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502 Bad Gateway after failed upgrade


@fcl wrote:


My discourse upgrade failed just like on these posts

but I am still lost at 502 Bad Gateway.

After the upgrade failed, I read that I should restart the app. Unfortunately and stupidly I reboot the server then 502 bad gateway happened

How I can fix this? at least get me back to the site and maybe postpone the upgrade

yes, I am aware that my discourse installation is under the required memory spec

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Russian nicknames


@kaliha wrote:

Hello. If it possible to use Russian or other Cyrillic alphabet in nicknames? Maybe need some mods?

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Integrate ViewActions into Discourse Emails


@Moter8 wrote:

tl;dr: Buttons that link you to a Discourse post

Continuing the discussion from Make activating an Account Gmail-compatible:

So anyway, Github emails come with some extra html that makes action buttons appear on GMail and in Inbox, possibly even elsewhere but I'm not aware of any. They look like this:

<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/EmailMessage">
  <div itemprop="action" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ViewAction">
    <link itemprop="url" href="https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/1519#issuecomment-88384950"></link>
    <meta itemprop="name" content="View Issue"></meta>
  <meta itemprop="description" content="View this Issue on GitHub"></meta>

<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/EmailMessage">
<div itemprop="action" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ViewAction">
<link itemprop="url" href="https://github.com/BuildAPC/BuildAPC-docs/pull/46#issuecomment-88387645"></link>
<meta itemprop="name" content="View Pull Request"></meta>
<meta itemprop="description" content="View this Pull Request on GitHub"></meta>

So in what I could figure out, the itemprop name and the description are not visible at all on GMail but the corresponding string do appear if you Ctrl+F for them on the page source.

Inbox is even weirder as the itemprop="description" string is visible on the Issue email but not on the Pull Request one. Possibly caused by the mention.

Would be pretty fire fire fire if Discourse would use this schema/code/whatever too!

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Integrating discourse into ghost


@apotry wrote:

I followed the usual guides, but so far no luck: whenever I load a blog post, it only displays "Loading Discussion..." at the bottom. At the same time, the discourse production.log shows

Processing by EmbedController#comments as HTML
Parameters: {"embed_url"=>"http://discuss.mysite.co.uk/test-commenting/"}
Rendered exceptions/not_found.html.erb within layouts/application (57.3ms)
Rendered layouts/_head.html.erb (0.1ms)
Rendered common/_special_font_face.html.erb (0.4ms)
Rendered common/_discourse_stylesheet.html.erb (0.3ms)
Rendered application/_header.html.erb (0.1ms)
Rendered common/_discourse_javascript.html.erb (28.7ms)
Rendered text template (0.0ms)
Completed 403 Forbidden in 97ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 44.0ms)

I've got

embeddable host: mysite.co.uk
feed polling enabled: yes
feed polling url: http://mysite.co.uk/rss/
embed by username: David
embed category: Blog

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Usability issue with Signup screen for non-techies

Hidden or staff only posts for collaborative moderation


@john_mardlin wrote:

There are times when we need to be very careful about how we respond to a topic. I want to make sure that staff realize that a topic has no response yet for a reason.

It would also be great to be able to have some internal discussion about a topic, either within the post itself, or better to have a hidden post in the thread which links to a discussion in the Staff area.

I tried flagging a post for "reason = 'something else", but felt the flag was a fairly subtle notification and it felt like a work around.

Am I missing a better option?

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Is it possible to see who voted in polls?


@tobiaseigen wrote:

I just tested out polls for the first time in a while, and it works quite well and I like it.

But I would like to have an open poll so we can see who voted for which option. Is this possible? Is there any way to see who voted for what?

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Email reply-to for digests


@mlinksva wrote:

I have reply-by-email set up and it works great for individual message notifications. I had a user think they could reply to a digest, so of course they got a bounce from my configured noreply address. For now I've just made noreply go someplace I can check occasionally to let users know they can't reply by email to digests.

I see in https://meta.discourse.org/t/auto-response-email-replies-to-digests-are-processed-as-new-topic/22564 another option is to have digest replies go to address for creating new topics, but this is messy and I don't want to for the reasons mentioned in that thread.

What if digests got a reply-to with not a single messageid in the + part of the address, but all messages that are in the digest. Discourse could try to guess which is being replied to, and put the reply in that thread. Or put it in a moderation queue for assignment to the correct thread.

I admit this is an edge case and probably way more complexity than warranted, just noting idea as I have it. I'm fine with workaround of just not bouncing noreply and checking that manually on occasion, but if there's another best practice I'm missing, or that is a really bad thing to do, I'd love to know.

