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Accessibility concerns re email, Lynx, JAWS


@MikeBattaglia wrote:

I'm considering migrating a large forum of around 2000 people from FB to Discourse. Some of my users are visually impaired.

What is the recommended way for visually impaired people to use Discourse?

I understand Lynx is read-only, so that won't work. I've also done some searching and seen that JAWS has only partial support.

I do know that Discourse supports a lot of email integration. As of now, is it possible for a user to use Discourse entirely through email, getting all of the threads and replies in their inbox sorted properly, and being able to reply back, without having to use the site at all?

All of the searching I've done on this topic has found answers from a few years ago, so I'm not sure what the current state of this is.

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A plea to allow all caps topics and subject bodies


@awole20 wrote:

Hey Discourse gang,

Firstly let me say that I love discourse. I really do. I pulled my community of 30 members over to discourse, imported the old PHPBB forums, reskinned the site, and found different plugins and enabled/disabled plugins until they felt comfortable with it.

However, my community, like some of the other "smaller" forums listed in the links below, like to jabber excitedly in all caps. I get what you're trying to do by disallowing all caps posts. In most cases, it doesn't help a conversation, or add to it in any way. And for the most part I agree with what you're trying to do here. But even so it's been nagging me every time someone PMs me and rants about not being able to use all caps in their posts. I've reasoned out why today.

Discourse's entire platform is based on self-moderating done by a community. If the content of the post is attacking a user, members can flag it, and the community is self-healing. Based on community rules, users would also be allowed to flag posts written in "l33t" speak or OtHeR AnNoYiNg CoNvEnTiOnS, for readability. If the community deems it as "unacceptable", these sorts of posts should be flagged by the very nature of how discourse works. With Discourse, the community moderates the content. It comes as a surprise, then, to see that for some reason, all-caps posts and titles are handled differently. Why is it in this very specific case that Discourse deems that this is not appropriate content.

It doesn't even tell the user this. It gives an unhelpful error message that you should write something more descriptive. You could write a novel, run it through an all-caps function, attempt to post it, and Discourse would tell you, wrongfully, that it's "not descriptive enough." This is a terrible user experience.

Furthermore, the current workaround is elitist. Discourse has done an amazing job lowering the bar to allow users to post embedded content without knowledge of arcane bbcode incantations. I'm grateful for this. But why do we require users to throw a   incantation to be able to post an all caps comment on a forum? Why do I even need to tell my very capable users to go learn HTML stanzas if they wish to post in all caps? The software is strongly stating that you are only smart enough to confirm "Yes I understand that I am posting in all caps" if you know HTML.

For reference, here's a few of the other posts that touched upon this, but I hope that this puts the issue into a more compelling light. I really hope that you think it over, and at the very least, simply require the user to add a checkbox when an all caps post is detected that says "I agree, I know my post is in all caps." But this sounds like plugin territory.

Please don't make forum software decide my users' content should or should not contain. That's up to my community.

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Discourse as Rails Gem


@JMcculley wrote:

How can I use discourse as rails gem in my rails app? Is it possible or not? I want to use discourse as one of my module for my web app

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How to avoid "Account login timed out, please try logging in again" when the payload had expired in SSO


@Mohit_Gupta wrote:

I want to avoid this error from appearing - Account login timed out, please try logging in again. This error appears when the payload of SSO login has expired. I was thinking if i could redirect the user to any other page when this error occurs or is their any other better solution. Does any body have a solution for this?

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When inserting colon and pressing enter, a smiley is inserted


@mik01aj wrote:

I find this behaviour surprising in a bad way. If I didn't focus any similey in the popup, I want enter to insert a newline as usual, so I can just type without interruptions.

EDIT: I see this doesn't happen when the character before the colon is a latin letter, but...

If I press enter now, it inserts the emoji.

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How to like a topic using the Discourse API

Custom Emoji does not use Amazon S3

Organising a secret santa


@limeblast wrote:

I was wondering if anyone had any experience organising a secret santa via a forum?

