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Planning paritions


@TerminalAddict wrote:

I’m in the process of planning disk partitions.
am I right in assuming all the docker stuff that takes up disk space is in

presently /var/lib/docker is taking about 5gb
could I create a mount to manage disk space ?

pbody # docker image ls --all
REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
local_discourse/app    latest              8afc8c8d6852        6 days ago          2.67GB
discourse/base         2.0.20171008        71c896c09da5        4 weeks ago         1.79GB
samsaffron/docker-gc   latest              54ca424ca8d6        2 years ago         57.7MB

pbody # cd /var/
pbody # du -sh discourse/
221M	discourse/

pbody # cd /var/lib/
pbody # du -sh docker
5.1G	docker

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Expand post on activity page not working

Facebook OpenGraph not working - Can not fetch Titles [Fixed]


@Pramvir_Rathee wrote:

I chaecked some other discourse sites today. And found 2 more sites other than mine where facebook can not fatch title or the Image of a post. This is after some update. Please help.

  • This issue can be because of https ?

  • Or because of a new discourse update.

    Inferred Property
    The ‘og:image’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
    Missing Properties
    The following required properties are missing: og:url, og:type, og:title, og:image, og:description, fb:app_id
    SSL Error
    Can’t validate SSL Certificate. Either it is self-signed (which will cause browser warnings) or it is invalid.

I think its certificate issue.
It was ssl certificate issue.

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No share button on Chrome used by Discourse


@arunsathiya wrote:

I am using the Discourse Android app and I see that it uses Google Chrome custom tabs to render web content. Unlike the regular Google Chrome for Android or Google Chrome custom tabs for Android, this version does not show the share button. I’m stuck at inability to share any web page I read from Discourse for Android.

Am I making sense here?

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Creating a social site with discourse


@burningman wrote:

Hey, I want to create a social site with discourse
I don’t want to create a social site like facebook because it’s not possible.
But, I want to create a community of fan following means let’s say “Rock” fan following. I will invite all rock followers to discuss on community.
This is just an example because I want to create multiple category for everyone.

Is it possible. I know it’s possible because I am using discourse on already two my community.

But, those community are not social.

ohh, hard to explain. May be some of you definitely understand what I want to say.

It may be a dumbed idea but I am thinking about implementing this strategy.

What you think and what should I use for the implementation of this idea.

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Convert message to topic by the message owner


@Pad_Pors wrote:

if users could convert their own private messages to topics, then they can use self-pm 's as a draft of some topics which are raw yet, and at the end they could publish the same pm as a topic.

This way starting better written conversations would be easier. & it’d be an alternative to Finding drafts.

Continuing the discussion from Ability to convert message to topic?

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Problem is installing plugin


@burningman wrote:

I follow this topic for installing plugin

After that, what I put around 7 plugin in a row.

This is error came during rebuilding

What wrong I did

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Rate limiting blocking group invitations to topics

CSS code to hide "topic controls" dropdown in mobile version


@nixie wrote:


Could someone please give me the CSS code to hide below two details from mobile version of the site

Topic controls dropdown
Pinned Globally dropdown and the text near it.

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Copy - Paste entire post?


@djcyry wrote:

I see that when you copy and paste a entire post from another website , its only paste the text and links , images not . Example , in wordpress when you copy a post/article from another website and paste it , you paste text,links,images …

Have discourse any option/setup for that ? Thanks .

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Can we run Discourse website only IP address not domain?

"Delete Spammer" from "Flag" menu returns 403, doesn't work

Unable to start docker service (latest step)


@gatsu wrote:

Hi all,

I’m trying to install Discourse and I’m blocked at the latest step so ./launcher start app and I get this error message:

which: no docker.io in (/root/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.5/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/cpanel/composer/bin:/root/bin)

starting up existing container

  • /usr/bin/docker start app
    Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint app (ebbc0f3d113059f4cf4ab7647e967144b7eb0fdf4cccbc59534bc38728b064f8): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
    Error: failed to start containers: app

I use Litespeed for the other domains but apparently, there is an issue with the port 443 I don’t kno see below:

tcp6 0 0 ::1:443 :::* LISTEN 15057/litespeed (ls

I don’t want to break the other website so how do I solve this please cause it is the latest step…

I tried to start the docker service but I get this error message:

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start docker.service

I ran yum update (because I’m on Centos) and installed the latest kernel and tried again but same result.
So I presume, the issue comes from the docker service I’m unable to start?

