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Error while deploying Discourse to Digital Ocean using Docker


Arpit Jalan wrote:

I created a new Digital Ocean droplet (1 GB) to try out the official Docker image, and everything went well, until I got an error while bootstrapping the app using sudo ./launcher bootstrap app

Calculated ENV: -e HOME=/root -e RAILS_ENV=production -e UNICORN_WORKERS=3 -e RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=40000000 -e RUBY_HEAP_MIN_SLOTS=800000 -e DISCOURSE_DB_SOCKET=/var/run/postgresql -e DISCOURSE_DB_HOST= -e DISCOURSE_DB_PORT= -e DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS=arpit@techapj.com -e DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME=discourse.techapj.com
[error] commands.go:2437 Error receiveStdout: read unix /var/run/docker.sock: use of closed network connection
2014/01/22 13:51:16 Error: start: Invalid bind mount '/var/docker/shared:/shared' : source doesn't exist

I just modified the email and hostname in containers/app.yml file.

@sam, need your help!

Edit: Pasted error code, as per @codinghorror's recommendation.

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Google AdSense plugin is now available


Michael wrote:

Yes! Since plugins are now able to override handlebars templates (thanks again, @zogstrip ) we have finally been able to create a clean Google AdSense plugin for Discourse.

It's available at https://github.com/discoursehosting/discourse-adsense

To install:

  • Make sure you're on latest! The changes that made this plugin possible have been committed at December 31.
  • Run rake plugin:install repo=http://github.com/discoursehosting/discourse-adsense in your discourse directory
  • In development mode, run rake assets:clean
  • In production, recompile your assets: rake assets:precompile

This plugin will be automatically made available to DiscourseHosting.com customers by the end of next week.

To use:

  • Go to Admin -> Settings -> AdSense
  • Enter your AdSense publisher ID (ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  • Create new ad slots within your AdSense account (728x90 for desktop, 320x50 for mobile)
  • Copy the slot id # numbers (ten digits shown in the ID column) in the Discourse settings
  • Enable the slots you want to use

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A few feature requests based on old forum usage


Kane York wrote:

So I was thinking about some of the forums I actually use, and what would be required to change to Discourse.

TASVideos [ main site | forum ]

  • Default topics view would actually be great (heck, they have an IRC bot whose purpose is to announce all new posts, which Discourse basically already does): it would be really nice to have multi-category views, a button to select that would either filter out or to a certain set of categories. For example, "Movies" (Workbench + Published + Gruefood) and "Discussion" (not completed movies).
  • TASVideoAgent as a separate entity would be completely obsoleted - change the bot-updated copy of the submission description into a onebox, and make the movie submission page create a site-owned topic with the content of just the onebox. All good there thumbsup
  • I'm not sure if this is present yet, but a blue-post announcing a moderator changing the category would remove the one other function of the bot. (Similar to "This topic is now pinned" / "This topic is now locked").
  • Topic Merging for when someone inevitably fails to use search white_check_mark Already in

Generic - Fan Fiction Sites

As I wrote this, I realized that this section is less specific to the one site, and more along the lines of

any forum which is used to post really long stories
. So I've cut out the site link to avoid confusion.

  • Categories where only the original post author (or admins) may post replies ("Fan Fiction"), with maybe a directive to a discussion topic in another category ("Fan Fiction Discussion"). An example of the wording: "Only the author may post replies here. Please use this topic instead: <link> [admin override]" where the [admin override] would bring up a edit box (obviously only displayed with privileges).
  • Categories with restricted new-topic access and the same alternate-category directive ("Canon Material" / "Canon Material Comments")

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Discourse plugin for static site generators like Jekyll or Octopress


Sjors wrote:

It would be nice to have a plugin for static site generators like Jekyll or Octopress, since the performance and security benefits of those platforms are significant if you would take the time to learn it.

What do you guys think?

