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RSS feed unique identifier


To The Tick Llc wrote:

We want the title of the thread in our DC RSS feed to display the number of posts to that thread, so that the title becomes a unique identifier for a particular post or worst case just that thread

For example

<title>Does the US Need a Third Political Party?</title>


<title>Does the US Need a Third Political Party? 1</title>

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Search Results in their own page


Diego Barros wrote:

When doing a search, I think it would be better to show a complete list of results, instead of in a small popup list, just underneath the entered search terms.

In other words, I click on the magnifying glass icon, enter a search term and hit enter, then the search results are shown in the same format as normal topic lists are (like it is in the Discourse home page). Like Google and Stack Overflow search results.

That way I get to see more information about the search results.

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Google Search Results show "browser too old"


Steve Baer wrote:

Do a search for "rhino discourse event RhinoDoc" in google.

I see a bunch of results with descriptions that read

Unfortunately, your browser is too old to work on this Discourse forum. Please upgrade your browser....

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Development environment: Vagrant or Docker?


Eric Carlson wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Log of setting up Docker in Virtualbox:

What is the preferred development environment these days? I have Vagrant up and running as recommended in Discourse as Your First Rails App and Discourse Vagrant Developer Guide, but much of the recent discussion has been about Discourse Docker (which I freely admit I haven't really looked at for lack of time).

For development purposes, should I carry on using Vagrant for the time being? Or should I be setting up a VM with Ubuntu and then installing Docker and Discourse Docker?

(As a related side issue, my current production environment was built by following the Discourse Install Guide. Would it be prudent to switch that over to Docker at some point as well? Meaning, is version 1.0 likely to recommend Docker instead of a raw installation? This question deserves a topic of its own in some other category, but it seems best to see what people have to say about development environments before launching a second, better-informed discussion about production environments.)

So, for development, Vagrant or Docker?

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Specific content in editor behaves erratically

Content Organization (categories, groups, locations)


Adrian Schneider wrote:

I'm looking at porting a very large vBulletin forum with a rather complex forum hierarchy. It easily has several hundred forums, each with a fairly common structure:

- Location * ~20
    - Sub Location * ~10
        - Category A
        - Category B
        - Category C
        - Category D (for some private group)
        - Category E (for another private group)

There are other interest group related forums as well, but the bulk of the problem is from the location * category with private group-related forums sprinkled in. In a perfect world, we could do some filtering based on GPS location, but this is a very privacy concious group, and that wouldn't go over well.

Users, with the exception of higher-level moderators, and the normal interest-based categories, do not typically read content from out of their region.

How would this sort of content hierarchy fit into Discourse?

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How to tell if a category is a private category


Shiv Kumar wrote:

Has there been any thought towards marking a private category differently than a public category? Since we're trying to use Discourse at the company-level for both internal discussions between employees and external discussions between users and employees, we'd like a way to differentiate public categories from private categories. When you have a large # of categories, this can be useful to quickly identify what's public and what's not. Can also help to ensure that an employee does not accidentally post something in a public category that was meant to be part of a private category. It obviously can't stop this from happening, but could help to prevent it.

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Datetime Precision and odd Activity Column Format


Dan Pickett wrote:

We recently upgraded our discourse installation's postgres database and in doing so, it looks like the precision was lost on all timestamps. I investigated and ensured the precision is persisting via psql and it is. It appears the JSON serialization is no longer returning the decimals for times that we're seeing on other installations (as indicated in example: http://discuss.launchacademy.com/t/programming-interview-questions/86.json)

The result (I think) is an odd display of time related information:


Can anyone point me in the right direction of what might be happening here?

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How should we implement polls?


Sam Saffron wrote:

Continuing the discussion from So, you want to help out with Discourse:

Almost all forum software out there supports "polls". They can be quite fun and allow you to easily gauge what people like / dislike.

@Hunter was asking for some sort of spec of how I would see this work, so here I go.

  • Polls should be designed as a standalone plugin. This important cause it ensures our extensibility story is solid and allows us, further down the line, to upgrade poll functionality outside of core releases.

  • I think polls should simple be an extension of markdown that only applies on the first post in a topic. Eg:

    - This is the first option
    - This is the second option
    - This is the third option
  • Initial implementation should only allow one vote per option.

  • Initial implementation should not allow for anonymous voting.

  • Choices must be locked in after 5 minutes

  • On initial render it should not display the results, you must either vote or click on "show results" to see them.

  • Initial implementation does not need to worry about randomising options on first view

  • Data for the polls should be stored in Topic or Post meta_data (an hstore column) or in PluginStore, a custom migration in a plugin is a major work to undertake which we can skip for now.

  • Controller to receive voting should be registered by the plugin using a rails engine, example is my blog https://github.com/samsaffron/blog

Questions / ideas?

I would like to keep the first go at this rather simple with minimal features.

