic.

Any way to prevent this?

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Notification types


@B0t wrote:

Sorry if this is the wrong category for this. I also tried to search for a similar topic, but I couldn't find one.

Does anyone have a list of the notifications and their meaning?

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Unable to locate package docker-engine


@mootzoo wrote:

Trying to Install Docker / Git and i keep getting these errors in my shell.

Any help with this would be appreciated.

Here is my shell errors:

: Failed to fetch https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo/dists/ubuntu-vivid/main/binary-amd64/Packages HttpError503

W: Failed to fetch https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo/dists/ubuntu-vivid/main/binary-i386/Packages HttpError503

E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package docker-engine

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Support `:slight_smile:` emoji?


@waldyrious wrote:

Are there plans to support the slight_smile emoji? It kinda irks me that :) gets translated to smile. Here's what would be ideal, IMO:

  • :) --> :slight_smile: :slight_smile: (rendered from the .ai assets added to Twemoji in #67)
  • ;) --> :wink: wink
  • x) --> this one should be U+1F60A (smiling face with smiling eyes) but it's unfortunately been adopted in some emoji packs (including Twemoji) as :blush: blush. Not sure what can be done to rectify this. There is no Unicode emoji specifically for a blushing face; if there is one eventually, :blush: can be mapped to it rather than U+1F60A and a different emoji code could be used for the latter. I'm not holding my breath, though.

Just for kicks, I'm listing below the corresponding eyes with the standard mouths. I added a checkmark or cross to indicate whether the shorthand is currently translated to the face in Discourse. It would be nice to have those mappings added.

  • :D --> smiley heavy_check_mark
  • ;D --> (missing in Unicode emoji, apparently)
  • xD --> laughing x (this is kinda redundant with the current :) --> smile, so I guess there wouldn't be much lost if the :) mapping was changed)

  • :P --> stuck_out_tongue heavy_check_mark
  • ;P --> stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye heavy_check_mark
  • xP --> stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes x

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What is the reason to not use reputation points?


@Goktug_Yilmaz wrote:

Stack Exchange, Reddit and a lot of forums have reputation points. It shows other users who's been active and posting quality content and it creates an incentive for people to post and reply.

It creates a positive feedback loop. Why would Discourse not use this good mechanism? Do you guys see something I am not seeing?

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Install emailing using Namecheap email hosting


@mootzoo wrote:

Trying to install discourse.

Domain is hosted my Namecheap.
Using Namecheap email hosting. address is set to admin@mydomain.com
Using Digital Ocean for VPS Hosting.
Email between me@gmail.com - admin@mydomain.com work fine (both ways)
Not receiving the email from the Discourse install. Cannot activate.

in the app.yml:
developer emails admin@mydomain.com
smtp server: mail.privateemail.com
Port 587
mypassword (that i login with on the web email hosting)

Any help would be appreciated.


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UserNameSuggester suggests names with trailing underscores


@JSey wrote:

I ran into several user errors: ["Username must end with a letter or number"] because UserNameSuggester seems to be oblivious to this restriction. We should introduce something like

name[-1,1] =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9]/

and replace accordingly (how?).

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Activation Email not being sent, not sure what's gone wrong


@OfficialAkash wrote:

Hi everyone,

Just recently I installed Discourse on my Digital Ocean droplet and I set my email with Zoho, the email account works fine, I can send and receive emails and the MX is set up correctly and the install went great too. Discourse works on my site and it shows me the notification "Congratulations, you installed Discourse! Register a new admin account with info@hubsplat.com to finalize configuration." and I registered my account with that email but I'm not getting an activation at all.

I spent some time last night reading this guide and I even did telnet smtp.zoho.com 465 and it connected instantly.

Any ideas? I even removed the YML comment marker # in front of the lines?

Thanks guys

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Update page is blank, ImageMagick warnings


@OfficialAkash wrote:

Hi Again,

sorry for being a bother, just been running into all sorts of problems and can't seem to find a solution.

When I go to my admin panel it's telling me to update (when I click on it I get a blank page) and then it says

Some problems have been found with your installation of Discourse:

    The server is configured to create thumbnails of large images, but ImageMagick is not installed. Install ImageMagick using your favorite package manager or download the latest release.

It goes away every time I rebuild the app but it comes back later.

I feel like something is wrong with my installation even though I followed the install guide correctly. I also have trouble with restoring deleted posts.

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Using Discourse as a SSO provider


@techAPJ wrote:

So you want to use Discourse as a SSO provider for your own web app? Great! Let's get started.

Enable SSO provider setting

Under Discourse admin site settings (/admin/site_settings) enable setting enable sso provider and set sso secret to a secret string (used to hash SSO payloads).

Implement SSO in your web app:

  • Generate a random nonce. Save it temporarily so that you can verify it with returned nonce value

  • Create a new payload with nonce and return url (where the Discourse will redirect user after verification). Payload should look like: nonce=NONCE&return_sso_url=RETURN_URL

  • Base64 encode the above raw payload. Let's call this payload as BASE64_PAYLOAD

  • URL encode the above BASE64_PAYLOAD. Let's call this payload as URL_ENCODED_PAYLOAD

  • Generate a HMAC-SHA256 signature from BASE64_PAYLOAD using your sso_secret as the key, then create a hex string from this. Let's call this signature as HEX_SIGNATURE

Send auth request to Discourse

Redirect the user to DISCOURSE_ROOT_URL/session/sso_provider?sso=URL_ENCODED_PAYLOAD&sig=HEX_SIGNATURE

Get response from Discourse:

If the above steps are done correctly Discourse will redirect logged in user to the provided RETURN_URL. You will get query string parameters with sig and sso along with some user info. Now follow below steps:

  • Compute the HMAC-SHA256 of sso using sso_secret as your key.

  • Convert sig from it's hex string representation back into bytes.

  • Make sure the above two values are equal.

  • Base64 decode sso, you'll get the passed embedded query string. This will have a key called nonce whose value should match the nonce passed originally. Make sure that this is the case.

  • You'll find this query string will also contain a bunch of user information, use as you see fit.

That's it. By now you should have set up your web app to use Discourse as SSO provider!

Discourse official "Using Discourse as SSO provider" implementations:

Community contributed "Using Discourse as SSO provider" implementations:

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Can only post in Uncategorised since upgrading from beta6 to beta10


@Stelmsind wrote:


I've just upgraded and now all the users (including admins) can only post in the uncategorised category. I can view all the topics, but in the 'New Topic' form the Category box only shows 'Uncategorised'

Any idea what might be wrong?


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