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The Road to Discourse 1.0


Jeff Atwood wrote:

Discourse launched at version which was my off the cuff estimate of how “done” we were with our first public release on February 5th, 2013 — about eighty percent done, I thought, once you factor in the ninety-ninety rule: The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the…

This topic is for comments on the original blog entry at: http://blog.discourse.org/2014/01/the-road-to-discourse-1-0-2/

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Broken links, possibly related to HTTPS


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

I'm having trouble clicking the "my post above" link in @codinghorror's post below. I'm on HTTPS. Is anyone else getting sent to the following url and blank page?


Continuing the discussion from How to arrive at a conclusion?:

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Recommended nginx config for an https only forum

Plugin Tutorial #2 - How to add a button at the end of a topic?


Régis Hanol wrote:

Here's a tutorial on how to write a plugin that will add an alert button at the end of a topic that will display the title of the current topic.

As usual, let's start with our entry point, the plugin.rb file:

# name: alert
# about: add a button at the end of the topics that displays the topic title in an alert
# version: 0.1
# authors: Régis Hanol

register_asset "javascripts/alert.js"

Nothing fancy here, just some metadata about the plugin and a line to register our javascript code.

Let's see what this piece of code holds. The first part is about defining a view for our alert button:

Discourse.AlertButton = Discourse.ButtonView.extend({
  text: 'alert',
  title: 'display the topic title in an alert',

  click: function() {

  renderIcon: function(buffer) {
    buffer.push("<i class='icon icon-warning-sign'></i>");

We're defining an AlertButton view that inherits from Discourse.ButtonView. This view handles rendering of a button and let us control the way the button is rendered. For example, we can render an icon by defining the renderIcon function. This method is using buffered rendering for higher performance. It simply means that you need to push strings into the buffer to control what will be rendered.

The most important part is the click method. This is where our awesome feature lies. Thanks to ember, whenever the user clicks on the button, this method will automagically be called and the user will be prompted with an alert containing the title of the current topic star2

Then, we need to listen to the additionalButtons event that is triggered by the TopicFooterButtonsView so that we can add our alert button, like so:

  addAlertButton: function() {

And here's the result:

Hope you enjoyed it smile

Of course, you can find the full source code on GitHub.

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Real-time updates


Kudu wrote:

How do real-time updates work? Are they really "real-time" (e.g. Socket.IO) or is the server just polled periodically? Sorry if this has already been answered.

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Scrolling up jumps to top of page


probus wrote:

When reading a topic and scrolling back towards the first post the view jumps to top when the top of the view reaches the bottom of the first post. I'm not sure when this started happening, but can reproduce here on meta:

  • Open a topic
  • Scroll down to second or third post
  • Scroll up slowly
  • When the top of the browser window reaches the end of the first post, it'll jump all the way to the top of the page

Tested this with Firefox 25 and 26 on OSX 10.7.5 and 10.8.5.
Works as expected (no bug) on Chrome or Safari on same systems.

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Page Title changes when focus changes; Pinned tab blinks constantly


Claus Strasburger wrote:

I often have a Discourse instance open as a pinned tab (AKA application tab), to save some precious pixels. My browser (Chrome 31) rewards this with blinking the tab whenever something's new.
The problem: This event fires way too often, even if nothing changes. In particular, it fires if I switch to another tab. So my tab is left blinking constantly.

I found out Chrome does this whenever the page title changes. After some more searching, I found the page title is updated in Discourse every time the focus changes!
(see observes(..."hasFocus"...))


    var notifyCount = this.get('notifyCount');
    if (notifyCount > 0 && !Discourse.User.currentProp('dynamic_favicon')) {
      title = "(" + notifyCount + ") " + title;
    // chrome bug workaround see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2952384/changing-the-window-title-when-focussing-the-window-doesnt-work-in-chrome
    window.setTimeout(function() {
      document.title = ".";
      document.title = title;
    }, 200);
  }.observes('title', 'hasFocus', 'notifyCount'),

  faviconChanged: function() {
    if(Discourse.User.currentProp('dynamic_favicon')) {
      new Favcount(Discourse.SiteSettings.favicon_url).set(

  // The classes of buttons to show on a post
  postButtons: function() {

Two questions:

  • Is it really necessary to observe that property?
  • If yes, can we add a check to only change the title property if it's different from the last one?

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Combining multiple sequential replies from the same poster?


Jeff Atwood wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Real-time updates:

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Help with email setup


A Zeynel wrote:

I am confused about Mandrill installation instructions. Sorry, this may be a duplicate questions but I did not get answers to my other email-related questions.