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Improve selected category recognition


probus wrote:

I like the category drop down menu. I think it's a good way to browse topics. But I feel it's too difficult to recognize which category is selected.

it's easy to overlook the small coloured control since it's not in the same area where users look, the topics list. And once you scroll down a little, you lose even that small visual clue. Category badges get hidden from the topic list as well. Basically, you have to remember which category you have selected, which is bad usability (it increases user memory load unnecessarily).

I suggest

  • a border around the topic list
  • page background or
  • topic list background

in the same color as the selected category. So that no matter how much you scroll down, you always have a strong visual clue about the selected category.

What do you think?

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Clicking preferences occasionally doesn't show anything


cpradio wrote:

Example: Go to your Profile, click edit Email, click Preferences again. You are on a blank page

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Testing rate limiting of new topics


Kane York wrote:

This just in: I am a giant derp

This evening I decided to test out the measures against human-powered spam in Discourse. The results weren't that good:

I was basically able to flood the frontpage of Try within a half-hour using only two accounts with trust level bumped up to 1 because it's try.discourse.org from a temporary email service.

Now, I probably dodged some of the spam detection routines, because it wasn't actually spam - I was using spam examples that had the actual payload URLs stripped out. lol or that they were trust level 1 users

But there are some changes that would be effective against a human spammer - e.g. disgruntled member.

I'm going to propose the following change, as a starter:

  • New Topic creation ratelimit for new users that is 2 / hour as well as 5 / day (5 is too many, and day is too long)

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Revision history messes up with quick edits


Kane York wrote:

When making several edits to a post, some within the 5min grace period, it messes up the revision history.

Given this seqence of edits:

A --- B --- C --- D --- E --- F --- -
|_____________|   |_______|   |__|     5-minute edit coalescing grace periods

Currently, the revision history will show:

C → E
E → F

This isn't much help, because the A → B and B → C changes are lost. The D → E changes aren't lost, they just moved in a confusing manner.

My desired behavior would be to have the revision history show this:

A → D
D → F

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Account suspended - no notification and appeared like my password was incorrect


swanson wrote:

My account was suspended on a Discourse site (due to a since-resolved billing issue). However, when I tried to log in while suspended, it just said my password was incorrect.

I tried resetting the password (maybe I had just forgot it?) and never received the reset instructions. I also never received any notification that my account was suspended.

Not sure if owners can configure this, but it was a bad experience for me to not know why I couldn't log in.

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Provide easy way to be notified when hosting is available


David R Brake wrote:

put a simple e-mail address form on the front page of discourse.org saying “if you want to know when hosted discourse is available enter your e-mail here". Optionally, provide two different lists–one for those interested only in free hosting and one for those prepared to pay.

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Category badge differs from onebox to title


Kane York wrote:

On the top, we have a yellow background and black text. In the onebox, we have a yellow background and white text.

I think the oneboxing logic isn't respecting the text color setting for the category.

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In your opinion, what is the best wiki engine to be associated with discourse?


Matthieu wrote:

it seems that the current discourse wiki will not be ready soon wiki topics. In parallel, it seems to have a Jekyll Wiki in progress Proposing Jekyll as community wiki platform. Yet, I'm still a bit lost in the ocean of wiki engines. There is a lot of them, few seem good, even few should be easily associable with Discourse.

My personal needs are a forum for supporting the community (this will be done by discourse) plus the wiki for hosting the documentation and member projects descriptions.

So what are the best alternatives for hosting a documentation editable by the community ?
I'm wondering how is it possible to associate wikimedia with discourse ? I mean sharing the same user administration rights for example.
What are the well designed engine ? I mean simple interface, great editing tools, customised template, (bootstrap compatible)...

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Latest, New, Unread


Briancguy wrote:

Just wanted to let the Discourse team know that the differences in the top menu items "latest, New and Unread" is lost on my users. You probably want to do a little usability / UX testing on this to fix it.

My recommendation - simplify this down to 1 or two options, and move the "Create Topic" button over to the left.

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Limiting/customising user data collection


David R Brake wrote:

When I went to register for this site and tried out Twitter or Google, both notified me that you are collecting data that you do not need to in order to run the service like, say, my location. Is this because both services have minimum levels of data they pass on or because you wanted it for some reason? Is this something that hosts of discourse will be able to customise depending on what they ask Google etc to pass on? If people do direct registration with the host I take it the host will be able to customise the data that they ask the users for before they can join?

