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Installing/Running Discourse with Nanobox


@sdomino wrote:

Unsupported installs of Discourse are highly discouraged. If you feel like you must proceed please understand that the Discourse team cannot, and should not, provide support for this installation. If you have any questions please DO NOT direct them to the Discourse team. Instead, you can join us on Slack for help.

If you wish to continue, here is the guide that outlines how to install and run Discourse with Nanobox.

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Discourse Upgrade Leading to HTTP Error 500

I want a video to show new users the features of Discourse

Plugin Control Download Attachments


@Candido_Cleyton wrote:

Hello Sirs,

I do not know if this area is suitable for such a question, I apologize if I am wrong, I speak little English.

But I wanted help from you if possible, I created a plugin and I can activate and deactivate it, but it does not do anything yet, I’m crawling because my focus is more JAVA, Ruby on Rails I do not understand anything, following, I would like this plugin to block Certain groups do download attachments, how can I do this in the plugin?

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How to educate users about oneboxing


@tophee wrote:

If new users do the discobot tutorial, one of the most important things they learn is oneboxing. Unfortunately, few users actually embark on that journey and so I am often editing user posts to turn their links into oneboxes.

I’m assuming that I’m not alone with this and so I’m curious to hear how others are dealing with this. I have this idea of adding some hint to the editor modal for links, but won’t be able to test this before I’m back to my desktop computer next month. Adding an education message could be another option (it could show whenever a user who has never posted a onebox adds a uri to a post).

But maybe people have come up with less technical solutions?

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Require category selection before writing topic


@jomaxro wrote:

When allow uncategorized topics is disabled, I’d like to propose requiring the user to select a category before they are allowed to start writing the body of the post.

The use case for this is a site that makes significant use of topic templates. As users are not required to select a category, many go right to writing their post, and only select a category after they’ve written their post. As there is content in the composer, the topic template is not added, thus negating the usefulness of the template.

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Backup system questions


@Peter_Salzmann wrote:

Hi everyone,

When I perform a full backup and download the file is this good enough to do a full restore if I re-installed Discourse and did a re-import on a fresh discourse?

It’s upgrade time and as our community grows I feel uneasy about command line upgrades. If this goes down for any reason and doesn’t come back up I’m not informed well enough to tackle that straight on. I’d rather know that a full restore is possible therefore I’d make a big effort to backup the DB before any major upgrade is performed so I’m in a position to restore and continue business as usual in the event I had to re-install due to my instance not coming back.

Thanks in advance for any tips you can share to deal with this situation.

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New user signup and PM is triggering a "topic" event


@alexweissman wrote:

I’ve set up a webhook with only the Topic Event and Post Event options checked - in other words, I only want to receive data when a topic is created/updated/replied-to.

Unfortunately, it seems that new user registration is triggering a “topic” event, so that I receive a message from discobot whenever someone signs up. The relevant headers are:

X-Discourse-Instance: http://forums.userfrosting.com
X-Discourse-Event-Id: 27
X-Discourse-Event-Type: topic
X-Discourse-Event: topic_created

and the payload starts with:

  "topic": {
    "id": 30,
    "title": "🤖 Greetings!",
    "fancy_title": ":robot: Greetings!",
    "posts_count": 1,
    "created_at": "2017-07-15T04:29:01.550Z",
    "views": 0,
    "reply_count": 0,
    "participant_count": 1,
    "like_count": 0,
    "last_posted_at": "2017-07-15T04:29:01.641Z",
    "visible": true,
    "closed": false,
    "archived": false,
    "has_summary": false,
    "archetype": "private_message",
    "slug": "greetings",
    "category_id": null,
    "word_count": 110,
    "deleted_at": null,
    "pending_posts_count": 0,
    "user_id": -2,
    "pm_with_non_human_user": true,
    "draft": null,
    "draft_key": "topic_30",
    "draft_sequence": 0,
    "unpinned": null,
    "pinned_globally": false,
    "pinned": false,
    "pinned_at": null,
    "pinned_until": null,
    "details": {
      "created_by": {
        "id": -2,
        "username": "discobot",
        "avatar_template": "/user_avatar/forums.userfrosting.com/discobot/{size}/1_1.png"

It appears that discobot sends a PM to the new user upon registration. However, I find it counterintuitive for a PM to be considered a “topic” event.

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Why is the node_modules folder not present in discourse project folder?

