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RSS has incorrect user link

Reply Box has become too large


Charlie Morrissey wrote:

We just updated to 9.8.5. and i have this issue;

It only happens on the Greenheart Games forums where i work. On these forums its working normally;

In its current state, without the use of the slider bar. Replying to posts and quoting means opening another tab and viewing the same thread like I used to do in old style forums.

Is there anyway to 'reset' that reply box size on the Greenheart Games forums?

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Wp-discourse not posting pages


Amit Gupta wrote:

I have noticed that while wp-discourse plugin is working perfectly for "posts" in wordpress site. Somehow it is not publishing "pages" of same site (even with "publish to discourse" selected). Is it a normal behavior or bug or i am doing something wrong?

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Discourse as Your First Rails App


Jeff Atwood wrote:

If you’re a developer, but have never touched Ruby on Rails, we understand how you feel. We were there once! Sometimes diving into a new language and codebase can make you feel like this: The good news is that Discourse has a wonderfully supportive community and we’re here to help. Here’s our first guide on…

This topic is for comments on the original blog entry, at http://blog.discourse.org/2013/04/discourse-as-your-first-rails-app/

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URL shortening service support

Importing bbPress into Discourse

About the REST api


Timo wrote:


Not sure if support is the right category, but close enough I hope. Deployed discourse on a VPS and I like what I see so far. Due to the open REST API approach of the backend I was toying with the idea of using it for account management & forum solution for my upcoming weekend project app.

Due to that a few questions:

  1. Tried to look for some docs on the REST api, but couldn't find much. Are there any?
  2. I've seen posts about the API going through some major rebuilding in near future. Will this affect the API itself or just the inner workings of it?


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Cannot get 3rd party authentification work


Matthieu wrote:


For 2 weeks now, I do not manage to make the 3rd party authentification works. I would like to have the gmail and github login.


The gmail registration open an eternally white page:

https://forum.poppy-project.org/auth/google/callback?_method=post&openid.ns= ...

Unfortunately, there is nothing showing up in the console to help resolving the bug...


When I try the github login I get this url: https://forum.poppy-project.org/auth/failure?message=invalid_credentials&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.poppy-project.org%2F&strategy=github

And this message: Sorry, there was an error authorizing your Github account. Perhaps you did not approve authorization?

However I do not think there is an error in the github config:

I'm sorry, I do not have much information to provide and I have no idea why is not working...

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One Year of Discourse

Discourse Installs for Non-Profit and Education


Jeff Atwood wrote:

Discourse is an open source project so it can reach the entire breadth of the web, including non-profits or schools that may have modest budgets.

If you're part of a non-profit or educational organization that needs a great next-generation discussion platform, we can help:

For a flat one time setup fee of $200, and $20/month, we can set up a fully configured Discourse instance in the cloud for you. Unfortunately, we cannot offer any support, but we do include one future update to the latest version.

This topic is for comments on the original blog entry at: http://blog.discourse.org/2014/02/discourse-installs-for-non-profit-and-education/

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Support for Piwik Analytics as an alternative to Google Analytics


Lee_Ars wrote:

I do my own analytics with Piwik, a FOSS self-hosted Google Analytics-like platform. It relies on a similar bit of javascript in the <head> section of each page.

Obviously this is a low-priority question, but might it be possible to have Discourse support Piwik as an alternative to GA in the site settings? Actually, all it would take is the ability to inject the javascript code into each page's <head> (or in the <body>—that works fine, too).

Thanks smile

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Mockup for re-designed Categories page


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Brand new wide categories page

Things I think a Categories page should have:

  • Recognizable name of category (ties in with how the category is shown elsewhere on the site).
  • Number of new posts in the category since your last visit.
  • Latest activity
  • Category description
  • Subcategories

What I don't think is necessary:

  • (Latest) participants - This is only useful to me per thread. All you're telling me here is "these people have posted something "
  • Most recent topics - If there are more than 4 new topics you're gonna want to enter the category anyhow.
  • Basic topic stats - I guess I am a little interested, but these numbers are hard to process. I want a simpler indicator.

http://convoe.com/ (click "Explore")

Mockup #1

Mockup #2

I'm quite fond of the idea of stealing GitHub's first-glance activity indicator.