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``End of file reached`` error on first run of Discourse


Gerrit Niezen wrote:

I've been following the Discourse as your first Rails app tutorial, but I can't get it up and running. When running bundle exec rake db:migrate it crashes with

== Seed from /vagrant/db/fixtures/500_lounge_category.rb
rake aborted!
undefined method `word_count=' for #<Post:0xe9e91d0>
/vagrant/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/seed-fu-discourse-2.2.0/lib/seed-fu/runner.rb:46:in `eval'
/vagrant/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.2/lib/active_record/attribute_methods.rb:155:in `method_missing'
/vagrant/lib/post_creator.rb:99:in `before_create_tasks'
/vagrant/app/models/post.rb:309:in `block in <class:Post>'

although running it a second time doesn't produce any errors. After bringing up the Rails server, I get an "Action controller exception" with the following:

EOFError in List#latest
Showing /vagrant/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb where line #17 raised:

end of file reached
Extracted source (around line #17):

   15    <%= javascript_include_tag "preload_store" %>
   16    <%= javascript_include_tag "locales/#{I18n.locale}" %>
   17    <%= javascript_include_tag "vendor" %>
   18    <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
   19    <%- if staff? %>
   20    <%= javascript_include_tag "admin"%>

Any ideas?

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Comrades let's join our efforts on ukrainian and russian translations


d1b wrote:

Привет друзья!
Как минимум несколько человек готовы начать переводить discource на русский и украинский. Сейчас нет удобного способа объединить наши усилия, но перевод может осуществляется через бальные pull-requests.

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Uploads to S3 + CDN with vanity name


Magnus Skog wrote:

An uploaded image to S3 will create URLs like these:


I want to be able to use a CNAME like so for example:


From what I understand this is currently not possible?
For example for those who use Cloudflare this would be a good feature to have.

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Spreading sincerity in discourse


mehrana wrote:

What methods you want to use to spread sincerity and confidence between users and site owners in the site, so that users like to spend more time in the site?

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Changes in profile preferences don't get saved automatically


Claus Strasburger wrote:

Something I recently noticed:
When I go to my profile preferences, e.g. /users/cfstras/preferences, and I edit my full name, the change doesn't get saved immediately. Instead, I have to scroll down to the Save Changes button and click it.

However, as soon as I type in the text field, my changes appear at the top of the page, which might cause some confusion.


  • Make a save button in the same style as in the admin section appear
  • Or add a second save button to the top of the settings page

Any thoughts?

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Multisite setup instructions


Neil wrote:

How do you setup multiple forums running on the same server in the same rails instance? I'll tell you! In this example, I'll create a new site dinotalk.example.com operated by T Rex to talk about dinosaurs.

Setup a new database for the new site:

Create a new PostgreSQL user (trex in this example):

sudo su - postgres
createuser --createdb --superuser --pwprompt -Upostgres trex

Create a new database:

psql -c "create database dinotalk owner trex encoding 'UTF8' TEMPLATE template0"

Setup multisite.yml

Create a new file in the application directory: configs/multisite.yml

Add an entry for your new database. Be sure to give it a unique db_id value! Here's an example:

  adapter: postgresql
  database: dinotalk
  username: trex
  password: smallarms
  host: /var/run/postgresql
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000
  db_id: 2
    - dinotalk.example.com

If you're doing this in development mode, add an entry for dinotalk.example.com to your hosts file: dinotalk.example.com

Now it's time to create the database objects.

Migrate the database

Run database migrations against the new database (and all multisite databases):

bundle exec rake multisite:migrate

Next, load some seed data into the database:

RAILS_DB=dinotalk bundle exec rake db:seed_fu

Note that we use the RAILS_DB env variable to choose which site to run commands against.

Make an admin user

Every discourse forum needs at least one admin user, and one of them needs to be used as the sender of system messages. It's a good idea to set a real person as the system user, instead of an unfriendly account called something like "admin" or "noreply".

u = User.new(email: 'trex@dinotalk.example.com', username: 'trex', name: 'T-Rex')
u.admin = true
EmailToken.confirm( u.email_tokens.first.token )
SiteSetting.system_username = 'trex'

This user doesn't have a password yet, so start up the server and use the "forgot password" link to set it. In development mode, just do bundle exec rails server as usual. No need for a RAILS_DB env variable. Then go to the host you set in your hosts file at the correct port (4000 if you're using vagrant). http://dinotalk.example.com:4000

That's it! Now you can have fun setting up your forum. Here are some tasks you'll need to do:

  • Create categories
  • Write category descriptions
  • Configure some site settings (/admin/site_settings):
    • Facebook, Twitter, etc. credentials (facebook_app_id, twitter_consumer_key, etc.)
    • Use your own logo (logo_url, logo_small_url)
    • Set your company name so the terms of service uses it (company_full_name, etc.)
    • Add your Google Analytics tracking code (ga_tracking_code)
    • Configure Amazon S3 or Imgur for uploads if you want to use them (enable_s3_uploads, etc.)

See the Admin How To Guide for more detailed instructions.

Rails commands

You'll want to use RAILS_DB=dinotalk whenever you want to use one of the sites defined in multisite.yml. For example, to open a rails console and connect to dinotalk:

RAILS_DB=dinotalk bundle exec rails console

Without RAILS_DB, you'll be connecting to the database defined in database.yml. When launching a server process, you don't need to set this variable. The rails server command will handle all sites in the same process.