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Best practices for archiving topics


@tobiaseigen wrote:

What are best practices for archiving topics? I've not used this feature before, and don't fully understand what happens when you archive something and when we should use it. Appreciate any explanation/links smile

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Cursor is offset in Firefox (Linux only) when entering tags


@cpradio wrote:

In Firefox the cursor in the tags input box is offset

and a closer look with zero tags

(this is Firefox with focus on the "Create Topic" button, but it looks as if it is expecting input in the tag field... which is weird)

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User directory layout for badge lists!

Improving color and contrast on topic progress widget


@sam wrote:

I find the contrast on and colors used for the topic progress widget to be extremely problematic.

  1. It does not mesh with the default theme - its an outlier color
  2. It has terrible contrast so its very hard to read for many

For my theme I ended switching colors to something I like many times more:

However, its not a trivial change, we need to make sure it works in all themes and uses some sort of function based on the themes colors

@awesomerobot is there anything we can do here to get a color that meshes better with good contrast?

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Category selector is restricted on "reply as linked topic" when "show subcategory list" is enabled


@sam wrote:

Yes, Chromebook. It's usually very stable, but other tools we use have had chromebook specific bugs in the past.

So, to reproduce the bug (on Chromebook at least):
1. create linked topic
2. try to set a new category
(I'll have a colleague test that)

Expected outcome:
You can type in the category selector, which will filter category options

Actual outcome:
No ability to type. Options are limited to current category, or uncategorized.

Am I correct about the expected outcome?

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How to edit app.yml?


@Pirat wrote:

I asked this question before but for some reason it forever removed, I can not understand how can I update app.yml

so do get an error

./launcher stop app

nano containers/app.yml

./launcher start app

fatal error

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Gmail shows author of topic creator and not author of replies


@tobiaseigen wrote:

Not sure how to categorize this or if it's been covered before or if there's anything that can be done about it, but my team have expressed confusion that in gmail threads from discourse it always looks like the latest email is from the topic creator, even as others are replying.

I presume this is because the email is always coming from the same discourse sender email address. Is that right?

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Image load error, HTTP 500 response


@stroupaloop wrote:

I'm receiving the following error regarding SOME images that are either being auto-populated (on new user creation) or image upload. Any ideas on the root cause? Perhaps the server is too small?

Errno::ENOMEM (Cannot allocate memory - convert public/uploads/letter_avatars/2/A/241_157_191/240.png[0] -gravity center -background transparent -thumbnail 25x25^ -extent 25x25 -interpolate bicubic -unsharp 2x0.5+0.7+0 -quality 98 public/uploads/letter_avatars/2/A/241_157_191/25.png)

Some images show up (specifically added by the admin account), but for others (which have been promoted to admin recently) do not. Any help would be awesome!

p.s. I'm running on AWS EC2 (t2.micro), using a RDS postgreSQL database (db2.micro / 20GB). Pulling from the AWS monitoring here are some charts on recent activity while I was using it and came across this error. The stats would indicate this isn't an issue with the EC2 or the RDS.



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Emoji parser gives up after encountering invalid emoji code


@sloosecannon wrote:

When displaying emoji, the parser gives up if it encounters an invalid emoji code, and fails to parse the rest of the emoji until it encounters a space

smilestuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:stuckouttongue: smilestuck_out_tongue_winking_eye
(without a space)

It also fails if it encounters a single colon.


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Adding Users column to Categories page


@jesselperry wrote:

I have Categories as my main page on my Discourse (I feel it does a better job of directing/giving topic ideas to new users).

On desktop view - I feel like there's a lot of dead space between "Latest" and "Topics" columns. Any thoughts on adding in the "Users" column in-between those?

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Make time/date format independent of 'locale' setting


@Benno wrote:

On a European based internationally targeted forum we're using the default 'en' locale to set the language to English.
Date and time presentation seems to be fixed to US format. I don't really care about the date presentation as it is clear enough but the am/pm time presentation is not commonly used in Europe (except for the U.K.).
Unless I've missed something I doesn't seem possible to set the date and time format independent of the locale setting.

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Round avatars in topic list?


@codinghorror wrote:

I know this is horrible bikeshedding, so I apologize in advance, but... even though I am more of a square vs. rounded kind of web guy, I find that I consistently prefer rounded avatars in the topic list. Every time I see someone doing it, I think, "hmm, that looks a lot better." And I've been thinking this for a year now.

Compare for yourself:

I think it's a couple factors:

  1. Rounded edges give a bit more "breathing room" around the images when there are avatars close together like that.

  2. Rounded edges feel a bit more organic and human. When we're talking about avatars of people, human is good.

  3. Rounding these images sets them apart from the many other square elements of our default design a bit more (buttons, nav, etc)

I know we want styling to be minimal for the default design, but I feel the rounded style is clearly better, at least in the topic list, and I want to experiment with it as a default.

Feel free to chime in @awesomerobot

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