The search of the site revealed this answer and I did

sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix

and I got

z@ubuntu:/var/www/discourse/config$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix
 * Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix                                                [ OK ]

Postfix configuration was untouched.  If you need to make changes, edit
/etc/postfix/main.cf (and others) as needed.  To view Postfix configuration
values, see postconf(1).

After modifying main.cf, be sure to run '/etc/init.d/postfix reload'.

Running newaliases
 * Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix                                                [ OK ]
 * Starting Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix                                                [ OK ]
z@ubuntu:/var/www/discourse/config$ /etc/init.d/postfix reload
 * Reloading Postfix configuration...

I assume that this means postfix is running and I don't have to make any changes.

I created a key in Mandrill and put that in discourse.conf file as my password.

What else do I need to do? When I try to send the test email, it says "sent" but email is not sent.

In Mandrill set up, I cannot remember if "any valid API key" needs to be changed to my API key if so I cannot change it, because the edit button on the right does not exist.

In Mandrill, in sending domains tabs I have this:

Do I need to fix the DKIM and SPF fields as instructed here? The sending domain before was discourse.org. Should I put it back? Are the mails sent by discourse.org or my domain?

Can you help clear up some of the confusion? Thanks.

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New users trust level


Brian Harris wrote:

I am hosting a Discourse instance. I tried uploading an image and it said new users cannot upload images. Two questions
1. When does a user become not a new user anymore?
2. Can I change the default trust level so that new users can upload pics right away?

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Permissions per topic


David García-Navas wrote:

Would there be any way to assign permissions for a topic, overriding the default permissions inherited by his category?

I was thinking of a plugin to add a button, like when you choose a category that informs you about the permissions by default, and at the same time I would like it to be able to change these permissions.

Since chances are there are going to be too many groups for this, I think I would assign permissions for just one or two groups in the admin section.
For example: a private forum where many categories can be seen and edited by discourseros but with this plugin, some of the topics created in this categories would also be seen by everyone.

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Category selection menu design suggestion


Mait wrote:

Are we fine with nested scroll bar? I'm not. disappointed I really want to avoid nested scrollbar if we have another option.

Topic list and topic editor both have scrollable categories select bar. In there, if scroll hit top or bottom,. whole current page start scrolling. It's quite nervous keep away from top or bottom especially dealing with poor sensitivity mouse wheel or touchpad.

I think selecting category is active user action. Not like new topic, reply, notification or some other passive actions. Thus we could be more aggressive on space usage. Because they actively select categories button, not gonna excused even take whole area for category popup. We should show them quick and easy at glance because they just clicked button for that reason.

IMO, center aligned, big square box (e.g. 80% max, 16:9 ratio) would be fine. It maybe better using pagination instead of scroll bar if there are so many categories. It's almost like image view popup box.

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How to get notification of all new topics of a category?


Nowindlee wrote:

Can we subscribe a category, that when there is a new topic, we will get a notification here ?

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Regular notification behaves weird


Abhishek Gupta wrote:

This is some weird thing i noticed on my instance of discourse, When someone created a new topic and none have replied to it and the topic is not created by me, I see this , instead of the ou will be notified only if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post.

but when i click on Regular , it changes back to normal .

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Anybody at CodeMash?


Brett Zink wrote:

Any Discourse hosting experts wandering around at CodeMash? I could use a hand with a couple hosting/upgrade issues I'm having.

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Why is Discourse so slow on Android?


Jeff Atwood wrote:

When I was on vacation last week, I took my cellular Nexus 7 with me so I could keep up with Discourse posts, here and on our partner sites.


  • the Nexus 7 was never a super fast device even at launch
  • it was released in the ancient days of 2012
  • Discourse is a very intensive JavaScript application

So I wasn't exactly expecting barn-burning speeds.

I like using http://bbs.boingboing.net as a benchmark since it's our busiest site and I can go there any time of the day and many of the topics will consistently have new posts, and a lot of them are larger than the default post chunk size (20).

What I noticed was that Discourse performance was much worse than I remembered before on the Nexus 7. On a topic that has 20+ posts I saw this consistently:

  • time to the "loading.." indicator: 2 seconds
  • time to the topic loading a full 20 post chunk: 5 seconds

The Nexus 7 is substantially faster on small topics, where I'd see:

  • time to the 'loading.." indicator: 2 seconds
  • time to the topic loading 1 or 2 posts: 1 second

The majority of the performance problem comes in loading the posts, and seems to scale more or less linearly with the number of posts loaded in the topic, up to the maximum chunk size of 20.

But since many topics on BBS do have 20+ posts, it was excruciating to browse BBS and keep up with all the new posts on the Nexus 7 when I was paying a seven second penalty on every click. Brutal. Just brutal.

