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Redis-Server Connection Errors after Docker Restart


@schn0573 wrote:

I have Discourse running on Digital Ocean. Things were working fine until today. For some reason the site will not load and I'm seeing the following errors in production.log

Failed to log exception Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 (Errno::ECONNREFUSED) -4130889355464129288
Reason: Redis::CannotConnectError Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)

As far as I can tell, the redis-server is running

# redis-cli ping


# redis-server
# Creating Server TCP listening socket *:6379: bind: Address already in use

Any ideas as to why Discourse is unable to connect to the redis server ?

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"Job exception: can_create? failed" - Unrecognized error type when processing incoming email

502 bad gateway error when running alongside nginx


@EpicDinosaurz wrote:

I am getting a 502 bad gateway error while running discourse alongside linux. It is currently the only website I have running on my machine.

Here is the error I get when I use tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log:

2015/04/08 21:03:13 [error] 8436#0: *6 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: epicdinosaurz.net, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "epicdinosaurz.net"

Here is my disco.conf in nginx:

types {
    text/csv csv;

upstream discourse { server; }

proxy_cache_path /var/nginx/cache keys_zone=one:10m max_size=200m;
map $http_x_forwarded_proto $thescheme {
  default $scheme;
  https https;

limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=flood:10m rate=13r/s;
limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=bot:10m rate=222r/m;
limit_req_status 429;
server {

  listen 80;
  gzip on;
  gzip_vary on;
  gzip_min_length 987;
  gzip_comp_level 5;
  gzip_types application/json text/css application/x-javascript application/javascript;

  server_name epicdinosaurz.net;
  server_tokens off;
  sendfile on;
  keepalive_timeout 66;
  client_max_body_size 10m ;
  set $public /var/www/discourse/public;
  add_header X-UA-Compatible "IE=edge";
  etag off;

  location ^~ /backups/ {

  location / {
    root $public;
    add_header ETag "";

  location ~* \.(eot|ttf|woff|ico)$ {
      expires 1y;
      add_header Cache-Control public;
      add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;

    location ~ ^/assets/ {
      expires 1y;
      gzip_static on;
      add_header Cache-Control public;

    location ~ ^/plugins/ {
      expires 1y;
      add_header Cache-Control public;

    location ~ /_?emoji/ {
      expires 1y;
      add_header Cache-Control public;

    location ~ ^/uploads/ {

      proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme;
      proxy_set_header X-Sendfile-Type X-Accel-Redirect;
      proxy_set_header X-Accel-Mapping $public/=/downloads/;
      expires 1y;
      add_header Cache-Control public;

      location ~ /stylesheet-cache/ {
          try_files $uri =404;
      location ~* \.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|bmp|tif|tiff)$ {
          try_files $uri =404;
      location ~ /_optimized/ {
          try_files $uri =404;

      proxy_pass http://discourse;

    location ~ ^/admin/backups/ {
      proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme;
      proxy_set_header X-Sendfile-Type X-Accel-Redirect;
      proxy_set_header X-Accel-Mapping $public/=/downloads/;
      proxy_pass http://discourse;

    try_files $uri @discourse;

  location /downloads/ {
    alias $public/;

  location @discourse {
  limit_req zone=flood burst=13 nodelay;
  limit_req zone=bot burst=103 nodelay;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $thescheme;
    proxy_pass http://discourse;


and here is my discourse.conf in /var/www/discourse:

# Discourse supports multiple mechanisms for production config, detailed in the _defaults file.
# This file includes the most commonly changed enviroment variables, to allow users following the official install guide to quickly get started; if the option you're looking for is not here it may be defined in the _defaults file.

# Change the following!
# All settings apply to production only

# database name running discourse, in INSTALL-ubuntu this is discourse_prod
db_name = discourse_prod

# hostname running the forum; i.e the external address of your form.
hostname = "www.epicdinosaurz.net"

# address of smtp server used to send emails. If testing, this can be left empty; but e-mails are a very important part of discourse.
smtp_address = smtp.mandrillapp.com

# port of smtp server used to send emails. This varies based on your e-mail host.
smtp_port = 587

# domain passed to smtp server
smtp_domain =

# username for smtp server
smtp_user_name = notify@epicdinosaurz.net

# password for smtp server
smtp_password = Not gonna put this here for the world to see ;)

# enable TLS encryption for smtp connections
smtp_enable_start_tls = true

# enable MiniProfiler for developers, by default this is true. This shows response times in the top left for admin users only. Uncomment this line to turn this off.
# load_mini_profiler = false