Issue with Docker on Digital Ocean plan. Would you like to attempt to recover space by cleaning docker images and containers in the system?(y/N)y docker: 'system' is not a docker command


@Ham wrote:

Hi. Im trying to rebuild my app and get the following error:’

root@discourse-2gb-nyc3-01:/var/discourse# ./launcher rebuild app
Ensuring launcher is up to date
Fetching origin
remote: Counting objects: 77, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 77 (delta 50), reused 56 (delta 49), pack-reused 20
Unpacking objects: 100% (77/77), done.
From https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker
378d927..42504d3 master -> origin/master
+ f38ec69...583394d check-free-space -> origin/check-free-space (forced update)
* [new branch] fix-hsts -> origin/fix-hsts
* [new branch] revert-358-no-env-in-bootstrapped-image -> origin/revert-358-no-env-in-bootstrapped-image
Updating Launcher
Updating 378d927..42504d3
image/auto_build.rb | 7 ++++---
image/base/Dockerfile | 9 +++++++--
image/base/install-imagemagick | 2 +-
image/base/install-pngquant | 7 ++-----
image/discourse_test/Dockerfile | 3 ++-
launcher | 16 ++++++++++++++++
samples/mail-receiver.yml | 2 +-
templates/web.letsencrypt.ssl.template.yml | 2 +-
templates/web.ssl.template.yml | 6 ++++++
9 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
flag provided but not defined: --format
See '/usr/bin/docker info --help'.
You have less than 5GB of free space on the disk. You will need more space to continue

Would you like to attempt to recover space by cleaning docker images and containers in the system?(y/N)y
docker: 'system' is not a docker command.
See 'docker --help'.
If the cleanup was successful, you may try again now
root@discourse-2gb-nyc3-01:/var/discourse# ./launcher rebuild app
flag provided but not defined: --format
See '/usr/bin/docker info --help'.
You have less than 5GB of free space on the disk. You will need more space to continue

I contacted digital ocean who told me to run this command to see which are the large files on the account.
sudo find / -xdev -type f -size +100M

This gave me this output but I have no clue what anything is and digital ocean says they dont know either and to ask somewhere else.

root@discourse-2gb-nyc3-01:~# sudo find / -xdev -type f -size +100M
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/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/62de8bb092bdbcfa1c2e276e651597f75b50e9be9fe840a49a8887 5f92d49a4e/var/www/discourse/.git/objects/pack/pack-ad1b9e467013bbde4c943b686ed0 f752aa11e241.pack
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/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/75408591168a8d1c7a0dd320dc6ef93ee292d139cba2a62bc5a66e e39de424cd/var/www/discourse/.git/objects/pack/pack-d7a718badb9f114ee853b887fdd0 12f1a8290078.pack
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/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/fb7cfba393923d5768ec852510705c213877668d90cfa850dd697c d860ae4a32/var/www/discourse/.git/objects/pack/pack-d7a718badb9f114ee853b887fdd0 12f1a8290078.pack
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I have the
2 GB / 40 GB Disk / NYC3 - Ubuntu Discourse on 14.04
plan on digitial ocean. My site is not the large from what I believe and Im not familiar with docker at all. Can anyone please tell me what the issues are and how to go about correcting this? Im on 1.9.0 beta 1 and getting the notice to upgrade but cant do anything. Thank you.

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SiteSetting file format update for locale override and hidden params based on Rails.env


@fantasticfears wrote:

I am working on the feature to allow overriding site setting based on the default_locale. @sam have talked with me that site setting based on environment is misleading. So I’d like to draw some proposals here to see which one is the best to go.

For the record, taking an example of the possible format:

  client: true
    development: 2
    default: 3
    production: false
    development: true

As an aside, the overrides setting format will be:

  client: true
  default: 3
    zh_CN: 1
  hidden: false

hidden property proposal

hidden only accepts a true value instead of dependending on env. I don’t think a good use to hide anything in the dev and test environment. There are only 4 cases under the development category.

Rails.env params in the site setting

Remove any Rails.env params in the site setting and put them in another yaml file.

Related site settings should be put on a file and loaded with site setting. Can be config/site_settings_{dev,env}.yml

  • + The site setting file is clean.
  • + The site settings are centralized in a place so that it’s easy to follow.
  • - Another file

I’d prefer this for clarity.

Put them into an initializer

Same pros as above. It’s not that obvious if they are put in config/initializers/005-site_settings.rb.

Merge them with locale_default

Instead of sending them outside the site setting files, we can have a override params to put locale or env.

  client: true
  default: 3
    development: 2
    zh_CN: 1

This style also looks good considering such overrides are not much.

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Discourse.org homepage in IE11


@SithLord wrote:

Your main www landing page is displaying various responsive elements in a jumble. To exclude domain issues, i took this screen on a stand alone win2008 r2 server that has never been attached to a domain.

