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Editing the default welcome PM


@Benjol wrote:

Following on from Edit the default Welcome PM
Which said that this could be found in admin > customize > email templates.

Where has it gone now?!

(Also, what is the code for this text, that way I can go and correct the translation too)

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Cannot delete or rename user


@RalfJung wrote:

I have two users in my system that were just recently, accidentally created and block their usernames. I would like to delete them, or at least rename them, so that "real" users can get their names.

So I go to the user page in the admin interface, and I press "Delete User". However, now Discourse complains it cannot delete the user and I should check for posts. Well, these users never posted, and their post count on the same page is 0. How can I delete these users?

I also tried renaming the user, by pressing "Rename User". However, then I end up on /404.

This is with a Discourse just re-built this morning, version: stable, version 1.4.6.

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How to control the "self" URL of Discourse?


@RalfJung wrote:

Right now, whenever Discourse has to print its own full URL, it uses "http://forum.DOMAIN". I can see this

  • in the mails it sends
  • in the sourcecode: url('/assets/...?http://forum.DOMAIN&2&v=4.5.0');
  • during oauth, where I have to allow the http:// URL in the oauth provider

Of course my forum is available via https://, and actually all requests are redirected. How can I configure Discourse to use the correct URL?

There are other, non-Dockerized services running on the same machine as Discourse, so I have an Apache on port 80 and 443 that forwards requests to Discourse:

           # Reverse proxy configuration
           ProxyPass /.well-known/acme-challenge/ !
           ProxyPass /
           ProxyPassReverse /

and I told Docker to bind Discourse to port 8088:

  - ""   # fwd host port 8080   to container port 80 (http)

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Help with activity report within a group


@brucellino wrote:

Hi all.

I have a request from one of our group admins, to give them a report on the "activity within the group". I interpret this to mean a couple of things, but as a first-pass, I would like to be able to have the number "posts per user" and the histogram "pages viewed per user".

I have very limited experience with sql in general and none at all with the data explorer, but I would like to use the data explorer plugin to do this, not google analytics.

So, TL;DR : can someone give me the sql necessary to obtain these ?

thanks !

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Disable page rendering stats on every page


@decryption wrote:

I just installed Discourse and have these timings pop up on every page - how can I turn them off?

Cheers dudes!

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Two new plugin outlets - user_activity_bottom and user_menu_glyphs


@joebuhlig wrote:

In the midst of working on the voting plugin, I had an idea for a way to show users the topics they've voted on. To keep with the current UX, I'd like to add another feed at the bottom of the user activity menu. This would be similar to Bookmarks.

At the same time, if we make that option available, it would make sense from a users standpoint to put another glyph in the user menu to go alongside.

From what I can tell, this would require the addition of two plugin outlets. I'd be more than willing to create the PRs for these, but is there support for these? Would anyone else have an interest in them?

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How to quantify the success of your community?


@kebdarge wrote:

Following a discussion about books on community building I saw this tip and read part of the book.

This book seems to put a strong emphasis on data and its analyses as a means of quantifying the success of your community.

Quote from the book:

The number of unseen problems is HUGE! When the number of new visitors to the platform dips, that’s an unseen problem. When a number of regulars vanish, that’s an unseen problem. When the volunteers begin slipping away, that’s an unseen problem. When the number of responses to a typical discussion drops, that’s an unseen problem. When a smaller and smaller number of members are contributing to an evergreater percentage of discussions, that’s an unseen problem. Every one of these problems can potentially kill a community. Without an intervention, the community will slip into a decline, which is very difficult to reverse.

This left me wondering what options or tools does Discourse has to measure any of these? Or will I need somehting like Google analytics or Piwik to measure any of these?

How do others do this?

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Transition from Listserv (lsoft) to Discourse


@ILikeLists wrote:


I'd like to explore the differences between a traditional listserv (by lsoft) and Discourse to see if switching to Discourse is a viable option for our business.

I'll post some short background info here and some of the questions we have.

I'll probably edit this post a few times and add links to other threads and resources so it will hopefully serve as a starting point for other listserv users in the future.
I may add more questions to this post (thread) if the need arises to keep it all in one place for reference.

Some background info:

We have several subscribers only (e.g. paid membership) listservs focusing on niche topics discussing current developments and research. They are fairly high volume with over 600K emails emails month (to clarify: one list with 100 members with a 100 message a month would equal 10.000 emails - one message is sent to 100 members so that equals 100 emails).

