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Edge Side Includes?


@ryanerwin wrote:

The folks at Fastly said that to make the most of the Site Shield for Discourse, they recommended using Edge Site Includes…

Would it basically be a full rewrite to try and get ESI integrated with Fastly?
Or are there a relatively small number of areas that would need to change?

We have a site that gets significant traffic spikes (~500k users), so a solution like ESI sounds like it would be an efficient way to survive during those spikes…

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Cannot Get Mailgun to send admin email


@dbwest wrote:

I am seeing the Discourse setup screen and attempting to send the admin email.

I have configured TXT, MX, and CNAME records for my domain and used the discourse-setup.sh script with the credentials and smtp supplied by mailgun.

In addition I have opened ports for my Google Compute Engine instance with the discourse server on it for HTTP HTTPS and 587 for the SMTP (as configured when I ran the setup script.)

Still no emails.

What gives? Please help. Is there a Slack, IRC or Discourse channel or some other chat as well?

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Help us build the new Dashboard


@joffreyjaffeux wrote:

The most curious Discourse users have probably noticed that a new route has been available for few weeks: /admin/dashboard-next

This is the temporary home of our new planned dashboard :bar_chart: .

In the next days I will be finishing this and moving towards a v1 which will be in the next Discourse release. Please refrain yourself to write a long bug report for a few more days, I will post it when I think “it’s done”, but do try it and please give us an early feedback on what you can try and this mockup. I’m very excited to finish this and give you this new dashboard. One of my personal goals with this revamped dashboard is also to make it very easy for plugins to add charts on this page.

This topic will be dedicated to every issue/feedback you have until we consider it stable.

Thanks to @HAWK @awesomerobot @gerhard @erlend_sh @eviltrout who are also part of this work.

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Trying to query to find user custom fields filled out


@jerdog wrote:

I have a data explorer query where I am trying to find all who have filled out user custom field 1-4, and would love it to only show those with all 4 as columns for each user, but my postgre skills are limited and I haven’t been able to figure it out:

SELECT user_id, name, value
FROM user_custom_fields
WHERE name IN ('user_field_1','user_field_2','user_field_3','user_field_4')
    AND value IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY user_id ASC, name ASC

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Fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/SamSaffron/pups.git/'


@Wingysam wrote:

I have followed the instructions at discourse/INSTALL-cloud.md at master · discourse/discourse · GitHub, and received this error while attempting ./discourse-setup:

fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/SamSaffron/pups.git/': SSL: certificate subject name (jetdevs.xyz) does not match target host name 'github.com'

The following is the output of ./discourse-setup after configuration:

ENTER to continue, 'n' to try again, Ctrl+C to exit: 

Configuration file at  updated successfully!

Updates successful. Rebuilding in 5 seconds.
Building app

WARNING: We are about to start downloading the Discourse base image
This process may take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour, depending on your network speed

Please be patient

Unable to find image 'discourse/base:2.0.20180404' locally
2.0.20180404: Pulling from discourse/base
22dc81ace0ea: Pulling fs layer
1a8b3c87dba3: Pulling fs layer
91390a1c435a: Pulling fs layer
07844b14977e: Pulling fs layer
b78396653dae: Pulling fs layer
ef3e3cc07f1b: Pulling fs layer
b78396653dae: Waiting
ef3e3cc07f1b: Waiting
91390a1c435a: Verifying Checksum
91390a1c435a: Download complete
1a8b3c87dba3: Verifying Checksum
1a8b3c87dba3: Download complete
07844b14977e: Verifying Checksum
07844b14977e: Download complete
b78396653dae: Verifying Checksum
b78396653dae: Download complete
22dc81ace0ea: Download complete
22dc81ace0ea: Pull complete
1a8b3c87dba3: Pull complete
91390a1c435a: Pull complete
07844b14977e: Pull complete
b78396653dae: Pull complete
ef3e3cc07f1b: Verifying Checksum
ef3e3cc07f1b: Download complete
ef3e3cc07f1b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:745365df6e01943d48cbe4c59214c76ac302def2d00a07aff07d625b306bbeb7
Status: Downloaded newer image for discourse/base:2.0.20180404
Ensuring launcher is up to date
Fetching origin
Launcher is up-to-date
cd /pups && git pull && /pups/bin/pups --stdin
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/SamSaffron/pups.git/': SSL: certificate subject name (jetdevs.xyz) does not match target host name 'github.com'
** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one

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Can't change post ownership to an email address


@oburt wrote:

Every time I attempt to change ownership of an existing PM to an email address not in our system, I get an error rather than a new staged user being created. As I enter the email address, the autocomplete dropdown with the envelope icon option does appear and I do select just as I would with a creating a staged user from a new PM, but in the Change Ownership popup it appears as if this functionality does not work for some reason.

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Options button in the Composer


@BlackKnob wrote:

Can you please structure the html of all Composer buttons in the same way?
The Options BUTTON is the only one inside an additional DIV, which makes it much more difficult to style.

You can see the problem in Meta with Material Design Theme. Look at the last button.


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Search, different scenario

Oauth config for memberful (not working)


@pfaffman wrote:

A client wants some people to use Memberful, so the default SSO solution won’t work. They also support oauth. To my naive eye, it looks standard enough, so I installed the oauth basic support plugin and set out to configure stuff.

It gets far enough to generate the user_json_url correctly; if I open up the URL printed in the logs in a web browser, I get what I’m looking for. But it generates a 500 error and the “Oops” message in the browser.

I can’t tell if it’s something on my side or the Memberful side. I’m pretty clear that this will need a plugin to pull group/order information, but thought that just getting authorizations to would might work with the stock plugin.