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Discourse Homepage Redesign


Arpit Jalan wrote:

I am loving the new redesigned Discourse Homepage. I noticed it just now, and I can't resist to fall in love with it. heart

I just wanted to give a quick feedback, I noticed that the Discourse Logo was dulled by default on Homepage. Should we make this active instead, this way it will look way more beautiful.

Like we make About color Red when its active.

It's just my suggestion, I know you guys must have given it a more deeper thought. Excellent job guys. thumbsup

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Stuck in impersonation

Hierarchical Categories?


JP Gordon wrote:

We have a use case that if implemented today would require the use of many sub-categories. That sounds a bit kludgey to me so I'm wondering where I can get more info on the planned feature: hierarchical categories - and when it will be implemented?


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Beginners Guide to Deploy Discourse on Digital Ocean using Docker


Arpit Jalan wrote:

Ok, so you want to deploy your own instance of Discourse, and looking from where to start? You've come to the right place, here I'll walk you through the installation steps with the help of screenshots, so you won't find yourself lost, let's begin this wonderful journey.

Unlike many other Rails Apps the deployment of Discourse is extremely simple thanks to awesome Docker Image by @sam, all you need is a ssh access to cloud server. In this guide I'll assume that you are using Digital Ocean, while the steps will work fine on other cloud servers as well.

The below guide assumes that you have no knowledge of Ruby/Rails, Shell, so it will be detailed. Feel free to skip steps which you think, you are comfortable with.

Create new Digital Ocean Droplet

Discourse Team recommends a minimum of 1 GB Ram, so that's what we are gonna go with. For the sake of simplicity we will name the Hostname as discourse.

We will install Discourse on Ubuntu 12.04.3 x64 as this is recommended in Official Documentation.

Once you will complete with above steps you will receive a mail from Digital Ocean, providing root users password. (In case you have entered your SSH keys, then you don't require password to login).

Access your newly created Droplet

To access the droplet, type in following command in your terminal:

ssh root@

Replace with the IP address you got from Digital Ocean.

It will ask your permission to connect, type yes, and then it will ask you for root's password. The root's password is in your mail which Digital Ocean sent you. Type in the password and you will be welcomed by newly installed Ubuntu Server.

Install Git

To install Git, you just need to type in the command:

sudo apt-get install git

and you are good to go.

Install Docker

Run following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-raring linux-headers-generic-lts-raring

Now we will perform a system reboot:

sudo reboot

Above command will log you out from ssh session, ssh in again:

ssh root@IP_ADDRESS

replace IP_ADDRESS with your IP Address.

Type in following commands:

sudo sh -c "wget -qO- https://get.docker.io/gpg | apt-key add -"
sudo sh -c "echo deb http://get.docker.io/ubuntu docker main\
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lxc-docker

Install Discourse

If you have reached to this step, Congratulations! You have already done all the hard work, now you have a brand new Ubuntu Server with Docker installed. All you need to do now is install Discourse itself, which is the most easy step. Keep Calm.

Create a /var/docker folder where all the docker related stuff will reside:

mkdir /var/docker

Now we will clone the Official Discourse Docker Image in /var/docker folder:

git clone https://github.com/SamSaffron/discourse_docker.git /var/docker

Make sure to copy and run the above command as is, otherwise you will face problem which I faced.

Let's switch to /var/docker directory:

cd /var/docker

Now we will copy the samples/standalone.yml file and place it inside containers folder by name app.yml, so the path will become containers/app.yml, type in command:

cp samples/standalone.yml containers/app.yml

Now we need modify the newly copied app.yml with our default variables:

nano containers/app.yml

Nano is suggested by @riking because it works like a text editor, just use your arrow keys. Hit Ctrl-O to save and Ctrl-X to exit. In below screenshot I am using Vim.

You will see something like:

You may modify the file as per your requirement, but for the sake of simplicity I will only modify two variables DISCOURSE_DEVELOPER_EMAILS and DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME.

Notice that I renamed the DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME to discourse.techapj.com, this means that I want to host my instance of Discourse on http://discourse.techapj.com/, for this to work properly you will need to modify DNS Records (I will post a separate guide to configure DNS Records).

Save the file, and run following command:

sudo ./launcher bootstrap app

This command may take some time, but it's doing all the hard work for you. Go drink some coffee, while this command is automagically configuring the Discourse environment for you.

When this command executes, type in the following command to start instance of your Discourse app:

sudo ./launcher start app

Congratulations! You have your own live instance of Discourse running on the host you provided in app.yml file at the time of setup.

You can also access your instance of Discourse by visiting your IP_ADDRESS.

Okay, that's it for this guide. In my next post I'll talk about more advanced topics like Configuring mail, Tweaking admin, SSH access to running containers, etc.

Please provide your feedback, if anything needs to be improved, don't hesitate. Also the fine folks here at Discourse are always ready to help you, in case you face any problem.

I'll try to update this guide as frequently as possible.

[Last Update: January 24, 2014]

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Ghost category - can't access to delete

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