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Auto-Close dialogue shows [object Object] when tick box is invoked before topic close time


@Pugwash wrote:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. As an Admin click on spanner icon top right within a topic.
  2. Select "Auto Close".
  3. Check the box "Don't close until.." before entering any time or number of hours.

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Mass-edit email of all users


@Raku wrote:

Long story short: I screwed up an import from phpBB. :facepalm: Well okay, that's not the full story.

The import itself worked flawlessly!
And at this point let me shout out to the whole team for creating an awesome piece of software (from a users point of view, an admins point of view and a devs point of view)! :slight_smile:

... I wanted to be on the safe side and edited every users email in the sql file from phpBB. So Discourse won't send out any mails after the import, because we needed some time to restructrue posts and categories after the import. Please, don't ask why and how. :joy:
After we finished all refurbishing tasks we wanted to edit the users emails back to their original one, only to find out admins can't edit emails. We ended up impersonating every user and changing their email address back... only to find out the activation link may only be valid for a few (?) hours.
At least we now have users who click the link they received, but Discourse doesn't change their address.

Luckily I didn't screw up THAT bad. When editing the users mail in the first place, before the import, I just appended kinda nonce to the @-sign, so the domain is invalid. This means the original data is still there.

My plan is to replace the nonce with an empty string on the database. And that's where I need help, as I have zero experience with Ruby/Rails.

I already found

And that's quite a good start, but I need further help here.

What I think I need to to - in pseudocode:

./launcher enter app
rails c
User.where("email contains nonce").update_all(replace nonce with empty string)

Or even

User.update_all(replace nonce with empty string in email field)

As the nonce is really just some gibberish behind the @-sign, but the same gibberish for every user. And the ones I already corrected manually won't be affected by this.

I don't have a clue what I'm supposed to write in between the parantheses. Or if this (a replace) is even possible.

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Deleting all entries from top menu results in 500 error


@codmakr wrote:


I dont like the top menu. So i wanna delete all entrys here:

If we only click(delete) on "latest" we get an error:

(Here you see it in german)
Top Menu always needs the Tab "latest"

But if we(like i do) click on all items from right to left, it is possible to store this with a empty value:

Result is a 500 error on the frontpage.

I hope that could help you guys to fix it :slight_smile:

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External email handler for user notifications


@sniepoort wrote:

This is a feature request, but also something that could be suitable for a plugin - where we would like some guidance/input.

Basically, we feel that there isn't enough control over email notifications that are sent out to users, both in deciding which to send, but also the actual templating. We are aware that email templates are customisable, but we feel it's a bit limiting. We can't for example style anything that goes on in {message}. That isn't to say Discourse doesn't have a pretty solid emailing system, but it has it's limits.

Therefore, it would be really nice if we could have the option of handling anything email related over to a external service, such as Postmark.
This module would for example list all available email types (user_posted, user_private_message, user_invited_to_topic, etc.), and you would have the option to enable or disable for the Discourse email handler. If disabled, you would then be given the option to post it to an external api like Postmark, defining which template to use, and mapping available fields (like user, post, etc.) to the template model.

We're aware that this is pretty library specific (the Postmark API obviously varies from others), but perhaps a solution could be found for a general use case. Again, we're interested to hear any thoughts.

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If you were forced (or paid) to build a js frontend for Magento 2... would you still use Ember?


@moens wrote:

I have read this fine post by eviltrout, which is interesting, but maybe not comprehensive.

I also read "I love the community" bit by Grant Norwood

So, if you had to do it again... or, if you had to do it with PHP, would you choose a different framework?

Honestly we are only looking at React and Ember (but please, comment on any that you like). Especially considering Ember because of the amazing work you all have done with it, and your dedication to it.

Your answer doesn't have to be deep... just a small bullet list or a one-liner by you js devs would be great. Thanks!

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Migrating to new server quoted post avatar image 404


@revilossor wrote:

Hi All - think this is a bug :

I was moving to a different server, so i backed up, downloaded, uploaded to new server and reverted from that - mostly it worked fine.

The problem i'm having is with avatar images. For existing posts, the avatar images are coming from the new domain ( which is fine ) - but for posts that quote these posts, the avatar images are coming from the old domain ( and 404ing )

I guess its a bug...?



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Allow reply for Unregistered users


@rhotimee wrote:

I would like to allow users that are not registered to my forum reply topics. how can i do this?

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Tag gets broken if the first topic to use it is deleted


@GSeven wrote:


I'm still learning about discourse, i don't know how many times i have installed and uninstalled in the hope of getting things correct?

right now, i'm having a problem with tags.

I'm a level 4 mod and created 2 tags 'oxford' and 'cambridge' in two separate posts, then i deleted the posts, but now i can't add those two tags to any further posts.

I can create and add a tag called 'oxfor' or 'oxfordy' but 'oxford' comes up with 'no matches found'.

Oxford and Cambridge are not on the tag page, it is empty.

I have no idea what has gone wrong, do i need to clear out a cache somewhere or something?

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Freakin loving Discourse


@SouperC wrote:

A thoughtful, progressive and pragmatic combination of tech and social science. Clean UI on both the user and admin/manager side.


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Configuring SSO to Work With SocialEngine


@SouperC wrote:

I just installed discourse and we are starting to build guidelines for our community, start a couple of categories etc etc.

