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New subcategory visual style mockup


15 posts

Kane York (riking) wrote:

Here's something I hacked together in Chrome's inspect element/developer console:

<td class="category">
  <span class="badge-category" style="background-color: #e9dd00; color: #000000; padding: 5px 7px;"><a href="/category/bug" class="badge-category" title="Bug reports on Discourse. Do be sure to search prior to submitting bugs. Include repro steps, and only describe one bug per topic please." style="
    padding-left: 0;
    color: #000000;
">bug</a><a style="
    background-color: green;
    padding: 2px 3px;
    /* font-size: 90%; */
" class="badge-category">complete</a>

I think that this - including the parent category name - would help for several workflows, not the least of which is that shown above (bug tracking).

I was prompted to do this by the wart in this topic:

[REL] Cheat Mod by kristof1104

Hi Everyone, I got bored and decided to make a cheat mod for Game Dev Tycoon. Using the mod to cheat will prevent your savegame from getting corrupt. Features: version 0.1.1 - Add Money - Add Research Points - Add Fans - Add Dream Team ( Fill your team with Expert Teammembers) version 0.1.2: - Move To Final level ( Hardware and RnD lab included) version 0.1.3: - Ability to add AAA research version 0.1.4 - Move in Time function, you can now goto any date in the game. Version 0...

See that [REL] in the title there? Yeah. That's ugly. I think it would be better if they could use a category like this:

(Modding: Release as opposed to "Modding: discussion", etc.)

We should probably have some subcategories here on Meta to do testing of the codepaths for subcategories...

For example, the "bug: open" and "bug: complete" categories featured above, where "bug: complete" has permissions of everyone can reply/see. (Actually, does that forbid moving topics into the category? I'll test and report back...)

Proposal for a (hash) tagging feature


51 posts

Sam Bauch (SBauch) wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Shouldn't you be able to tag with multiple categories?:

I agree with @weirdcanada that the categorization system works well for thematic organization but that we need a system of tagging. A trite example that illustrates how I'm thinking about it is categories of Fruit and Vegatable, with a goodreads tag. "Good Reads" wouldn't be a great category because it isn't really thematic, and then confuses users who want to share a great article about vegetables (where would it go?)

An idea I had was to implement Twitter-style hashtags, much in the same way Discourse @mentions function.

So a user could tag their post anywhere in the post body with a hashtag (which brings up the autocomplete with existing/popular tags).

It's then rendered as a "chip" in their post, and other users can click that chip to be taken to a search results view that shows all of the posts with that tag. It would also be searchable via the existing search functionality for free.

What do others think of this idea? I think it would be much easier to implement via a PR than it would as a plugin, so I thought I'd get some ideas flowing before starting any work on it.

Shouldn't you be able to tag with multiple categories?


59 posts

Cade Roux (caderoux) wrote:

A LOT of forums try to help with a huge volume of users by having an entire hierarchy of forums. The problem with this is that things SPAN categories. I'm thinking of HEAVILY trafficked forums like XDA Developers. They have sections for each phone and then even sections for the vendor-specific model. Seems to me if you wanted to be a successful forum replacement, you'd have to target the most successful forums (e.g. XDA Developers) and review their actual usage of features and determine how to solve those same problems they are solving, but in a better way.

This is where I think allowing multiple categories (a la SO tags) would be a better solution to the extensive hierarchy of sub forums which a lot of big popular forums tend to use to help users find things and track things.

Logo appears smaller after update


3 posts

Vaios Kalpias Ilias (vkalpias) wrote:

Hey there,

We updated to latest today and since then our top left logo appears really smaller. Is there somewhere we can fix that?

Thank you

Search not working for Staff users


6 posts

David (masda70) wrote:


We've recently upgraded to rails4, and we are mostly up to date as we run frequent merges against discourse/discourse master.

We've come to realize after a few weeks that the search feature is broken, but only for "Staff" users.

The search function is split into three kinds : users, categories and topics. Both user/category search work for "Staff", but "topic" returns empty results.

In our particular case, almost all of our categories are marked as "secure", and we only have one "public" category.

In fact, what happens is that "Staff" search look ups dont search inside "secure" categories at all.

For instance, after some logging, I've noticed that in lib/search.rb, secure_category_ids is empty when a "Staff" user does a look up.

def posts_query(limit)
 if secure_category_ids.present?
        posts = posts.where("(categories.id IS NULL) OR (NOT categories.read_restricted) OR (categories.id IN (?))", secure_category_ids).references(:categories)
        posts = posts.where("(categories.id IS NULL) OR (NOT categories.read_restricted)").references(:categories)

Then I looked into app/models/user.rb and discovered that the following returns [] for Staff users, in the context of search query (For example, from the ListController context, it returns the correct result).

def secure_category_ids
    cats = self.staff? ? Category.where(read_restricted: true) : secure_categories.references(:categories)

The query being executed for this particular context Category.where(read_restricted: true).pluck('categories.id').sort is :

SELECT categories.id FROM "categories" LEFT OUTER JOIN "category_search_data" ON "category_search_data"."category_id" = "categories"."id" WHERE (category_search_data.search_data @@ TO_TSQUERY('english', 'data:*')) AND "categories"."read_restricted" = 't' ORDER BY topics_month

When we are listing topics instead, the resulting query is :

SELECT categories.id FROM "categories" WHERE "categories"."read_restricted" = 't'

So it appears that there is a bunch of noise that is being added to the query.

