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User login issue


@Sara_Noel wrote:

I have a member on my forum that usually gets an email summary/subscription notification, clicks to get to the forum and then logs in.

Today she posted this:

"Weird log in just happened to me. Okay so I didn't have my log in cause well you know me. I always come through my mail. I did go to the site itself though and it logged me in under someone else! Is there a glitch. Maybe I am in an alternate universe. IDK?"

So I went to check ip matches and saw that she did login with the most recent registered member's account. They are not the same person. The most recent registered member is from CA. This person that got access to her account is in ME and I know her well.

Please advise.

Also sorry if this should be in support.

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Separate admin and personal accounts?


@tophee wrote:

Are there any recommendations or simply experiences that you might like to share regarding the question whether or not admins should have two separate dicourse accounts (a personal one to participate in forum discussions, and an admin one for, well, admin stuff)?

Technically, the answer is simple: one account per person should do. But I also know that it is good practice in face-to-face discussions to "wear different hats" depending on the type of contribution one is making at a particular moment. Apart from playing different roles in public, there might also be personal pros and cons of having two accounts, the most obvious con being that you have login and logout when switching between roles (or use different browsers) and the most obvious pro being that you can focus on being a participant without being distracted by admin tasks popping up all the time.

So I'd be curious to hear your thoughts and experiences with this.

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Broken avatar images


@lokeshh wrote:

I have deployed Discourse on a docker in Cent OS along with other applications. After trying all I can I am still not able to fix the broken avatar images that I am getting. Please visit here to have a look. Here is my app.yml file. I know support for non default port is not there in Discourse but I still ask for your help as I have no other option.

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discourseEmbed, does not match recipient window origin


@trudat wrote:

I am trying to embed Discourse comments into an external site, and getting a CORS-like error in the console of the external site. It is a CKAN site using a 3rd party plugin for Discourse integration (plugin link). Both sites are served over HTTPS.

The Discourse iFrame loads on the external site, there's a message "Loading Discussion..." that tries to load comments. It reloads the iFrame about every 10 seconds, in a loop.

The error in CKAN console:

Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target
origin provided ('https://discourse-site') does not match the
recipient window's origin ('https://ckan-site').

In the Discourse error log:

Job exception: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed

By opening the env tab, i get the following details.

hostname	forum-app
process_id	[97, 101, 3295, 7109, 174, 98, 104]
application_version	[ae671355da1db07dedd4a1c927282ce7ce8ecc33, 476ae57af300b6a052318f66a1c84d3e791c0d26, ce7c3bfc14c873b952bb4242d2d2b9ac5ae466d6]
current_db	default
current_hostname	discourse-site.com
job	Jobs::RetrieveTopic
problem_db	default
opts	null
user_id	3
embed_url	[https://ckan-site/dataset/test-003, https://ckan-site/dataset/test-06]
referer	[https://ckan-site/dataset/test-003, https://ckan-site/dataset/test-06, https://discourse-site/embed/comments?embed_url=https%3A%2F%2Fckan-site%2Fdataset%2Ftest-003, https://discourse-site/embed/comments?embed_url=https%3A%2F%2Fckan-site%2Fdataset%2Ftest-06]
current_site_id	default

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Strange problem with Data Explorer


@JagWaugh wrote:

I'm not sure if I've misunderstood something, or there is a problem with the plugin, or something bent in discourse.

As of last night we're on the latest version of discourse beta, and the plugin was also first added last night. It works fine, except that any query which involves the declaration of an integer (in [params]) yields: an error message indicating "Parameter declaration error - the default value is not a valid int" whenever I try to save it.

(This is the case for all the examples on https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-cool-data-explorer-queries-have-you-come-up-with/43516/23 which I have copy/pasted from meta (yes, I retyped the [params] section manually, just in case it was some issue with copy/paste adding weird characters).

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Remove emojis from Open graph meta tags (title and description) but not url!


@alonle wrote:

Since the share to Facebook does not show any emojis but only show text like "smile"
I think we need to remove it and replace it with an empty string

Unfortunately, I'm not a ruby guy, but I think we need to add code in this file In function crawlable_meta_data and use opts[property].gsub('/:\S*:/','')

maybe this can also help to replace the emojis code with Unicode??

Remember that we only need to change the title and description, but not the URL

Can you please help? :smile:

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How to set up HTTPS

Why is Discourse sometimes not loading?


