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How to ensure all data is consistent


@ballistic wrote:

After a few server issues, some of the data is out of sync. For example: topic_users.liked is not consistent with user_actions.

How to make sure they are consistent again?

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Debugging email problem and/or rebuilding discourse


@kendollard wrote:

Trying to obscure whatever discourse thinks is a link in this post so it will send:

I am new to rails and discourse. I’ve attempted to install discourse on digitialocean with docker per instructions, using mailjet as my mail server. My app.yml looks like:

I’m hesitating to post the real domain name.

DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME: forum dot example dot com

DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS: ‘example at example dot com’

DISCOURSE_SMTP_ADDRESS: in-v3.mailjet dot com
DISCOURSE_SMTP_USER_NAME: 4bccmedeedfeedmeedbeed3eed4ddd
DISCOURSE_SMTP_PASSWORD: “ec9767abcdef0123456789abcdef0123”

After loading the registration page in my web browser, production.log ends with:

Started something “/finish-installation/confirm-email” for some IP at 2018-04-29 01:06:11 +0000
Processing by FinishInstallationController#confirm_email as HTML
Rendering finish_installation/confirm_email.html.erb within layouts/finish_installation
Rendered finish_installation/confirm_email.html.erb within layouts/finish_installation (9.6ms)
Rendered common/_special_font_face.html.erb (0.6ms)
Rendered layouts/_head.html.erb (1.5ms)
Completed 200 OK in 29ms (Views: 16.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

I haven’t seen a way to look at logs on mailjet, but it reports no email sent and I receive nothing.

If I use their mail API:

curl -s -X POST --user xyz:abc somewhere v3.1/send -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d@/tmp/email.json

where xyz:abc is username and password and email.json is correct, I receive email. So, it’s not a problem with sending email,at least using mailjet’s v3.1 rest api.

Do you know how I can debug further?

Along another path, I’m trying to build discourse on windows 10 with linux subsystem and ubuntu for windows. I screwed up and created databases with techapj as the user instead of my user. Now I try to db:migrate again I get an error:

kshaw@DESKTOP-IJ5MU0E:~/discourse$ bundle exec rake db:migrate db:test:prepare db:seed_fu
Failed to report error: Invalid argument 2 Invalid argument subscribe failed, reconnecting in 1 second. Call stack …

I could post more. But, how can I start over? I tried dropping the tables and cloning discourse again, but I seem to have caused some change somewhere that I am so far unable to undo. Advice?

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Anyone else want a Zapier integration?


@AndyatFocallocal wrote:

Zapier seems to have most of Discourse’s rival platforms, but not this wonderful forum

Fortunately it seems we can rectify this situation as Zapier runs a vote for new integrations.

If i’m not alone you can click the link below and vote

the link

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Getting LibSyn iFrame to render


@ossia wrote:

I’m trying to get libsyn.com’s podcast player to render in an embedded iFrame on our Discourse instance.

YouTube’s iFrames now render fine in an embedded iFrame. Here’s how I configured it:

And yet here is the result:

Any idea what I’m doing wrong with the allowed iframe list URL syntax? I tried regular expressions and couldn’t get those to work either.

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Ensure that user is singed in discourse


@adopilot wrote:

Our discource is set to use SSO from our businesses app.
In few business process we use discourse as email and notification relay.
Some business flow starting at our erp with forms and moving on discource.
Since discource crating SSO users only when they loged in discource, we have cases that users exists in our erp, but they do not exists in discoure.
It happens if they did not sing in discource ever.
If my users does not exists in discource the work flow fails.
User is not going to be notified by email or desktop notification.
Our app can check does user exist in discource by finding user by external-id.
But I do not have an idea how to push user to sing in to discource and send him back to initial form, if app realize that user does not exist in discourse.

Is there some discource endpoint that will after singing in redirect user to parametered url ?

I want to send user to singing in discource and get back to my form ?

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User preferences page leads to 404

"1 New update " how can I do that?


@nothing wrote:

meta.discourse As it is on this site, the new issues seem to be pushing.

But on my site, I have to update my homepage every time, it does not look like the picture below. Is this a setting? how can i do it on my own site


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Topic-specific css/script


@PaulSTC wrote:

We hold a weekly trivia competition and have a single topic page to display the results.

I want to add some decoration/confetti animation to this topic which would need a few lines of CSS and Javascript. I tried encapsulating this within [data-topic-id=“117”] {} but it still showed up on every page.

Is there a way to specify in the head for CSS or body for javascript, a particular topic that it applies to?

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Problem with downloading .audulus files on iOS


@biminiroad wrote:

We’re sharing our .audulus files on our forum, but they’re not opening correctly when downloaded from iOS.

On computer it works fine.