Then I discovered that in lib/search.rb, we have :

def category_search
      categories = Category.includes(:category_search_data)
                           .where("category_search_data.search_data @@ #{ts_query}")
                           .order("topics_month DESC")

      categories.each do |c|

The above code appears to be where the noise comes from. After all, we do a category_search before doing a topic_search.

def find_grouped_results

But I don't understand how the queries can conflict with each other. Is the scope not supposed to be different?

As a matter of fact, the category_search code runs the proper query, and category results are properly displayed to 'Staff' users.

Edit history should show source, not rendered version


2 posts

Ben Lubar (ben_lubar) wrote:

The HTML generated for the relevant part of the right side is:

<img src="/<ins>/866185888.r.cdn77.net/</ins>uploads/default/2341/72cc8703c32544ae.png" <del>alt="">
<img src="</del><ins>width="546" height="321">
<img src="//866185888.r.cdn77.net</ins>/uploads/default/2342/c722fe1fdbe27d64.png" <del>alt="</del><ins>width="546" height="321</ins>">

Discourse Meetup in Madrid


15 posts

Pablo Corral (PabloC) wrote:

Hi all,

I would like to meet people using/working/exploring Discourse in Madrid.

I'am happy to organize a meeting between September and October, in the most convenient moment when we have at least 10 participants.

Please, shout if you are interested in participate on it.


Tutorial request: Recommended set-up for Discourse staging site


5 posts

Erlend Sogge Heggen (erlend_sh) wrote:

I'd greatly appreciate a write-up on "How to create a (live) Discourse staging site". Basically for the exact same reasons that try.discourse.org exists.

Since the Docker container appears to have been a success, perhaps Dokku could simplify this even further?

Thoughts on immediate login pre-email confirmation?


21 posts

Patrick (patrick) wrote:

A user hits the forum, wants to jump in, then, of course, needs to register. Upon completing the registration, however, they are prompted to confirm their email before being able to do anything on the forum as a user, such as editing their profile.

I completely understand the reasons for this, however I think there is big value in being able to allow a user in immediately, with their email needing to be confirmed in, say, 24 hours. Having them leave the forum, swing over to their email, then back to the forum seems like an easy way to turn people off returning....I like the idea of letting them in right away, while we have their attention.

Any thoughts on how to go about implementing this?

Topics with no category no longer show after update


3 posts

Tim Lancina (tim_) wrote:

Just updated from (I think?) to and now topics with (no category) don't display. As far as I can tell they only appear in the topic list for admins, and when clicked on, load a blank page with the following errors:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '__ember1386966137098_meta' of undefined application-27f1160c5d14817334276ac8d1ae95cb.js:5000

Uncaught Error: Something you did caused a view to re-render after it rendered but before it was inserted into the DOM. application-27f1160c5d14817334276ac8d1ae95cb.js:25370

Any ideas? I've checked all the log files and didn't see anything irregular, but I definitely could have missed something.

EDIT: In the meantime, I've simply unchecked allow_uncategorized_topics in Settings, but still would be interested to find out if anyone knows what's going on.

Add the Ability to "View Source"


5 posts

Captain wrote:

When looking at a post, a link underneath with a way to view the source formatting of a post would be useful.

How should we implement "role based security"


48 posts

Sam Saffron (sam) wrote:

For the Ember forum, one of our 3 white glove communities, we would like to build some basic role base security.

Essentially, some of the discussion on the forum can only be accessible to a certain group of users controlled by the forum moderators.

How should the mechanics of this feature work? What changes do we need to make?

Multiple languages on single Discourse site


22 posts

Ted Strauss (trudat) wrote:

I would like to host a Discourse site for a bilingual context (en/fr) where users
give their prefered language during registration. Both languages will get mixed
together in the forum.
Is this doable?

Google yahoo facebook etc login is not using port 80


2 posts

Jim Effinger (lonetreetechy) wrote:

I am running discourse on a server inside the network on, for example, port 8080 (http). The firewall routes traffic from the public ip on port 80. With enable_google_logins etc it tells the users 'cannot connect to mydomainname.com:8080'

Where do I change the setting so Internet users requests get sent to port 80 (my router should forward to the secret port)

Closing topics should not result in phantom unread posts


5 posts

Lowell Heddings (geek) wrote:

Agreed. This just happened to me for the zillionth time.

Even more annoying is that I was closing topics... So I shouldn't be seeing them as unread anyway.

Are the Chef cookbooks suitable for production deployment?


1 post

Peter Jaros (peeja) wrote:

I was surprised to find that the Official Discourse Install Guide doesn't mention Chef at all. Is it possible to use the Chef cookbooks in /chef for production deploys? And if not, is there an intrinsic reason, or is it worth pursuing?

Email notifications do not include "in reply to" data?


4 posts

sparr wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Zero left margin intended?:

Can someone confirm if this is true? If so, I think it's a bug.

What is the most awesome plugin for Discourse, that does not yet exist?


175 posts

Sam Saffron (sam) wrote:

I would like to create this topic to inspire budding plugin authors.

As a user what is the most amazing plugin for Discourse you could imagineer?

External urls should open in new tab


5 posts

Johan Storm (mrotsnahoj) wrote:

Would be good if external urls open in new tab (or an option when creating new hyperlink to either open in same frame or new) as user might "drift away" otherwise? Maybe there is an option for this but have not found it?

Ctrl+F search is interrupted by quotation popup


10 posts

Erlend Sogge Heggen (erlend_sh) wrote:

If I'm trying to 'ctrl-f' search for something on a topic page, I won't get further than a few letters in before the "Quote reply" pop-up appears and cancels my search.

Using latest Chrome.

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