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A Beginners Guide to Deploy Discourse on Digital Ocean using Docker [Always Updated]


Arpit Jalan wrote:

Ok, so you want to deploy your own instance of Discourse, and looking from where to start? You've come to the right place, here I'll walk you through the installation steps with the help of screenshots, so you won't find yourself lost, let's begin this wonderful journey.

Unlike many other Rails Apps the deployment of Discourse is extremely simple thanks to awesome Docker Image by @sam, all you need is a ssh access to cloud server. In this guide I'll assume that you are using Digital Ocean, while the steps will work fine on other cloud servers as well.

The below guide assumes that you have no knowledge of Ruby/Rails, Shell, so it will be detailed. Feel free to skip steps which you think, you are comfortable with.

Create new Digital Ocean Droplet

Discourse Team recommends a minimum of 1 GB Ram, so that's what we are gonna go with. For the sake of simplicity we will name the Hostname as discourse.

We will install Discourse on Ubuntu 12.04.3 x64 as this is recommended in Official Documentation.

Once you will complete with above steps you will receive a mail from Digital Ocean, providing root users password. (In case you have entered your SSH keys, then you don't require password to login).

Access your newly created Droplet

To access the droplet, you will need to type in following commands in your terminal:

ssh root@

Replace with the IP address you got from Digital Ocean.

It will ask your permission to connect, type yes, and then it will ask you for root's password. The root's password is in your mail which Digital Ocean sent you. Type in the password and you will be welcomed by newly installed Ubuntu Server.

Install Git

To install Git, you just need to type in the command

sudo apt-get install git

and you are good to go.

Install Docker

Run following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-raring linux-headers-generic-lts-raring

Now we will perform a system reboot:

sudo reboot

Above command will log you out from ssh session, ssh in again:

ssh root@IP_ADDRESS

replace IP_ADDRESS with your IP Address.

Type in following commands:

sudo sh -c "wget -qO- https://get.docker.io/gpg | apt-key add -"
sudo sh -c "echo deb http://get.docker.io/ubuntu docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lxc-docker

Install Discourse

If you have reached to this step, Congratulations! You have already done all the hard work, now you have a brand new Ubuntu Server with Docker installed. All you need to do now is install Discourse itself, which is the most easiest step. Keep Calm.

Create a /var/docker folder where all the docker related stuff will reside, using following command:

mkdir /var/docker

Now we will clone the Official Discourse Docker Image using following command:

git clone https://github.com/SamSaffron/discourse_docker.git /var/docker

Make sure to copy and run the above command as is, otherwise you will face problem which I faced.

The above command copies all the Docker Image content inside /var/docker directory.

Let's switch to /var/docker directory using:

cd /var/docker

Now we will copy the samples/standalone.yml file and place it inside containers folder by name app.yml, so the path will become containers/app.yml, type in command:

cp samples/standalone.yml containers/app.yml

Now we need modify the newly copied app.yml with our default variables. Type in:

vim containers/app.yml

I am using Vim to modify the file, you may use any editor of your choice.

You will see something like:

You may modify the file as per your requirement, but for the sake of simplicity I will only modify two variables DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS and DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME.

Notice that I renamed the DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME to discourse.techapj.com, this means that I want to host my instance of Discourse on http://discourse.techapj.com/, for this to work properly you will need to modify DNS Records (I will post a separate guide to configure DNS Records).

Save the file, and run following command:

sudo ./launcher bootstrap app

This command may take some time, but it's doing all the hard work for you. Go drink some coffee, while this command is automagically configuring the Discourse environment for you.

When this command executes, type in the following command to start your instance of Discourse app:

sudo ./launcher start app

Congratulations! You have your own live instance of Discourse running on the host you provided in app.yml file at the time of setup.

You can also access your instance of Discourse by visiting your IP_ADDRESS.

