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Anonymized User Posts - Hidden or Not?


@ChrisJ8 wrote:

When a user’s account is anonymized, what is “supposed to” happen to their posts?

Several months ago, I anonymized a user and their entire post history was hidden. A few weeks ago, I anonymized a (different) user and their post history remained visible. Is there a way to have the posts hidden? It’s thousands of posts from the one user.

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Incoming HTML Email Inconsistent


@JamesNorth wrote:

Hi Folks,

I’ve been trying to use the incoming email method for posting pretty html emails into a sort of news thread on one of my Discourse forums.

I find that when the post is rendered, it strips out a bunch of images … but when I click on the little mail icon on the top right of the post and press ‘HTML’ it renders correctly.

Post Render

HTML Preview Render

Should they not look the same?

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How to remove the "log in" button from "Create New Account" dialog box?

Bulk Invite - Custom Message. Is it possible?


@immalex wrote:

If i send an invite to one email, i can add a custom message.

How do i add a custom message when i want to send to multiple email addresses?

Thanks in advance

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Daily/Weekly stats for user activity?


@Sujan wrote:

Is there a way for normal users to get a analysis (daily or weekly timeframe) of their activity in a community? Topics, posts, likes, solves, PMs, …

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Plugin JavaScript wasn't loaded

Using Discourse SSO with Mediawiki


@SXX wrote:

While trying to find ready-to-use solution I’ve seen multiple questions on Internet about that and at least one topic on this forum. I also need to integrate Discourse SSO with Mantis Bug Tracker so I decide to go with more generic code that I might reuse for Mantis as well. Code is very ugly, but it’s works and might help someone.

Read the instruction and activate SSO provider in Discourse

Install Auth_remoteuser extension for MediaWiki

More information about extension:
Make sure to check instructions so you can adjust it’s settings for your needs.

Mirror on GitHub:

You can clone extension from github into your wiki directory:

git clone https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-Auth_remoteuser.git /path/to/mediawiki/extensions/Auth_remoteuser

Install Discourse SSO client script

  1. Get script from GitHub:
    GitHub - ArseniyShestakov/singlefile-discourse-sso-php: Ugly, but working single-file SSO implementation in PHP
  2. Copy discourse-sso.php into directory with your wiki.
  3. Edit defines on top of file according to your need.
  4. To create database table and test it visit https://your.wiki.domain/discourse-sso.php

You can check databse table contents from command line:

mysql -u wikiuser -pPASSWORD wikidb -e "SELECT * FROM sso_login;"

If everything is fine you’ll see username / email and other information here.

Edit LocalSettings.php

First of all make sure you set createaccount and autocreateaccount permissions properly:

// Forbid account creation by users
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
// Allow extensions to manage users
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['autocreateaccount'] = true;

After that you’ll need to add code like this to the end of wiki configuration file:

// Discourse authentification
require_once( "$IP/discourse-sso.php" );
$DISCOURSE_SSO = new DiscourseSSOClient();
$SSO_STATUS = $DISCOURSE_SSO->getAuthentication();
if(true === $SSO_STATUS['logged'] && !empty($SSO_STATUS['data']['username']))
        $wgAuthRemoteuserUserName = $SSO_STATUS['data']['username'];

        $wgAuthRemoteuserUserPrefs = [
                'email' => $SSO_STATUS['data']['email']
//        $wgAuthRemoteuserUserPrefsForced = [
//                'email' => $SSO_STATUS['data']['email']
//        ];

                $wgAuthRemoteuserUserPrefs['realname'] = $SSO_STATUS['data']['name'];
//                $wgAuthRemoteuserUserPrefsForced['realname'] = $SSO_STATUS['data']['name'];
        wfLoadExtension( 'Auth_remoteuser' );

If you uncomment lines with force email / name will be changed not just for newly automatically-created users, but also for existing wiki users.

Test it

Now after you visit https://your.wiki.domain/discourse-sso.php you should be redirected to your wiki and you’ll be logged-in.

Redirect Login URL to SSO script:

I not yet find best easy to change login url so I just used following redirect via nginx:

        if ($request_uri ~* "^.*Special:UserLogin.*$") {
                return 302 https://your.wiki.domain/discourse-sso.php;

To be continued…

This is only tested on wiki of project I worked on and likely . Use on your own risk!

I’ll try to improve this guide as soon as I find better ways to integrate it into Mediawiki.

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Notifications keep going back to unread


@tophee wrote:

In the past few days, I have been seeing notifications that I have previously clicked on and read go back to unread after a while (i.e. after leaving the site and later returning to it). It’s not just the notification colour in the menu, I actually get new notification count dots on my avatar.

So far, I’ve only seen it on one site where I’m a moderator, not here on meta and not on my own site. I have no idea how to bug track this, since it seems to happen randomly.

Has anyone seen anything similar or is it just some hiccup on that site?

