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After SSL installation pictures are not displayed


@dbm wrote:

Hello guys,

After i installed SSL (Sucessfully) everything works fine, and also i've changed my domain name. So some pictures left from old domain name and they are not loaded. Is there any way that we could reactiate that pictures? Thanks

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Consolidating user fields editing between Admin, Preferences and Show Public Profile


@dandv wrote:

As an admin, I find it confusing where I should go to edit certain fields in a user's profile.

For example, to change a user's email, I went to the Admin page (guided by wrench icon, suggesting for admin-editable settings), but there was no way to change the email there.

"Show Public Profile" didn't seem to indicate a place where changes as low-level as the email could be made, but I tried clicking it. It leads to an Activity page. From there, Preferences leads to a Control Panel identical to mine, and I was able to edit the email that way.

Similarly, I can't edit someone's profile picture from Admin, but I can from Preferences.

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Discourse displays 'Delete all posts' even on users with zero posts

High CPU usage when loading Admin pages for users


@dandv wrote:

I'm using the Docker Discourse v1.3.0.beta3 +20 on a Linode with 1GB of RAM to test out migrating from MyBB. I'm the only user active on the forum, and Sidekiq shows no running or scheduled tasks. We have ~1,300 topics and ~5,500 users.

If I open 10 user Admin pages in a row from the Active Users list, the server CPU usage stays around 25% and occasionally spikes to ~40%. The problem is that two of the ten tabs display

Error while trying to load admin/groups.json

(tabs 5 and 7 in the screencast below). Is this a concern for real-life situations (I was the only user of the site during this test), or are my server specs insufficient for this scenario, leading to a 20% request failure rate?

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Automatically replace forum URLs in posts with topic title

So confused - My postgres data is so persistent!


@jamesmarkcook wrote:

So...wait for it...I destroyed my postgres and web_only containers, bootstrapped them again and hang on..what's that? My forum is still there?!

I'm quite confused and I'm not sure what's going on. I used one of the import scripts to import some data, but now I want a fresh install to run the script again (something wasn't perfect first time round).

However, I cannot accomplish that. Does anybody have any ideas how my data can still be there after destroying the Postgres container and re-boostrapping?

FYI, I'm using a custom docker image but all it does extra from the main docker one is change the folder directory names and install some linux dependencies for mysql.

I'm wondering if somehow I've committed the data to my docker image on docker hub. But even that is just an image with my personal fork of Docker. I'm not committing postgres stuff. Hmm...

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Cloudflare error 521 with sub-domain


@samhouston wrote:


I've recently tried to add my new Discourse forum as a sub-domain via Cloudflare and we're receiving an error. Cloudflare gives an "Error 521", which means my Discourse server (currently on Digital Ocean) is blocking requests from Cloudflare.

Is this a setting on Digital Ocean (that is set by Discourse when they created the account) or is this a setting that I can change within the Discourse installation itself?

I've tried whitelisting all of Cloudflare's IP ranges within Discourse and that hasn't fixed the issue.

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Requiring acceptance of terms and conditions


@Granatir wrote:

We'd like to require users to accept our terms and conditions before they can create an account. I found a similar thread on this topic:

Security for underage users

However, our legal settings tab does not have the checkbox as shown. We tried updating the config files without success. Can someone please tell us how to enable this feature? Thank you.

Best wishes,

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Running in development, need to approve first user


@stroupaloop wrote:

Hey there, new to Discourse, testing it out for a potential deployment and had what seems like a simple question.

I was able to successfully get everything up and running (i.e. Redis server and rails s > localhost:3000) BUT when I try to create an initial user it requires email validation. How do I approve that from the rails console as I don't believe any actual emails are being sent out since it's a local instance?

I can go into the rails console and change the user property approved = true (along with admin = true), but when I attempt to login, it states that email validation is still required. Any help?!

Thanks in advance!

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Accessing the createTopic action while on a topic route


@angus wrote:

I'm trying to write a little plugin to add a "New Topic" button to the header bar that is accessible on any page, including topic pages.

I know that some of you fellas aren't a fan of this idea, but if you could humor me on this specific code issue I'm having it would be much appreciated.

I added the button without too many dramas, by overriding the header.hbs template. Simply by adding the template, the button works on "discovery" routes, as the the createTopic action is already available on those routes.

But it doesn't work inside actual topics. It throws the error "Nothing handled the action 'createTopic'". Which, I have assumed, means I just need to make that action available in any topic. I'm largely making educated guesses based on how other parts of discourse function and what I read here, so I could be off-base.

My problem is that I can't quite seem to get the createTopic action into (whatever is) the relevant controller.

These are the last two js iterations I've tried (separately of course):

Discourse.TopicRoute.on("setupTopicController", function(event) {
    actions: {
        createTopic: function() {
        Discourse.__container__.lookup('controller:composer').send('open', {action: Discourse.Composer.CREATE_TOPIC, draftKey: Discourse.Composer.DRAFT});

Discourse.TopicRoute.on("setupTopicController", function(event) {
    actions: {
        createTopic: function() {
          return this.get('controller.composer').open({
            categoryId: controller.get('category.id'),
            action: Discourse.Composer.CREATE_TOPIC,
            draftKey: controller.get('draft_key'),
            draftSequence: controller.get('draft_sequence')

Thanks in advance for any advice / pointers.

