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Clicking browser back button skips to home


@purldator wrote:

How to repro:

  1. Go to any topic from the latest tab (here on Meta).
  2. Browse/read normally.
  3. Click someone's username at top of their post. The usercard pops up.
  4. Click their username on the usercard.
  5. Allow full profile page to load.
  6. Click back button on browser. (For me, latest Chrome on Windows 8.1)
  7. Browser jumps back to home (latest tab) instead of back to the topic I was viewing.

Posts: 4

Participants: 3

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[Rails Production Mode] Multiple Slash


@anonymousxxx wrote:

I have deployed discourse, and the url has mutliple slash


How can I fix this issue?

Posts: 3

Participants: 3

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Update notification address


@shankardevy wrote:

I have installed discourse for one of my customers. I have given my client's email address in Contact email section in Settings:
"Email address of key contact responsible for this site. Used for critical notifications such as unhandled flags, as well as on the /about contact form for urgent matters."

However, the client is now getting emails about available updates for Discourse and I see nowhere to configure my email address to receive only Update notifications. Is there any way to configure this?


Posts: 1

Participants: 1

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Single Sign On stopped Admin login


@ashish2 wrote:

I have implemented SSO but after that I am unable to login wth my Admin email and password by which I was logging in earlier. Please help

Posts: 2

Participants: 2

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"Pin globally" does nothing


@Frey wrote:

When I click 'Pin globally', nothing happens. Topic does not marked as pin at all.

Also, If I click 'Pin', option 'Pin globally' disappears from options list, is it as intended?


Posts: 7

Participants: 2

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Discourse integration in website


@User143 wrote:

Hi I tries to integrate with normal website using the following code.

<div id="discourse-comments"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var discourseUrl = "http://fishtank.eviltrout.com/",
      discourseEmbedUrl = 'http://eviltrout.com/link-to-blog-entry.html';

  (function() {
    var d = document.createElement('script'); d.type = 'text/javascript'; d.async = true;
      d.src = discourseUrl + 'javascripts/embed.js';
    (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(d);

Its showing the comments from the discourse only when the user is logged in . When the user user logged out it's not showing the discourse comments in my site . How can i solve this issue?

Posts: 2

Participants: 2

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User card not work in RTL


@Qasem_h wrote:

user card not work in rtl languages , im tested in there forum
when i click in avatar just opening user profile
whitout any error

Posts: 2

Participants: 2

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SSO blocked loading mixed active


@richp10 wrote:

I have Discourse SSO working well.

My discourse is set up to 'use https' and is behind an nginx proxy which listens on 443, proxying through to the Discourse container which listens on port 80.

I am experimenting with my discourse in an iFrame (yes, know all the reasons why not - but am trying it for edge case..) and am having trouble with 'Blocked Loading Mixed Active Content errors preventing Discourse loading.

Looking carefully at the sequence of calls, Discourse successfully negotiates the SSO handshake, returning a /session/sso

This includes a Location http://forum.mysite.org header so without https. I think this is what is causing the problem. Outside the iFrame, this seems to be succesfully redirected to the https version of the site - whereas in the iFrame it results in an error rather than a succesfull redirect.

So my question is whether this is a bug - surely Discourse SSO should honour the 'use https' setting and set the Location header accordingly...

Does that make sense or am I just missing something important here! (As far as I can see, all content is otherwise being served by https just fine)



Posts: 1

Participants: 1

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Problems accessing uploaded files


@Wowl wrote:

Hello everyone,
some of my users are having trouble viewing images and attachments.
"The requested URL /uploads/default/XYZ/abcdefg.ext was not found on this server." appears to be a common error message for both images and attachments, while some images show "The Image could not be loaded".
Did anyone have similar experiences, or any idea what the reason behind this could be? o.O


Posts: 2

Participants: 2

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Ubuntu-sso plugin, does it still work?


@def wrote:

@sam does your ubuntu-sso plugin still work? I'm testing it on my local Vagrant install and it does not pop up as a login option. I've been away for a while so I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong that is otherwise obvious?

Posts: 2

Participants: 2

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Users cannot delete their own accounts


@yousef wrote:

Steps to reproduce:
1. Make an account on try.discourse.org
2. Go to Preferences
3. 'Delete My Account' button is disabled even though the user has 0 posts.

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be default behaviour but I can't find any options related to enabling the button. I have also tested this on our staging server.