# recommended, cdn used to access assets. This can be left empty at first.
cdn_url =

# comma delimited list of emails that have developer level access.
developer_emails = email redacted

# More advanded settings. Unless you changed these in your enviroment, the defaults will work.

## Database

# host address for db server, uncomment if needed
# db_host = localhost

# port running db server, uncomment if needed
# db_port = 5432

# username accessing database, if connecting remotely
# db_username = discourse

# password used to access the db, if connecting remotely
# db_password =

# Redis

# redis server address
# redis_host = localhost

# redis server port
# redis_port = 6379

# redis password
# redis_password =

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Any way to customize message for "New" and "Unread" when nothing appears?


@jesselperry wrote:

I have the defaults on my Discourse changed for what new users settings are for what's considered New and what they track (so what's considered Unread).

So the descriptions on /new and /unread when there are no topics or posts listed do not represent what are the actual defaults are.

Is there a preferable way to change this text on my installation?

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500 Internal Server Error when deleting hidden posts

Do not require search term when using search options only


@purldator wrote:

I've been trying to search for all topics I bookmarked that were posted in the dev category. I am not looking to use a specific search term but instead only use the options (in:bookmarks category:dev) to filter results in a broad way.

As of right now when I type that I get a 'no results' feedback. And yes, I do have quite a few bookmarks in the dev category but it's tedious to scroll through to find them all.

Don't know if there's any other visible way to do this in the ui. I tend to not remember specific terms to find a bookmarked topic, but I do remember the category, for example.

This has other uses in regards to the search options too. Such as finding all posts someone made in a specific category (user:foo category:foo).

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Making location compulsary


@tomwrench wrote:

I'm wanting new users to disclose their location on sign-up (preferably from a dropdown menu with preset towns). I see there is a location field in a user's profile - is there a way to make this visible (and compulsory) on the sign up screen with such preset options from a dropdown?


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Improving discovery of the badge title feature


@erlend_sh wrote:

I'd like to suggest some simple UX changes to increate the discoverability of badge titles.

Badges used to be a big deal on my old forum. Users would be proud of their newly earned "Contributor" badge, and would sometimes congratulate one another at the sight of it. After migrating to Discourse I re-granted the "Contributor" title to all of our existing contributors. However, hardly any of them seem to have picked up on the fact that they can use it as a title for an extra piece of flair.

I'd like to suggest two simple UX tweaks that I believe could result in a significant uptake in the use of badge titles.

First, I'd like to add an extra snippet of text underneath badges that have this special property. The titlehyperlink at the end would be the same as the main link; it's just there to draw the eye to something a little out of the ordinary.

(No, Read Guidelines can't actually be used as a title)

Second, it should be possible to start using the title via the badge page itself, because that's where the link takes you.

There's been some talk about overhauling the badges interface, but until that's on the agenda I think this would go a long way.

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Determining directionality from javascript


@noamraph wrote:

Here's a simple RTL issue that I want to submit a fix to. The arrow to expand the category list should be flipped in RTL directionality. Here's how it looks now:

The arrow comes from category-drop.js.es6:14:

    return "fa fa-caret-right";

I'd like to add an if, to return "fa fa-caret-left" on RTL directionality. My question is, how do I check what is the directionality.


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Provide a drop down of actions to filter by on Logs > Staff Actions


@cpradio wrote:

Okay, everyone knows there is a hard 200 limit on the Staff Actions Log. However, if you have a lot of deleted topics, deleted posts, whatever, you may not be able to see a change trust level, suspend user, or check email log entry.

What I propose is a Action drop down that lists all of the actions that are logged so we can quickly filter to one to see its 200 recent entries.

Once an action is selected, the drop down can disappear (or remain) since there is a Show Everything to get back to a "no action is being filtered state" where the drop down would become visible again.

This remains as is (or may have the Action drop down still visible... your call, I can live with either implementation)

For fairly active forums, this would allow us to see the actions we are most interested in based on activity we saw recently that has surpassed the latest 200 logged actions (this happens a lot on our instance).

Oh and sorry for the crappy mockup, I didn't have a lot of time to create it.

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Automatic RTLing


@noamraph wrote:

The current method of RTL support is the file rtl.scss, which tries to patch the rest of Discourse's CSS to fix the direction. There were a lot of quirks, and recently @Qasem_h submitted a lot of updates to it.