Please help cause I’m on the latest step. :frowning:

PS: I don’t use Firewalld

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Discourse team grows to 20


@erlend_sh wrote:

Originally published at: Discourse team grows to 20

Over the last few months we’ve added a whopping 9 members to the Discourse team! We held off on any big announcements until our new team page was ready for primetime.

Behold the first twenty!

The nine new arrivals are as follows:

  • Joffrey Jaffeux - Software Engineer
  • Sarah Hawk - Community Advocate
  • Michael Brown - Operations Engineer
  • Joshua Rosenfield - Technical Advocate
  • Gerhard Schlager - Software Engineer
  • Andrew Schleifer - Operations Engineer
  • Kris Aubuchon - Designer
  • Vinoth Kannan - Software Engineer
  • Simon Cossar - Technical Advocate

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Translation for "unsilence user" :es:


@SidV wrote:

Han aparecido nuevas oraciones para traducir en las nuevas versiones, y ante la posibilidad de “silenciar” a usuarios, hay varias palabras relacionadas a “silence” o “unsilence”, les dejo el detalle a continuación:


  • admin_js.admin.logs.staff_actions.actions.unsilence_user:
    unsilence user >> no-silenciar usuario ?

  • admin_js.admin.user.unsilence:
    Unsilence >> No silenciar

  • admin_js.admin.user.unsilence_failed:
    There was a problem unsilencing the user. >> Hubo un problema quitando el silencio al usuario (o no silenciando?) ?


  • system_messages.unsilenced.title:
    Unsilenced >> Dejar de silenciar

¿Qué opinan?
¿Cómo ponemos eso en español?

A continuación dejen sus ideas, y si encuentran más palabras raras, mencionenme así las agrego a este primer mensaje.

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Unable to delete a category


@Galinette wrote:


I am trying to delete the “lounge” category in a fresh discourse installation (v1.9.0.beta14 +165) localized in french.

When I click on the “Delete Category” button, a kind of bubble pop-up appears saying “Welcome to the lounge” in front of the button, and nothing happens. I cannot delete the category. This does not happen when deleting other categories I created myself.

As said before, the site is localized, so the delete button is “Supprimer la catégorie” and the weird popup is “Bienvenue dans le salon”

What can I do?


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"Block" renamed to "Silence"


@jomaxro wrote:

We’ve heard feedback over the years that “block”, the staff tool to prevent users from posting on the site was unclear. Without knowing what “block” meant in a Discourse sense, one could just as easily infer that it mean block the user from using the site (which is a suspension).

As such, we’ve renamed block to “silence” in Rename “Blocked” to “Silenced” · discourse/discourse@1f14350 · GitHub

Over the next few days we’ll be working our way through Meta to update documentation and other discussions that refer to “blocking”.

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Discourse setup not asking for smtp server address


@LucaDellAnna wrote:

Good evening,

I’m trying to setup discourse on a DigitalOcean droplet.
I installed docker and discourse successfully via ssh.
When I run ./discourse-setup, I’m directly prompted for the SMTP password; I do not get any of the following questions:

Hostname for your Discourse? [discourse.example.com]:
Email address for admin account? [me@example.com]:
SMTP server address? [smtp.example.com]:
SMTP user name? [postmaster@discourse.example.com]:
SMTP port [587]:

Could you please advice how I should proceed?

Thank you in advance,


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Advanced Search UI option to "exclude subcategories"


@jomaxro wrote:

We support searching only in the parent category (via an equal sign i.e. #=howto), but there isn’t an option for this in the Advanced Search UI.

cc @cpradio @sam

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Google Analytics


@dfrick wrote:

Hi - I’m wondering if there’s a way to connect to the reporting data inside Discourse’s dashboard? I’d like to build a dashboard that includes some of the metrics / data that isn’t available via Google Analytics, such as likes, comments, topics, posts, etc…

Specifically, is there a way to pull this data into a google sheet?

Alternatively, do you know if this data is accessible somehow via google analytics?

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