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Must reply to see the hidden link / Content


@dimu001 wrote:

Any feature or plugins that require to reply need for the thread to see the relevant link or content ?

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Google ads is throwing 400 error


@Mukul_Dilwaria wrote:

I added google adsense plugin , then added all the details it asked , but no adds is coming and in console this bug is comming –

ads Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()

pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE

_ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:28913 Error: error
    at s (_ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:42430)
    at o (_ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:42413)
    at i (_ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:42403)
    at Object.trigger (_ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:56776)
    at _ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:57679
    at invokeWithOnError (_ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:12021)
    at a.flush (_ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:12080)
    at u.flush (_ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:12204)
    at p.end (_ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:12274)
    at p.run (_ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:12388)
u @ _ember_jquery-a8dcbd325e04410f036f2a791d66d8316c48c5387acdd914de99a5dd6afb3cd3.js:28913

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HOWTO Develop In A Windows Environment Using Vagrant


@Daniel_Tian wrote:

How To Develop In A Windows Environment Using Vagrant

This guide covers how to set up a Windows environment for Discourse development using Vagrant. By the end of the guide, you should have:

  1. A Vagrant instance set up with Discourse running.
  2. A samba share from Windows host to the Ubuntu guest OS that will rebuild the project whenever a file changes.
  3. A command prompt ssh'ed into the guest OS.
  4. Ability to view Discourse at http://localhost:4000 with live reloading of changes.

NOTE: Discourse uses Ruby gems that depends on Linux system calls. Because of this, you must run Discourse in a full Linux environment; a POSIX environment like Cygwin or Git Bash is not enough. We use Vagrant to give us a fully-configured Linux virtual machine so that we don’t have to set it up by hand.

By default, Vagrant uses VirtualBox’s shared folders with the VM. However, this is very slow. We will use a samba share instead, which is built into Vagrant, significantly faster, and only requires one additional step to set up.


  1. Windows 7 or higher
  2. VirtualBox - virtualization software that Vagrant uses
  3. Vagrant 64-bit - sets up a pre-configured Ubuntu VM to run Discourse in

Table Of Contents

  • Step 1: Install Required Software
  • Step 2: Set Up And Start Vagrant
  • Step 3: SSH Into Vagrant Box And Set Up Discourse
  • Step 4: Start The Discourse Server
  • Step 5: Restarting The Discourse Server After A Reboot
  • Step 6: Troubleshooting

Step 1: Install Required Software

  1. Download and install VirtualBox with the default options.

  2. Download and install Vagrant 64-bit with the default options. You will be asked to reboot after the installation is complete. A reboot is not necessary, but you can do it if you like.

Step 2: Set Up And Start Vagrant

  1. Clone a copy of Discourse from their GitHub repo into a local folder on Windows:

  1. In the Discourse folder, open the file Vagrantfile and find the following line:
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", id: "vagrant-root"

Change it to:

config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", id: "vagrant-root", type: "smb", mount_options: ["mfsymlinks"]

NOTE: DO NOT commit this edit back to Discourse, it is a Windows-specific setting that cannot be used by people running OSX or Linux.

  1. Run Command Prompt in administrator mode so that the samba share can be created and cd over to the folder where you cloned Discourse into:



  1. Type the following command to start the Vagrant server:
vagrant up

Input your username and password when asked. If you are on a domain, input the username as username@domain. For example, if your login is \\acme\coyote, use coyote@acme.

  1. You will eventually get the error message Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open:

When this happens, run vagrant reload. You will notice it installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions this time:

Once it completes, you will have a Vagrant instance created and running!

Step 3: SSH Into Vagrant Box And Set Up Discourse

  1. In a command prompt running in administrator mode, cd over to the Discourse folder and run the following command to ssh into the Vagrant VM:
vagrant ssh


  1. cd over to /vagrant, which is where the Discourse shared folder is mounted, and run bundle install to install all the gems that Discourse needs. Sit back and relax, the install will take a while:
cd /vagrant
bundle install

  1. Once all the gems are finished installing, run rake db:migrate:
rake db:migrate

  1. Run rake admin:create to create an admin account. This is the account you will use to log into Discourse with. Do you want to grant Admin privileges to this account? Type y:
rake admin:create

You have finished setting up Discourse and are ready to start the Discourse server.

Step 4: Start The Discourse Server

  1. In a command prompt running in administrator mode, cd over to the discourse folder and ssh into the Vagrant instance. If you’ve been following the guide thus far, you already have this step done:

  1. cd over to /vagrant and run rails s -b to start up the Discourse web server:
rails s -b

  1. In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:4000. It will take a while to load initially, but eventually you should see the Discourse home page:

  1. Verify that live reloading is working. In your favorite text editor, open the app/assets/stylesheets/common/components/button.scss file that’s in the Discourse folder. Add the style background-color: red; to the .btn-small class near the bottom of the file:


  1. Save the file and go back to your browser. In a few seconds, you should see the Sign Up and Log In buttons turn red:

  1. Undo the change to buttons.scss and save the file again. Go back to the browser, and after a few seconds the Sign Up and Log In buttons should turn back to blue.

