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SEO - how to get a search bar at google?


@frold wrote:


This is the content you see at google when you search at my site (I know you might not understand the text):


This is how it look if you e.g search at “Lægeforeningen”.

How to change the layout at google to e.g include a search bar for my site and nice layout then the “random” text at the moment?

I dont know anything about SEO :smiley: Are there anything I can do ?

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Auth0 plugin: avoiding “Create New Account” dialog after successful authentication


@hdf_mneedham wrote:

I have a Discourse instance running with the Auth0 plugin. Right now, users login via Auth0, and then see the Discourse “Create New Account” dialog that’s pre-populated with data from Auth0. I’d like to streamline the process for my users (some of whom are getting confused) by automatically using the defaults Auth0 is already pre-populating. How can I accomplish this?

In case it matters: Due to a mailing list import, some users will have an account in Auth0 but not in Discourse, while others may have a “staged” account in Discourse before creating an account in Auth0.


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How many hours does it take to install Discourse?


@english.best wrote:

Hi, I’m not a developer so I hired a company that has been creating my website. Now I want the team to add Discourse to my site. How do I calculate or estimate how many hours it will take the developers to install and integrate Discourse? Is there any way to tell? Many thanks, Torsten

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Image Hosting - Other alternatives


@Timelord wrote:

Hey guys

Other than s3 what options are available within S3 for external image hosting? I am on the smallest DO droplet, and I am running out of disk space fast. If I could offload the uploaded images to another service (imgur), that would be great. S3 is too closed of an environment, so if I were to sell the site later on, I don’t see any elegant way to transfer the data (remote) to the new owner.

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Discourse hosting for staging environments


@rikikonikoff wrote:

I work on a Rails app that currently runs Discourse with a custom plugin. The plugin was created and set up by an external contractor. My team now wants a way to mimic our production setup for each of our staging environments, and we’re pretty confused about where to start.

We want to either host the staging versions of Discourse on AWS or Heroku (preferably Heroku, because they make deploying simpler). None of us are particularly familiar with Docker so we would prefer not to use that.

We don’t know what our current setup is, because we did not set it up. I contacted the Discourse team directly and they pointed me here for help. Not really sure who to ask, but can anyone assist me?

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Possible to configure shareable hyperlinks w/ different domain


@binarymason wrote:

Hi there,

Let’s say I have a flourishing forum at discourse.example.com and I also have a nice shortened domain like link.io. Is it possible to configure discourse to use the shortened domain for shareable hyperlinks?

Thanks for the great software!

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Default code formatting language varies unexpectedly


@GSnyder wrote:

I noticed this issue at forums dot swift dot org (sorry, as a new user I’m not allowed >2 links…), where the default code formatting language is Swift. See this thread in particular.

With three-backticks style code formatting, the Swift highlighting rules do seem to be in effect:

let comparators: [(Int, Int) -> Bool] = [ (<), (<=), (>), (>=) ]

It doesn’t show up properly here; perhaps Swift highlighting was something that the forums dot swift dot org admins had to custom-add to highlight.js.

Anyway, the issue is that if you use the “Preformatted text” icon and use indentation to denote code, the code is formatted according to a different set of highlighting rules:

let comparators: [(Int, Int) -> Bool] = [ (<), (<=), (>), (>=) ]

The exact appearance on this forum is different from what you’d see on forums dot swift dot org. The first example above with red highlights on some of the commas and parens is what you get with “Preformatted text” on forums.swift.org. With ```, you get something that looks like that same line but without the red highlighting. I’m guessing that the red highlighting comes from the JavaScript highlighting grammar?

I don’t know enough about Discourse to identify the specific problem, but my guess is that “Preformatted text” handling is not properly honoring the per-forum default code language setting.

Please holler if you need any additional info.

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WP Discourse Problems Setting Up [short-code]


@GoGoHopping.com wrote:

Dear sir/madam,

I am having a problem connecting my Wordpress with my discourse forum.

I have set-up the api key and the Publishing Username but I still get the yellow error message “You are not connected to Discourse. If you are setting up the plugin, this notice should go away after completing the form on this page.”

My website: www.GoGoHopping.com
My Forum: forum.GoGoHopping.com

I have also set up the SSO and have (ticked) Use Discourse to comment on Discourse published posts, and (also ticked) Load comments with Ajax.

I have activated the plugin. I have checked several set-up forum posts on the internet but am still unable to even see the WP comments on my website. I do see the Option to share the post on my Forum but it doesn’t work.

I understand that the WP discourse plugin replaces the Wordpress default comments with the WP Discourse comments. Is this correct?

I would like to have my WordPress comments replaced with/by the WP Discourse comments.but my website still displays the WordPress comments and I am unable to see the WP discourse comments on my site.

Please can you provide some assistance?

I am not very technically knowledgeable so I would really appreciate a [short-code] that I could easily put into my WordPress Page Builder Plugin that could be easily moved around and adjusted.

I know there are other chat plugins such as Comments_Evolved that do this. However, I would really like to link to my Discourse forum and not Facebook.

I would really like a [short-code] that could replace my WordPress comments on both Posts and Pages as most of my website is pages and not posts. However, either one of these is fine if I can have something that at least works.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



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How to disable profanity filter per category?


@dylanh724 wrote:

For example, I have an adults only section (nothing nasty, just for mature audiences), or NSFW section. I thought I’d find it here:


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Cannot activate a user with an unconfirmed email token


@pfaffman wrote:

Steps to reproduce (I’m pretty sure)

  • deactivate a user (e.g., User.where("active = true and admin != true").update_all(active: false))
  • have the user try to log in or otherwise get a validation token created
  • activate the user with things like User.all.update_all(active: true).

