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Can't invite users to private message after it's created


Adam Capriola wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Group private messaging:

Has there been a regression here? I'm the admin on my site and I don't see any way to add more users to a private message after it's been started:

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Is there a way to install directly on my server?


Devanil wrote:

First of all, sorry for my english,

I'm waiting for version 1.0.

The installation of the "Discourse" will be equal to the "Worpress"? I download a package and sending via FTP to my server and will install?

The plugin for Wordpress will come out with version 1.0?

Congratulations to everyone involved in creating. At first found odd but now I think he's fantastic. I look forward to using it on my sites. Great job.

And sorry for this question, but no prediction of when it comes out?

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+ symbol next to Reply as New Topic doesn't bring up composer

How about showing the posts category and sorts always


songjiayang wrote:

when i scroll down to see the posts ,the top post's category and sorts will hide . how about let they stay the page , always show.

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Default sort order for a category


probus wrote:

Sometimes it would make sense to sort the posts in certain categories by creation date instead of latest post date by default. Examples that come to mind are announcements or news, buy/sell and blogs.

I propose a setting in category preferences to set the default sort order for a category,

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More info about user in mouse over when someneon is @post


Admir Hodzic wrote:

It will be nice to have more info about @mentioned user in post without additional click (postback).

When someone say something to etc @adopilot user need to click and postback and goaway from topic to get additional info about users.
What I like is way you can get additional info about user if click on users icon in topic and get info without navigating away from topic

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Setting subdomain with nginx using different servers


Eagle wrote:

I am having trouble setting up discourse as a subdomain while hosting it on a new server.

The previous server uses nginx as it's http server and the domain name is purchased from godaddy and it's already up and running.

Discourse is already up and running and I tried to use godaddy's fowarding and masking service to setup the subdomain, but that seems to be causing problems while verifying new users.

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German translation: Sie or du? (T–V distinction)


Jens Helweg wrote:

In german language there are basically two forms to translate the second person pronouns: "Sie" or "du".
In short: "Sie" is considered to be more polite but also more formal.
(If you don't know what I am talking about checkout the wikipedia articles in either german or english

I guess (and suggest) that the informal ("du") is preferred. Am I right?

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Partially slow instance


Cervajz wrote:


we run really old version of Discourse at the http://rails-forum.cz/, which runs pretty well. We have a staging instance on the same server, at the http://rails-forum.stg.eballance.cz/.

Now, the staging has latest version deployed (bad3c6ea4912fe2a37c0836e4105d6b8bf72fe8a) and from time to time the request are really slow (several seconds). But it's not on a regular base, it's random. At one moment opening of the topic is almost instant, but then few seconds later, opening same topic or going back to the root (by clicking to the logo) takes seconds.

Server has plenty of free RAM, our "environments/staging.rb" has almost same structure as the upstream "production.rb", see https://github.com/eballance/rails-forum-cz/blob/master/config/environments/staging.rb

Development version on my macbook works fine, without glitches.

Could you help me where I should focus my attention?

Than you :o)

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Can I force display of name instead of/alongside username?


Jim Kennedy wrote:

I'm an admin on a new Discourse instance for use inside the company, so a private instance.

When users register they set their own name (say John Smith) and username (say Mr. Vanilli); that's cool. However, when someone posts you just see Mr. Vanilli and you have to click in to see that Mr. Vanilli is really John Smith.

Unfortunately we are rolling this out to about 1000 users at a place of work, so I'd like for everyone to see without clicking that it's John Smith. Sorry to be so corporate, but can that be done? I can't find it anywhere.

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What of escapes I can use inside headers (titles) to make my post more fancy


Admir Hodzic wrote:

Sometime my users have needs to indicate (highlight) some of topic inside headers.
What kind of escapes they can use inside headers to make headers (titles) more fancy inside forums.

In admin menu I see that there is 3 settings regarding to title looks, But I do not know is there way to highlight some titles over others using escapes.

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Discourse as commenting engine for Facebook


Admir Hodzic wrote:

How insane will be try to integrate discourse as commenting engine for Facebook.
In our company we use discourse as internal communication system to share and exchange information. One part of our business relay on our Facebook fun page. It will be great if we could integrate our forum whit posts we make on Facebook so we do not have to make two parallel posts to to make things more all in one place.
I hope that I am not the only one which use discourse and facebook while doing business and to others will have same needs to make internal comments on public facebook posts. At least it will be nice to make discourse able to parse facebook urls as it does with wiki and github links.

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HTML diff view is a bit broken


Jakob Borg wrote:

See the screenshot for a diff on an edit I made. Actually multiple edits, which might be a contributing factor, but combined into one historically (I guess due to being within a five minute window or such).

The meat of the edit is the adding of the last paragraph. But the diff algorithm seems to have latched on to some words in that paragraph that are in the first point in the bulleted list and then kept drawing the wrong conclusions.

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Trouble with Invites to topics in categories with permission limits


Tobias Eigen wrote:

I just ran into difficulties with invites. I created a category where I only want people with level 2 permissions to be able to reply to posts and level 3 permissions to create posts. I then created a topic and then invited someone who is not already a user on my discourse to ask them to reply to a topic I created in the category, and they are not able to reply because they only have basic permission.

This seems to be a bug to me, since the email received explicitly states "You were invited by a trusted user, so you'll be able to post a reply immediately, without needing to log in." It seems that is only true for invites to topics in categories where everyone can read/reply.



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Show group permissions transparently on category and topic pages


Tobias Eigen wrote:

I think it would be helpful to make permissions transparently known on the forum, so that when you are looking at the category and topic pages you can see precisely which groups have permission to do what in those categories and topics. This might also provide UI to get to the group membership lists as well which currently are not visible anywhere obvious except on profile pages.