  2. Log in with the admin account that you created:

Congratulations, you are now ready for Discourse development!

Step 5: Restarting The Discourse Server After A Reboot

Vagrant and the Discourse server need to be restarted every time you reboot your development machine. To do so, open up a command prompt with administrator privileges and run the following commands:

cd c:\Projects\discourse
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
rails s -b

Then open your browser to http://localhost:4000 and you should see the Discourse homepage.

Step 6: Troubleshooting

If Vagrant is giving you error messages when you run vagrant up, check that the VM is not already running. Open Task Manager, click on the Details tab, and look for the VBoxHeadless.exe process. If it’s running, end all of them and retry vagrant up:


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"Reason for Edit" - auto focus


@RobMeade wrote:


I just did a quick search and it would seem this issue has been raised, and fixed, previously, but on our hosted solution it currently exists.

The “Reason for Edit” field does not auto-focus when you click the link to add a reason, when editing a post.


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Suggestion: "Reason for Edit"


@RobMeade wrote:

I tend to use this field quite frequently, and often entering the same text.

I was wondering whether you may consider providing a drop down menu, populated with configurable items for this.

There would still be the need for free text potentially as well as the option to select from a drop down menu. Perhaps one default option could be “Other” or “Free Text”, which would then enable the existing functionality.


Just a thought.

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Compatibility of Discourse with Netsons servers


@Sephit wrote:

Dear users,
I loved Discourse from the moment I set my eyes on it, but before I screw my website (powdered by Wordpress) up badly, I wanted to be assured of the compatibility of its software on my server provider.
My WP website runs on Netsons: https://www.netsons.com
Anyone knows this server and has tried working in this conditions, or I should give up before even starting?

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Category setting: unhide topic from latest when there is a reply


@mcwumbly wrote:

I’m interested in creating some categories where people are encouraged to create new topics liberally (for example, sharing links or “TIL” type posts).

I’m concerned about this cluttering up the front page and I’m aware of the “hide topics in this category from latest” setting.

Many of the topics would likely receive no replies.

But on occasion, I think some of these topics could spark a discussion. It’d be cool if there were an option to auto-unhide the topic from latest once there were a reply. (I could see the inhide criteria being more sophisticated or configurable too, but this simple approach seems like a good starting point).

What do others think? How would you use this if it existed? Would you use the this feature on your site if it existed as a core feature? If it were a plugin, would you install it?

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Certain Wifi cannot find server


@Ehud_Adler wrote:

I am not a web developer so I don’t really know this stuff but last night I got Discourse up and running on ocean digital per the install-cloud instructions. I then purchased a google domain and set its server to ocean digital and then set it up in ocean digital. Everything worked well. This morning the website isn’t working anymore. Safari can’t find the server. If I http://IP it works but the image I uploaded as the logo doesn’t show up (? image on mac like the image doesn’t exist or it cant find the URL). What happened? I was so happy I got it working.

Id likes to add that if i ping the website, the correct IP appears but it continuously is pinging 64 bytes… etc. Once again, I don’t know what that means but I thought i’d add it

UPDATE: This only occurs on my school wifi apparently. Tested it on my LTE phone and it worked.

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Moderator Discussion: How do you handle when to edit vs delete vs doing nothing to a post that violates forum policy/user conduct


@Jumanji wrote:

I wanted to see how other communities handle flagged posts that aren’t blatant spam, but require some action from the mod team to conform to your forum policy/use code of conduct. When your moderators agree that a change to the post is needed, what do they do? Especially in cases where only part of the post is in violation, how are post edits/deletions handled? Secondary question, if you do make edits, do you communicate those changes to the user?


  1. Agree with the flag, make no changes to it, and put the responsibility of correcting the post on the post creator. Nothing more than the default PM is sent to the post creator.
  2. Agree with the flag, make no changes to it, and put the responsibility of correcting the post on the post creator. You send a second PM to the post creator outlining exactly what text is in violation and should be changed
  3. Agree with the flag, edit the portion of the post that’s in violation of policy, by either removing the violating text, or replacing the text with something like [comment removed for violating forum policy]. Unhide the post.
  4. Agree with the flag, but delete the entire post

We’re trying to balance action on our part and communication to the flagger that action has been taken, while also not fueling the argument that the we censor our community.

