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I cant register in a Discourse board


@Deadpool wrote:

Hello everyone,

I’m playing this mobile game “Dragonsoul” and want to register in the official community message board which is using the Discourse software. You can find the board here: http://discourse.dragonsoulgame.com/

Unfortunately I can’t find any way to register in this community - can anyone help me out here and tell me how to do it?

Thank you!

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Make plugin Longer category names


@huynhthai824 wrote:

i wanna have plugin with feature:

Simple plugin to edit maxlength categories.
Who can help me build it? Thank you!
Inbox me price to buy this plugin :slight_smile:

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HttpClient returns OK, but user not created


@SwisherSweet wrote:


It’s been a while since I’ve worked with the .Net HttpClient and I’m new to the Discourse API. I’m creating a sandbox/playground project to create users in our Discourse instant using the API via .Net.

However, when I call the API, I get a 200 (OK) response, but no user is created:

class Program
    public class User
        public string name {get;set;}
        public string email {get;set;}
        public string password {get;set;}
        public string username {get;set;}
        public bool active { get; set; }

        // will move out later
        public string api_key { get; set; }
        public string api_username { get; set; }

    static void Main()

    static async Task RunAsync()
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

        client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://example.com");
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

        User u = new User {
            name = "test",
            email = "test@example.com",
            password = "testtesttest1!",
            username = "test",
            active = true,
            api_key = "mysecredtapikey",
            api_username = "myadminuser"

        HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("/users", u);

        // look at the response (
        var x = response;

The response object has a null location value, which appears to indicate the user was not created.

Since there are no apparent errors and the response is 200 (OK), I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might troubleshoot this problem or know what might be wrong with my code?

Thank you.

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Wordpress publish to discourse plugin causing issues on blog post


@Nick29 wrote:

Hi I’ve been noticing the following issue when using the wordpress plugin.

When I click “publish to discourse” on the post in wordpress and then update, the post is pushed to discourse but the wordpress post then becomes “unclickable” e.g. it’s impossible to click on any links/highlight any text in the main body of the post on the wordpress site. Anyone else had this issue/know how to fix?

EDIT: I did a bit more digging in my browser console and saw that this element was covering the whole body:

<h3 id="reply-title" class="comment-reply-title">
				Start the discussion at					<a href="http://www.eventtribe.com/t/apps-to-streamline-your-event-planning-process/2294">

When i deleted this in the console the page became clickable again, but I don’t how to actually fix this issue.

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Moving a topic after closure reopens topic


@henrikbg wrote:

We have encountered a bug on our forum which allows a regular to reopen a topic after it’s already been closed. As stated in the title, all one needs to do is move a topic from one category to another and system reopens it.

This has started to become a pain recently because users have figured out how to perform this bug and it’s only creating more work for our moderation team.

I’m not really sure as to why this bug has started to occur recently. As far as I’m aware, we haven’t altered any of the site settings for this to happen.

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API Key as a query string parameter is a security risk, right?


@SwisherSweet wrote:

I’m working with the Discourse API, and have learned that in order to perform a GET one must include the API key and API username in the URL as a parameter:

curl -X GET ""

One of the calls I’m making is:


If you change show_emails to true, then you are exposing personal information.

Furthermore, if someone where to log HTTP traffic and gain access to your API key and admin user, they could pretty much do anything they wanted to your community.

I tried putting the API key in the header instead, but that didn’t work.

Am I I’m missing something, or is there a security risk to using the API with GET?

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How can I customize the registration form?


@Ingrid wrote:

I am relatively new to Discourse and am looking into the registration proces. I would like for new members to register also their first and last name, next to the default user name, e-mail address and password fields. The default registration form only asks for an optional name. Is it possible to change the label name to first name and make this a mandatory field?

Also I have added a new user field ‘last name’ to the registration form. The user field is displayed in the bottom of the form. Is is possible to change the order of the fields? I hope these screenshots give some insight to what I mean.

We are self hosting our Discourse application. It would be great if someone can get me on my way.

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Footer, how i can


@NotAfk wrote:

hello everybody,

How can i put a footer on my discourse forum please ?
Anyone can he share his CSS code optimized on disource ?