Email is (and will most likely remain) the preferred method of participation for the vast majority of our members (we've asked). But a minority would like to have a bit more options in managing their discussions (for example make it easier to mute threads or categories for example and also to browse the archives in a more convenient manner) which is why we're looking into to Discourse as it seems the only real alternative - traditional forum software (phpbb et al) is out of the question.

Its good to see even more Mailing list features will be available due to the MOSS Grant - https://meta.discourse.org/t/moss-roadmap-mailing-lists/36432

Of course there will always be differences between listserv & Discourse and it may mean we'll have to change the way we manage the communities so this is not a "X or Y is superiour" thread but I'm just trying to learn about some crucial (for us) differences and to find our if there are similar features or alternative solutions for certain listserv features in Discourse - we've been working with listservs for a very long time and it works for us but we like to investigate alternatives, especially the more social aspect of Discourse is very appealing.

I've searching but may have overlooked answers or misunderstood some features so do feel free to point out other threads.

Participating on a Discourse platform will also give us some insight on how it all works (we haven't setup a test environment yet so forgive me if some questions are FAQs)

Questions (a bit unstructured):

1) Email / mailing list efficiency.

The listserv is very efficient and fast in distributing email. Within (a) minute(s) messages are sent to all members and this ensures lively debates within a very short time span, that is important for us to keep.
Our biggest list has about 2500 members.
Does anyone have any insight how Discourse compares with listserv when it comes to sending out such numbers of emails?

2) Managing differents lists

There is some but not much overlap in the members for each of our listservs. For a listserv you simply setup a new list and add members, they don't see the other lists nor should they.

How does this work with Discourse can you all manage it from one install? We may use some categories per list but given the wide variety of topics would find it hard to enforce strict categories.
Do you need to have several instances of Discourse running to have different communties? (lists)
How does this work from a member standpoint e.g. how to start a new discussion via email on the correct list - for a listserv you simply send it to the listname (at) emaildomain.
The listserv runs on one domain and you simply send it to a new listserv email address. Can you do the same with Discourse or do you have or can you to setup subdomains?

3) Ability to "lock" certain member info

As our service is subscription based - usually paid for by companies, not individuals - it would be useful for us if members wouldn't be able to change their email address so we can manage accounts linked to a subscriber's employees more easily e.g. all (at) companydomain (dot) com email addresses - people change jobs and at that point should not be able to monitor the discussions any longer.


We had some problems with Yahoo/DMARC before listserv software provided a fix, does Discourse handle the DMARC problem? (e.g. not blocked by Yahoo and Yahoo users not causing problems for other members)

4) Reply-to address

Many of our members also like to reply privately to discussion by replying to the poster, we've set up the listservs so that the reply-to address is the email address of the person sending a message. That way sending a reply to the listserv is a conscious decission as they have to use REPLYALL or actually enter the listserv address in the TO field.
Can you do the same with Discourse?

5) Can you block attachments?

Answer: it seems so - Yes (set size for attachments) See https://meta.discourse.org/t/remove-image-uploading-in-posts/23743/4
(some our subscribers insist on this for security reasons and to cut down on bandwith use)

No doubt I'll have more questions later on. Thanks for reading :slightly_smiling:

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Some topics don't load on Safari


@Steven wrote:

Some users came across some weird bug on my forum. It seems to happen only on Safari

If they go once on this topic : http://iunctis.fr/t/a-normal-lost-phone/2294
They can't go a second time on it.

  • On Safari (MAC/iPad) : we have the header and the footer, nothing else. Like there's no topic
  • On Safari (PC) : the topic doesn't load at all, I stay on the latest page

It happens only on a few topics (1 for me on Safari PC, an user had a problem on 2 topics on MAC)

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Forum slowing to a crawl with 504s


@pdx wrote:

Last night, I started getting messages from users that my forum was slow and that they were seeing "504 gateway timed out" errors. I've spent hours debugging but haven't had much luck finding the cause. What I've tried:

  • Rolling back to a two day old Digital Ocean backup
  • Restarting the app
  • Rebuilding the app
  • Deleting tmp/cache
  • Moving from the 2GB droplet instance to the 4GB
  • Disabled all plugins

When this didn't help I tried setting up a local Vagrant install, but I actually get similar issues locally, whereby requests take up to 15s to complete. Usually the first page load loads normally, but then subsequent requests are slow.

I've looked at CPU and memory usage using htop, but to my untrained eye everything looks normal.