Okay, that's it for this guide. In my next post I'll talk about more advanced topics like Configuring Mail, Accessing Admin Section, Tweaking Admin Section, etc.

Please provide your feedback, if anything needs to be improved, or you want to see any section in more detail. Don't hesitate. Also the fine folks here at Discourse are always ready to help you, if you face any problem.

I'll try to update this guide as frequently as possible.

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Longer window for 'Consider topics new when'?


Kevin P. Fleming wrote:

Since we don't yet have the ability to bulk-change topics (so I can't mute all 1426 topics that I've never viewed), I'd like to have the ability to have topics considered 'new' when they were posted in the last 2, or even 4, weeks. When I'm away for 8-9 days, I'm concerned I'll miss something relevant to recent discussion because it won't show up in my "New" page.

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Performance issue on Digital Ocean with discourse_docker


Passante wrote:

Hi guys,
our community is trying to move from vbulletin forum to discourse and we need your help!
We just published the discourse forum to test it but we are facing some performance issues.

We need to understand how powerful the server should be to manage our users and tweak the discourse installation to get rid of all errors we are facing.

Here the specs of the server:
VPS on Digital ocean 1 CPU 1GB RAM 30 SSD
Discourse_Docker by sam on Docker 0.7 Ubuntu 13.04 x64

Upgrading to to resolved the overload issue with sidekiq only partially.

As you can see the load is still high but not due anymore to the sidekiq daemons.

Right the traffic of the new discourse installation is really small as you can see from stats:

  1. We see some worrying errors in the log:

2014-01-11T11:52:36Z 13074 TID-ou7ftz24o INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq is covered by the 3-clause BSD license.
2014-01-11T11:52:36Z 13074 TID-ou7ftz24o INFO: [Sidetiq] See LICENSE and http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause for licensing details.
2014-01-11T11:52:36Z 13074 TID-ou7ftz24o INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Supervisor start
2014-01-11T11:52:36Z 13074 TID-ou7fr1d0s INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Actor::Clock id: 70073752552160 initialize
2014-01-11T11:52:36Z 13074 TID-ou7frgm90 INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Actor::Handler id: 70073753259860 initialize
2014-01-11T11:52:36Z 13074 TID-ou7fri1rg INFO: [Sidetiq] Sidetiq::Actor::Handler id: 70073753368280 initialize
2014-01-11T11:52:36Z 13074 TID-ou7fr1d0s WARN: [Sidetiq] Can't link Sidetiq::Actor::Clock. Sidekiq::Manager not running. Retrying in 5 seconds ...
2014-01-11T11:52:36Z 13074 TID-ou7frgm90 WARN: [Sidetiq] Can't link Sidetiq::Actor::Handler. Sidekiq::Manager not running. Retrying in 5 seconds ...
2014-01-11T11:52:36Z 13074 TID-ou7fri1rg WARN: [Sidetiq] Can't link Sidetiq::Actor::Handler. Sidekiq::Manager not running. Retrying in 5 seconds ...
2014-01-11T11:52:41Z 13074 TID-ou7fr1d0s WARN: [Sidetiq] Can't link Sidetiq::Actor::Clock. Sidekiq::Manager not running. Retrying in 5 seconds ...
2014-01-11T11:52:41Z 13074 TID-ou7frgm90 WARN: [Sidetiq] Can't link Sidetiq::Actor::Handler. Sidekiq::Manager not running. Retrying in 5 seconds ...
2014-01-11T11:52:41Z 13074 TID-ou7fri1rg WARN: [Sidetiq] Can't link Sidetiq::Actor::Handler. Sidekiq::Manager not running. Retrying in 5 seconds ...
[deprecated] I18n.enforce_available_locales will default to true in the future. If you really want to skip validation of your locale you can set I18n.enforce_available_locales = false to avoid this message.
[36] 11 Jan 11:53:31.026 10 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
[36] 11 Jan 11:53:31.033
Background saving started by pid 13664
[13664] 11 Jan 11:53:31.259 DB saved on disk
[13664] 11 Jan 11:53:31.261
RDB: 1 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
[36] 11 Jan 11:53:31.337 Background saving terminated with success
2014-01-11 11:54:06 UTC LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction
2014-01-11 11:54:17 UTC LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction
2014-01-11 11:54:41 UTC LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
2014-01-11 11:55:06 UTC LOG: could not send data to client: Broken pipe
2014-01-11 11:55:06 UTC FATAL: connection to client lost
2014-01-11 11:56:57 UTC LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction
[36] 11 Jan 11:58:32.081
10 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
[36] 11 Jan 11:58:32.091 Background saving started by pid 16882
[16882] 11 Jan 11:58:32.372
DB saved on disk
[16882] 11 Jan 11:58:32.376 RDB: 1 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
[36] 11 Jan 11:58:32.394
Background saving terminated with success
[36] 11 Jan 12:03:33.052 10 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
[36] 11 Jan 12:03:33.063
Background saving started by pid 19647
[19647] 11 Jan 12:03:33.661 DB saved on disk
[19647] 11 Jan 12:03:33.667
RDB: 1 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
[36] 11 Jan 12:03:33.676 Background saving terminated with success
> 2014-01-11 12:14:52 UTC LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction[36] 11 Jan 12:18:36.082 10 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
[36] 11 Jan 12:18:36.089 Background saving started by pid 27906
[27906] 11 Jan 12:18:36.321
DB saved on disk
[27906] 11 Jan 12:18:36.325 RDB: 1 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
[36] 11 Jan 12:18:36.395
Background saving terminated with success
[36] 11 Jan 12:23:37.032 10 changes in 300 seconds. Saving...
[36] 11 Jan 12:23:37.041
Background saving started by pid 30263
[30263] 11 Jan 12:23:37.456 DB saved on disk
[30263] 11 Jan 12:23:37.468
RDB: 1 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
[36] 11 Jan 12:23:37.550 Background saving terminated with success
> 2014-01-11 12:23:56 UTC LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
2014-01-11 12:23:56 UTC LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction
2014-01-11 12:24:16 UTC LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
2014-01-11 12:24:16 UTC LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction
2014-01-11 12:39:42 UTC LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction

