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If title has been added, composer should only be minimised, not terminated


@erlend_sh wrote:

If I have typed a title, added a category as well as maybe a tag, and then I click the minimize-button of the composer 07

…then it actually doesn’t save any of my progress. I’ve run into this quite a few times and it’s very unexpected, especially because we’re using an icon that in no way says “terminate”. I’m fine with termination when no data (or just category/tags) has been entered, but otherwise it should actually minimise, not terminate.

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Warning on @mentions and security permissions


@outofthebox wrote:

Hi, today I was demoing Discourse for a colleague. I was @mentioning her in a test Category where she didn’t have access. We were quite confused why she wasn’t seeing them. Then I fixed the permissions and then all was fine. Is there a bug here? Or is it a feature request that there’s notice the @mention won’t be received?

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Nginx config for 2 apps


@Kirill_Prokopenko wrote:

The question has already been explained in other posts but I can not make the right configuration after reading them. I have set discourse to make it work with nginx.

server {
    listen 80; listen [::]:80;
    server_name my_domain.com;
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

server {
    listen      443 default ssl;
    ssl on;
    server_name my_domain.com;
    ssl_certificate      my_path;
    ssl_certificate_key  my_path;
    ssl_session_tickets off;
    http2_idle_timeout 5m; # up from 3m default;

    location /forum/ {
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_pass https://my_domain.com:4443/;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://my_domain.com:3000/;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;

When I click the link ( href = “my_domani.com/forum” ) in my first app nginx reminds me on discourse but not in the index page, would anyone help me?
I would like to go to the discourse index page when I click that link

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The letter glyph is gone when a topic by email is moved into another


@Pad_Pors wrote:

if a topic which is send via email, is moved to some other existing topics (as a reply) by admins; the letter glyph of the reply is removed, as a result it becomes unclear that the topic is via email.


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Jforum import script


@mayerale wrote:

I’ve written an import script for jforum, the great java-based forum software. Here is my github fork:

It’s based on the phpBB import script (thank you for this great import script!) and includes import for:

  • Users
  • Avatars
  • Attachments
  • Categories
  • Topics
  • Postings (tries to convert bbcode)
  • Bookmarks
  • Smilies
  • Private Messages (tries to detect message threads)
  • Polls

I’ve successfully used it for my installation and would like to share the code with you. Anyone interested?

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Patreon Plugin Not Updating


@ebourcier wrote:

Now my site has totally stopped syncing with Patreon - all our info looks correct, but hitting the update button does nothing.

I noticed this error in my log "
(patreon) Authentication failure! csrf_detected: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, csrf_detected | CSRF detected"

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Dropdown problems?


@rfindley wrote:

Is anyone else having problems with dropdown boxes on Android Browser or Android Chrome recently?

Here on meta, and also on another hosted Discourse site, when I try to open any dropdown box on Discourse, such as changing the tracking level of a thread, the software keyboard pops up, then the dropdown opens and closes, then the keyboard closes again. This all happens in less than 1 second, and I can’t use the dropdowns at all… which is also why this post remains ‘uncategorized’. (see edit below)

I’ve tried this with 3 different software keyboards, and they all behave the same. Dropdowns seem to be working fine on other websites. I don’t know how long this has been an issue since I don’t use the various dropdowns very often while on mobile.

I’m on android 7.1.2 (OS updates disabled), and Chrome (updates enabled). I’ve tried the standard Google keyboard, and a couple others.

[edit: with some extremely fast tapping, I’ve at least managed to recategorize this under ‘support’. I couldn’t even read the categories since they flashed by so fast.]

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Remember composer height


@quimgil wrote:

Users can change the height of the composer. Those who change it once are likely to change it more often because it is their preference. What about remembering the last position?

(The new composer is a big improvement, thank you!)

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Rails + React Developer


@eba wrote:

Looking for someone to join our team for various work in our community (Discourse).

Currently, we’re considering development of a React native mobile app.

PM if this is of any interest to you.

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Retaining Customizations after Theme Updates


@itsbhanusharma wrote:


Couldn’t find anything relevant in this regard but is there a way so that Themes Installed through github could be updated in a way that changes made to the header and body sections could be preserved?

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Can I create a second "Log Out"-Link?


