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Failed to bootstrap due to RubyGems "no address associated with hostname"


bootstraponline wrote:

I'm helping to maintain a discourse site for appium (discuss.appium.io). Usually sudo ./launcher rebuild app fixes any problems however now the bootstrap is failing.

It's hosted on digitalocean and from the logs it appears to be a DNS resolution problem. Is that accurate?

I checked /etc/resolv.conf and it's using google DNS. The following command is failing:

$ wget https://bb-m.rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/actionpack-4.1.8.gemspec.rz
--2014-12-01 17:25:21--  https://bb-m.rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/actionpack-4.1.8.gemspec.rz
Resolving bb-m.rubygems.org (bb-m.rubygems.org)... failed: No address associated with hostname.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘bb-m.rubygems.org’

It looks like this is a known failure with rubygems.org.

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Emoji selector and custom Emoji


Jeff Atwood wrote:

This is a Discourse 1.2 feature.

Phase 1: select emoji style

In the admin, site settings, offer a choice of emoji sets

Choices are: Apple/International, Google, Twitter, Emoji One and None.

Does not need to be pretty and graphical selector, can be a drop-down with text choices for now.

Phase 2: add per-site custom emoji

In the admin, customize, Emoji offer a way to add a custom emoji for your Discourse instance:

  • define the new emoji word used, e.g "fired", which will equate to :fired: in text.

  • add the image and associate it with the emoji word, e.g. fired.png

  • provide a basic UI for browsing, editing, and adding these custom emoji. Can be admin only for initial release.

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Setting LANG: ru_RU.UTF-8 in app.yml does not work when bootstrapping docker container


Anton wrote:


LANG: ru_RU.utf8

Every time I destroy the container, remove the database and try to bootstrap it from scratch, I see the same error:

initdb: invalid locale name ""
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory

The database cluster will be initialized with locale "C".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "SQL_ASCII".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = "ru_RU.utf8"
are supported and installed on your system.

Removing the existing container and database with the following commands:

./launcher destroy app
cd shared/standalone
rm -rf postgres_data

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Email issue when restoring backup


Bradley Shaw wrote:

Hi guys,

This bit might be long so there is a TL;DR at the bottom.

I have been having some problems with getting Discourse to send emails. I use to have the Discourse install working without docker on a manual install one of the old and unsupported installs (yeah I know), but even though the email settings were always inputted correctly it wouldn't send. I could send from the command line.

Then having been frustrated with trying to get it work, I switched to Amazon Ec2 and RDS. I had backed the old database up and used the backup feature in Discourse and then tried to port it over. The Discourse backup wouldn't put so i overrode the database with the backup of the old one I made. That kinda worked but the emails still didn't work (even though on the initial fresh install they did). So i backed up through Discourse and re installed everything. Then i restored through Discourse and it worked... kinda... the pages were broken so i just rebuilt the app and it worked again.

However, im still having the issue. The emails still will not work and i cant think of anything else to do. So if anyone has any tips id be very appreciative.

TL;DR - Used old method of manual install, emails didnt work, switched to docker and the emails worked from fresh settings but when restored emails broke. Please help me.

Thanks for your time.

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Integrate with nrelate for "read more..." list building


Anton wrote:

One amazing thing of the codinghorror's blog is how relevant the proposed articles are.
Those "read more..." lists are powered by nrelate.com

Is there a plan to integrate it with Discourse?

Probably it should be a separate plugin.

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Docker bootstrap failing: no such name (https://rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz)


Anton wrote:

I've tried to remove /var/docker entirely and install it from scratch on the same server following the official documentation.

However, I get this error when running ./launcher bootstrap app

I, [2014-12-01T23:13:32.678329 #38] INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && gem update bundler
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::UnknownHostError)
no such name (https://rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz)

As a result, bootstrapping fails with the following output:


RuntimeError: cd /var/www/discourse && gem update bundler failed with return #
Location of failure: /pups/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:105:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"web", "cmd"=>["gem update bundler", "chown -R discourse $home"]}

Please help.

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Mods/admins to change topic URL slug (just like in WordPress)


Anton wrote:

Currently, for our Russian forum, all the topic titles are getting transliterated to a weird English notation of Russian words before being used in URLs. It looks strange and does not read well.

Additionally, for many topics (even English ones) I'd like to set topic slug (just like you do for posts/pages in WordPress). I guess making them different to corresponding topic titles would add some value to the URLs in the eyes of Google.

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Navigating back to reply-eee asks to abandon post


Michael Brown wrote:

If I've started replying to a reply and then have navigated to another page to lookup something or quote some text:

I can then get back to the original post to which I'm replying by clicking post 2. But when I do so, it navigates then asks me:

If I click No, all is good. If I click Yes, the Replying to... text briefly flashes to Replying to TOPICNAME... before reverting to Replying to post 2.... In either case the reply is left intact.

This question shouldn't be asked here!

easter egg left in second picture intentionally

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Good users Automatically deleted due to being old and unverified


Allen - Watchman Monitoring wrote:

I just found out that I'm losing subscribers in my invite-only forum.

It's in the logs, but silent unless you [know to] look for it:

Automatically deleted due to being old and unverified

I'm at a loss here... I've invited people who accept, I have approved many accounts.

I assume they are getting emails from our forum, but something's going wrong.