OK, so maybe the N7 is just old. Coincidentally, the new 2013 Nexus 7 was announced while I was on vacation. I immediately ordered 3 for the team and myself. It arrived literally the day I got back from vacation, this past Monday. It's easily twice as fast as the old model by every benchmark there is -- and it's plenty snappy in real world use!

So I excitedly unboxed the 2013 Nexus 7, updated it to latest over WiFi, and visited a large BBS topic, expecting a big free Moore's Law improvement:

  • time to the "loading.." indicator: 2 seconds
  • time to the topic loading a full 20 post chunk: 5 seconds

Err.. WTF? confused How can a 2x faster device have the same exact performance on Discourse as the old model? That's deeply concerning! We are building Discourse for the next decade of the Internet and we are assuming that newer devices will be faster. But this is exactly the same speed as the old device! How is that even possible, when every benchmark I read shows that the 2013 Nexus 7 is twice as fast as the 2012 model?

We did not see this with the iPad 3 and iPad 4, performance on Discourse scaled up with the device perfectly. I also noticed that the Surface RT, which is the same hardware as the Nexus 7, was not producing Discourse topic load times anything close to 7 seconds. It wasn't fast, exactly -- like I said the Tegra 3 hardware that the N7 and Surface RT are based on is not exactly speedy -- but it was much faster than the N7 in Discourse. Same hardware, different OS, different browser. I also tested with Firefox for Android and got the same exact numbers, even though (as far as I can tell) it is a completely different HTML and JS rendering engine.

This points toward Android as the problem.

Anecdotally, here are some rough load times observed on large, full-chunk (20 post) BBS topics on different devices:

  • Nexus 7 (both) -- 2 sec load, 5 sec posts
  • iPhone 5 -- 1 sec load, 2/3 sec posts
  • iPad 4 -- 1 sec load, 2 sec posts
  • Surface Pro -- instant load, 1 sec posts

Video demo of iPhone 5 vs Nexus 5 on the same Discourse pages:

The goal is for all devices to get to the Surface Pro (Intel i5) speeds over time, and I am confident that will happen in the next few years. However, if new Android devices are released and there's some crazy bottleneck we don't understand that prevents a JavaScript app like Discourse from scaling on new Android devices, that's.. a serious concern.

So @eviltrout spent the last few days looking in depth at this. The good news is he was able to increase N7 load times from 7 sec to 3-4 sec. But we have yet to find a "smoking gun" on Android that shows why, apparently, JavaScript performance is scaling so poorly to new devices.

I'll let him answer with details and pointers to the specific GitHub checkins.

We've heard that other devs have noticed poor JavaScript perf on Android devices -- does anyone have any specifics?

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Notifications by email


Pablo Corral wrote:

Hi mates, just a short question.

How fast email notifications are sended? Is that configurable? (in the use case that some mentioned users aren't only, how fast those mails are sended?).

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How does Suggested Topics work and how can we improve it?


Todd McKinney wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Reading Topics and Context:

I'm starting to notice, since I had that 60 second auto-notify thing on for awhile before configuring it out of my view of the world, that the algorithm prompting for suggested topics to read next at the bottom seems to continually surface the same items. If I go read one of them, a new one takes its place, which makes good sense. Then, inevitably, I get to a list of 5 things that are not compelling enough for me to jump to.

Two thoughts on this:

  • You could do something simple almost like a captcha reload, Just give me a button to cycle that list to the next five.
  • This would be a great place to display the view that I used to get here (e.g. all unread) either instead of the suggestions, or in addition to them.

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Are you tracking incoming external links? i.e. pingbacks/trackbacks


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

Every post has an overview of outgoing links, but what about incoming ones? Any way to track that? I always quite enjoyed WordPress' pingback/trackback feature.

As an alternative, non-native solution, maybe it'd be possible to make a Discourse plugin that grabbed the incoming links data from your analytics platform, like Piwik.

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Security Error on console (noticed on meta)


YOU wrote:

Firefox 26

SecurityError: The operation is insecure.

vendor...319a.js (15 lines)

Chrome 33

Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported. vendor-661cd4437a4f86d72c2cc2d7f5b7319a.js:15
n vendor-661cd4437a4f86d72c2cc2d7f5b7319a.js:15
r.canvas.getContext.i.onload vendor-661cd4437a4f86d72c2cc2d7f5b7319a.js:15

Safari 7

[Error] SecurityError: DOM Exception 18: An attempt was made to break through the security policy of the user agent.
	n (vendor-661cd4437a4f86d72c2cc2d7f5b7319a.js, line 15)
	onload (vendor-661cd4437a4f86d72c2cc2d7f5b7319a.js, line 15)

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