@xiasummer wrote:

The server is placed in China. And usually it works quite good when I'm in the US. But I have to say, sometimes, it just refuses to serve my visiting.

It just shows no feed back. I want to connect to it——no replying. Sometimes there's a Discourse Frame and sometimes just nothing there. I'm very sure the server works perfectly, Because therer's a subdomain containing a Wordpress site works really well.
At then, when I refresh the site, sometimes it will show things like:

cannot load /admin/users/list/active.json
cannot load /latest.json?order=default, etc.

So, what's wrong with Discourse?

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Capitalize a tag in the UI


@jomaxro wrote:

The company I currently work for capitalizes its name in a unique way (capital in the middle). On our Discourse site, we have a tag that we'd like to use the same capitalization. I understand Discourse lowercases all tags in the back-end, which is perfectly fine. I'm hoping to use JS or CSS to change the tag in the UI.

Is the following safe? Will it get all instances of a tag? Is there a better way to accomplish this?

.tag-tag_name_here {
    visibility: hidden;
    position: relative;

.tag-tag_name_here:after {
    visibility: visible;
    position: absolute;
    content: "tag_nAme_here";
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

Edit: That doesn't work...breaks on /tags/tag_name_here

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Emergency help - freeCodeCamp Discourse down


@ossia wrote:

Our server was showing some users 500 errors, so I went to update Discourse to the latest version (I hadn't updated in a month or so).

The update failed. It stopped for about 20 or 30 minutes when installing a Redis gem, so I tried SSH'ing in and pulling master from discourse-docker.

After doing that, I ran the launcher. It had this /usr/bin/docker stop -t 10 app command that I think was making the server wait for 10 minutes before attempting to relaunch. I didn't want our forum to be down for a full 10 minutes, so I just power cycled our digital ocean droplet, which in the past has brought the forum back up fine. Unfortunately, it didn't work this time. Here is part of the log:

Any ideas what could be causing this?

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Component shows message on ajax result


@rimian wrote:

I've got a stripe payment form in my component. When I get a response back from the ajax request, I want to display a message to the user.

I've got something basic working but I don't understand how to render the response:

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  stripe: Stripe('stripe_key_goes_here'),

  card: function() {
    var elements = this.get('stripe').elements();
    return elements.create('card', { hidePostalCode: true });

  didInsertElement() {

  actions: {
    submitStripeCard() {
      this.get('stripe').createToken(this.get('card')).then(function(result) {
        if (result.error) {
          console.log('error yo');
        else {
          var data = {
            stripeToken: result.token.id,
            amount: 1234

          ajax('/charges', { data: data, method: 'post' }).then(data => {
             // display something
          }).catch((data) => {


My template is:

<form id="payment-form">
    <label for="card-element">Credit or debit card</label>
    <div id="card-element"></div>

  <button {{action "submitStripeCard"}}>Submit Payment</button>

  <div class="stripe-card-result" style="visibility: hidden;">payment happened</div>

Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

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Awareness for path dependencies when setting up a discourse forum


@tophee wrote:

One of the most time consuming tasks for someone setting up a new forum with discourse is to figure out which decisions need to be made immediately (because it's difficult or impossible to change them later, i.e. they create path dependencies) and which things can be left for later. I am starting this thread with the aim of creating a list of path dependencies in discourse.

Here are two examples which I have yet to research, one "big decision" and one very minor decision:

  1. It seems obvious to me that it is a good idea to use Amazon S3 storage to store uploads and backups once the forum reaches a certain size and if people are posting a lot of pictures or the like. But do I need to set that up from the start to avoid migration problems of can I just leave things as they are and once I move to S3, it's not a big deal to move everything over?

  2. In admin settings under Posting, there is a setting called "max reply history" indicating the "maximum number of replies to expand when expanding in-reply-to". By default it is set to 1 and I can obviously increase that number later on. But will this increase the depth of the expanded in-reply-to for all existing posts or only for new posts?

While I'd be happy to receive advice on these questions, their main point is to illustrate the scope of possible path dependencies that an admin newbie might want to be aware of.

Please share your insights and lessons-learned-the-hard-way.

Edit: I suggest you highlight the key points in your reply for easy reading.

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Image download bug


@sdd wrote:

if use CDN, the lightbox image canot download,

test this img,

if use CDN, the lightbox image canot download,

Click the Download links, the Official Forums is


but My forum is


So, The browser displays 404.

if changle cdn.xxx.com to www.xxx.com can be download.