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Set up Gitter notifications using the discourse-chat-integration plugin


@jafeth.diazc wrote:

This #howto describes how to set up the Gitter provider included in discourse-chat-integration.


If you haven’t already, install the discourse-chat-integration plugin

Setup Gitter

  1. Open the Gitter room you’d like to send notifications to

  2. Go to room settings -> integrations and select custom (in the next Gitter release it will be possible to select discourse instead):

    integrations gitterr

  3. You will be shown an instructions page, copy the Webhook URL (beginning with https://webhooks.gitter.im/e/) located at the bottom and then hit Done.

Setup Discourse

  1. In your site settings, enable the chat integration gitter enabled setting

  2. Go to the Plugins tab, then Chat Integrations

  3. Go to the Gitter tab, and click Add Channel

  4. Enter the name of your Gitter room (e.g. gitterHQ/services)

  5. Paste the Webhook URL that you copied earlier, then click Save Channel

  6. Use the Test button on the channel you just created to check that everything’s working. You should see something like this in the activity feed of your Gitter room:

    gitter notification

  7. Setup some Rules for your channel, according to the discourse-chat-integration instructions.

  8. Celebrate :tada:

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Is it possible to keep the votes history of a poll?


@isdemo wrote:

Is it possible to keep the votes history of a poll?

  • yes
  • no
  • I dont know
  • other

0 voters

If the votes history is kept somewhere, can you show it somehow?
Do I need a plugin for that?

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Using Discourse SSO with Mantis Bug Tracker


@SXX wrote:

Here is the my basic integration for Mantis bug tracker 1.2.
It’s might work with newer versions, but someone has to test it.

Read the instruction and activate SSO provider in Discourse

Install Discourse SSO client script

  1. Get script from GitHub:
    GitHub - ArseniyShestakov/singlefile-discourse-sso-php: Ugly, but working single-file SSO implementation in PHP
  2. Copy discourse-sso.php into directory with your wiki.
  3. Edit defines on top of file according to your need.
  4. To create database table and test it visit https://your.wiki.domain/discourse-sso.php

You can check SSO_DB_TABLE contents from command line:

mysql -u mantisuser -pPASSWORD mantisdb -e "SELECT * FROM sso_login;"

If everything is fine you’ll see username / email and other information here.

Install MantisDiscourseSSO plugin

Plugin need to be cloned into plugins directory and installed via Mantis interface.

Edit config_inc.php

Several new options need to be added to

        // Enable login through Discourse SSO plugin
        $g_login_method = DISCOURSE_SSO;
	// Disable signup on Mantis
        $g_allow_signup = OFF;
	// Disable password reset by Mantis
        $g_send_reset_password = OFF;
        // Must be changed since default is login_page.php and that page will redirect to Discourse SSO
        $g_logout_redirect_page = 'view_all_bug_page.php';
        // Users are created by SSO plugin with empty email
        $g_allow_blank_email = ON;

If someone need this working with newer Mantis please post about that here and I’ll try to make it compatible with 1.3 and 2.x since it’s shouldn’t be too hard.

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Activation emails go to spam folder


@random1 wrote:


When a user signs up, the activation email goes to the spam folder for some reason. I am using DigitalOcean and SparkPost. Is there anything I can do to assure that emails will go to the inbox instead of the Junk folder?

Thank you in advance.

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Optimizations for tons of inbound


@8BIT wrote:

having some trouble with ruby apparently. when this happens:

37 PM

this happens:

43 PM

and everything goes :bomb:. before i go exploring options myself, any thoughts?

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More post Failed to rebake


@appcomq wrote:

 /usr/local/bin/bundle:22:in `<main>'
537869 / 794647 ( 67.7%)
Failed to rebake (topic_id: 71817, post_id: 564534)
TypeError: Cannot set property 'start' of null
JavaScript at findInlineCloseTag (<anonymous>:194:28)
JavaScript at applyBBCode (<anonymous>:241:20)
JavaScript at Array.md.block.ruler.after.alt (<anonymous>:352:16)
JavaScript at ParserBlock.tokenize (<anonymous>:1249:20)
JavaScript at ParserBlock.parse (<anonymous>:1285:8)
JavaScript at Array.block (<anonymous>:4136:20)
JavaScript at Core.process (<anonymous>:1345:13)
JavaScript at MarkdownIt.parse (<anonymous>:1110:13)
JavaScript at MarkdownIt.render (<anonymous>:1130:36)
JavaScript at cook (<anonymous>:357:32)



rake posts:rebake

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Embed #search-results on website


@Vimala_Ayya wrote:

Is there a simple way to retrieve the number of search results and add that to a website? I don’t want to embed the search results themselves, only something that shows something like: There are 20 search results, with a link to the discourse forum for that specific search.

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Is it possible to deploy Discourse on Heroku? (Recent Update)


@BenM wrote:

Hello, Discourse team!