I think this method is fragile and will always leave RTL support lacking. It basically means that rtl.scss should patch every directionality-dependent CSS in every other file, which is a lot, and will continue to expand.

In my previous attempt at an Israeli political discussion forum, I used CSSJanus to flip the entire reddit CSS. You can see the result here: http://he.reddit.com/r/kufsa/. From my experience, it worked great. CSSJanus is a stand-alone Python script that flips the direction of a CSS file. (Note: there's a javascript version here -- I haven't tested it.)

I think that the best way would be to run CSSJanus on desktop.css to create desktop-rtl.css, and for RTL languages use desktop-rtl.css.

(I'm not sure how to even test this -- if I modify stylesheet-cache/desktop.css it gets overwritten. It seems that discourse_stylesheets.rb is responsible, and I tried to edit it, but with no effect -- is there anything I have to do after I edit a .rb file?)

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Email footer support


@ajo wrote:

I'm considering to add an option to include an email footer into any email sent from discourse (legal compliance with my local regulations EU/es).
I'm supposed to indicate the user email is registered in the database, and remind them
about their right to cancel their account, and the way to do it..

I was wondering if I can do such thing via plugin (I didn't have time to look at the API yet),
or shall I go and send a pull request for discourse itself ?

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Mangled HTML to Markdown conversion


@downey wrote:

For some reason, some funky HTML email (thanks, Outlook!) that was sent as follows:

<div><b>@All, d</b><b>o=
es anyone have topics they would like to discuss on today&#39;s call?</b></=

Got rendered as:

If anyone would like the full source to troubleshoot, let me know.

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Install with Docker compose


@Pierre_Thierry wrote:

The current installation method uses a Discourse-specific script to which you have to give total control of your Docker host to do the installation, upgrades and so on.

Would it be possible to provide a docker-compose.yml configuration to build and deploy Discourse with the standard tools?

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Should usercard backgrounds be white?

Topic created in uncategorized


@boomzilla wrote:

On our site, we have "uncatgorized" a pretty restricted category. I'm not 100% sure about all the details, but even admins get a 404 when trying to view the list of topics in the category. IIRC, Mods can't see the topics at all.

When I create a topic as an admin (and I think it happened when I was a Mod, too) and don't change the category drop down (because the initial value is where I want it to go), the topic gets created in uncategorized. So if I'm not an admin, I'm told I can't view the topic at all, which is ridiculous.

In the past, I created several topics before I managed to figure out what happened (I assumed it failed, but it wouldn't let me re-create, since I used the same title for the next one). It just happened to a couple of other admins today and I immediately reproduced it.

I suspect this is only a mod / admin problem as most users have no problems creating topics.

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Add text/ads on first post


@djcyry wrote:

Hello ,

How can i add a text or ad in the first post , at the end ?
Is there a css modification or something ? thanks

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Last Emailed field showing blanks (using Google OA)


@ichpen wrote:

Alright not sure if bug or feature.

Have users using google oauth2/authentication, when I check the admin/users dashboard in the backend the column that states last emailed is showing blanks although a valid email address is showing for the Google user.

Are they getting email updates? Or is it a dashboard glitch?


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Import Vanilla problems


@multicam wrote:

Hi there,

I am having trouble importing vanilla data into Discourse.

I have followed that topic's instructions: https://meta.discourse.org/t/how-to-migrate-from-vanilla-to-discourse/27273

And I get this error:

loading existing groups...
loading existing users...
loading existing categories...
loading existing posts...
loading existing topics...
parsing file...
reading file...
parsing users...
parsing roles...
parsing user_roles...
parsing categories...
parsing discussions...
parsing comments...

importing users...
     1173 / 1291 ( 90.9%)  Skipping user id 6758 because email is blank
     1291 / 1291 (100.0%)
importing categories...
script/import_scripts/vanilla.rb:117:in `import_categories': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
        from script/import_scripts/vanilla.rb:20:in `execute'
        from /var/www/discourse/script/import_scripts/base.rb:78:in `perform'
        from script/import_scripts/vanilla.rb:254:in `<main>'

No dates seem to be present in the categories table export file...

Thanks in advance.

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User lists seem limited or buggy in Admin


@multicam wrote:

I just imported +1000 users.

I don't seem to be able to list all the users in the Admin/User panel.
Reaching the end of the page doesn't seem to trigger a "load more" event.

I kwon that the users are here, I can search through the list but not see them.

Any ideas?

Sorting users by column values would come in handy too.

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