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Improve peformance on Digital Ocean


Doctor Who wrote:


I'm using the digital ocean plan for 4GB Memory 2 Core Processor 60GB SSD Disk 4TB Transfer
It's for my Discourse production made for local authorities to exchange about land use managment.
I found it quite slow ... I put 5 unicorn and 1Gb buffer as indicate to the comment lines in containters/app.yml.

Before that, I've tested Discourse on my own desktop machine under openSUSE 13.1 (I'm love that distro) with Docker installed and quite same configuration (it's 4 Gb memory and 2 core too ...)

With Digital Ocean i'm about 220m to 440 ms to display a thread instead of 80 to 180 ms for my testing machine OpenSUSE .

Any suggestion ?

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How do I modify the session_store initializer


etewiah wrote:

I need to make a change to the 'config/initializers/session_store.rb' file and I'm not too sure the best way to do this with a docker install.

I need to change it from this:

Discourse::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_forum_session'

to this

Discourse::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_forum_session', domain: '.klavado.com'

I need to do this so the session cookie is stored across all subdomains for my server. If there isn't an easy way to edit the initializer file so that it does not change across updates, might there be a way to override that initializer in a plugin?

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Users should always be able to PM Staff?


cpradio wrote:

So I've been struggling with posting this for the past 3 days and finally decided it still bothers me and thus I want to know if I'm alone or not on this.

I don't mind that TL 0 can't PM other members, but what does bother me is they can't directly PM staff. Sure they can use flags (I think), but we've had a couple of members not realize that and spend countless time trying to figure out how to directly PM one of us, only to give up and posting a public response that they can't PM us.

As I've stated initially, I'm torn, because on the one hand, I believe the ability exists (under flagging), but for whatever reason, that isn't obvious enough to a subset of our users.

Anyone else have this experience? Is it just us (keep in mind we're a technical forum, so if they didn't figure it out...<choose your ending>)?

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Category logo/image size


João Pimentel Ferreira wrote:

I've realised you have fixed size for category logo, which is 128x128(px)

Is there a way to change the logo size? I tried to make logos smaller with white areas around but then it appears a great white area around the icon making it not very aesthetic.

I tried to customize CSS, but with no success

.category-logo {
max-height: 50px;
max-width: 50px;

Thank you in advance

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Tracking for very short threads that don't take 4 minutes to finish


Daniel Gagnon wrote:

Something I found to be annoying in my use of discourse is that when I start reading a new-ish thread with only a few reply it's not going to take 4 minutes to finish reading all of it. If there's only say 4 replies and I take a few seconds rather than a minute to read each of the, I'll finish way before the 4 minutes timer is out.

Then I have to manually set the topic to tracked.

Could the rules for automatically tracking topics change to:

  • You created it
  • You replied in it
  • You spent more than 4 minutes (or configurable time) on it
  • You reached the last post in it


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Launcher fails with cannot connect to the docker daemon


Bill Delaney wrote:

New to Discourse. Had a VM from Bitnami almost completely running and then found out about your new Docker recommendation. I've now got a new VM running, and the docker installation is running and tested. But I installed it in Azure and the Docker daemon is set up to require TLS as noted here on Docker site:
I think the launcher is failing because it's not attempting to use Docker with https.
Am I missing something very basic here. Totally new to Docker but following your instructions and I had all the Discourse parts in their respective places. My app.yml was configured. But as I said, cannot run the Launcher script.

std.out I get when Launcher fails:
2014/12/21 00:41:14 Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.12/info: dial unix /var/r
un/docker.sock: no such file or directory
Cannot connect to the docker daemon - verify it is running and you have access

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Thumbnails get trimmed and subsequently squished


Felix R. wrote:

I've set up Discourse using the recommended Docker setup. However, I'm having trouble with images. The forum is going to be used for illustrations and graphics often, and we ran into some problems with images that have transparent margins. It seems the margins get cut off, and the image gets resized (via height/width attributes) according to what the aspect ratio was before the crop.
I've attached two images. One is a screenshot of how it looks, the second one is the original image. Interestingly enough, if I remove the height="500" and width="500" attributes from the <img> tag, the image is not squished anymore, but still has the borders cut off, which I don't want. Is there a setting somewhere for that behaviour or is it something ImageMagick does on its own?

edit: I see that on this installation, the borders don't get cut off. Any explanation as to why?

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UTF-8 links doesn't redirect with tracking enable

Odd files size setting


Khoa Nguyen wrote:

My files setting are : (I want member can upload a file up to 20MB)

But when I upload a 7 MB PDF file. It said that file is too large (maxium file size is 3072 kb).
I set max image size kb to 20480 and reupload that file. It said that file is too large (maxium file size is 20480 kb) ???