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vBulletin importer not importing user email addresses


@jamesmarkcook wrote:

I've used the vBulletin importer twice now and both times it's failed to import the user email addresses when creating the users.

I've not had a chance to properly debug this yet, but thought I would post here before I do in case it's a simple fix that will save me some time.

Has anyone else come across this issue?

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Using Discourse With Other Sites on Same Droplet


@noumaan_ wrote:

Hey guys,

I am new to discourse and do not have a development related background. I was just trying discourse and have successfully installed it on a droplet at digitalocean. This is the step by step tutorial that I followed:

Now I would like to add my other WordPress blogs to the same hosting account on digitalocean. I know I can add domain names to my droplet by visiting DNS settings. But the URL I want to use for the discourse site is already pointing to my server's IP address.

Is there something that I need to change so that my discourse site's domain only points to discourse and I can add other sites too?


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Kitematic - a potentially super easy way to test run Discourse on Mac


@erlend_sh wrote:

There's a new tool in town, recently acquired by Docker Inc, called Kitematic. It's a native Mac application designed to run Docker images locally with minimal hassle and lots of GUI goodness.

It's still early days and I haven't been able to even successfully download the official Discourse image yet -- getting "There was a problem connecting to the Docker Engine in the VirtualBox VM", but not on the ghost image for instance.

Definitely worth keeping an eye on though.

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Profile changes, design

Changing Max Attachment Size


@dbm wrote:

This is guide for newbies (Same as me) that clearly specify what you need to do, to allow more then 1mb for Attachment upload.

  1. Login to your SSH
  2. cd /var/discourse/
  3. nano containers/app.yml
  4. Scroll down (line 104) where it says - exec: echo "Beginning of custom commands"

Below add these yaml codes (These codes are vaildaded by http://www.yamllint.com/ )

 - replace:
        filename: etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf
        from: /client_max_body_size.+$/
        to: "client_max_body_size 15m;"

Visually should look exactly like this;

Note: These settings are for 15mb. ( If you wish to increase even more,
to: "client_max_body_size 15m;" change number 15m to example; 50m )

After you done here press CTRL + O (To write that) and CTRL + X (To exit)

If you followed this tutorial from begining you should be now in /var/discourse if not, get there.

Then simply run ./launcher rebuild app

Once that complete, please navigate to www.yoursite.com/admin/site_settings/category/files

and change the max attachment size kb to 15360 (15mb) or your desired number. At this point everything should work perfectly, you can go on and test your upload file size. Cheers

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Catagory background image makes text unreadable


@zerounix wrote:

Hello, I am new to discourse, i really like it's features, and its fun to use. I have one slight issue though, and i cannot seem to find a fix, when creating a catagory with a background image, the white box behind the text fades out to transparent making text unreadable on all but white background images, is there any way to have the boxes fade to a certain opacity or not at all? I think the background images makes it look great, but the only way to read the text is to highlight all of it.

I do apologize, this is probably a stupid question, but i would be eternally grateful for any tips smile

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How to add GNU Terry Pratchett to your Discourse forum


@riking wrote:

The Hour of the Dead was when men died. And when a man died, they sent him home by clacks. Moist's mouth dropped open. 'Huh?'

'That's what they call it,' said Harry. 'Not lit'rally, o' course. But they send his name from one end of the Trunk to the other, ending up at the tower nearest his home.'

'Yeah, but they say sometimes the person stays on in the towers, somehow,' said Jim.' “Living in the Overhead”, they call it.'

A lot of what travelled on the Grand Trunk was called the Overhead. It was instructions to towers, reports, messages about messages, even chatter between operators, although this was strictly forbidden these days. It was all in code. It was very rare you got Plain in the Overhead. But now . . . 'There it goes again,' she said. 'It must be wrong. It's got no origin code and no address. It's Overhead, but it's in Plain.' On the other side of the tower, sitting in a seat facing the opposite direction because he was operating the up-line, was Roger, who was seventeen and already working for his tower-master certificate. His hand didn't stop moving as he said: 'What did it say?'

'There was GNU, and I know that's a code, and then just a name. It was John Dearheart. Was it a—'

'You sent it on?' said Grandad. Grandad had been hunched in the corner, repairing a shutter box in this cramped shed halfway up the tower. Grandad was the tower-master and had been everywhere and knew everything. Everyone called him Grandad. He was twenty-six. He was always doing something in the tower when she was working the line, even though there was always a boy in the other chair. She didn't work out why until later. 'Yes, because it was a G code,' said Princess. 'Then you did right. Don't worry about it.'

