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Cannot install to hash on stable branch


@Henti_Smith wrote:

I need to recreate my current production environment in a staging instance to allow testing changes before applying it to live.

My process so far is as follows.

sudo mkdir /var/discourse
sudo git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker.git /var/discourse
cd /var/discourse
git reset --hard docker_git_commit_hash
# Copy the exist app.yml from production.
sudo cp /tmp/discourse-backup/app.yml containers/app.yml
# Duplicate a specific version of discourse, use the git commit hash
sudo sed -i 's/^  #version: .*$/  version: discourse_git_commit_hash/g' containers/app.yml
sudo ./launcher bootstrap app
sudo ./launcher start app

This rebuilds the correct image and setups up discourse with the correct commit version, however it’s on the unstable branch, so I cannot upgrade to latest stable as I would in production.

So my options right now is either setting the version to stable, in which case it’s the incorrect version of discourse, or set the correct version of discourse, but then it’s on the incorrect branch. Neither of these options allows me to build a staging environment which I can keep in step with production for testing/development.


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Staff Whispers - links in whispers showing up publicly in topics summary

In polls: Make results and users only visible to admins


@erlend_sh wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Elections Plugin:

#pr-welcome on this feature.

@jomaxro @angus what do you suggest the syntax for this should be?

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Topic Preview Broken


@Geoffrey_Challen wrote:

First I’d like to say thanks to all that work on Discourse. I’m a CS professor and I’ve used it for multiple courses. It’s far superior to Piazza, and I like being able to tell students that we’re using community-supported software. Keep up the good work.

I’ve put up the latest version of Discourse at CS 125. I know that this is a subfolder install, and not completely supported, but it’s working fairly well. I’ve followed the instructions, and used my logs to hunt down some places where images weren’t being prefixed properly.

Except that the topic preview pane is not working. In a related problem, I can’t view the content of posts that have been queued for moderation. I can see an error in the Chrome developer console about “Cannot read property ‘getResponseHeader’ of undefined.” (I wanted to post the screenshot but only get one per topic and the Safari one is probably more revealing.)

On Safari the error is a bit more interesting:

I don’t see any errors in the server-side logs, but perhaps I’m not looking in the right place.

I’ve installed Let’s Encrypt certificates on cs125.cs.illinois.edu and have an nginx instance handling the encryption and reverse proxying to the Discourse container over a socket. I wonder if I need to add some Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers to my nginx configuration to get this to work?

Additional information: we’re on 1.9.0.beta7 and have no non-official plugins installed.

Any help tracking this down would be greatly appreciated, and will be a nice open source support success story to share with my students :smile:.

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Empty visualization in edit page


@pokapow wrote:

In my new Discourse install, I have a problem I never had before: Le right div of text edit section rest always blank, not update the text in left section:

And that the case for Chrome and firefox, for every user…

Version v1.9.0.beta7 +174, installed yesterday by the common docker way. Just change a few color text, try the signature plugin and removed it.
Any ideas ?

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Change Forum Rules


@maniacalmorgan wrote:

We have a set of community rules that was set up prior to me taking over the forum. How would I go about changing those? I’m not sure where the option is to edit. For added clarification, the rules show up at the top of the forum until closed, at which point they will not show back up.

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How does i use some cloud file system in discourse?


@Fei_Ling wrote:

I have one server with small storage limiting to 10G disk size. I use discourse as an ebook share website. so the server will store many files.
How could i store the ebook on some cloud file system and the discourse can use ? I wish someone can help me , thanks.

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Minimum trust level to invite folks via preferences?


@8BIT wrote:

couldn’t find this…

06 AM

is there a minimum trust level to see this in your preferences for the user?

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Logout redirect?


@n4ru wrote:

I may be blind here, but after looking through the settings and searching around for an existing topic, I can’t seem to find a way to redirect users to a page after logging out. I know I can do it programmatically, but is there a simple setting in the existing admin UI that can set a custom page to redirect to upon users logging out?

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Get last :heart: via API


@juliano wrote:


I want to use the Discourse API to get the last like or :heart:, that was given by any user on any topic for a specific Discourse instance. Unfortunately I have not found a good way of achieving this. Trying to crawl the latest topics does not seem to be a good idea.

