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Mass actions on search results


@lisajill wrote:

I'd like to request the ability to perform bulk edits on search results. Our particular use case is that I need to be able to search for keywords and mass add tags to posts (preferably without changing existing tags on those touched posts).

I can imagine there would be other use cases as well....


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Can't save email domain for custom group


@tenshiemi wrote:

I'm trying to add an email domain to my group. If I click "Save" or click on the text field, the text that I've entered just disappears and the input field is blank again.

update I am on v1.2.0.beta9 so that may be the issue, trying to upgrade and see if that helps.

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Webmaster is giving errors of Duplicate Meta Descriptions and Duplicate Title Tags


@Mohammad wrote:

Some of our forum users are not able to write a precise and specific title for Topics they publish, therefore most often we re-edit the titles of the topics to give a better understanding of the thread discussion.

Discourse helps re-editing the title completely without effecting the URL location. It simply changes the permalink without effect the URL location.

Both the following URLS will point you towards a common page




But the downside is that Google webmaster tool is considering both the URLS as two separate pages and considering it as a mistake. I have now around 114 Duplicate descriptions

and 16 Duplicate Title tags because of the parameter ?page=2

I am looking for a quick fix for these problems and how can we make sure google stops considering them as two separate pages when in fact they are pointing to the same location? confused

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Peronsal Customizable Forum Themes


@ChizbeJoe wrote:

I'm sure I am not the first one to suggest this, but wouldn't it be nice for a user to be able personally customize how the forum looks for them. Just to be clear, this wouldn't change the look of the forum for everyone, only for yourself.

Example theme comparison I made:
Before and After.

This is a feature that would allow a user to change a forum's look to their personal preference.

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A simple solution for rtl layout


@Simon_Cossar wrote:

@Qasem_h and I have been working getting a rtl layout working with Discourse.

This seems like a good solution:

  • add the r2 gem to the Gemfile https://rubygems.org/gems/r2/versions/0.2.5

  • add a conditional statement to discourse_sass_compiler.rb to reverse css output for rtl locales - I used this if !SiteSetting.allow_user_locale && SiteSetting.default_locale.in?(%w(he ar fa_IR))

  • set 'direction: left' on html element in base.scss (r2 can't reverse it unless it is explicitly written)

  • delete contents of rtl.scss - they are going to get reversed and mess things up

  • add a couple of css rules to fix icon and triangle directions

If you change a site's default local you have to run ./launcher rebuild app to generate new css.

I tried to get this working with the rtlit gem that is in the Gemfile - it worked well in development mode but in production it seems to have some problems parsing the css.

There is a working example here: . It will be up for a day or so.

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Off-by-one reply count in read time estimation


@aliceif wrote:

On the topic lists, replies is always one less than posts - that doesn't apply to the read time estimation text, though.
It seems to me that it should either say "posts" or use the reply count instead of the post count.

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Main page width changed after having installed dynamic sidebar and discourse-adsense plugins and new 1.3.0.beta5


@OmJmr wrote:


I have just installed dynamic sidebar and discourse-adsense plugins and new 1.3.0.beta5 version.

Now the main page width of my website is equal to 100% of the screen width.

What could be wrong ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards

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Docker processes running as non-root? Any way to specify user?


@brpc wrote:

So, if I start Discourse (and thus docker) via sudo /var/discourse/launcher start <config> all the docker processes run as the user who ran sudo... let's say for example that user is bob, UID=1000.

If I do top -u bob, I see all of the discourse processes (unicorn, sidekiq, etc)

Is there any way to change this behavior? bob isn't the semantically correct user for all the discourse processes to be running as, regardless of the fact that I technically launched discourse as that user. Is the only alternative running the launcher from the root user directly? or can I specify a user from the launcher script to run these processes as?

As far as I understand docker, it's supposed to be running as root, which is why the processes running under bob surprised me.