I've asked that welcome emails get sent out, and I can only imagine that if they were, people would know to go look.

In any case, what do I need to do

  • Find out everyone who was deleted
  • Prevent anyone else from being deleted

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Badges Triggered by User Post Count


Francis Maria Regalado wrote:

Hi everyone! I just started a discourse forum and am almost ready to roll out but I need help with setting up badges so they're awarded when a user reaches a certain post count. Like this:

0-50 posts

Something More
51-100 posts

More than Most

...and so on.

Thanks, guys! I have minimal coding experience, but have a teammate who might be able to code this for me. We just need to be pointed in the right direction.

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How to manually define excerpts?


Kevin Kershaw wrote:

We've been having some issues with Facebook sharing on our site and I was wondering if it might be eased by defining manual excerpt when creating some topics?

I was looking around at the commit history for excerpt_parser and noticed this commit: FEATURE: Allow manual excerpt to be specified anywhere in the post an…

Does this mean that to specify a manual excerpt, one just wraps the text in <span class='excerpt'>...</span>?

Would Facebook actually use this excerpt or is this only used for display on the front page etc?

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How to free up disk space on my Digital Ocean server?


Camille Roux wrote:


I'm using a standard configuration on Digital Ocean as explain in your tutorial. The download_remote_images_to_local has been desactivated and 77.2% of the 29.40GB disk space is used.
S3 is configured, so images should not be saved locally.
How can I free up disk space in indor to reactivate download_remote_images_to_local?


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Disallow the uncategorized for mod/admins


Jakub Ryška wrote:


when I'm admin on the discourse and I'm creating a new topic, then the default topic is uncategorized.
If I type in the title and content and create it, then the uncategorized post is visible to all users. As admin I am oftentimes creating a post which should not be visible to common users.
I'm running the current latest - 1.2.0.beta3.

How can I fix it?

I tried to set the permissions for uncategorized topics, but the tab is not there.
I tried to find how to delete the category - but I think it's not possible in discourse.

Looks like the solution is to be cautious as an admin or mod?

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Composer Help Button


cpradio wrote:

I've now completed my work on a composer help button.

It adds a button to the composer window

and a setting in the Admin area:

Clicking on that icon, will open a modal window with the content from the first post at the URL set in the Admin area

The only caveat, is that you need to store the Topic in a publicly accessible location so ALL of your members can see it. Otherwise, they'll get an access denied error.

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Development in docker?


Daniel Strong wrote:

I'm thinking of doing some development on or around discourse. I've read the guides, but vagrant (or, more specifically, the kvm plugin for vagrant) doesn't play very well with Arch Linux. What are the pros and cons of hacking discourse in a docker instance versus using vagrant?

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Message auto-reported by the system


Axel Briche wrote:

Hello, I have update my Discourse installation, and since when a user create a thread, the thread and the message are hidden and repported by the System:

Have you a solution for fix this problem please ? It's a bug of Discourse or a problem with the configuration please ?
Thanks for your help.

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Loading thread backlog breaks when going temporarily offline


Erlend Sogge Heggen wrote:

I noticed some problems when browsing a Discourse thread and going briefly offline. Oddly enough, Discourse handles new posts rather well (though still room for improvement), but if you go offline and back online again whilst trying to load the backlog, you end up with a pretty weird bug.

1s-35s (at 2x speed) shows Discourse working as intended (though you'll notice an odd artifact at 15s. I wonder if anyone else can reproduce that one, although it's very minor).

Then from 35s and onwards it gets strange.

  1. I initiate the backlog loader whilst offline at 45s
  2. At 1m20s I go online again. The behaviour is not the the same as with loading new posts:
    • The loader stays instead of disappearing.
    • Scrolling away and back again does not re-initiate the loader.
  3. Then at 1m48s, I make it go nuts, by skipping back up to top.
    • The loader animation stays.
    • I can't load new posts.

Twitter solves this problem quite elegantly. When you've been stuck in loading for an inordinate amount of time, they'll throw this up:

In the background they'll actually keep trying, as I've seen that prompt a couple times only to have the tweets loaded a few seconds after. But it's very nice to have that "Try again" option as a hard reset.

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"Roll up" translation


Marco wrote:

I don't understand the meaning of "roll up".
Can you please provide examples or synonyms?

Context strings:

  • Are you sure you want to roll up ban entries?
  • There was nothing to roll up.

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All Categories > Latest view doesn't show some new topics


Rmwtoyon wrote:

My forum's default view displays "All Categories" sorted by "Latest" on top. I believe this is the default view. However I notice that some new topics are not being shown in this view. Specifically, it looks like all of those topics that are not place in a sub-category do not show up.

For example if I have two new topics as follows:

Topic 1:
Title: Memory Overflow
Category: Debugging
Sub-category: None

Topic 2:
Title: Broken Assignment Operator
Category: Debugging
Sub-category: C++

...Topic 2 will show up in the default view, but topic 1 will not.

Any idea what is going on?

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Discourse on CoreOS won't autostart after reboot



Hi there,

I just installed the latest discourse_docker on the latest CoreOS 509.1.0. Setup was really easy and smooth, and everything worked out of the box. The only issue I'm facing now is that Discourse won't autostart when rebooting the server. Any tips as to why? Or is it this issue?

Thanks for the help!

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