Another thing I tried was using the Discourse webhooks, but unfortunately liking something does not trigger any event, so it seems the API is the only option.

Can somebody tell me how to achieve this? Is this funcionality already built into the API?


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Import SMF 2.0.11 structure to discourse


@plosprawrs wrote:

Import SMF 2.0.11 data successfully to discourse deployment.


I need this done relatively soon, not enough clear documentation for me as of now too many errors running the importers. Send me rates.

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iOS 11 embedded Safari changes


@David_Taylor wrote:

I recently updated my iPhone to the public beta of iOS 11, and noticed an annoying change which impacts the Discourse app. I’m not sure there’s actually much we can do about it, so this is more of a heads-up. This is not a bug in the beta, it is an intended change from Apple.

A “Safari View Controller” instance no longer shares cookies with Safari. This means if you’re logged into discourse in safari, you will not be automatically logged in when you use the app.

Once you log in within the app, the cookies are persisted across app restarts, so it’s only an issue on first use.

One advantage of this is that it will probably reduce/stop the occurance of this bug

Apple has provided an alternative system for shared cookies, “SFAuthenticationSession”. I believe this is designed for initial authorisation though, rather than long term use to actually access a website.


The only potential solution I can think of is that the app uses SFAuthenticationSession to let the user authenticate using Safari cookies, then somehow loads some session cookies into the app’s own cookie store…

On a related note, this issue is not present in the current beta (as predicted). Images get uploaded as JPG, as before:

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Wondering if we can have a float banner picture that can be custmized


@xiasummer wrote:

It can pop out from the right side and can be closed for this time viewing.

So that we can present some important but short messages without words. Also it can be used to present simple ads or simple notifications if the picture is clickable with a url.

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Summary does not display content


@rehe wrote:


Since the last update I have seen something that does not work well. Any content inside a Summary is not displayed (image, youtube video, gif, mp4, etc.), only the link is displayed. Before this did not happen, the Summary content was displayed correctly.

Any ideas?



Okay, I see that the same thing happens here too :open_mouth:



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Not Getting Notified From Personal Messages


@Brandon_Kreuter wrote:


I am a user on The Infinite Flight Community forum and lately, I have not been receiving notifications in my Notification Box about new Personal Messages. To see if I have any of them, i now have to go into my profile and then to my Personal messages to see if there are any new ones. Was just wondering if this is just my device or are there other reports?



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How to renew Let's Encrypt?

S3 Backups - not even trying?


@Howard_Jones wrote:

I’ve had a (rather empty) Discourse instance running from Docker on DigitalOcean for a few months, and backing up to its local disk. Last night I spent some time trying to figure out how to get it to do offsite backups. My preference would have been for Dropbox, which is pretty simple to set up, but the plugin for that has been withdrawn (?). So S3 it is.

I don’t care about file/image uploads to S3, just backups. So I created a new bucket, created a new IAM user in a new group, and gave that group permission to access my buckets (initially, I did create a second bucket for forum data in case I change my mind):

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": [

I plugged in the token and secret values from my new user to the Files settings page, and set the correct region. Then checked the box in the Backups page to copy backups to s3, and ran a manual backup. The logs don’t mention s3 at all! It appears to not even try to send data…

The descriptions on this site seem to be rather out of date (don’t really reflect the current AWS console), and also assume a level of knowledge with AWS I don’t have (e.g. what does “Use AWS EC2 IAM role to retrieve keys. NOTE: enabling will override “s3 access key id” and “s3 secret access key” settings.” mean? Surely it needs some credentials to do that?)

A ‘test’ button in the settings somewhere to verify my S3 settings independently of actually using them would be really useful.

How can I faultfind what’s actually happening here? No S3 logging at all has left me a little stuck.

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Docker disk usage issue c. Sept 1 2017


@angus wrote:

If you do a fresh install, as I did recently for my sandbox, you may, despite all the improvements in the cleanup scripts and docker itself, still encounter the dreaded disk usage creep issue; i.e. after rebuilding a number of times you see your disk usage go steadily upwards until the instance is no longer usable.