@musikrat wrote:

I am setting up a Discourse forum. I’ve added a simple header with a link back to our main web page. Users see a similar header on that page, and they also see a logout link there. I would like to have a similar logout link on Discourse.

So my question is, can I add a link to my custom header that does just the same as the normal “Log Out”-link?

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H2 tags cleared when importing from rss

Pre-filled topic with url not decoded


@benjaminh wrote:

Hello there,

I have an instance of discourse up and running. I want to be able to create pre-filled topic with url as detailed here: https://meta.discourse.org/t/compose-a-new-pre-filled-topic-via-url/28074?source_topic_id=13801

I need to pass an encoded url in the body parameter and the problem is that this url is not decoded when my topic is created. My URL is encoded with encodeURIComponent().

However, I did the test on meta.discourse.org and the url is properly decoded. Is there something I am missing, like some parameter in the admin section ?

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Can't login or do anything, no Javascript on page


@atb1248 wrote:

Disclaimer : I have 24 hours of experience with Discourse.

I just set up a new Discourse (amazing deployment experience by the way, https support was magic), in invite-only mode. I wanted to disallow crawlers and referencement and might have gone too far in this. I set allow index in robots txt to false but also removed all the bot user agents from the list in a setting that was just under. Sadly, I cannot remember the name of this setting or find it in the api. Since this, it’s impossible to access the admin panel and trying another browser doesn’t work since the login doesn’t work either (there’s no button).

the robots.txt looks fine:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

I am not 100% confident that my emptying of that user-agent list is the root cause, so I’m open to other interpretations.
I do not have an API key yet, so I suppose I’ll have to fix this by SSH. Any idea on the steps involved to rebuild that list and fix this?

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Host Discourse on .edu?


@bjfogg wrote:

I’m new here. And I’m impressed.

My question:

Can I use your service on a stanford.edu domain?

Specifically this: habits.stanford.edu

I can upload HTML and such to this domain, but I don’t think I have any control over DNS issues.

And I’m not very smart about the technical issues.

(Context: I am leading a global research project on good habits, and I want to interact with collaborators using Discourse).


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How to insert full image


@burningman wrote:

Hey Discourse Team,

I started creating infographics for my every post. But when I upload that it is full seen able after clicking on the image.

But, as it is infographics having the pixel of 800*2000 that’s why even after clicking it is not clear seen.

I want to post image like we post on wordpress like we not clickable or full inforgraphics seen able.

How can I do it.
Take a look at this post in last, how infographics is seen


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How to Delete Autobot?


@itsbhanusharma wrote:

Today I Uninstalled the Autobot Plugin but the Autobot user created by the plugin was not removed.
When I tried to delete it manually, it reported that admins & moderators can’t be deleted. However there is no option to revoke admin in case of autobot.

Any ideas on how to delete the autobot user and all associated posts?

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Managing Discourse group membership with WP Discourse


@Simon_Cossar wrote:

The WP Discourse plugin has a couple of functions that can be used to associate WordPress users with Discourse groups. These functions could be useful if you have a membership plugin installed on your WordPress site. They are geared towards sites that are using WordPress as the SSO provider for Discourse, but could possibly be used without SSO.

The functions have been made with the assumptions that every membership plugin will do an action when it adds or removes WordPress users from a level, and that the parameters sent with these actions will include the WordPress user’s ID and the membership level id. I have looked at a few WordPress membership plugins, and they function this way.

The two WP Discourse functions are:

  • add_user_to_discourse_group( $user_id, $group_name, $force_update = false )
  • remove_user_from_discourse_group( $user_id, $group_name, $force_update = false )

add user to discourse group

add_user_to_discourse_group takes three parameters: the WordPress user’s id, the Discourse group name, and $force_update. $force_update refreshes the data that is stored on WordPress about Discourse groups, it defaults to false, and you can ignore it unless you have added a group to Discourse within 10 minutes of running the function.

The function first checks if the user exists on Discourse, if they don’t, it creates the user through the API. They are then added to the Discourse group.
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remove user from discourse group

remove_user_from_discourse_group takes three parameters: the WordPress user’s id, the Discourse group name, and $force_update. It removes the user from the named group on Discourse.
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Using the functions with a membership plugin

  • Look through the hooks and filters documentation of whatever membership plugin you are using. Look for actions that correspond to add_membership_level and remove_membership_level.