We have an existing installation of SocialEngine (PHP/Zend) and I would like to give our existing SE users the same login and account on discourse with the ablity for discourse to also create an account in socialengine for them when they signup on our forums.

What are my first steps towards doing this? I am not a developer perse, but I'm not afraid of digging in some php files and I'm trying to gauge the effort that might required to do this. I'm not opposed to hiring help for this BTW.

Of note, we also have a Wordpress install that we are working on at the moment. There is a Wordpress <> Socialengine plugin that will create SSO between those. I'm wondering if I could use that, along with the Discourse Wordpress plugin. That sounds like a lot of stuff to go wrong?

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Users unable to login after container rebuild


@james-007 wrote:

I have rebuilt the container yesterday and my users including admin can not login to the site. When the login details are entered, it brings the user back to the index page and without giving any errors. Does anyone else experiencing the same issue? Can anyone suggest the solution asap please.

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Using Ember Services in Discourse plugins


@David_Taylor wrote:

I am attempting to make use of Ember "Services" in a discourse plugin. Right now I am just trying to get a simple proof of concept working based off of this tutorial online. Unfortunately I can't get it working and am not sure if it's something to do with how plugins are loaded in discourse, or if I'm just doing something wrong. Any help would be appreciated!

Right now the plugin is purely clientside, so the plugin.rb just has basic info.

# name: Test Plugin
# about: A plugin to test Ember services in Discourse
# version: 0.0.1
# authors: David Taylor

// plugins/myplugin/assets/javascripts/discourse/components/comp-test.js.es6
import Ember from 'ember';
var inject = Ember.inject;

export default Ember.Component.extend({
    start: inject.service(),
    message: 'test',
    actions: {
        pressMe: function() {
            var testText = this.get('start').thisistest();

// plugins/myplugin/assets/javascripts/discourse/services/start.js.es6
import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Service.extend({
    isAuthenticated: true,
    thisistest: function() {
        return "hello world";

<!-- plugins/myplugin/assets/javascripts/discourse/templates/components/comp-test.hbs -->
<button {{action "pressMe"}}>push me</button><br>

<!-- plugins/myplugin/assets/javascripts/discourse/templates/connectors/discovery-list-container-top/testfile.hbs -->
<span>Hello World widget here: {{comp-test}}</span>

When the button is clicked, I get an error in the javascript console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'thisistest' of undefined
which I believe just means that the Service hasn't been loaded/injected properly. I'm unsure of how to go about debugging this further.

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Hide tags in filter list - New Site Setting


@jomaxro wrote:

Over at Stonehearth we've been using the tag system pretty extensively in a few of our categories. We also have show filter by tag enabled and sorted by popularity. The problem we're now seeing is that certain tags are used many times (like duplicate), that they permanently sit at the top of the drop-down. It would be nice if we could have a field in site settings (similar to staff tags) where we can list tags to hide from the filter drop-down.

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Has anyone considered Ubuntu snap format for deploying Discourse?

Upload dialog is image only, but file uploads are allowed


@jomaxro wrote:

Just got a report of an issue at Stonehearth, it seems clicking on the upload button in the post composer toolbar says "Add an image" and "select images from your device" and makes no mention of file uploads. There are multiple file types allowed, any idea why it doesn't say "Add an image or a file" and list the allowed extensions like here at Meta?

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Getting a MiniRacer 500 Error when posting new Topics


@Harkirat_Singh wrote:

When posting a new topic, we're getting a 500 error.

MiniRacer::ScriptTerminatedError (JavaScript was terminated (either by timeout or explicitly))
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/mini_racer-0.1.3/lib/mini_racer.rb:99:in 'eval_unsafe'

On retrying it sometimes works.

What gives?

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Full names not shown on posts


@fefrei wrote:

In one of my self-hosted instances, which is up-to-date with the beta branch, full names aren't shown next to the username above a post, just the username and title. The full name does appear on the user card.

  • The username doesn't match the full name.
  • enable names is ticked.
  • This happens with all site customizations disabled.
  • prioritize username in ux is enabled, disabling it has no effect on this.
  • The full names were set via a SSO login.

I have these plugins installed:

Does anyone have an idea why the full names refuse to show up?

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Can I login my existing users (logged in through FB, G+ and custom email/password)?


@Paritosh wrote:

Hi All,

I am evaluating discourse for our community. To give a preliminary intro, we are a decent sized platform for blogging. We already have a lot of logged in users.

Now these users are logged in using FB, G+ login and also using a custom sign up (using their email and password of their choice). These custom logins are handled by a separate api. The same api also handles access tokens from FB/G+.

Is there a way for us to integrate this API with the SSO provided by discourse OTB? We want to go with the hosted solution for starting out and then if everything goes well, go for a customised solution.

Thanks for your time in advance.


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How to send mass message to forum users?


@rainwww wrote:

If Discourse forum system has mass message function? That's to say, moderator can send internal message (notice) to all forum users one time. Thanks.

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Watch first post of any topic, regardless of category


@yxejamir wrote:


I was using “mailing list mode”, but it was getting too noisy for me, so I switched to “watching first post” on all existing categories. However, this is not going to cover new categories that might be added in the future, or topics not assigned to any category. Is there currently a way to achieve this “first post mailing list mode”, or am I talking about a feature request here?


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