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Wordpress and Discourse in a single droplet


@pfaffman wrote:

Continuing the discussion from New Offering: Install Discourse and WordPress in one Droplet:

In the above offering, I do a standard Cloud Install, move Discourse to another port, and install Apache to serve Wordpress and configure it as a reverse proxy. It's pretty much the same as this howto except it's Apache rather than Nginx (and doesn't do SSL, yet). I went with Apache because it makes it easier to configure Wordpress permalinks via a .httpaccess file.

From a performance perspective doing this in a single 2 gb droplet seems like a big win over 2 1gb droplets. It doesn't seem like it should complicate upgrades with either Wordpress or Discourse.

The big downside (right now, at least) is that configuring Let's Encrypt is more complicated (read, I haven't bothered to figure that out yet). Is there something else that I'm missing?

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Topics shows as unread indefenetly if last post is made in whisper


@MerryMinstrel wrote:

I just received complain from my user that unread badges doesn't disappear when some topics are read. Unread badge disappears only if user changes topic following level to normal.

It appears that whisper posts are causing this behavior. When I deleted last post in topic (which was made in whisper) and asked user to look again at topic. Unread badge disappeared without a problem.

Is this what makes staff whisper communication an experimental feature? Or this is just a bug?

My instance is running on latest "test passed" version v1.7.0.beta7 +209.

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Pay for one-time Discourse migration?


@dfabulich wrote:

For some reason I thought the pricing page offered a way to pay CDCK to migrate a forum (e.g. from phpBB) to Discourse, but run the migrated site on a self-supported DigitalOcean instance.

Is that a product CDCK offers?

(If not, was that product ever available? Or am I just misremembering?)

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Determine why 'system' user blocked a human user?


@downey wrote:

Hi there. Is there any way to determine why system would have blocked a new user to our forums?

The same user was also sent an automatic message stating the following:


This is an automated message from LibreHealth Forums to let you know that your account has been temporarily placed on hold as a precautionary measure.

Please do continue to browse, but you won't be able to reply or create topics until a staff member2 reviews your most recent posts. We apologize for the inconvenience.

For additional guidance, refer to our community guidelines.

... but there's no guidance as to why this user would have been flagged. Any ideas?

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Discourse isn't starting


@nstemp wrote:

I recently run out of disk space and following this

my discourse isn't even starting now... I have no idea what to do now and I need help ASAP

It's a +2000 users community and I would like to fix it now.

This is the error I get when I try to start:

Unable to find image 'local_discourse/app:latest' locally
Pulling repository docker.io/local_discourse/app
Error: image local_discourse/app:latest not found

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Vbulletin 4 does not import all attachments


@enigmaty wrote:

VB4 forums allow you to attach files in two ways, inline attachment and not inline attachment:

The importer sees the first not the second. This done by looping throw all the Post and match a certain regex:

Is there away that I can use to catch all attachments?

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Seperate grace edit setting for TL0 users


@jomaxro wrote:

Continuing the discussion from this topic:

One of the new features added to Discourse in the wake of Stonehearth's massive spam attack was the ability to limit editing to certain trust levels. This was done in part because many of the spammers exploited a loophole in spam checking by submitting a valid post then editing it within the 5 minute grace period. Unfortunately, this restricts all editing, not just grace edits.

Currently, the following site setting exists editing grace period with a default of 300 seconds. I'd like to suggest a new site setting: TL0 editing grace period, or alternatively allow TL0 grace editing.

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Bug(?): external link of category descriptions don't open in new tab


@drreen wrote:

My forum (as well as my profile) is set up to open external links in new tab.
Yet in category view (/categories) the links in the category description don't open in new tab.

Is there any workaround for that?

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Have everyone watching the group inbox


@rriemann wrote:


I just found out that group inboxes are tracked by default and not watched. I thought messages are treated like personal messages and thus, watched by default.

Is there a setting to change the default notification settings for group inboxes? How can I make everyone watching its groups that already got an account?

Thank you!