  • At the top of your file (for example functions.php create an alias for the WPDiscourse namespace. This will make it easier to use the functions in your code:
    use WPDiscourse\Utilities\Utilities as DiscourseUtilities

  • Write a couple of functions to add and remove members from Discourse groups.

  • Hook into the functions after checking the the WP Discourse plugin is loaded.

An example using the PaidMembershipsPro plugin

I’m using this plugin for an example because I’ve been asked about it, it has a free version, and it’s easy to setup. The documentation for its hooks and filters is here. This example is incomplete. It just ties into two hooks, one that is called when a membership is created, and another that is called when a membership is cancelled. There are other actions that are called when membership levels are changed, or when all membership levels are cancelled at the same time. You’ll need to look through the docs…

// functions.php file

// Allows you to call the wp-discourse functions without having to write the namespace each time you use them.
use WPDiscourse\Utilities\Utilities as DiscourseUtilities;

// Returns the Discourse group name that is associated with a membership id. With
// PaidMembershipsPro, you can see the membership id on the Membership Levels page. With other
// membership plugins, you may need to call a function to get access to a `membership_id/membership_name` array.
function dcpmp_get_level_for_id( $id ) {
    $levels_to_discourse_groups = array(
        1 => 'walking',
        2 => 'running'

    if ( empty( $levels_to_discourse_groups[ $id ] ) ) {

        return new WP_Error( 'pmpdc_group_not_set_error', 'A Discourse group has not been assigned to the level.' );

    return $levels_to_discourse_groups[ $id ];

// Adds a user to a Discourse group if there is a group associated with the membership level.
function dcpmp_add_member_to_group( $member_order ) {
    if ( ! empty( $member_order->membership_id ) && ! empty( $member_order->user_id ) ) {
        $user_id = $member_order->user_id;
        $group_name = dcpmp_get_level_for_id( $member_order->membership_id );
        if ( is_wp_error( $group_name ) ) {

            return null;

        // Adds the user to the Discourse group.
        $result = DiscourseUtilities::add_user_to_discourse_group( $user_id, $group_name );

        if ( ! empty( $result->success ) ) {

            // If the user has been added to the group, add a metadata key/value pair that can be used later.
            add_user_meta( $user_id, "dcpmp_group_{$group_name}", 1, true );

        return $result;

    return new WP_Error( 'dcpmp_order_not_set_error', 'There was an error with the PMP order.' );

// Removes a user from a Discourse group.
function dcpmp_remove_member_from_group( $level_id, $user_id, $cancel_level ) {
    if ( ! empty( $cancel_level ) ) {
        $group_name = dcpmp_get_level_for_id( $cancel_level );
        if ( is_wp_error( $group_name ) ) {

            return null;

        // Removes the user.
        $result = DiscourseUtilities::remove_user_from_discourse_group( $user_id, $group_name );
        if ( ! empty( $result->success ) ) {
           // Remove the membership level metadata key.
            delete_user_meta( $user_id, "dcpmp_group_{$group_name}" );

        return $result;

    return null;

// Hook into the PaidMembershipsPro actions.
// Make sure to check that the Discourse class exists. If not, and you deactivate wp-discourse, this will crash your site.
if ( class_exists( '\WPDiscourse\Discourse\Discourse' ) ) {
    add_action( 'pmpro_added_order', 'dcpmp_add_member_to_group' );
    add_action( 'pmpro_after_change_membership_level', 'dcpmp_remove_member_from_group', 10, 3 );

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Discourse-cakeday/client.en.yml contains an empty translation string


@quimgil wrote:

Hi, yesterday @neil pushed the Cakeday files to Transifex for translation. Thank you very much!

One empty string is being called for (an impossible) translation in the client file, see number 6 at Log in · Transifex

It’s just a harmless detail, but just in case you aim for perfection… :wink:

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Is it possible to set attachment/image size by trust level?


@Matt_Cleghorn wrote:

I’d like to be able to control the file sizes a user can upload based on their trust level? I’ve had a search about but couldn’t find anything on meta.


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