This issue has had a number of iterations (hence ‘circa Sept 1 2017’). The current iteration seems to be un-removed aufs/diff files.

Specifically, after a fresh Discourse install on a DO 1G Memory / 30G HD droplet, and running ./launcher rebuild app a few times my /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff folder looked like this

root@discourse:/var/discourse# sudo du -hd 1 /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff | sort -hrk 1 | head -20

19G	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff
1.8G	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/4164965e95f8bbe50b181d96e92ca48658ce57edfeefa0143d484bb1dd894653
1.1G	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/d40d45c7274e8dea5a14f0705bdcf92cdf966b85d654e18f32e97c7bec0b20f3-removing
1.1G	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/ba1aae9ec74952b960f9286a7d76f6792054f055aaafb2c1855660be92b15c6d-removing
1.1G	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/b1c46d5904681264046779dfb1bef34659f592859481f679d33bf64a48f85363-removing
1.1G	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/a42be4d77fddbfd1e0b3fc4c8580db017413bffcc258dc9696186e38ceb6a9b9-removing
1.1G	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/7f4fffafb2d96f038e3b40739d602ab4c038de21effa163900a1a8987b301770-removing
1.1G	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/4e6c6a7c74c7a6df64f5852f44ee4fb01998d0271ed9b9f30fe1176269cc6f58-removing
1.1G	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/3dd6e740aee8af437d70a49fe5cfc73fc091dc976bb170629bd3a4a953a05786-removing
1.1G	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/1e93113fcc299cccd8d90c22e46b6c5a6f5b3fda14c046d0403cc604731abd6d
1020M	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/f7397e9843aa175361686a5edeb7c77ac5c6754bf5e4662d7f507ccb1f012a71-removing
1020M	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/c3647165501e41129687594b06b73acd8fd96f7959014f5c6ae3fa71caa13824-removing
1020M	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/9393f77e06db23cb200b465cf0baa38fb403ac9ae3d993ceca69a57cdc389bfd-removing
1020M	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/862f2e0fb2caf2317cc3146461d48d23f193e8c0f22a58eb2c1078ea7e903ffc-removing
1020M	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/0bd33c4272acaa9766982fd0f2251e0f9912b1d1a7cbc3b019362e0ac3a812b9-removing
1017M	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/18b727db320d769b3ec4be54552872fea051c14d40cb62bcaa74a71287f011b3-removing
1016M	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/8700c369592b80d5c1302a27fdb198581c218b2000d17e7c7a6b60137bd6f56f-removing
1014M	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/329ae8ff791d6b41409b2ba06fef593bdf92d2361ac0629e07478ea88aa2f00c-removing
182M	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/30b1731d18550c37e596b08a04a6896d0a777c0dfb40ff03c4008d1e7c7d71bc-removing
139M	/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/cdbd9d560aa8ab7eb8d5c6a05414645c4c58d8805113550653a957a199ce2a45-removing

None of the following touched it:

  • ./launcher cleanup
  • Using Spotify’s docker-gc directly
  • Docker’s own docker system prune

After reading the relevant moby/moby issue for this and trying all the suggested solutions, the only one that seems to work reliably at this stage is the proverbial ‘nuclear’ option:

sudo service docker stop
rm -rf /var/lib/docker
sudo service docker start

This ‘fixes’ the issue insofar as you are able to use your instance again - i.e. rebuild the app - and your data remains intact (as far as I can tell so far).

cc @Falco @sam

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Negative feedback or "disapprove" feature?


@Sujan wrote:

Is there a way to implement a “negative feedback” or “disapprove” feature?

Lots of topics are questions that get answers as replies. Right now there is only the heart button to indicate good replies, or “this solves the question” for the correct reply, but nothing besides replying yourself with “This is wrong” for the other direction.

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Users reporting : The Yahoo SSO login isn't working


@nixie wrote:

Users from my discourse site are reporting they are no more able to login using YAHOO SSO.

To confirm this - I tried to login using my own personal yahoo account - and it didn’t work. So something is definitely wrong.

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