Posts: 4

Participants: 3

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Upgrade error with adsense plugin after latest upgrade


@jhiner1978 wrote:

Its on digital Ocean 2gigs of memory, Here are the logs.. Its for http://www.smallhouseforum.com. Currently the site is only showing the header

$ cd /var/www/discourse && git fetch && git reset --hard HEAD@{upstream}

Checking out files: 97% (7172/7393)
Checking out files: 98% (7246/7393)
Checking out files: 99% (7320/7393)
Checking out files: 100% (7393/7393)
Checking out files: 100% (7393/7393), done.
HEAD is now at 963b08f Allow OPTIONS requests when CORS is enabled

*** Please be patient, next steps might take a while ***
$ bundle install --deployment --without test --without development


== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/001_categories.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/002_groups.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/003_post_action_types.rb
 - PostActionType {:id=>1, :name_key=>"bookmark", :is_flag=>false, :position=>1}
 - PostActionType {:id=>2, :name_key=>"like", :is_flag=>false, :icon=>"heart", :position=>2}
 - PostActionType {:id=>3, :name_key=>"off_topic", :is_flag=>true, :position=>3}
 - PostActionType {:id=>4, :name_key=>"inappropriate", :is_flag=>true, :position=>4}
 - PostActionType {:id=>5, :name_key=>"vote", :is_flag=>false, :position=>5}
 - PostActionType {:id=>8, :name_key=>"spam", :is_flag=>true, :position=>6}
 - PostActionType {:id=>6, :name_key=>"notify_user", :is_flag=>true, :position=>7}
 - PostActionType {:id=>7, :name_key=>"notify_moderators", :is_flag=>true, :position=>8}

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/004_screened_ip_addresses.rb
 - ScreenedIpAddress {:id=>1, :ip_address=>"", :action_type=>2}
 - ScreenedIpAddress {:id=>2, :ip_address=>"", :action_type=>2}
 - ScreenedIpAddress {:id=>3, :ip_address=>"", :action_type=>2}
 - ScreenedIpAddress {:id=>4, :ip_address=>"", :action_type=>2}
 - ScreenedIpAddress {:id=>5, :ip_address=>"fc00::/7", :action_type=>2}

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/005_badge_types.rb
 - BadgeType {:id=>1, :name=>"Gold"}
 - BadgeType {:id=>2, :name=>"Silver"}
 - BadgeType {:id=>3, :name=>"Bronze"}

