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Change menu captions and items through Ember - is there a JS-only solution?


Anton wrote:

Through Ember debugger for Google Chrome, I can see that the menu is controlled by Discourse.NavigationCategorysController.

Is there a way to hook somewhere by placing a JS code before the </body> tag and change captions of menu items and/or add more menu items?

I've tried hooking with js $(), but the changes do disappear as soon as I navigate with using menu links.

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Search results hidden behind edit window


Tobias Eigen wrote:

I often find myself searching for things on the forum as I am posting, and get into a ux bind. The "create new topic" edit window is in front of the search results, so I can't scroll down the search results and find what I am looking for without first closing the edit window, which I then have to reopen after searching. If it's possible, this issue would be helped by having the search results appear on top of the edit window. The same is true for all of the menus, though with search the results are much bigger so it's not possible to shrink the edit window down enough to see it all without closing the edit window, with the others you can.

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Rough notes, getting btrfs working on Digital Ocean


Sam Saffron wrote:

Following https://meta.discourse.org/t/report-on-using-discourse-docker-on-a-coreos-image/19745 I decided to play with setting up btrfs in digital ocean.

Creating a btrfs volume and mounting it:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/img/btrfs.img bs=1024 count=10000000
mkfs.btrfs /img/btrfs.img
mount -o loop ~/btrfs.img /var/lib/docker

At this point we have a btrfs 10gig volume mounted in /var/lib/docker. Next we need to tell docker to use btrfs.

vim /etc/default/docker


DOCKER_OPTS="-s btrfs"

Restart docker

service docker restart

Ensure btrfs is running:

root@btrfs:/var/discourse# docker info
Containers: 1
Images: 20
Storage Driver: btrfs
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Kernel Version: 3.13.0-32-generic
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
WARNING: No swap limit support

Ensure btrfs is mounted on boot

vim /etc/fstab


/root/btrfs.img /var/lib/docker btrfs loop

Done, booting rails is now 40% faster.

time rake routes


real 0m6.014s


real 0m10.273s


Migrating is going to be tricky cause the volume will need resizing.

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Short titles (under 3 chars) cannot be capitalised




  1. Decrease the minimum topic title length to 1.
  2. Create topic with short thread title eg. "D4"

The "D" cannot be capitalised - it always reverts to "d4". Problem goes away once the title is edited to be over three chars.

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Avatar missing in header


Barnabas wrote:

Hi after upgrading discourse some thing when wrong with the header. Here is a screenshot below.

Can anyone help in fixing this.

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Suggest changes to wiki helper text to replace "basic users can edit it" language


Tobias Eigen wrote:

Currently, when you mouse over the edit icon on wiki pages you see "this post is a wiki; basic users can edit it." Since "basic user" is an arcane discourse term, I suggest changing this to "this post is a wiki; if you can see it, you can edit it" or something simple like that.

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Backups corrupted?


PJH wrote:

[postgres@dellxps-pjh ~]$ export BU=2014-09-20
[postgres@dellxps-pjh ~]$ mkdir -p ~/restores/$BU
[postgres@dellxps-pjh ~]$ tar -C ~/restores/$BU/ -xf /tmp/what-the-daily-wtf-$BU-*.tar.gz dump.sql

gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
[postgres@dellxps-pjh ~]$ tar -tf /tmp/what-the-daily-wtf-2014-09-20-030000.tar.gz

gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
[postgres@dellxps-pjh ~]$ ls -lart /tmp/what-the-daily-wtf-2014-09-20-030000.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pjh pjh 1088794624 Sep 20 12:33 /tmp/what-the-daily-wtf-2014-09-20-030000.tar.gz
[postgres@dellxps-pjh ~]$ ls -lh /tmp/what-the-daily-wtf-2014-09-20-030000.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pjh pjh 1.1G Sep 20 12:33 /tmp/what-the-daily-wtf-2014-09-20-030000.tar.gz

This has happened for the last couple of backups I've looked at, but I don't know when it started - it's previously worked without error.

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Please add me as a Spanish (Spain) translator


foobar wrote:

I'd like to be able to download the Spanish (Spain) server.en.yml ("download for translation") so I can use it as a basis for the Catalan translation (as per @gerhard's suggestion at https://meta.discourse.org/t/how-to-add-a-new-language/14970/7?u=foobar1234).

Apparently I need to be in the translation team for me to be able to do that. Can somebody please add me to that group, even if temporarily? (I'm foobar in transifex) Or make the file available to me, perhaps a pastebin or whatever other mechanism.

FWIW I've already localized a ton strings to Catalan. I'm hoping to finish at least a first complete Catalan localization, pending a more thorough review, of course.

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Discourse team appreciation


Frank wrote:

Just to break up the monotony...

Word: multi-hatting v.