How can I adjust these setting? (nginx client_max_body_size is 30m )

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Getting Discourse installed on OVH



I've been trying to get Discourse properly installed for the last few days. Finally caving in on figuring it out on my own (with the help of google). Started off with ServerMania. Server host kernel was 2.6x, would not install no matter what. I was told by tech support it would be impossible to load a kernel version higher than host, so moved on. I know DO is the officially supported and easy way to get it done, but figured I was up for a challenge and OVH seemed to have a better deal. I purchased their cloud 1 package. It's been hell ever since.

OVH has a kernel that will not play nice with docker. I've gone through the standard guides for upgrading the kernel. I've installed offical OVH kernel's that were newer, no dice. I've installed the generic kernel, but this always breaks BIND. The furthest I've got so far is getting an instance of Discourse to run, but not on the specified subdomain in the configuration file, and smtp is not working locally either. I tried to use gmail with the three different ways it can be done, port 25, 465, 573, none worked. I finally got mail working with Mandrillapp. This is not good enough. The site isn't even for me, someone is paying me to figure this out, and I'm failing thus far. He wants to run multiple sites on subdomains of the main domain. So I'm a bit stuck at this point.

OVH said no sys admin's will be available until Monday, and my terribly sleep deprived mind wants this over already so I can rest in peace. I'm going insane. Someone please point me in the right direction. When I look to the DO guide, there is no mention of a control panel, or actually setting up SMTP. subdomains, etc... To what extent is this done for you within the discourse/docker guide? I've tried to set everything in manually with a few control panels now: Plesk, Sentora, and EHCP. None of this is working, because again, after I find a solution that will get the docker working correctly to run discourse, this exact thing is what leads to BIND going down. That's the loading of an alternative kernel.

Not asking for babystepping, but any insight and pointers would be great. I've reinstalled at least two dozen times and tried out at least a dozen guides over the last 2-3 days... heck I don't even know when I started... I need to figure this out before I go grey LOL!


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When browsing to sites after setting up multisite, returning 502 Bad Gateway


Shayden Martin wrote:

I recently setup another of our forums on Discourse using this tutorial:

We have separated the app and data container. I'll post the web yaml file at the bottom of this post.

After bootstrapping the new containers, and starting both, browsing to our forum server returns a 502 Bad Gateway for both domains.


  - "templates/sshd.template.yml"
  - "templates/web.template.yml"

  - "80:80"
  - "2222:22"

  ## Which Git revision should this container use? (default: tests-passed)
  #version: tests-passed

  LANG: en_US.UTF-8


  DISCOURSE_DB_USER: discourse




  ## The CDN address for this Discourse instance (configured to pull)
  #DISCOURSE_CDN_URL: //discourse-cdn.example.com

  #CORS Settings, to enable ajax with json endpoints

  - volume:
      host: /var/discourse/shared/our_share
      guest: /shared
  - volume:
      host: /var/discourse/shared/our_share/log/var-log
      guest: /var/log

## The docker manager plugin allows you to one-click upgrade Discouse
## http://discourse.example.com/admin/docker
    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - mkdir -p plugins
          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git
    - exec:
        cd: /var/www/discourse/config
          - echo "oursecondsite:" >> multisite.yml
          - echo "  adapter: postgresql" >> multisite.yml
          - echo "  database: b_discourse" >> multisite.yml
          - echo "  pool: 25" >> multisite.yml
          - echo "  timeout: 5000" >> multisite.yml
          - echo "  db_id: 2" >> multisite.yml
          - echo "  host_names:" >> multisite.yml
          - echo "    - ourdomain.com" >> multisite.yml

    - exec:
        cd: /var/www/discourse
          - sudo -E -u discourse bundle exec rake multisite:migrate

## Remember, this is YAML syntax - you can only have one block with a name
  - exec: echo "Beginning of custom commands"

  ## If you want to configure password login for root, uncomment and change:
  #- exec: apt-get -y install whois # for mkpasswd
  ## Use only one of the following lines:
  #- exec: /usr/sbin/usermod -p 'PASSWORD_HASH' root
  #- exec: /usr/sbin/usermod -p "$(mkpasswd -m sha-256 'RAW_PASSWORD')" root

  ## If you want to authorized additional users, uncomment and change:
  #- exec: ssh-import-id username
  #- exec: ssh-import-id anotherusername

  - exec: echo "End of custom commands"
  - exec: awk -F\# '{print $1;}' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | awk 'BEGIN { print "Authorized SSH keys for this container:"; } NF>=2 {print $NF;}'

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There are X email jobs that failed. Check your config/discourse.conf file and ensure that the mail server settings are correct


Kevin Kershaw wrote:

Today, I received this error notification when logging in and am not sure what to do about it? None of my mail settings have changed, our mail is being delivered by Mandrill, and on their dashboard I can see a sudden drop in deliveries, our reputation is 'excellent' and we have over 11.5k remaining free sends available.