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WhiteList Iframe from facebook not show


@Bank_Live wrote:

Normal. I use plugin https://github.com/evil-shrike/discourse-whitelist-iframe.git
I insert
<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fseen.everything%2Fvideos%2F1221002978004237%2F&show_text=0&width=400" width="400" height="400" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

VDO can work. After last update Version v1.9.0.beta4
plugin https://github.com/evil-shrike/discourse-whitelist-iframe.git error “https://eleceasy.com/assets/plugin-third-party…”

I try plugin other


not work.
How can i fix it. Thank you very much

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[PAID] Discourse Plugin Dev + Server Setup


@kglobal wrote:


We need a Discourse platform setup with the following features:

  1. Topics started/tags created by moderators/admin only

  2. Plugin with custom post entry fields to include:

    • Title
    • Text field A
    • Text field B
    • Location (looks up longitude and latitude from location field - perhaps uses Google Maps API or GeoNames?)
    • Start time/date
    • End time/date and option for “present”
    • Priority level (1-5)
    • Tags
    • Poll
    • Image
    • Text field C
  3. A system to export (via JSON) public thread info (above) related to specific tag and organized by priority level and/or votes. In other words, there would be a separate JSON for each series of tags. I think the Data Explorer plugin would possibly work. The proper query would have to be scripted. The exported data would happen every 15 minutes and stored locally on the server.

We need this done by the beginning of August. PM me your offer along with any work experience/portfolio. Please let me know if you have any questions. More information will be provided to interested parties.

Thank you for your time! Have a great day!


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Can I log into multiple instances of discourse simultaneously?

Unable to Edit Privacy Policy


@Pawan_Jindal wrote:

I am new to Discourse and am in process of setting it up. I was trying to update the Privacy Policy but I don’t see the pencil icon on the post. are there any special steps to edit that? i was able to edit Terms of service

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Supporting users with links to specific pages


@sjmscott wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Create a link that will bring a user to their own profile:

I spend most of my time as a Discourse Admin educating users. I have many users over the age of 55 who have used Yahoo Groups for 20 years. The transition has been hard for them. I have a section on my website called HelpDesk in which I have a series of videos and tutorials. There are some users who appreciate simple animated gifs that show them how to send a PM, but other users prefer links to help them find what they want to do.

If a user asks, “How do I see my sent messages?” Writing this is confusing and hard to follow for some users:

  1. Click on the circle in the upper right hand corner. Click it.
  2. Look for the mailbox icon. Click it.
  3. Look for Sent “click it”

A video or animated gif can help them visualize all of this.

This is better:

How do I see my sent messages?

Just click here! Please see our FAQ for more help.

I’m working on building something for my FAQ pages that links them to some key activities. Hopefully, as they click around they will begin to start learning where things are located.

I have gathered some of the key links that will help users find things. It also helps me to make requests such as: Please update your profile picture by clicking here. If you want to learn more, please watch this video.

Here are some useful links:

I would be interested in hearing your success stories in educating users who struggle with technology.

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Previously active user accounts no longer permitted to login


@Steve_Pavlina wrote:

I had this potential bug come up twice so far.

A user registers for my forum (which is private and invite only), gets the activation email, activates their account, logs in, posts for a while, and then takes a break for a few weeks.

When they try to login again, they get an error message like this:

You can’t log in yet. We previously sent an activation email to you at youremail@domain.com. Please follow the instructions in that email to activate your account.

At this point they’re stuck. They can’t login. Reactivating via the previously sent activation email that they’ve already used doesn’t work. And if I go to their user page, it shows that their account is already approved. If I manually deactivate and reactivate it, that doesn’t let them login either.

This has happened to two different users on our forums so far. Once they’re frozen out, the problem occurs across different browsers and devices, so it doesn’t appear to be a caching issue. We also ruled out any sort of ad blocker. Seems like a potential bug to me.

Otherwise how do I restore these accounts to active status, so these members can login again? Both are still being prevented from logging in. I’d prefer not to make them new accounts since they’ve already set up profiles and posted under the old accounts.

This is with version v1.9.0.beta4 +52 from a few days ago. But it started happening a few weeks earlier.

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Getyarn link causes .mp4 download


@LockeCJ wrote:

Similar to

Posting a link to a getyarn.io clip appears to onbox in the preview, but the actual post causes the browser to download a .mp4 file. More annoyingly, this happens any time the post comes into view, since I assume it’s being re-rendered.

It looks like the content type served by getyarn.io is application/mp4 instead of video/mp4, so that may be relevant.

Here’s an example URL, escaped for obvious reasons:


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TL4 deletion of small post causes "24 hours unless flagged" message


@jomaxro wrote:

If a TL4 user deletes a small post, it triggers the (post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged) text, however, small posts can’t be flagged so this seems quite strange/inconsistent. Ideally, TL4 deletes of small posts should be instant.

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