EOF errors are related to bad gateways errors trying to inserting new posts.

  1. Monitoring the CPu of the server while posting, it spikes considerably with one user inserting a post and then we constantly get bad gateway error and some times the server is not responding to pings due to high load.

  2. After the boostrap phase, we see this king of errors:
    df: Warning: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory

I strongly believe docker is the way to semplify the discourse deploy, but as you can see it needs still some improvements. Helping us would help other people how are approching to discourse project without being RoR gurus.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Your topic is similar to... should be based on Topic Tile or Message Body


David McClure wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Google Search Results are not good:

The "similar" topics popup seems to only be strongly based on the topic title you choose, but it only pops up after you start composing the message.

It shouldn't require both the topic title and the message body. Either should be sufficient to start telling you what you're writing may be similar to something else.

If you start with a title, it'd be better if it popped up as you're typing the topic title, like it does in the search box. That way you can hop around to those topics to see if they really are similar before you start typing your message...

If you start with writing the body, it should pop up while you're composing (some folks might not pick their carefully worded title until they have their full idea composed). Currently it ignores the contents of the message body altogether.

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Internal link generation doesn't work


Ronteras wrote:

After upgrading to the latest version, feature that shows incoming/outgoing internal links on the right side of the post (I've attached the photo from meta. ) doesn't work anymore:

moreover, when we tried to test it in the category accessible on to the staff, whole website just hang. every time we tried to edit that post with internal links, site kept hanging. website got back on track only after deleting the topic in the secured category with internal links in it.

p.s. putting the link from Welcome to meta:

Edit: seems that it works smoothy here. What can be the reason can anybody help with that?

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The system user needs a cool avatar


Kane York wrote:

Currently, the system user's avatar is this:

(note - I had to add a hack to get that to onebox - I added &x=.png to the end of the URL. pencil that down as a bug)

I think it would be cool if we could come up with some themed avatar for the system user.

Thoughts, ideas, specific images?


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