I configured the redirect url on the memberful side to be Redirect URLhttps://support.literatecomputing.com/auth/oauth2_basic/callback

Here are the logs:

[default] (oauth2_basic) Setup endpoint detected, running now.
[default] (oauth2_basic) Callback phase initiated.
[default] Processing by Users::OmniauthCallbacksController#complete as HTML
[default]   Parameters: {"code"=>"CODE", "state"=>"STATE", "provider"=>"oauth2_basic"}
[default] OAuth2 Debugging: after_authenticate response: 

creds: {"token"=>"A_TOKEN", "refresh_token"=>"RTOKEN", "expires_at"=>1525127745, "expires"=>true}
info: {"id"=>nil, "name"=>nil}
extra: {}
[default] OAuth2 Debugging: user_json_url: GET https://lc.memberful.com/account.json?access_token=A_TOKEN
[default] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 237ms (ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)
[default] OpenURI::HTTPError (500 Internal Server Error)
/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.4.0/open-uri.rb:363:in `open_http'



I can’t quite figure out just what’s wrong with

The JSON returned by Memberful looks like this:

member: {
address: { },
created_at: 1524522604,
credit_card: {
exp_month: 11,
exp_year: 2022
custom_field: "",
email: "jay@example.com",
first_name: "Jay",
full_name: "Jay Pfaffman",
id: 542677,
last_name: "Pfaffman",
phone_number: null,
tracking_params: { },
unrestricted_access: false,
username: "jay1192885"

I’ve configured oauth2 json stuff like this:

oauth2 json user id path: member.id
oauth2 json username path: member.username
oauth2 json name path: member.full_name
oauth2 json email path: member.email

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Set topic title with Discourse Embed


@sarahann wrote:


I recently set up embedded comments on my website using this wonderful tutorial (Embedding Discourse Comments via Javascript).

My topics are being auto-created by Discourse. However, all the generated topics have the same title “Sign in to your account”.

I assume that the crawler is somehow landing on my website’s sign-in page first and grabbing that page title as the topic title. This doesn’t make too much sense to me because I tried this on a public page (one that does not require authentication). So maybe I am misunderstanding what the craweler does in order to scrape for the page title, description etc.

Regardless, I am not sure if I can change the flow of my current website, so I was wondering if there was a way to set the topic title in Javascript (possibly in the DiscourseEmbed object). Or if I needed to change some crawler settings?

Any thoughts?

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Add alias support to emoji picker


@sam wrote:

Twitter have alias support in the Emoji picker, it means that:

VS, what we have now:


It would be nice to have support for aliases on Discourse.

Note we should probably also add this as a fallback for : completion.

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Moving to subdomain


@crussells wrote:


I’m a new discourse user, converted from phpbb, and I’m loving it, though modding is a bit trickier. I have a couple questions I was hoping to get a hand with;

My Discourse instance is running on a digitalocean droplet, and I unfortunately didnt have the foresight to put it on a subdomain such as talk.foo.com, it’s currently at foo.com. Would anyone know if its possible to move it on to a subdomain rather than having it on the root?

Assuming the above is possible, am I able to still host pages external to discorse on the same droplet? Such as a more traditional hope page with a link to the discorse? I presume so… would I just install LAMP on the droplet?

Thanks so much,

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Cluster deployment

Functions and Variables


@BlackKnob wrote:

Is it possible to get access to functions and variables from Discourse variables.scss?

When I edit my theme, I can reference $primary, $secondary etc.
$primary-low or dark-light-choose() are not available though.

Would adding @import "./variables"; to my theme be an overkill?

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Search for queries containing non-breaking space not working

After upgrade the site doesn't load


@Pad_Pors wrote:

Hi, I just upgraded our site to latest, and when I try to open it in firefox, it gives me this error:

The site at https://padpors.com/ has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because an error in the data transmission was detected.

I couldn’t also open the site in chrome. though the site seems to be up.

I would be thankful for any help or hints showing me what to do. as I couldn’t find any proper solution in the web so far.

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Some minor displacements for selected post and user cards


@Pad_Pors wrote:

not sure if this should be in #bug or #ux category:

the position of the admin select box (to have an action on the selected post) is misaligned. such that sometimes it’s not visible in the pageview at all (for both ltr and rtl languages).

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Group page: Activity: Mentions > Topics > Posts


@mcwumbly wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Usercard for groups:

I would like to propose the following changes:

  1. Have the /group/{name}/activity route go to Mentions
  2. Reorder the left nav of the activity tab as follows:
    • Mentions
    • Topics
    • Posts


Mentions > Topics

Folks belong to several groups. Their posts may or may not be relevant to that group. But the posts where the group are mentioned will always be relevant to that group. Better to list these first.

Topics > Posts

People way in on all sorts of topics, but when they start a topic, it’s likely more relevant to their needs or expertise. That’s more likely to be something related to a group they are in than any random post they make.

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Add description to group cards


@mcwumbly wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Usercard for groups:

In our case, it’d be very helpful to have the description on the user card. I think it’d be fine to cut it off with an ellipsis after some number of characters. Showing a partial description would offer greater affordance to seek out the full description.

And I think folks would learn quickly and/or could be nudged to put the important bits at the top of their description so they are more likely to make the cut.

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User to user vs User to user with reply


@testingsoftware wrote:


I was wondering what is the difference between the reports:
Message User to User and User to User with replies.

for the same period, the first shows 107 and the second one shows 955.

Is it that user-to-user shows only the initial message and with replies shows absolutely all the messages sent back and forth?

BTW, I love that now all the “data export complete” messages shows the name of the report. very useful when creating a few reports one after the other.:+1:

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