I'm thinking of doing one for my community, and wondered if anyone had any ideas or suggestions on how best to manage it all?


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New option: auto-select language by HTTP header


@fbender wrote:

I'm running a private, international forum for a club where most content is German and some is mixed. Users can choose their preferred language in their user settings, but this is non-obvious for visitors (and doubly so for most of "my" visitors).

The website we are running selects the display language based on the HTTP Accept-Language header field. I'd like to see a new option where I can advise Discourse to auto-select the language based on the header field. Bonus points if users are able to override the automatic detection with their preferred language.
Is this a viable option?

Thank you for your feedback!

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Rights to the "Solved" action


@cdizon wrote:

Is there a way to grant admins and official moderators the rights to tag old discussions as SOLVED?
Currently, the discussion post can only be tagged as "Solved" by the author.

The majority of the questions posted in our discourse discussion board are not power users and they fail to tag their posts as solved. It would be really helpful to to allow grant admins and approved moderators the power to revisit discussions and mark them solved where appropriate.


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Docker installation vulnerable to CVE-2015-8126?

Best set up for multilingual forums?


@AltanticGold wrote:

I'm trialling a English language forum - and if successful, I'd like to roll that out to more languages. My company has some 30+ domains (eg mysite.com, mysite.fr, mysite.es etc etc) each of which are localised to that country.

What would be the best way of having a forum for each of these countries?

From reading here on meta - it looks like we'd have to set up a different instance for each country (eg forum.mysite.com, forum.mysite.fr etc).

Is there any provision for a 'parent' account, where we could control some of the main settings, so that we could make global changes, but were still able to localise at country level?

Or are there any other suggestions of how best to structure this?


PS: we would want each country to be using the forum on their own locale (eg a French user should see the forum on a .fr site).

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Sub Categories are listed in Parent Category dropdown


@oblakeerickson wrote:

When you go to create a new category inside of the Parent Category dropdown it is including the Sub Categories. Sub Categories shouldn't be in this list because you can't have a Sub Category be a Parent Category. Good news is if you do select a Sub Category and press the "New Category" button it does show a red warning at the top that this can't be done.

I'm in the middle of working on a fix for this bug and will hopefully be able to finish it up later tonight/tomorrow.

The parentCategories filter on the Categories Model appears to be working as intended, but I think the issue has to do with the fact that the parentCategories aren't actually being passed into the category-chooser module but instead being picked up by the observer which doesn't have the filter.

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User avatar still appearing after topic split


@jomaxro wrote:

Did a quick search, not seeing anything similar here. After splitting some posts off of a thread, one of the users whose posts were moved is still appearing (the avatar) on the topic list (in latest and category view). However, once the topic is opened, the user does not appear in the summary. Images below:

Category view:

Topic itself:

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Detect current environment in plugin javascript


@deviousmachin3 wrote:

Perhaps I missed the documentation for this but my requirements are to be able to detect which environment i'm running from within my plugins javascript file. The goal here is to define things based on the environment without modifying the main discourse project and keeping everything isolated in a plugin, I could detect the url and if it's localhost say "I'm in dev" but I feel like that is a bit hackish, does anyone know of a way to simple say in javascript something like..

if(Discourse.env == 'dev') {
//do this

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500 Internal Server Error when all languages removed from "highlighted languages"


@stantyan wrote:


I've installed discource on a Linode new VPS, using your latest Docker image and following all your guidelines.

After I completed initial customizations to style and basic settings I'm getting "500 Internal Server Error" all the time whenever I want to post a new topic or reply to existing one. I tried as an admin and as a regular user too. All the time "500 Internal Server Error".

Please help to solve this.

I'm also getting the same error when I try to create a category as an admin:

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Letter avatars broken in 1.5b5?


@steve_pd wrote:

We've just upgraded to 1.5b5(33) and letter avatars aren't working.