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Edits are awkward in mobile Safari


@snaphappi wrote:

Has anyone else had problems editing a post in mobile Safari? The "edit box" is really jumpy - it starts at the bottom of the device, then jumps to the top when the keyboard arrives, but half the time it jumps up again when the textarea gets "focus" and the other half the time it closes.

I'm also getting strange behavior when I try to scroll through a long list of categories on mSafari - will post separately

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Problem scrolling through category list in mobile Safari


@snaphappi wrote:

Continuing the discussion from Edits are awkward in mobile Safari:

I'm getting odd behavior on mobile Safari when scrolling through a long category list in the +New Topic form. I think when I drag my finger out of the category pop-up box, it starts to scroll the page below. once that happens, everything is out of whack.

Does anyone else have this problem?

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How to get current user's session id?


@Maestra_Powers wrote:

Continuing the discussion from How to get current user?:

To be more clear - I'm trying to catch user's session for my server-side script, placed on example.com when Discourse placed on forum.example.com. So CORS is the only right way to do this.

So we have https://meta.discourse.org/session/current.json end-point. I was playing with it couple days and I found it useful only for outputing user's info on page, not for checking user's session to pass it forward on server script, because it's unsafe to do as I wrote here.

@eviltrout, can you please add user's session id to this end-point? Or create another one just with session id? If I understand correctly, if I had user's session id on my server-side script + acces to Discourse db (that I already have, thanks to Sam) then I can get user's id and check he's rights safely.

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Image Sharing question


@Assaf_N wrote:

Hi! I'm new to Discourse ! grin

  1. I have a question regarding the option to image sharing.
    Let's say I open a discussion full of images and I want people to share these images. How can this be done?
    I want an image sharer on every single image, can this thing be done?
    What are my options?

  2. I want the post share button to look different and more appealing, is there a way to do it?

Thank you!

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How many active users last month?


@alefattorini wrote:

I want gather this data, for active users i mean registered users who made a post at least in the last month.
I guess that i can have this just with a data filter on users export action, in this way I can answer questions like:
- How man new members (registered last month) made a post at least?
- How many active users against two months ago or last year?
- Who are the active users lat month?

Can you suggest me any better way?
Read this but also playing with GA it's impossibile to extract such data

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Private Message Send API

Best and most complete importer for existing forum?


@AgustinCordes wrote:

Hey all! So I pulled the plug and installed Discourse to run a few tests. I fell in love with it and quickly decided to migrate our existing community.

So we are currently running SMF2 but I noticed that the official plugin does not support importing private messages, among other features. I would consider moving our current forum to an intermediary software (such as MyBB or phpBB) if that means a more complete migration to Discourse. Which importer would you say is the most mature and reliable?

It's not a very large community (about 12000) but it's healthy, friendly, and some categories work as "know how" about game development. Thus, I'd like to keep as much stuff as possible.

Thanks in advance!

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Search only within topic titles


@gerhard wrote:

I'm often in the situation where I only want to search for topics that have certain words in their title.
So, it would be great if there was a search modifier that allows me to search only within topic titles (something like title:search text).

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Pluralisation issues

BBpress import issue - LoadError: cannot load such file -- mysql2


@Basanoviat wrote:

I read quite a bit about the mysql2 and problems with installation / update but I am not exactly sure what to do. It is possible i did an install of this under the root user instead of the discourse user which may have caused some permission issues. Any help would be great.

$ bundle exec rake multisite:migrate
rake aborted!
LoadError: cannot load such file -- mysql2

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Users custom group membership not shown


@jlew wrote:

May be related to: https://meta.discourse.org/t/when-bulk-inviting-users-to-a-group-user-profile-settings-do-not-reflect-the-fact-that-the-are-part-of-that-group/27560

...but I looked at the pull request and am not sure. User profiles in admin are not showing their custom group memberships, even though the database appears to have them. If I try to add them to a group I know they are already in, I get an error like the one in the above-referenced topic, however if I add them to a group in which they are not a member, the UI does not reflect this. I am on v1.3.0.beta5 +13.

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Unable to create new account - email not allowed?

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