Even though the user record shows “true” in the active field, they couldn’t log in. I tried a whole bunch of ways to activate a user (e.g., i called user.activate and user.save) and nothing kept the user from getting the “We sent an activation email, you need to follow those instructions” link when trying to log in until I finally found the email token and did


and then the user could log in.

The lesson is probably don’t deactivate a user unless you really mean it. :slight_smile:

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Additional fields


@luckydev wrote:

How to display additional fields under the avatar? For example, the number of user’s likes, or status: online / offline?

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Why are my 301 redirects not working? IPv6 Users also show as localhost


@owl_eyed wrote:

I’ve seen some other topics about this but can’t get it working for the life of me. Discourse was installed following the official documentation. All the plugins are official.

Users coming from an IPv6 connection were having their IP displayed as all of a sudden (forum had been in active use for a few days just fine, I had only added the official Discourse plugins. Rebuilds made no difference). I assumed this was something that could be fixed with the X-Forwarded-For header. I knew properly configured Nginx would probably fix this, and I’d been meaning to set up a maintanence page anyway, so I downloaded, set up, and installed it as outlined here: Adding an offline page when rebuilding

IPs now started displaying correctly, and of course the offline page works fine. However, my 301 rules are being mishandled somehow (not redirecting from non-www to www, and not redirecting IP at all).
Running `curl -I example com/’ returns a status code of 301, and the location points to the http subdomain (that’s fine, all of my http requests are being redirected to https correctly) but visiting the root domain in a browser won’t cause you to be redirected. This causes SSL errors when trying to connect through any other domain - the certificate is invalid obviously, and I only want users coming to my www subdomain anyway.

How do I set up redirection in my Nginx configuration to redirect all requests to my IP and example .com to www.example .com? Below is my Nginx configuration file. I think I’m missing something obvious, coming from Apache I’m not quite sure what it is, though. On the other hand, if I could fix the problem of IPv6 users showing up as localhost, I wouldn’t bother with this.

Nginx conf
server {
        listen 80; listen [::]:80;
        server_name  www.example.com;  # <-- forum domain

        location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
                root /var/www;

        location / {
                return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

server {
    #listen 80 is default
    server_name example.com;
    return 301 $scheme://www.example.com$request_uri;

server {
  listen 443 ssl http2;  listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
  server_name  www.example.com;

  ssl on;
  ssl_certificate      /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.example.com/fullchain.pem;
  ssl_certificate_key  /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.example.com/privkey.pem;

  ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
  ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;

  add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000;";
  ssl_stapling on;
  ssl_stapling_verify on;

  client_max_body_size 0;

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://unix:/var/discourse/shared/standalone/nginx.http.sock:;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
    error_page 502 =502 /errorpages/discourse_offline.html;
    proxy_intercept_errors on;

  location /errorpages/ {
    alias /var/www/errorpages/;

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Max replies from an established user


@Utopia wrote:

Hi there. I’m loving the Discourse forum and we’ve just hit the 4000 members mark on our forum.

We are having an issue with a user who is spamming. He’s sometimes making 60 or 70 replies in one day, often dragging up old topics, or replying on topics with just trivial, unhelpful responses. It seems that he’s really just trying to get attention, rather than actually adding any value to the topics. It seems as if he’s just trying to be the poster/member with the most number of posts/replies etc - but leaving a nasty taste in the mouths and minds of other forum users.

It’s got to the point now that other members of the forum are complaining.

I’m aware that the forum settings offer a limit for max number of replies by new users on their first day. But is there, or could there be, a setting for maximum number of replies (or replies and new topics added together) which could be set to prevent such a member annoying other members. The setting would ideally not effect Staff/Admin, who would need to reply to any number of posts, any time.

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New User of the Month can be Granted to Suspended Users and for Deleted Posts/Topics


@cpradio wrote:

I have two examples:

  1. Suspended User being Granted the Badge

    User was suspended in July 2017

    User received badge in August 2017

  2. User had deleted posts when badge was granted

    I apologize for the poor contrast, the second post was created on December 8, 2017, and deleted on December 10, 2017

    Recipient received badge in January 2018 and only has one non-deleted topic/post that was created in December 2017

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Installing problem (Ubuntu 17.10)


@luckydev wrote:

When installing

> WARNING: We are about to start downloading the Discourse base image
> This process may take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour, depending on your network speed
> Please be patient
> Unable to find image 'discourse/base:2.0.20171231' locally
> 2.0.20171231: Pulling from discourse/base
> 50aff78429b1: Pulling fs layer
> f6d82e297bce: Pulling fs layer
> 275abb2c8a6f: Pulling fs layer
> 9f15a39356d6: Pulling fs layer
> fc0342a94c89: Pulling fs layer
> 35787b1294ac: Pulling fs layer
> 9f15a39356d6: Waiting
> fc0342a94c89: Waiting
> 35787b1294ac: Waiting
> 275abb2c8a6f: Download complete
> f6d82e297bce: Download complete
> 9f15a39356d6: Download complete
> fc0342a94c89: Download complete

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Instalar discourse (iniciante)


@KJO wrote:

Bom, estou querendo começar com a ferramenta, mas pesquisando na internet, parece que só consegue instalar quem usa linux, correto? No meu caso, eu uso windows 10 e gostaria de testar no servidor local (xampp).

Desde já, agradeço.

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As of October 31, 2018, Microsoft Office 365 will no longer support TLS 1.0 and 1.1

Solved Button plugin does not work?


@rayk wrote:

I’ve recently added the Solved-Button plugin but I’m not seeing the “Allow users to accept answers” checkbox.

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