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Translation can't be overridden if key is not exist

Firefox 50 makes image pasting hack superfluous


@claas wrote:

There is still some time until Firefox 50 becomes stable in November 2016, but as a noteworthy number of developers could use it already from September (in fact, I'm using it already), I suppose it is not too early to point out that the following firefoxPastingHack for pasting images will not be necessary (and even counterproductive) any more due to clipboardData.items being implemented in Firefox 50 (see Mozilla Bug 906420):

This said, pasting an image into Discourse using Firefox 50 currently yields two to four (mostly three) instances of the same image being inserted:

This is due to the fact that the paste event contains both a png and a jpeg version of the image. Whether this is intended or not, is expected to be cleared very soon (in Mozilla Bug 1290688) and so we can anticipate a fix or (if it's a feature) a hint on how to solve this conceptually.

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What is a grey 2 next to a suggested topic?

Where can i get discourse themes?


@WallBB wrote:

I wanted to know where can i get discourse theme for mu community ?
Is there any marketplace ?

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"download my posts" issue


@elijah wrote:

Noticed elsewhere and duplicated here:

In the last month or two the URL format for posts ("url" column in the CSV) has changed. It used to always be https:// now it is http://.

Probably related to the change where email goes out with all the URLs as http:// instead of https://

That would put the date on or after June 30th and on or before July 6th.

(This is happening to email from Let's Encrypt:

 A brief summary of <a href="http://community.letsencrypt.org"
 style="text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; color: #006699;; color: #0088cc"
 >Let's Encrypt Community Support</a> since your last visit on

Tsk, tsk.)

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What are the top discourse based forum communities?


@WallBB wrote:

Hello Discourse Team,
I am keen to know what are the top discourse based forum communities present online ?
Do we have a list of forums present ?

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Unable to paste in a list of message recipients, hard to write to groups of people privately


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature request, but I am hampered by the inability to paste in a list of message recipients when composing a new message.

I want to create a series of private messages for the same group of about 20 learning exchange participants, and also allow them to easily start conversations within the group to have conversations, on a range of topics, amongst themselves. I don't want to use the group inbox functionality because it's not suitable for this purpose, and I also don't want to create a private category.

The procedure now is to type in a person's username, wait for the autocomplete and choose the correct user, hit enter, then do the next one. This was particularly painful on mobile yesterday, and even on my laptop today it seems unnecessarily cumbersome and even error prone.

Also, I am still in Tanzania where the internet connection is quite slow and the autocomplete takes a while to show up.

I seem to recall that it used to be possible to choose a group name and then it would explode out a list of individual recipients that could then be reviewed and added to/removed from as needed. This went away when group messaging was introduced. Maybe a solution for me would be an admin setting to toggle the group inbox for specific groups? If it's off, it adds group members individually as recipients.

This other feature request would help mightily, but also seems a bit like a workaround:

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Unable to restore backup


@aknudsen wrote:

I'm unable to restore a backup previously automatically created by Discourse itself and uploaded to S3. The error I get is that dump.sql.gz is not found in the backup archive. The log looks something like this:

[2016-07-31 11:15:16] 'aknudsen' has started the restore!
[2016-07-31 11:15:16] Marking restore as running...
[2016-07-31 11:15:16] Making sure /var/www/discourse/tmp/restores/default/2016-07-31-111516 exists...
[2016-07-31 11:15:16] Copying archive to tmp directory...
[2016-07-31 11:15:16] Unzipping archive, this may take a while...
[2016-07-31 11:15:16] Extracting metadata file...
[2016-07-31 11:15:16] Validating metadata...
[2016-07-31 11:15:16] Current version: 20160727233044
[2016-07-31 11:15:16] Restored version: 20160719002225
[2016-07-31 11:15:16] Extracting dump file...
[2016-07-31 11:15:16] EXCEPTION: Failed to extract dump file.
tar: dump.sql.gz: Not found in archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

Please advise.

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"Let's get discussion started" still shows after importing posts


@jamesmarkcook wrote:

Noticed that the "Let's get this discussion started!" banner still displays after importing over a thousand topics. The counters in my admin panel look good, so what is causing this banner to display?

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SSL and Multisite redirecting to wrong SSL domain


@dmoonfire wrote:


I was trying to implement the directions from here. I added the follow sections into my app.yml file and did a sudo ./launcher rebuild app.