There are 3263 email jobs that failed. Check your config/discourse.conf file and ensure that the mail server settings are correct. See the failed jobs in Sidekiq.

In Sidekiq I see (as one example):

Next retry: 3 minutes ago
Queue: default
Job: jobs::UserEmail
Arguments: {"type"=>"digest", "user_id"=>471, "current_site_id"=>"default"}
Error: Jobs::HandledExceptionWrapper: Wrapped ActionView::Template::Error: no implicit conversion of String into Integer

The only setting I changed in the last few days, I believe, was removing prettifying of titles, not sure if that was the cause?

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Variable width using the Youtube Onebox, which is currently fixed



Continuing the discussion from How to embed youtube (and other) videos?:

Would be great to be able to set it per video or automatically-wide as the post. I could not find another Plugin that lets me do this. Example post w/ video where I'm facing ugliness frowning

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IP Address no longer shown on the Admin > Users Listings


cpradio wrote:

Why did the IP address disappear (on version 1.2.0.beta4)? I see we can filter on it, but now we can't easily see emerging patterns when we get hit by a few human spammers simultaneously.

Can we get that column back "pretty" please? It is a big problem for a site our size, as we'll get rounds of 20-30 spam posts every few minutes (for at least an hour) and we need to identify these patterns so we can implement a rollup IP block to limit their activity.

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Getting https on my hosted forum trial


Christian Johnsen wrote:

Hey guys!

I hope someone can help me.

I want to add https to my forum, but can't really figure out how to do it? I can see on buy.discourse.org that it can be added for an extra $20 /month.
The forum is hosted at Discourse (I think), I have the $200 plan.

Any kind of help is much appreciated!


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How do I update my Docker image to latest?


Sam Saffron wrote:

We update our Docker image for security releases and other library updates. These updates are not picked up in admin/upgrade

To update run:

cd /var/discourse
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

If you are running low on disk space (check with df) try clearing up old images using:

docker rm `docker ps -aq`
docker rmi `docker images -aq`

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Milestones / Status as subcategories added for features and bugs categories


ginger man wrote:

As a newbie joining the discourse community, it is extremely difficult to understand the status of features and bugs reported. If the topic is closed, may be we can assume it is implemented.

Why can't we add sub-categories under features / bugs with versions like 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, later and add them to relevant topics.

Some project teams maintain them in github / trello...we can easily define that in sub-categories.

It will really help anyone to understand the priorities of the discourse team before pushing them for features. In the present scenario, unless a community member tells about the priorities or link multiple roadmap topics a newbie has no clue.

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Rename text in the UI

Right Gutter - Too Much Whitespace


Tarak'ha wrote:

I admit something was bugging me about the ui when I first took notice to discourse.

On my browsing here I noticed a link to the Sitepoint Forums.

Now I was happy. I noticed how the conversation spanned farther across the screen. The links to other threads referenced in the gutter (is that the correct term?) were instead at the bottom of each post. Example:

(The red square is mine and for emphasis)

I realized what really made me uncomfortable was all that white space on the right hand side of the default ui.

Yes, I do know white space is important. I love it to pad between elements and make things a bit more comfortable. However, the current design as it is feels like the conversation is being pushed for the sake of an element that is not always going to appear for the end user that is not a mod or admin (I don't know if moderator controls are also using this gutter).

Then I saw this quote from @sam:

I am unsure what 'orthogonal' means in context of what I see with the current ui. Still, I feel there's a big white space situation, now not in the traditional spot.

My suggestion is to take advantage of space already set aside by avatars. Widen the avatar gutter and then put the thread links under the avatar instead. That way new gutters and white space do not need to be forcefully carved into the view.

I do not know what the page thing is at the bottom, the official terminology (it counts how many posts there are and allows me to jump to the top or bottom). But that can easily be placed in a smaller gutter off to the right.

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Setting up thumbnailing in Vagrant environment


Felix R. wrote:

I've set up the Vagrant environment from a fresh clone of the Github repository, master branch, latest commit 9e4942eeeb.
However, in the otherwise untouched Vagrant environment, Discoruse will not create thumbnails, regardless of what the actual settings "create thumbnails" and "allow animated thumbnails" are set to. I am not offered a lightbox or a clickthrough link, and the actual embedded image is the too large source image, scaled with width and height attributes.
Is there some hidden option that I need to set or some dependency? My production Docker install does not have this issue, even when updated to match head.

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