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Prioritize showing group members (not posts) on group landing page, describe groups, provide groups directory


Tobias Eigen wrote:

I think it makes more sense on the group landing page to show the list of members. So on the groups navigation, flip posts and members so members are on top and shown by default on the landing page.

I also think displaying here a brief description of what it means to be in each group would be helpful.

Without getting too recursive, a groups directory would also be helpful to list them all in one place alongside description and links to members and posts.

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Move your Discourse Instance to a Different Server


Arpit Jalan wrote:

So you want to move your existing Discourse instance to a new server?

In this guide we'll move an existing Discourse instance on Linode to a new Discourse instance on Digital Ocean, although these steps will work on other cloud providers that also support Docker. Let's start!

Log In as Admin on Existing Server

Only admins can perform backups, so sign in as an account with admin access on your existing Discourse instance on Linode.

Update Existing Install

Both the new and old Discourses MUST BE ON THE EXACT SAME VERSION to ensure proper backup/export. So the first thing we'll do is update our existing Discourse instance on Linode to the absolute latest version.

Visit /admin/docker to upgrade.

(If you are running the deprecated Ubuntu install you may need to follow these update instructions.)

After successfully upgrading, you should see You're up to date!

Download Your Backup

Visit /admin/backups and click Backup button.

You will be prompted for confirmation, press Yes.

Once confirmed, you will be able to see the log of backup processing. Once the processing is finished, switch back to Backups tab.

Now you will see the newly created backup file. Click Download button and save the file, we will need it later for restoration on the new server.

Log In as Admin on New Server

Sign up and login on your new Discourse instance at Digital Ocean.

Enable Restore

Under site settings search for restore:

Enable the allow_restore setting, and refresh the page for changes to take effect.

Restore Backup

Browse to /admin/backups and click Upload button, select the backup file you downloaded previously from your existing Discourse instance (file name ends with .tar.gz):

Once the file gets uploaded it will be listed as shown below, click Restore button:

Press Yes when prompted for confirmation:

You will see restore process log, it may take some time but it's automagically importing all your existing Discourse instance (Linode server) data.

Once the Restore process finishes, you will be logged out.

Log In and You're Done

Once the restore process finishes, all the data from your previous Discourse instance on Linode server will be imported in your new Discourse instance on Digital Ocean, sign in with your Admin account and you are good to go!

If anything needs to be improved in this guide, feel free to ask on meta.discourse.org.

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Migrating a pre-discourse.conf server


Kane York wrote:

Sometimes, with a very old non-Docker installation, it may not be feasible to get all the Ruby versions and the NGINX config all sorted out enough that the web server is usable on the new Discourse code, so sometimes you need to back up through the command line.

And anything that means that you don't have to deal with bluepill one last time is nice, too.

If your web server is usable on the current Discourse code, use this guide: https://meta.discourse.org/t/move-your-discourse-instance-to-a-different-server/15721/last

This brief overview will focus on servers that were set up before the discourse.conf file was added.

  • Kill all the web server processes — bluepill quit followed by kill <pid> for all webs - identify them by memory% usage
  • Back up dirty files — git status and mv config/database.yml config/database.yml.back
  • Discard dirty files not backed up — git stash
  • Pull new Discourse version — cd /var/www/discourse && git pull
  • discourse.conf preparation — cp config/discourse_quickstart.conf config/discourse.conf
  • Transfer database configuration from database.yml to config/discourse.conf
  • Install gems — bundle install
  • Test database configuration and migrate — RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
    • (If fails with fe_sendauth, fix database configuration.)
  • Run backup — RAILS_ENV=production script/discourse backup
  • Download backup using SCP to your machine - you have a few options
    • Filezilla connecting to port 22
    • Windows: logoWinSCP, in /var/www/discourse/public/backups
    • Linux: scp root@$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz ~/Downloads, with my-site-$TIMESTAMP replaced with the name of the generated backup
  • If cloud server:
    • sudo shutdown -P now and decomission
  • If physical server:
    • Try your darndest to erase all the files added during installation, or reimage drive
  • Follow this guide, starting at Create New Discourse Instance.

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Problem getting activation emails to send on Discourse (using DigitalOcean/Mandrill)


Kevin Balla wrote:

Hi all - I followed the Digital Ocean tutorial to a tee but unfortunately am having trouble getting emails to send. I also signed up for a Mandrill account, set the SMTP address, port, user, and API key but Mandrill doesn't even seem to log an email in the queue. Have you all encountered this problem before?

When I check the server logs I see the following error appear:

Started POST "/users/admin@website.org/send_activation_email" for at 2014-05-16 23:28:38 +0000

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [POST] "/users/admin@website.org/send_activation_email"):
  config/initializers/quiet_logger.rb:10:in `call_with_quiet_assets'
  config/initializers/silence_logger.rb:24:in `call'
  lib/middleware/unicorn_oobgc.rb:95:in `process_client'

Processing by ExceptionsController#not_found as */*
  Rendered exceptions/not_found.html.erb within layouts/no_js (7.6ms)
  Rendered common/_special_font_face.html.erb (1.0ms)
  Rendered common/_discourse_stylesheet.html.erb (3.9ms)
  Rendered text template (0.0ms)
Completed 404 Not Found in 28ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 3.9ms)

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Thử title với tiếng việt


Tuan Anh Tran wrote:

Testing creating a new post with latin ext chars.

The url strips the latin ext chars and become like this


Any idea how to modify this behavior? Because this doesn't look very seo-friendly.

I would like for it to be like thu-title-voi-tieng-viet/15730

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