Thx, :slight_smile:

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Discobot & user-to-user report


@Martin_Cash wrote:

I meant to bring this up a while ago, but it look likes this was fixed/changed. I was suspicious that the “user-to-user” report showed bloated figures due to the discobot welcome message. Was that the case and did that change on the 15th of last month?

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GSuite/Gmail Discourse Setup


@Shizen wrote:

(I’ve read several threads about people trying to use (free) GMail accounts and issues therein. This does not apply, I believe, to someone using a paid GSuite domain (which is what I’m doing).)

The Short Form: I’m trying to debug my email connection and I can’t see what SMTP commands discourse is actually sending. I have verified that outgoing email works from my server via interactive SMTP directly. The production.log, however, doesn’t really tell me what discourse is /doing/. It just says “…Username and Password not accepted…”. Is there someway to get a log of what SMTP commands discourse is issuing? I’m hoping to avoid looking at the source :wink:

(More Details): I have set up discourse in an AWS VM via docker (ala the instructions here). I have set up my GSuite to use SMTP relay from a specified IP (my VM). This means that the server shouldn’t even have to AUTH. At this moment, I’m still in the bootstrap setup where it’s trying to send an admin email to me and failing :). I am assuming that discourse by default will initiate STARTTLS. I also believe that gmail will see the actual IP address of the AWS server and not the internal/local ip address of the docker container. Ideally, I’d just like some lower level tools to be able to debug this myself.

Any suggestions? 8D

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Cloaked Link to Discourse.org Within Your Forum Software: Potential SEO Issue


@DavidLaw wrote:

I’m not a Discourse forum user so not familiar with your forum script.

I’ve worked in the SEO industry for over 15 years and when visiting a site I almost always take a look at the source code. While logged into this forum: https://community.letsencrypt.org/ I noticed the semi-hidden link to your main site in a noscript tag.

I posted about it on the forum at Hidden Link to Discource.org, Potential SEO Issue - Site Feedback - Let's Encrypt Community Support to warn them having links like that could result in a Google penalty IF the linked to site is penalized and they suggested letting you know.

Linking via a noscript tag without an equivalent link within standard body text (outside a noscript tag) is seen as gaming Google: Google is being served content most users are not seeing (only a small percentage will browse with jasvascript disabled).

I made the mistake of not doing detailed SEO research before posting (should have checked the Google cache to see what Google sees), so will describe the issue as Google isn’t spidering a semi-hidden link within a noscript tag, it’s spidering a standard text link within standard body text, but the forum users ARE not served the same link (that’s cloaking).

Google’s Take on Cloaking Cloaking - Search Console Help

You can see from this Google search %22Powered by Discourse%2C best viewed with JavaScript enabled%22 - Google Search there’s 1.7 million pages with this code, that’s 1.7 million hidden backlinks to the your main site!

If/when Google notices these links are NOT served to the forum visitors there’s a very good chance your site will be penalized. Also the sites linking to you this way could also be caught in the crossfire, they could be penalized for linking to a ‘bad’ domain.

Your intention might not be to game Google, but the current setup is close to a perfect blackhat SEO setup.

You have a cloaked text link to your home page only served to Googlebot: you gain significant SEO benefit from 1.7 million backlinks.

You have the same link served within a noscript tag to other visitors: the link exists, but the webmaster of the forum is highly unlikely to see it and decide to remove it.

You do NOT have the link served as standard body text to visitors: as above, forum webmasters don’t know the link is there and so won’t remove it.

You are taking a significant risk with this setup, as mentioned on the forum I used to create WordPress themes with visible powered by links (nothing hidden) and Google penalized the domain for the millions of backlinks it generated.

In my experience as both an SEO consultant (12 years) and a webmaster (~20 years) I find adding links this way as unethical, nothing should be hidden from the webmaster or Google and there should be an easy to use option to disable the link (the webmaster shouldn’t need to modify code).

Assuming you haven’t been hit with a penalty already I suggest either removing the link completely or add a rel=“nofollow” tag to it so Google ignores the link.