Any ideas? :slightly_smiling:

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Youtube scrolling bug


@ky_metro wrote:

Youtube bug in the new virtual DOM. Tested in Firefox and Chrome stable.

- Play a Youtube video embedded in a post, and scroll up or down but the post itself is still visible.
- The URL bar will refresh as another post (before or after) becomes visible.
- The video should continue playing. Instead, it reloads, beginning playback again from the beginning.
- Every time the URL updates and the containing post is partly visible (even if the video itself is offscreen) it will reload.
- If you scroll up or down until the containing post is offscreen, the video stops and doesn't reload until you click it again.

See example here:

Another one here:

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Scheduling jobs from a plugin


@gsch wrote:

I am trying to set up a job that runs on a scheduled interval from within a plugin. In my plugin.rb I have

after_initialize do

    module ::Jobs

        def count; @count end
        def count= v; @count=v end

        Jobs.count =1

        class PluginTestJob < ::Jobs::Scheduled
            every 30.seconds

            def execute(args)
                puts "I'm working (this job ran #{Jobs.count} times)"
                Jobs.count += 1


I am trying to follow the pattern in /app/jobs/scheduled. Is after_initialize too late for the job to get scheduled and I have to manually schedule it? Is this on the right track at all?

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Installing Discourse alongside Apache


@Cedric wrote:


I have just decided to move to discourse recently, I have purchased a 1Gb hosting solution from DigitalOcean and started installing everything. My main "issue" is that on my droplet I will have Apache running on port 80 (for other parts of my website).

This being said I went through the installation of Discourse, the only exception being that - before bootstraping - I modified the app.yml configuraton file as this in order for docker to listen on port 8090.

- "8090:80"

Then started docker. Everything seems fine as when I look at the ports usage I get

tcp6 0 0 [::]:8090 [::]:* LISTEN 10558/docker-proxy

But strangely, if I type myhostaddress:8090, I get a connection refused.

I then went to configure an apache website in sites-enabled

ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests Off
ServerName myforumaddress
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8090/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8090/

Then I try to access myforumaddress I get an error 502 and the following in Apache logs

[Sat Feb 27 01:17:47.966825 2016] [proxy_http:error] pid 11117Connection reset by peer: [client] AH01102: error reading status line from remote server localhost:8090
[Sat Feb 27 01:17:47.966979 2016] [proxy:error] [pid 11117] [client] AH00898: Error reading from remote server returned by /

Any idea on what's wrong?

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Alert users of earlier dupe links


@sam wrote:

I think a very cool use of the "big blue area superimposed over preview" :tm: would be alerting users that the exact same link appears elsewhere in the topic.

For example:

Say I am in a long topic ... and in post #5 someone posted a link to http://wow.awesome.com/cool, later a different user comes and composes a reply containing http://wow.awesome.com/cool, odds are this is

  1. A dupe post
  2. Somehow strongly related to the post the submitted the original link

So we should simply display this in the blue area

Bob already posted a link to http://wow.awesome.com/cool in post #5.

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"Solved" plugin does not show checkboxes on all posts


@jacotec wrote:


the "solved" plugin is a really useful thing for me, so I've installed this on my "Tryout-Server" before getting this into the real world.

I've created a new test user to talk to me :slightly_smiling: and a new topic in a category where I've enabled the "solved" thing. I'm opening a thread and the user "Test 1" replies to it.

The issue is that I don't see "solved" checkboxes for my thread at the answers of "Test 1". Only my own posting below has a box:

I'm a bit puzzled ... what might be wrong here? Must a user be in a special group etc. that I can accept his answer?

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Help wanted on plugin controller


@RGJ wrote:

We're building a Sitemap plugin and I'm running into an issue.

(Yes there has been a lot of discussion around the need for a sitemap, but Google News totally requires it)

Somehow the code in the controller is never executed and I get the regular "The page you requested doesn't exist or is private" message.

Because I suspected an issue with the view, I have stripped the code so it should only output a log line and an error, but this doesn't work either.

Code is here:

Running it does this:

If I rename the generate method or change the route, I get an error that the controller could not be found, so I should be on the right path here. Is there anyone who can spot (the probably very trivial) issue?

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OAuth-based login: Disable account merging


@RalfJung wrote:

I'd like to make a feature request: It would be great if it was possible to disable the automatic merging of accounts when logging in with OAuth that happens right now. Concretely, if I create a local account, and then later, I want to log in via GitHub to this account (local and GitHub account have the same email address), this should not work unless I first connect those two accounts.