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Attachment records cleared doing post rebake


@junaid_pk14 wrote:


We have around more than 5 lac attachments in Vbulletin. When we imported these posts into Discourse same no of records were created in the 'uploads' table. Recently for some reasons we rebake the posts and all records from 'uploads' table removed automatically. I was checking the code and could not find any trace. Is there any flow in code that is deleting data from uploads folder? Thanks

@neil can you please check this? Thanks


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For those large forums converted from PHP based script to Discouse, need your thoughts please


@RoldanLT wrote:

Drop or Increase on Adsense Revenue?
Does Adsense works the same on javascript powered sites like Discouse?


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Branding - Custom brand header with logo, navigation and icons


@vinothkannans wrote:


Discourse on Codiss


Add custom brand header with logo, navigation and icons for you Discourse website


See it in action


Repo is at: https://github.com/vinkas0/discourse-branding

Navigation plugin is required to manage brand links and icons

In your app.yml add:

    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - mkdir -p plugins
          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git
          - git clone https://github.com/vinkas0/discourse-navigation.git
          - git clone https://github.com/vinkas0/discourse-branding.git

And then rebuild the container:

./launcher rebuild app


You can change branding settings under admin/site_settings/category/branding. And add your custom menu links in /admin/plugins/navigation path using Navigation plugin.

Hire me - I can help you if you need more branding customization or in any other discourse related jobs.

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Embedded topic's category according to path


@jako512 wrote:

In embedding configuration I can setup hostname, path and category so I was under impression that if I set for one hostname different paths and categories I can effectively categorize embedded topics according to path.

For example the following setting would categorize topics on /article/ path to category Články and topics on /course/ path to category Kurzy. However only the first one works and the second one fails with HTTP 403:

It seems that it takes the first item with matching hostname and if path does not match it returns 403 and does not check the next item with matching hostname.

Is this the bug or intended behaviour ?

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Error sending job mail


@Darcyys wrote:

Hi, first of all sorry for my english and thanks a lot for your help

Yesterday, after changing my app.yaml mail settings, my admin panel started showing this message:

I changed my mail settings because i was using mandrillapp for mail sending, and now i am using sparkpost.

I already rebuild my app
I am using sparkpost for sending mails and it is well configured because i can send mails without problems.
My app.yml settings... i think there is nothing wrong with that because the only thing i changed is the sparkpost connect settings.

password is hidden


And the Logs

Any idea of what my mistake is?


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Vagrant image on dropbox is missing


@eriko wrote:

I am back to a bit more work on the the cas_sso app and rebuilding things after doing a full wipe of my dev environment. Anyways I am getting the following while doing vagrant up

default: Downloading: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2132770g1e05c6d/discourse.box?dl=1
An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error
message, if any, is reproduced below. Please fix this error and try

Any thoughts?

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SendGrid - set up with Discourse


@Jacob2 wrote:

Any tutorials on how to set up SendGrid to work with Discourse set up on Digital Ocean?

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Requiring external gems


@kgish wrote:

For a plugin that I am writing, I would like to use some external gem files that are not present in the default discourse gemfile.

What is the standard way of doing this without being able to modify the discourse gemfile?

Also a similar question reqarding user-defined rake tasks.

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Offering help with Brazilian Portuguese translations


@rberaldo wrote:


I love Discourse, thank you for making this great piece of software. You're awesome!

I've just installed it on my local LUG server. However, some of the translations to Portuguese aren't great. Many are missing and some are just awkward. So, I'd like to contribute. I've already joined Transifex and have started contributing. Is the pt_br team really active? Translations seem a bit out of date.


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sendWidgetAction and Event not binding `this` to widget


@sam wrote:

This is mainly for @eviltrout but would have implications to all plugin devs.

At the moment sendWidgetAction and Event is not binding this to the widget.

sendWidgetAction(name, param) {
    return this.rerenderResult(() => {
      const widget = this._findAncestorWithProperty(name);
      if (widget) {
        return widget[name](param);

      return this._sendComponentAction(name, param || this.findAncestorModel());

In particular we have

      if (widget) {
        return widget[name](param);

Instead this could be:

     if (widget) {
        return widget[name].call(widget, param);

Is there and reason we should not make this change?

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Running discourse on non-root path


@alw wrote:


I tries to run discosure as docker container behind nginx on http://my.site/forum path - but it looks like it is hardcoded that discourse always on '/' path - for example after login it's redirected to '/', ignoring config.action_controller.relative_url_root = '/forum' setting in the config/application.rb. Is it possible to get discourse fully running on non-root path?

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