Practically speaking there isn’t a good reason to keep the powered by link, Googlebot doesn’t care if the website is powered by your software (it’s a bot, it doesn’t need to read the text “Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled.”). Visitors to a forum might like to know it’s powered by your software, but only a tiny minority of users browse with javascript disabled, so most don’t see the link and text. Even the forum visitors who aren’t using javascript don’t need to know it’s powered by your software, all they need to know is it’s “Best viewed with JavaScript enabled”.

You should change the code to something like “Best viewed with JavaScript enabled” when javascript is disabled (noscript tag) and if you want a powered by link show the same code to both Googlebot and forum visitors and allow the owners of the sites to enable/disable the link.

David Law

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Where to download a backup?


@Ham wrote:

Where in the file location can I download a backup? the emails are not going thru to give me the link.

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Discourse's strength might be a weakness to my community idea


@awb715 wrote:

I am planning on making a community for people who are studying for a certain exam.

People can ask questions on difficult topics, testing experiences, and career advice for people who have passed the exam or people interested in the career.

My community will be naturally divided a few types of common posts/peoples.
-people who have passed
-people studying

-people who ask questions
-people who like to give advice

Over time, I feel as though the best responses/posts will become referred to in the community to prevent redundant posts and to share the best ones to newer members. Is this possible that it slows down sign up rates and activity on the forum if the posts reach a point of efficiency where users dont need to create new posts?

I ask this because I can see a career person making a great post about career advice, and a certain post becoming the go to post on this topic, thus slowing down user activity on the forum.

My goal is to build up the user base and then monetize the site somehow maybe with either:
-affiliate sales
-job board

Any thoughts on redundant post part?

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How to change domain?

Dynamic of community with a chat and discourse page


@awb715 wrote:

Has anyone started building a community from the ground up and used both chat and discourse as primary uses for the users?

I want to build a community that uses a chat like gitter/telegram to have correlated channels and categories. The chat is obviously better for some issues while the forum is better for others.

I’d just be curious to hear about people’s experiences launching a community

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Change staff-email adress confirmation message unclear


@Bas wrote:

tl;dr: js.user.change_email.success should be slightly altered

Reproduction path:



Suggested fix:
Change js.user.change_email.success to “We’ve sent an email to your original address. Please follow the confirmation instructions.”

[edit] changed to show it only happens for staff-emails

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In plugin: opening the composer without changing the route


@jack2 wrote:

I would like to open the composer from my plugin. But I cannot use the composing a new pre-filled topic via URL method, because I don’t want to change the route.

I’ve tried the method explained here, but it doesn’t seem to work. I’ve tried to send the composer:opened event to other objects (router, application route, application controller, composer controller) but without any success.

I’ve been more successful with the method described here, using this kind of code:

	action: Composer.CREATE_TOPIC,
	draftKey: 'new_topic'

The composer opens correctly, but:

  • the preview pane doesn’t seem to work
  • I get the following errors in the console:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <										markdown-it-bundle.js:1
Error: Could not find module pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown/helpers		discourse/lib/text:40
    at missingModule (discourse-loader:134)
    at require (discourse-loader:149)
    at setup (pretty-text/engines/discourse-markdown-it:242)
    at buildOptions (pretty-text/pretty-text:100)
    at getOpts (discourse/lib/text:25)
    at cook (discourse/lib/text:30)
    at eval (discourse/lib/text:38)
    at tryCatch (ember:50180)
    at invokeCallback (ember:50195)
    at publish (ember:50163)

Any idea?

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Overriding built-in templates (and stylesheets)


@iamntz wrote:

Continuing the discussion from How can I customize the registration form?:

Hey guys.

I was thinking about this: it is possible to override a built in template completely?

E.g. Let’s say we have app\assets\javascripts\discourse\templates\modal\login.hbs, which is builtin and I want to have myplugin\templates\modal\login.hbs, that will override the first one on build process.

Same question is also for stylesheets.


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"The restore failed. Please check the logs."


@pain wrote:

i had was to rm -rf the discourse folder due to rebuilding failing,
downloaded a fresh copy, installed, uploaded backup and it keeps failing saying i should check logs.
full log is too long to post here so i posted it on pastebin

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Change the Signup button flow


@Jeremy_Williams wrote:

Is there a way to change where the signup button goes?

Additionally we are seeing inconsistent behavior around the Signup button dependent on the browser being used, Chrome, Firefox, IE.

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