The reason I am asking is security concerns: With the automatic merging as it is implemented right now, any broken or dishonest OAuth provider can take over any Discourse account. For example, if GitHub would respond with incorrect email information, saying that some random account foo has my email address - this could happen either because something in GitHub is broken and they screwed up email verification, or because they became malicious, or because they were forced to do so by whatever means - then the owner of foo could log in to Discourse as me, getting full admin privileges in my local installation.

GitLab shows how OAuth logins can be implemented without trusting that OAuth providers provide correct e-mail addresses: If I want to log in with GitHub to a locally created account, I first have to log in locally, and then "connect" the two accounts in my GitLab settings. This successfully prevents account take-over even if OAuth provides incorrect email addresses. So, with GitLab, only those users that actually use GitHub to log in have to trust GitHub not to misbehave. Whereas, with Discourse, every single user of a Discourse instance has to trust every single OAuth provider accepted by that instance.

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Send Digest to a particular e-mail address


@RalfJung wrote:

I would like a digest to be sent regularly to a particular mailing list so that the people on there will notice when stuff happens in the forum. So I created an account for an email alias that initially points to me, configured it to receive a daily digest, and then I changed the alias to point to the list. However, this set-up is not ideal:

Right now, I don't even know if my setup works at all. It is now 22h since I created this account, and there was no Digest yet. I guess I have to wait another 24h before I even know if I have to start debugging.

It would be much easier, and much less fragile, if there was a setting somewhere to send digests to particular addresses, with a particular frequency - Digests that always include everything that happened since the last Digest was sent. Is this possible somehow?

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Discourse and new tech trust issues in enterprise environments


@clay wrote:

I support an internal intranet-only instance of Discourse where I work. Like most large corporate environments (we're a nonprofit with ~ 5000 people), there are many departments, ongoing projects, and most communication is done through email. Much of the company is vertical in structure, but my group (data science) is horizontal, mandated to work with all of the various silos. We started using Discourse as a way to bring together project teams to have a "shared inbox" for project discussions. This has been very successful with some project teams, but not so much with others.

This got me thinking about trust issues and tech adoption in enterprise environments. Many people at my company are used to the IT group saying "you will now use this. period." Like many large IT environments, there's great distrust of open source software. They're used to paying millions/yr for tools like Salesforce, MS Office Online, etc...

Enter Discourse. Its ability to integrate with email is the killer adoption feature in our environment. However, there's still a lingering distrust issue related to this... Over the years, people have learned to trust email to be delivered. It's really not common to hear somebody say "oh, i never received the email you sent." It's either in the Junk folder or they're lying -- at least common wisdom teaches us that. Sometimes the to address was wrong.

With Discourse, tagging other users for notification is a great way to bridge the communication gap. However, we have issues where people sometime never respond. Sure, this happens with email, but the now we don't have the long-standing trust of the platform to stand behind. Suddenly, it's legit for people to say "Oh, I never received the email." Of course, the recipient could respond to the email notification, but sometimes they don't.

Even from the perspective of an Admin, I sometimes wonder whether the person received the email, especially in light of the fact that there's been a string of issues with replies to email not being posted back to the topics, etc. That got me thinking: would it make sense to have some sort of "message was received and read" indicator when you tag somebody? I could see this being available to the person who posted the message and to admins.

Let's say I tag @clay in a message (that's me). If the recipient reads the notification triggered by the tagging, perhaps a very small √ could appear next to the name, something like √-@clay if they read it through the web or :e-mail:-@clay if they read it via email.

This, of course, raises a bunch of notification issues, both related to Discourse as a platform and to trust in communications. It's similar to email read receipts. Perhaps it could be toggled on/off in settings or available only to administrators and moderators.

As a larger issue, however, I think it's important to consider trust issues in the adoption of Discourse in enterprise environments. I'd love to hear others' thoughts about this.

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CloudFlare SSL setup - Images loaded from non-www version


@shalintj wrote:


I recently setup Cloudflare for my discourse setup at https://www.ecitizen.org.in. I activated its Flexible SSL. Here's the problem I encountered:

  1. the images are loaded from the non-www version. For instance, refer this post. Ideally, the URL of the images should be: https://www.ecitizen.org.in/uploads/default/original/1X/33b4cd5d4e027a9cb0f5f640ca29c12a97bab1b9.jpg . But they are https://ecitizen.org.in/uploads/default/original/1X/33b4cd5d4e027a9cb0f5f640ca29c12a97bab1b9.jpg .

Please do help me resolve this issue..

Happy Weekends...

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