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Customizing create topic form to add more custom fields to the create topic and also displaying it in posts page


@net_deamon wrote:

Hi I was looking into customizing create topic form.

  1. Removing the category option all together
  2. Adding custom field to the form.

Now I was able to add custom field using the plugin outlet composer-fields-below,
but how to integrate it with topic ? When the user clicks on "+ Create Topic" button, how to save the custom field along with the form?

Then I came to know about
User.register_custom_field_type('see_signatures', :boolean)
in https://github.com/xfalcox/discourse-signatures/blob/master/plugin.rb#L15.

I tried doing
Topic.register_custom_field_type('custom_field', :string)
But no result.

Edit :
I was browsing the discourse tagging github code, and couldn't figure out few things as I am new to Ruby Development ( I still cannot understand why Ruby ?? Dont have much options though, so have to stick with discourse )

Does the below code wire the handlebar template code with the ruby code?

 Allow us to pass tags as parameters with our posts/topics
  DiscourseEvent.on(:permit_post_params) do |result, params|
    tags = params.permit(:tags => [])
    result.merge!(tags) if tags.present?

  add_to_serializer(:topic_view, :tags) do
    result = object.topic.custom_fields[TAGS_FIELD_NAME]
    return [result].flatten if result

Edit : Could not figure out how the things work , and I do not want to learn ruby to customize discourse. I found another forum based on Nodejs NodeBB .. .thank god!

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Wordpress SSO - Restrict Content / user levels / groups


@tomobrien wrote:

I have WP discourse working for SSO and Restrict Content Pro for subscription, signup, but I am wondering how to set up levels during signup ... That carry over to discourse?

Eg reader level 1, contributor level 2, moderator, level 3

So Signup through Wordpress, and level affects group in Discourse?

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Allow anonymous posting based on group membership


@tophee wrote:

Currently, the only way to restrict which users can post anonymously is by trust level. Would it be possible to add group membership as a criterion? So, for example, I could create a group "Alcoholics Anonymous" and anyone who is a member in this group can post anonymously, but not the other users.

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Forum Unusable due to "500 Internal Server Error"


@Goosy wrote:

I'm using a 2GB Digital Ocean Droplet and I keep getting 500 errors when users are trying to post new comments.

I checked the server logs and I see them full of these 2 lines:

44:M 22 Feb 12:10:04.079 * 1 changes in 900 seconds. Saving...
44:M 22 Feb 12:10:04.079 # Can't save in background: fork: Cannot allocate memory

Also, when I ssh into my droplet, I see that memory consumption is at 82%.

I tried updating everything to latest, resetting the machine, but nothing helps on the long run. It works ok for a bit an then starts throwing the errors again.

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Sso and api sign up


@hnaseri wrote:

I don't know if I'm confusing something.
I have enabled sso, now I want to sign up users from api.
How sso and api work together to sign up a user?

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How to get email notifications when new users have signed up?


@gingerman wrote:

In the initial days of our forum, it is important to provide a better experience for the new users. We would love to engage with the new users as soon as they sign up (there are no user approvals here).

To do the above step, it is important to get notified in email about a new user signup (may be for a large forum, this can be disabled) as it is not practical to visit new users page everyday.

I couldnt clearly find out whether this feature is present or not. I saw the below thread which is discussed 4 years back and closed.

Please let me know how to achieve this email notification.

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Change notification level with a link


@rriemann wrote:

Hello guys,

  • we already have an integration for blog comments
  • we have the ability to draft links to send templated messages to groups or indviduals

Couldn't we create a route and a dialog to let people switch their notification level to a suggested value for a given group, tag or category?

Like: https://meta.discourse.org/change-notification?level=watching&category=blog

Use Case

  1. Button on blog: Click here to subscribe to new topics and its comments.
  2. User clicks on link to change the notification level from what-ever to tracking with category = blog posts
  3. Discourse checks if user is logged in and may ask first to register
  4. Discourse asks user to confirm the change of its notification level for the given category/tag/group

I guess there are many other use cases, especially if an existing community changes to Discourse and the responsible admins wants to support everyone to not miss any notification.

The same dialogue could be used to mute notification emails. This is already been solved. Unfortunately, those links only allow to mute, not to un-mute or watch.

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