They link to:


Our site setting is still:


While I notice that avatars here on meta are being served from avatars.discourse.org

Any ideas?

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Customizable Email Templates


@eviltrout wrote:

Don't like the text in our emails? Well now you can change them! (as long as you're tracking our tests-passed branch)

Just visit Admin > Customize > Email Templates and you'll be presented with this nifty interface:

Give it a whirl and let us know how it works out for you.

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Re-pin the welcome message


@jsick wrote:

At some point the welcome message to my site got un-pinned (human error). It wasn't just unpinned for me, but unpinned for all users. I want to globally re-pin the welcome message (put it back to its default behaviour), but I'm finding that topics can only be globally pinned for a finite time period.

How can I put a Welcome message back to its default globally pinned state?

Or asked alternatively: is it correct that by topics can only be pinned for a finite amount of time?

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Deprecating ES6 compatibility layer


@sam wrote:

While profiling Discourse on my gigantic Nexus 6P which is the flagship Google phone at the moment I discovered we are spending a huge amount of time "requiring" various files on intial load.

Our boot sequence for the front page is pretty much this

  1. Download JS files and parse them
  2. Ember will "evaluates" itself requiring all its modules, this costs 290ms. Discussing options with @stefan_penner on speeding this up.
  3. Discourse invokes its "compatibility layer" evaluating every ES6 module we ship, this costs 700ms
  4. Ember runs various intializers (both internal to Ember and ones we wrote) 400ms
  5. Ember starts up the Ember router 140ms
  6. We turn our JSON into Emberish objects 300ms
  7. We render the front page ... 1700ms a huge part of which is looking up factories in containers in Ember (150ms) and applying class name bindings (300ms)

We clearly want to tackle everything here, but a very easy win which in local testing saved us 580ms is removing the ES6 compatibility layer.

What is this compatibility layer?

Before @eviltrout moved us to ES6 all of Discourse's JS was defined under the Discourse global.

Want a User class, use Discourse.User ... want the UserNotificationsController use Discourse.UserNotificationsController.

This worked alright but had a very huge drawback, we were forced to evaluate large amounts of code we have no need to.

Evaluating classes in Ember can be VERY expensive when lots of classes are involved. The innocuous snippet below can cost 3ms.

var Something = RestModel.extend();

This is due to Ember's object model and implementation of mixins, initilizers, overrides, computed properties and so on.

Ember does a lot of fiddeling with object prototypes, so the convenience of OO like features in a prototypel language does not come free.

We need to avoid all this work of defining our entire object model before rendering a single page and ES6 makes this very easy.

What will happen?

At the moment we have a "special" flag called DISCOURSE_NO_CONSTANTS which strips off the compatibility layer.

I will be working on getting everything in core and core plugins working in this mode. Once I feel this is ready:

  1. I will deploy meta without the compatibility layer
  2. A few days later I will deploy standard and business containers without the layer
  3. A few days later the flag will be removed and become default

How do you migrate to the new pattern?

We strongly recommend you use ES6 for all your plugin needs, when using ES6 you would do:

// old code

// new code
import PermissionType from 'discourse/models/permission_type';

In some cases you may not be able to use ES6. (for example, site customizations or narrow backwards compat conditions)

var PermissionType = require('discourse/models/permission_type').default;

How do I know what to require?

Usually guessing will do fine ... Discourse.User maps to discourse/models/user ... its in the models directory under user.

In rare cases you may need to browse: javascripts/discourse to find the actual file name.

Some stuff is going to bypass the need for a move

I will be whitelisting a few globals such as Discourse.Route and Discourse.Model, main reason is that they are always needed for any page and this cuts down on ceremony.

How long until this is all done?

I expect most of the changes to be done by the end of next week so expect the new default to land in master in 2 weeks or so

What can plugin authors do?

Be sure to run your plugin in with:

rm -fr /tmp/cache

This will ensure your plugin will be compatible when the new default lands.

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