Definition: The the status of managing concerns across disciplines.

What multi-hatting might look like:

Use in a sentence: Many of the Discourse developers and support staff are multi-hatting their way through database management and development, web, server hardware, services software including hosting, email, and other dependencies, plus actual design and code development. They are normally tired. Trivial bugs irritate them but they stay professional and roll with the punches (because you don't want to take it full on in the face).

You guys do a great job and you are appreciated (even though it doesn't feel like it some days).

Ok, back to monotony.

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vBulletin import script


Ali wrote:

After playing with a lot of gems and ruby dependencies on DO drop install, having this issue.

Rails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/xx/var/www/discourse/log/production.log exists and is chmod 0666. The log level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed.
/var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/xx/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.1.5/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:888:in `initialize': FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "discourse" (PG::Error)

while running this command to import the csv from vbulletin.

RAILS_ENV=production ruby vbulletin.rb --user-group forum_usergroup.csv --user forum_user.csv --forum forum_forum.csv --forum-permission forum_forumpermission.csv --thread forum_thread.csv --post forum_post.csv

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Grabbing images from a WP blog published to Discourse


Andy Crichton wrote:

I have set the plugin up and all is great - when publishing a WP blog topic it grabs first few lines of text and sets a new topic in Discourse, email alerts going off, etc. Is there a setting for grabbing the first image as well as the opening lines of text?

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Unlisted Topics back on Category Listing


TechnoBear wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Invisible Topics shouldn't be on the Category Listing:

There was a temporary fix to this, but it seems to have unfixed, as I'm seeing the issue again today.

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ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `dirname' for "app/assets/stylesheets/desktop.scss":String):


Lifespent wrote:

I keep getting this error:

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `dirname' for "app/assets/stylesheets/desktop.scss":String):
    1: <%- unless SiteCustomization.override_default_style(session[:preview_style]) %>
    2:   <%= DiscourseStylesheets.stylesheet_link_tag(mobile_view? ? :mobile : :desktop) %>
    3: <%- end %>
    5: <%- if staff? %>
  lib/sass/discourse_sass_compiler.rb:62:in `compile'
  lib/sass/discourse_sass_compiler.rb:6:in `compile'
  lib/sass/discourse_stylesheets.rb:61:in `compile'
  lib/sass/discourse_stylesheets.rb:14:in `block in stylesheet_link_tag'
  lib/sass/discourse_stylesheets.rb:13:in `synchronize'
  lib/sass/discourse_stylesheets.rb:13:in `stylesheet_link_tag'

When trying to start the server. When I remove the code that's broken the page loads but fails to load the stylesheets. I just forked this from the "master" branch. Is anyone else having this issue?

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Onebox: for Github Issue

Edits not saved if last line is HTML online?


almereyda wrote:

Can someone please confirm, or not:

  • When editing an article that ends with a line of text by adding an image below that one, in its own paragraph by seperating with an empty line, won't be saved until one adds another paragraph of text below it.

Is that reproducible by anyone?

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API Functionality for invites


Alexandros Nikolopoulos wrote:

I have deployed a discourse installation which is invite only and I am looking for a way to trigger invitations from another website. However, I don't want to invite users to a specific topic, but to the forum in general. The ideal solution for this is to have invites generated from the user profile page functionality.

Is there a way to generate invites from the API that will not tie the invite to a specific topic? Bonus points if it is possible to add the user to specific groups.
FYI, I'm going to implement this in python so I'm not looking for a solution via the ruby reference api implementation (And I checked that it doesn't support it), however in the routes.txt file I can see some invitation specific endpoints. Do these work? If yes, how can I call them?

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Flash embed is not correct


Barry Satria wrote:

when i try to embedding flash to my site, discourse show minimal hight in desktop mode.
but if i open my content with mobile browser they working fine
this my site content with embed flash if you want to know about my problem

sorry for direct link. i want show embed in this post but discourse can't accept embedding flash

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Icons show up wrong on some discourse sites


Qwertie wrote:

For some discourse sites like the demo site and How to geek all of the icons show up like this on linux with chrome:

On mac with chrome they just show up as empty squares. Although the icons here show up fine. Why is this?

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Installed Discourse on Digital Ocean using my domain hosted in Bluehost


Ricardo Viteri wrote:

hello, I can't get the emails to be sent out. I used my smtp credentials from my domain that is hosted with Bluehost. What can I do?


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Ability to not bump topics


Qwertie wrote:

One common problem with forums is you can't reply to really old topics because you will bump it to the top of the forum which annoys other users of the forum because they don't want to see old topics again. But sometimes you need to add something else to that topic (EG to help other users finding the topic on google)

I think it would be a good idea to have a option to not bump the topic when you reply to it. What do you guys think about that?

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