I would like to ask, is it possible to deploy Discourse on Heroku. As of their recent update, it is possible to deploy Docker-based apps.

This is a screenshot:
This is learn more:

Additional Details

  • Heroku supports both Ruby on Rails and Ember.js.
  • Heroku has PostgreSQL and Redis addons.

Thanks for the help, everyone!

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Experimental mbox importer fails on subset of messages


@copy wrote:

I am using the experimental mbox importer to import a folder consisting of split-up mbox files created using:

formail -k -X Content-Type: -X Message-ID: -X Date: -X From: -X Subject: -X In-Reply-To: -ds sh -c 'cat > split/msg.$FILENO' < 1997

This is the output:

discourse@vultr:~/discourse/script/import_scripts$ bundle exec ruby mbox-experimental.rb ./mbox/settings.yml
loading existing groups...
loading existing users...
loading existing categories...
loading existing posts...
loading existing topics...

creating index
indexing files in /home/discourse/single/split
indexing /home/discourse/single/split/msg.1497
indexing /home/discourse/single/split/msg.3896
indexing /home/discourse/single/split/msg.1426
indexing /home/discourse/single/split/msg.3339
indexing /home/discourse/single/split/msg.2750

It freezes on msg.2750. If this message is removed from the folder and the importer is restarted, the importer starts indexing files again until freezing again. I have a included a link to an archived folder containing a collection of such problematic messages.

Do these files have anything in common – do they either contain something that they shouldn’t, or lack a header field that they should have?

This is the output when Ctrl + C is pressed when the indexing has halted:

/home/discourse/.rbenv/versions/2.3.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/email_reply_trimmer-0.1.7/lib/email_reply_trimmer.rb:182:in `gsub!': Interrupt
        from /home/discourse/.rbenv/versions/2.3.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/email_reply_trimmer-0.1.7/lib/email_reply_trimmer.rb:182:in `block in preprocess!'
        from /home/discourse/.rbenv/versions/2.3.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/email_reply_trimmer-0.1.7/lib/email_reply_trimmer.rb:181:in `each'
        from /home/discourse/.rbenv/versions/2.3.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/email_reply_trimmer-0.1.7/lib/email_reply_trimmer.rb:181:in `preprocess!'
        from /home/discourse/.rbenv/versions/2.3.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/email_reply_trimmer-0.1.7/lib/email_reply_trimmer.rb:33:in `trim'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/lib/email/receiver.rb:205:in `select_body'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/support/indexer.rb:61:in `block in index_emails'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/support/indexer.rb:104:in `block (2 levels) in all_messages'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/support/indexer.rb:143:in `each_mail'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/support/indexer.rb:103:in `block in all_messages'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/support/indexer.rb:96:in `foreach'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/support/indexer.rb:96:in `all_messages'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/support/indexer.rb:57:in `index_emails'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/support/indexer.rb:23:in `block in execute'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/support/indexer.rb:20:in `each'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/support/indexer.rb:20:in `execute'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/importer.rb:34:in `index_messages'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/mbox/importer.rb:25:in `execute'
        from /home/discourse/discourse/script/import_scripts/base.rb:45:in `perform'
        from mbox-experimental.rb:14:in `<module:Mbox>'
        from mbox-experimental.rb:8:in `<module:ImportScripts>'
        from mbox-experimental.rb:7:in `<main>'

tar.gz folder of messages that fail to be indexed

zipped folder of messages not indexed

(Will be replaced with attachment once I can upload attachments.)

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Animated Avatar Group Based


@pain wrote:

a way to make it so users can upload gif as their avatar ie: setting up VIP (as mentioned here ) plans where they get special perps ( like the discord nitro feature), that’d be great and I’m sure many others would love that feature, I’m trying to find a good way to monetize my forum…

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Locale won't save [solved]


@DiscourseMetrics.com wrote:

After recently updating to from beta7 to beta8 +18 I noticed that my community had switched locale from Norwegian to English. Strange - so I switched back to Norwegian and saved that setting. But, when I refresh the admin settings page it still says that English is the default locale. Weird. So, I change again, and try Danish locale just to see if that will save. Nope.

Now, to make it even stranger: If I refresh the home page of my forum, sometimes I get English locale, sometimes I get Norwegian, and sometimes Danish locale. Its like there are multiple locales competing to win. What is going on and how can I get just one locale? :slight_smile:

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Color of category names overwritten in quotes (and in 404 page)


@Trash wrote:

After a recent update, this happens with the box style, all the names (I set to #ffffff) are overwritten when I quote a topic (with the color of the links).

(the name should be white)

I’m running my site in safe-mode to be sure, but I also checked on other sites, see the 404 page here https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/-/99999

Here the screenshot I took 18 days ago, from gearboxsoftware.com while I was testing online the restyling of page 404

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