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Integrating Discourse with a knowledge base


Thomas Smyth wrote:

Hi everyone. A client wishes to integrate Discourse with a diabetes knowledge base they are developing. Essentially there would be a site with two tabs: community (a Discourse instance) and knowledge base (a custom tool). In knowledge base mode, the user would be browsing various data types (glycemic problems, triggers, goals), exploring the relationships between them, and contributing their own information.

On most knowledge base pages there would be an embedded discourse topic view. So for instance, on the page for the glycemic problem 'Blood sugar too high after exercise', there would be an embedded Discourse topic for discussion on that glycemic problem, which would be created automatically when the object was created.

The Discourse topic view would be only one of several elements on the page, and thus it would probably be a slightly stripped down version (e.g. no 'suggested topics' at the bottom).

My question is: has anyone attempted something like this? And/or, how would people recommend proceeding?

My thought is to create several extensions to Discourse: an embeddable topic view, and 'view in knowledge base'/'view in community' links in the appropriate places to enable switching between the topic in community and knowledge base modes.

Aside from these modifications to the Discourse codebase, I would also be adding the custom code for the knowledge base portion of the site, which I envision living alongside the Discourse code in the same Rails/Ember app. Does this make sense?

Or should all this be a plugin? What is the status of the Discourse plugin system?

Thoughts are welcome! Many thanks!

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Badges and Reputation Points on Discourse?


Zafarnamah wrote:

I am looking to create a forum that will reward people for engaging in and responding to discussion with reputation points--much like Stack Overflow. I understand that the philosophy behind Discourse is a bit different than Stack Overflow. However, people can still be given incentives to engage in discussion. Any plans to have badges or reputation points going forward?

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Deleting 350+ Spams from 1 User


Jeremy Nevill wrote:

The good news is we have managed to import our previous forum content into Discourse...

The not so good news is that we have a small number of former users with quite a lot of spam... what are my options for removing the crud in bulk as the Delete All Messages button doesn't appear to work for the user in question: http://wakeboard.com/users/beiquemep/activity


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(5) in title, 1 in unread


Carlo Kok wrote:

I've got a weird issue, where when leaving the Window open for a while I get an unread count of say 1, and a (5) in the browser title:

what does this mean and how do I get rid of it? There don't seem to be 5 notifcations anywhere when this happens.

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Email failed after


zh99998 wrote:

I18n::MissingInterpolationArgument: missing interpolation argument :subject_prefix in "[%{site_name}] %{subject_prefix}%{username} 在 '%{topic_title}' 主题发表了帖子" ({:site_name=&gt;"MyCard - 萌卡社区", :base_url=&gt;...

ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `strip' for #<nokogiri::xml::element:0x007f66b40da648>

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Prohibiting new-user registrations in discourse


Smoke Free Cyclist wrote:

my website is called SmokeFreeProject.org (SFP). It's a small - mainly German speaking - donation based - community about quitting cigarettes. We are implementing discourse at the moment.

The purpose is to

  • allow direct communication among the participants of the cessation project.
  • allow the discourses to be read by the public and crawled by search engines.
  • If you want to participate by answering or asking a question in the discourse, the new person should register with SFP.
  • If not he/she is not able to write directly into the forum, in direct messages, or anywhere else.

In short: A non-SFP participant cannot write in SFP nor discourse.

Could you list which features we need to disable so that new users can be invited to read, but cannot write and only register from the SFP page?

Thanks for your help!

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Help us develop a generic badge system for Discourse

Reset Cache for locale


Nikolay Fominykh wrote:

Hi All.

I'm translating messages into russian.
At the moment I've changed client.ru.yml file, and have done

>  RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=90000000 RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

It gave me following output:

I, [2014-02-20T10:36:47.637302 #30622]  INFO -- : Writing <path-to-discourse>/public/assets/locales/ru-e9259d00e4b6d0e9674cc7560f9531c0.js

But still have old message looking like [ru.test.test.test] in browser.

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