About our community
Our forum focuses on finance and trading, where everybody has their own “right” way of doing things and being successful, so discussions about what does and doesn’t work often get heated. We’re also plagued by salesmen, many who start out as legitimate members of the community, build a following, and then start to subtly promote or advertise or even spam our members. We also have seasoned members who’ve made it their mission to “out” new members who they feel are spreading inaccuracies or don’t have a clue what they’re talking about. Those long-time and experienced (in the trading sense) members are often super helpful and thoughtful in their replies, while simultaneously offering rude/negative/inappropriate comments about the “bad” actors.

Thanks for the feedback and thoughts!

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Post without signup?

Changing admin email // no access to original email account?


@Bert wrote:

Hi all - I’m the sole moderator and admin on a Discourse forum.

My account is registered to a disused email address that I no longer have access to (an old work account), and this appears to be preventing me from updating my email address.

I’d like to change my email to my new work email - but this seems impossible without being able to access the historical (and inaccessible) email account.

Anybody got ideas on how to resolve this?

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How is the "Posts Read" stat determined?


@David_Kwan wrote:

How is the “Posts Read” stat determined? In other words, what counts as a post being read by a user? For example, does it count if they just scroll over a post? Does a post need to be on their screen for a certain amount of time?

I would love to know so that I can make a manual badge which encourages actual reading.

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All my posts are being held for moderation


@memorablechickenyay wrote:

Not sure if i can really ask this question but, I recently (2 days ago) re-joined a forum for an app here: forum.gethopscotch.com
I’m at trust level one and have tried to post at least 20 times.
EVERY SINGLE POST is in moderation.
I don’t know if this is new or a bug because when I had my old account, this didn’t happen.
Is this a feature, a bug, or is it most likely their configuration error??

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Should importers import users with invalid email addresses by default?


@pfaffman wrote:

Re-running an import with a bunch of invalid emails is a drag since it has to re-try adding each block of 1000 users if one of them is bad.

I don’t see a down side to importing users with bogus email addresses with a random one rather than throwing an error and think that all importers would benefit from creating those users rather than have their messages owned by @system. Is there something I’m missing?

Should I add something like this to base.rb?

          unless opts[:email].match(EmailValidator.email_regex)
            opts[:email]= "invalid#{SecureRandom.hex}@no-email.invalid"

Arguably it should still print a warning. . .

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Error string is inappropriate for the context


@jordan1909 wrote:

Hello all,
I have on my instance a reserved character string. When users attempt to change their usernames to this
however they get an error that it is already in use.

Is there a way I can specifically override that string only? To be more specific the string in a user account whena user goes to update their username manually.

To confirm, the username is NOT taken. It simply contains the reserved substring.

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User API only shows 3 badges


@rodeezy wrote:

user_bages endpoint does not work.
In user api, only 3 of a user’s badges are shown.

How can I receive all of a user’s badges?

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Custom discourse setup

See All User Activity As An Admin


@David_Kwan wrote:

Is there a way to see a log of user activities (things they’ve liked, posted) without having to click into an individual user’s profile? Or is there a way to be notified whenever a user does something (posts, likes)? I am in the early days of my Discourse and want to award manual badges quickly based on their behavior.

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Members of /groups/staff


@daath wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Discourse Narrative Bot Beta Feedback:

It says above that “bot should not show up as admin in /staff, nor shield glyph” - by which I think is meant /groups/staff?

Anyway - Both “system” and “discobot” is on the staff at my forum - which I feel is impractical, since we refer people to contact one of the @staff - and they can’t really contact those two :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a way to hide them both?

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How best to develop this frontend customization / plugin?


@mcwumbly wrote:

I’d like to experiment with a customization to change the UX for subscribing to topics.

I’d love some pointers on how I might approach this. I’m pretty sure it’s doable as a front-end only customization. I’m unclear as to whether to tackle it as a theme or a plugin and what best practices may be for testing and maintenance.

Also, feel free to comment on the idea itself (whether you love it, hate it or shrug it).

The goal is to have a UX closer to Github’s simple Subscribe / Unsubscribe interaction:


In order to achieve something similar, I’d like to:

  1. Make the main button action a toggle and move the drop-down to an adjacent button.
  2. Change the button text to describe the action the user is taking, rather than reflect the current state. (The current state is still described in the text next to the button).

The main button would have the following default state transitions:

Start Watching

When you are in Normal mode, the call-to-action is to Watch the topic:

Stop Watching

When you are in Watching mode, the call-to-action is to Stop Watching the topic, which will set it back to Normal:

Stop Tracking

When you are in Tracking mode, the call-to-action is to Stop Tracking the topic, which will set it back to Normal:


When you have in Muted a topic, the call-to-action is to Unmute the topic, which will set it back to Normal:

Select Notification Level

To select a different notification level, click the , which will display all the other options not currently selected. For instance, if you’re currently tracking the topic:

(I’m also considering replacing the combo reply/notification button under the progress bar with this control… and perhaps something similar for the category subscription).

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