'Yes, but I've sent that name before. Several times. Upline and downline. Just a name, no message or anything!' She had a sense that something was wrong, but she went on: 'I know a U at the end means it has to be turned round at the end of the line, and an N means Not Logged.' This was showing off, but she'd spent hours reading the cypher book. 'So it's just a name, going up and down all the time! Where's the sense in that?' Something was really wrong. Roger was still working his line, but he was staring ahead with a thunderous expression. Then Grandad said: 'Very clever, Princess. You're dead right.'

'Hah!' said Roger. 'I'm sorry if I did something wrong,' said the girl meekly. 'I just thought it was strange. Who's John Dearheart?'

'He . . . fell off a tower,' said Grandad. 'Hah!' said Roger, working his shutters as if he suddenly hated them. 'He's dead?' said Princess. 'Well, some people say—' Roger began. 'Roger!' snapped Grandad. It sounded like a warning. 'I know about Sending Home,' said Princess. 'And I know the souls of dead linesmen stay on the Trunk.'

'Who told you that?' said Grandad. Princess was bright enough to know that someone would get into trouble if she was too specific. 'Oh, I just heard it,' she said airily. 'Somewhere.'

'Someone was trying to scare you,' said Grandad, looking at Roger's reddening ears. It hadn't sounded scary to Princess. If you had to be dead, it seemed a lot better to spend your time flying between the towers than lying underground. But she was bright enough, too, to know when to drop a subject. It was Grandad who spoke next, after a long pause broken only by the squeaking of the new shutter bars. When he did speak, it was as if something was on his mind. 'We keep that name moving in the Overhead,' he said, and it seemed to Princess that the wind in the shutter arrays above her blew more forlornly, and the everlasting clicking of the shutters grew more urgent. 'He'd never have wanted to go home. He was a real linesman. His name is in the code, in the wind in the rigging and the shutters. Haven't you ever heard the saying “A man's not dead while his name is still spoken”?'

Terry Pratchett, author of the Discworld novels, went hand-in-hand with Death on the 12th of March, 2015.

Add this to your app.yml:

## Remember, this is YAML syntax - you can only have one block with a name
  - exec: echo "Beginning of custom commands"

  # A man's not dead while his name is still spoken.
  - replace:
     filename: "/etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf"
     from: /sendfile on;/
     to: |
       add_header X-Clacks-Overhead "GNU Terry Pratchett";
       sendfile on;

Make sure to rebuild the container afterwards.

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How to: Only [group] can access [category]


@Qambo wrote:

I was able to create a private category. I was able to assign a group to that category. But, it's also allowing all admins to view the category. Is there a way to only allow the users from a particular group to access the category, excluding the admin group? Only admins who are in that particular group may view the category.

Is this possible?

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Could not find module discourse/lib/load-script


@TopherTheGeek wrote:

In my installation of Discourse, MathJax is broken. I think that's probably due to "Could not find module discourse/lib/load-script". Things were working, and I cannot be sure when they broke, but I suspect it happened when I upgraded to Discourse to 1.2.1 and MathJax to 0.4.1.

This is the full error message I'm seeing with Chrome:

To fix this, I tried:

  1. Double checking I'm up-to-date on everything.
  2. disabling and reenabling the MathJax plugin.
  3. Rebooting, naturally.
  4. launch app rebuild

What else might I try?

I think the install is pretty standard. I followed the instructions to install with Docker on DigitalOcean from before the 1.0 release, and I've always upgraded via the Admin panel since then.

If needed, the issue can be seen here.

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Help installing Discourse


@cosmin wrote:


I'm trying to install Discourse on an Ubuntu 14.04 and I have a few issues. Here's my experience so far. The result is at luapower.org.

First I tried the official method via Docker.
- got docker 1.5
- cloned discourse_docker
- copied samples/standalone.yml to containers/app.yml
- set the dev's email, hostname and smtp settings (made an account on mandrill for that)
- hit ./launcher bootstrap app --> says it can't find github.com -- turns out it's not a DNS problem, it's a routing problem: the docker container can't see outside IPs at all, so it can't connect to DNS to resolve github.com (but it can see all inside IPs, even those that are in other subnets, as long as they are not on the other side of the gateway).
- I abandoned this. If anyone has any idea, I can go back to this method.

Then I went for the dev-install way.
- got postgres, ruby, redis, imagik libxml2, bundler, sidekiq, discourse
- made user "discourse" and logged in
- export RAILS_ENV=production --- all commands below assume that
- tried bundle install; bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare db:seed_fu (didn't work -- added postgres user "discourse" and added superuser privs to it -- not mentioned in the docs)
- tested with bundle exec rails server -- worked, but extremely slow (on a 12 core / 24G ram machine!)
- packed the assets to get the performance back
- made an nginx config with ssl in which includes the the nginx sample config from discourse
- started 4 thin servers
- started sidekiq
- started nginx
- added an admin

The result of all that is a running installation with a few problems:
- the backup button doesn't do anything (no requests and no javascript error)
- the welcome emails have example.com links in it
- facebook, google, github auth -- none work, they say that the return url is not right (is it because it's https? I've seen this mentioned)

I'm not sure what's easier at this point -- continue with the native install or I try and fix docker?

If someone has any hints on any of these issues, I would greatly appreciate it.


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