  - "templates/postgres.template.yml"
  - "templates/redis.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.template.yml"
  - "templates/sshd.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.ratelimited.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.ssl.template.yml"             # Let's Encrypt
  - "templates/web.letsencrypt.ssl.template.yml" # Let's Encrypt

    - replace:
        filename: "/etc/runit/1.d/letsencrypt"
        from: /no 4096/
        to: |
          discuss.domain2.com,discuss.domain3.com 4096

    - replace:
        filename: "/etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf"
        from: /rewrite \^ https.+/
        to: |
          return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

    - replace:
        filename: "/etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf"
        from: /gzip on;[^\}]+\}/m
        to: |
          gzip on;

It worked great on http://discuss.domain1.com/ going to the SSL site, but when I go to http://discuss.domain2.com it redirects to https://discuss.domain1.com/ instead of domain2 like I expected. What am I doing wrong?

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Loading Google Fonts with @import


@jamesmarkcook wrote:

I'm trying to use Google Fonts in my site, however the fonts aren't loading except for in preview mode.

My code is the following:

@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Fira+Sans:400,500|Open+Sans);

h3 {
    font-family: 'Fira Sans';

I have the customisation enabled so I'm not sure why the fonts wouldn't be loaded. Has anyone encountered this issue?

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Display presentation in Categorie Home page


@poka wrote:


I would like to dislay a brief presentation of my forum on the top of the home page, which is the Categories page.
Is it possible in Discourse ? I didn't found any answer at the moment ...


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Images in drafts and queued posts are cleared to aggressively


@sam wrote:

(categorizing as bug, cause the queued post case is clearly a bug, draft arguably a feature)

If you have images in drafts or queued posts they are deleted 1 to 2 hours later. clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours

This behaviour makes it very hard to use queued posts, and very difficult to compose drafts with images.

I suggest:

  • Increasing default upload clear to say 2 days or so
  • Adding queued posts

Drafts are clearly a more complicated beast, ideally images in drafts should only be visible to the user who is making the draft until draft is finally public.

cc @zogstrip

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Can Admin send "Daily Updates" or "Activity Summary" to specific users/email addresses?


@mansoorix wrote:

Can Admin send "Daily Updates" or "Activity Summary" to specific users or list of email addresses?

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How to set to show `Select a category...` when user create a new topic


@Vincent_Lee wrote:

I am a new admin of our discourse forum, and i have created some categories, but i do NOT want to show a default category when user create a topic, i want show user Select a category... instead, like the following pic shows. any one know how to set this?

thanks a lot for helping.

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Upgrade to 1.6.0.beta12 resulted in emoji showing as tags in polls


@barryvan wrote:

As you can see in this image:

the :frowning: emoji has been replaced by the HTML <img> tag in its raw form. Interestingly, when viewing the results, all appears as it should.

Is the new poll UI maybe constructing its elements using innerText?

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Make Reply button more prominent


@BernardLunn wrote:

Suggestion. Could we move REPLY button to the left hand side and make it bigger than the other buttons. Or even place it over the other buttons (probably better but some A/B testing would help). This is the most important action we want to encourage (and little nudges make all the difference).

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Best way to reference uploads in a plugin


@piratdavid wrote:

The issue of disappearing uploads has been discussed here before. I just stumbled on the same error in a plugin of mine and started thinking about how to reference uploads. My guess is that Sidekiq determines if an Upload is an orphan if it doesn't have a PostUpload relation. If so is it enough to have a has_one or has_many relationship in my referencing class? Or would the reference also have to be in the Upload class such as the existing relation beneath?

has_many :post_uploads, dependent: :destroy
has_many :posts, through: :post_uploads

This is really an Active Record question but it would help to get a hint.


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Permissions for subcategories


@thorbenegberts wrote:

Hi there,

I wonder if this is a bug or feature :slight_smile:

Let's assume I've got user group A and group B.

We've got an internal category with some subcategories. Both the category and its subcategories are only visible to group A.

Now I create a new subcategory that is visible to both A and B. Members of group B now get this errors as they navigate to this category (/c/<categoryname>/):

However, they are able to view topics in this subcategory if they navigate there directly (via link). This error occurs only in the topic list.

(Discourse 1.6.0.beta12 - https://github.com/discourse/discourse version 1f12e41029f2531904d8600372625e360f87b8fa, hosted instance forum.plentymarkets.com)

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Do the topic-list page and topic page have an id?


@Pad_Pors wrote:

so that you can easily add-remove other div's to them separately? e.g. you want to add an image to all the topic-pages, how do you do that?

or for example, to remove banner from topic-page, i could use

div.regular #banner { display: none; }

and it works, but then to remove global-alert from the topic page this doesn't work:

div.regular .alert { display: none; }

is there a simple way?

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