On iOS, what happens is it gets turned into a .txt file and displayed in the browser.

Long pressing and “Open In” doesn’t work.

Have tried to fix it myself but can’t figure out what settings might need to be changed.

Any hints? I can provide a copy of Audulus for staff if it’s necessary to check that it’s working.

Example patch to download:

Patch to download on iOS

What it looks like when you try to open

On old Vanilla forum, “Open in Audulus” was an option here

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Issue: Replacing the heart icon with a thumbs-up icon for likes


@Patrick_Mitzel wrote:

We followed the instructions to replace the heart with a thumbs up using .fa-heart:before { content: “\f164”; }. It seemed to work until we rebuilt the container to install a new plugin. Now there are hearts mixed into posts to topics where the thumbs up had been used. We applied the CSS update to all “Common/Desktop/Mobil” CSS/HTML sections. What would cause this?

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Badge for replying to x unreplied topics


@Adam_Adam wrote:

I want to setup a badge called “Community Service” which will be automatically given out to those who reply to x topics that have not been replied to.

Anyone know how I can set this up?

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504 bad gateway errors and a cry for help!


@Dale_Nichol wrote:

Hi guys and gals.

This is a bit of an odd, vague one because I’m entirely unqualified to discuss this sort of stuff, so I’m reaching out for a bit of advice.

I’m an administrator of a discourse based video game fansite/forum at forum.footballmanagernow.co.uk

The site is currently down due to a 504 bad gateway error. Our domain is in date, and according to our hosts, Digital Ocean, our discourse droplet is fully operational.

I inherited the site from somebody else, so I have no other way of trying to figure out what the cause is. Could anybody provide even the slightest semblance of advice?


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Customizing my custom menu


@Adam_Adam wrote:

I setup the following menu on my site:

Everything works perfectly. Except the fact that it shows up when users are on the login popup modal and when they are replying to, or posting a topic. This menu blocks the “reply” and “post” buttons

Is there anyway I can hide it when certain things are opened (like the reply & post window, login modal, etc…)?

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Bulk "replace tags" is removing, but not replacing


@Southpaw wrote:

When I use the bulk Replace Tags, the current tags are stripped, but the new tag is not added.

Steps to reproduce:
View a list of topics with the same tag foo: /tags/_foo_
Click the hamburger menu icon just above the first topic in the list, select all and click the wrench to perform bulk actions.
Select Replace tags
Type your new tag bar and click Replace Tags
Note that the topic disappears from the current tag list /tags/_foo, because the foo tag has been removed.
Find one of the topics and note it is not tagged with bar.

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Unwanted space keep comming up for random post


@Pravi wrote:

Hello Guys,
Is it normal have this huge space in post as shown in image. It appear for random topic, not always.
I am not sure if its a bug or not. I thought to inform, thats all.

Thank you.

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Missing Avatars

Install discourse on AWS inctance ubuntu 18.04


@yuri-zubov wrote:

I have a problem with installation Discourse on ec2 AWS instance ubuntu 18.04.
I took ami-22741f5a from Ubuntu Amazon EC2 AMI Finder.
installed docker sudo apt-get install docker.io

docker version
 Version:	17.12.1-ce
 API version:	1.35
 Go version:	go1.10.1
 Git commit:	7390fc6
 Built:	Wed Apr 18 01:23:11 2018
 OS/Arch:	linux/amd64

  Version:	17.12.1-ce
  API version:	1.35 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:	go1.10.1
  Git commit:	7390fc6
  Built:	Wed Feb 28 17:46:05 2018
  OS/Arch:	linux/amd64
  Experimental:	false

when I tried to run ./launcher bootstrap app I got

cd /pups && git pull && /pups/bin/pups --stdin
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/SamSaffron/pups.git/': Could not resolve host: github.com
** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one.

Also I installed ubuntu 18.04 on virtualbox manually and didn’t see this problem.
Could you help me?
thank you in advance

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Sudden drop in visitor numbers as reported by discourse admin pages


@hogliux wrote:

Hi there, since last week (23rd of April) we’ve seen a sudden drop in visitors to our discourse forum (http://forum.juce.com/) as reported by the discourse admin page.

Sure, maybe it’s a genuine drop in visitor numbers, but our visitor numbers have been very steady (slightly increasing actually) over the past three years. It would be very strange for the visitor numbers to suddenly half from more than 200 per day to just 100 per day.

Has anybody else been seeing this? Is this maybe a change in the way discourse counts visitors? Maybe GDPR related?

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Database connection error when setting up Discourse development environment using Linux Bash Shell on Windows 10

Is a points based system on the way?


@Simon_Oliver wrote:

Is there any plan to develop a rewards type system that will automatically assign points to members based on their contributions?

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