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/006_badges.rb
 - BadgeGrouping {:id=>1, :name=>"Getting Started", :default_position=>10}
 - BadgeGrouping {:id=>2, :name=>"Community", :default_position=>11}
 - BadgeGrouping {:id=>3, :name=>"Posting", :default_position=>12}
 - BadgeGrouping {:id=>4, :name=>"Trust Level", :default_position=>13}
 - BadgeGrouping {:id=>5, :name=>"Other", :default_position=>14}
 - Badge {:id=>1, :default_name=>"Basic User", :badge_type_id=>3, :query=>"\n    SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u\n    WHERE trust_level >= 1 AND (\n      :backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids)\n    )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>4, :trigger=>4, :default_allow_title=>false, :default_icon=>"fa-user", :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>2, :default_name=>"Member", :badge_type_id=>3, :query=>"\n    SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u\n    WHERE trust_level >= 2 AND (\n      :backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids)\n    )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>4, :trigger=>4, :default_allow_title=>false, :default_icon=>"fa-user", :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>3, :default_name=>"Regular", :badge_type_id=>2, :query=>"\n    SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u\n    WHERE trust_level >= 3 AND (\n      :backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids)\n    )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>4, :trigger=>4, :default_allow_title=>true, :default_icon=>"fa-user", :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>4, :default_name=>"Leader", :badge_type_id=>1, :query=>"\n    SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u\n    WHERE trust_level >= 4 AND (\n      :backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids)\n    )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>4, :trigger=>4, :default_allow_title=>true, :default_icon=>"fa-user", :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>17, :default_name=>"Reader", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>false, :show_posts=>false, :query=>"    SELECT id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n    FROM users\n    WHERE id IN\n    (\n      SELECT pt.user_id\n      FROM post_timings pt\n      JOIN badge_posts b ON b.post_number = pt.post_number AND\n                            b.topic_id = pt.topic_id\n      JOIN topics t ON t.id = pt.topic_id\n      LEFT JOIN user_badges ub ON ub.badge_id = 17 AND ub.user_id = pt.user_id\n      WHERE ub.id IS NULL AND t.posts_count > 100\n      GROUP BY pt.user_id, pt.topic_id, t.posts_count\n      HAVING count(*) >= t.posts_count\n    )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>16, :default_name=>"Read Guidelines", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>false, :show_posts=>false, :query=>"    SELECT user_id, read_faq granted_at\n    FROM user_stats\n    WHERE read_faq IS NOT NULL AND (user_id IN (:user_ids) OR :backfill)\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>8, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>14, :default_name=>"First Link", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"    SELECT l.user_id, l.post_id, l.created_at granted_at\n    FROM\n    (\n      SELECT MIN(l1.id) id\n      FROM topic_links l1\n      JOIN badge_posts p1 ON p1.id = l1.post_id\n      JOIN badge_posts p2 ON p2.id = l1.link_post_id\n      WHERE NOT reflection AND p1.topic_id <> p2.topic_id AND not quote AND\n        (:backfill OR ( p1.id in (:post_ids) ))\n      GROUP BY l1.user_id\n    ) ids\n    JOIN topic_links l ON l.id = ids.id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>2, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>15, :default_name=>"First Quote", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"    SELECT ids.user_id, q.post_id, q.created_at granted_at\n    FROM\n    (\n      SELECT p1.user_id, MIN(q1.id) id\n      FROM quoted_posts q1\n      JOIN badge_posts p1 ON p1.id = q1.post_id\n      JOIN badge_posts p2 ON p2.id = q1.quoted_post_id\n      WHERE (:backfill OR ( p1.id IN (:post_ids) ))\n      GROUP BY p1.user_id\n    ) ids\n    JOIN quoted_posts q ON q.id = ids.id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>2, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>11, :default_name=>"First Like", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"    SELECT pa1.user_id, pa1.created_at granted_at, pa1.post_id\n    FROM (\n      SELECT pa.user_id, min(pa.id) id\n      FROM post_actions pa\n      JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = pa.post_id\n      WHERE post_action_type_id = 2 AND\n        (:backfill OR pa.post_id IN (:post_ids) )\n      GROUP BY pa.user_id\n    ) x\n    JOIN post_actions pa1 on pa1.id = x.id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>13, :default_name=>"First Flag", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>false, :query=>"    SELECT pa1.user_id, pa1.created_at granted_at, pa1.post_id\n    FROM (\n      SELECT pa.user_id, min(pa.id) id\n      FROM post_actions pa\n      JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = pa.post_id\n      WHERE post_action_type_id IN (3,4,7,8) AND\n        (:backfill OR pa.post_id IN (:post_ids) )\n      GROUP BY pa.user_id\n    ) x\n    JOIN post_actions pa1 on pa1.id = x.id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>1, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>12, :default_name=>"First Share", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"    SELECT views.user_id, i2.post_id, i2.created_at granted_at\n    FROM\n    (\n      SELECT i.user_id, MIN(i.id) i_id\n      FROM incoming_links i\n      JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = i.post_id\n      WHERE i.user_id IS NOT NULL\n      GROUP BY i.user_id\n    ) as views\n    JOIN incoming_links i2 ON i2.id = views.i_id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>0, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>21, :default_name=>"Nice Share", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"    SELECT views.user_id, i2.post_id, i2.created_at granted_at\n    FROM\n    (\n      SELECT i.user_id, MIN(i.id) i_id\n      FROM incoming_links i\n      JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = i.post_id\n      WHERE i.user_id IS NOT NULL\n      GROUP BY i.user_id,i.post_id\n      HAVING COUNT(*) > 25\n    ) as views\n    JOIN incoming_links i2 ON i2.id = views.i_id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>22, :default_name=>"Good Share", :badge_type_id=>2, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"    SELECT views.user_id, i2.post_id, i2.created_at granted_at\n    FROM\n    (\n      SELECT i.user_id, MIN(i.id) i_id\n      FROM incoming_links i\n      JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = i.post_id\n      WHERE i.user_id IS NOT NULL\n      GROUP BY i.user_id,i.post_id\n      HAVING COUNT(*) > 300\n    ) as views\n    JOIN incoming_links i2 ON i2.id = views.i_id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>23, :default_name=>"Great Share", :badge_type_id=>1, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"    SELECT views.user_id, i2.post_id, i2.created_at granted_at\n    FROM\n    (\n      SELECT i.user_id, MIN(i.id) i_id\n      FROM incoming_links i\n      JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = i.post_id\n      WHERE i.user_id IS NOT NULL\n      GROUP BY i.user_id,i.post_id\n      HAVING COUNT(*) > 1000\n    ) as views\n    JOIN incoming_links i2 ON i2.id = views.i_id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>5, :default_name=>"Welcome", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"    SELECT p.user_id, min(post_id) post_id, min(pa.created_at) granted_at\n    FROM post_actions pa\n    JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = pa.post_id\n    WHERE post_action_type_id = 2 AND\n        (:backfill OR pa.post_id IN (:post_ids) )\n    GROUP BY p.user_id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>9, :default_name=>"Autobiographer", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :query=>"    SELECT u.id user_id, current_timestamp granted_at\n    FROM users u\n    JOIN user_profiles up on u.id = up.user_id\n    WHERE bio_raw IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(TRIM(bio_raw)) > 10 AND\n          uploaded_avatar_id IS NOT NULL AND\n          (:backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>1, :trigger=>8, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>10, :default_name=>"Editor", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>false, :query=>"    SELECT p.user_id, min(p.id) post_id, min(p.created_at) granted_at\n    FROM badge_posts p\n    WHERE p.self_edits > 0 AND\n        (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n    GROUP BY p.user_id\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>2, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>6, :default_name=>"Nice Post", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n    SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n    FROM badge_posts p\n    WHERE p.post_number > 1 AND p.like_count >= 10 AND\n      (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>7, :default_name=>"Good Post", :badge_type_id=>2, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n    SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n    FROM badge_posts p\n    WHERE p.post_number > 1 AND p.like_count >= 25 AND\n      (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>8, :default_name=>"Great Post", :badge_type_id=>1, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n    SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n    FROM badge_posts p\n    WHERE p.post_number > 1 AND p.like_count >= 50 AND\n      (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>18, :default_name=>"Nice Topic", :badge_type_id=>3, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n    SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n    FROM badge_posts p\n    WHERE p.post_number = 1 AND p.like_count >= 10 AND\n      (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>19, :default_name=>"Good Topic", :badge_type_id=>2, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n    SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n    FROM badge_posts p\n    WHERE p.post_number = 1 AND p.like_count >= 25 AND\n      (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>20, :default_name=>"Great Topic", :badge_type_id=>1, :multiple_grant=>true, :target_posts=>true, :show_posts=>true, :query=>"\n    SELECT p.user_id, p.id post_id, p.updated_at granted_at\n    FROM badge_posts p\n    WHERE p.post_number = 1 AND p.like_count >= 50 AND\n      (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids) )\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>3, :trigger=>1, :system=>true}
 - Badge {:id=>24, :default_name=>"Anniversary", :default_icon=>"fa-clock-o", :badge_type_id=>2, :query=>"    SELECT u.id AS user_id, MIN(u.created_at + interval '1 year') AS granted_at\n      FROM users u\n      JOIN posts p ON p.user_id = u.id\n     WHERE u.id > 0\n       AND u.active\n       AND NOT u.blocked\n       AND u.created_at + interval '1 year' < now()\n       AND p.deleted_at IS NULL\n       AND NOT p.hidden\n       AND p.created_at + interval '1 year' > now()\n       AND (:backfill OR u.id IN (:user_ids))\n     GROUP BY u.id\n     HAVING COUNT(p.id) > 0\n", :default_badge_grouping_id=>2, :trigger=>0, :auto_revoke=>false, :system=>true}

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/009_users.rb
 - User {:id=>-1, :name=>"system", :username=>"system", :username_lower=>"system", :email=>"no_email", :password=>"78f57d55423a6ef4694eb04efac42cde", :active=>true, :admin=>true, :moderator=>true, :email_direct=>false, :approved=>true, :email_private_messages=>false, :trust_level=>4}

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/500_lounge_category.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/501_meta_category.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/502_staff_category.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/999_settings.rb

== Seed from /var/www/discourse/db/fixtures/999_topics.rb
***  Bundling assets. This might take a while ***
$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile
Purging temp files
rake aborted!
Barber::PrecompilerError: Pre compilation failed for:

  {{custom-html "top"}}
  {{discourse-banner user=currentUser banner=site.banner overlay=view.hasScrolled hide=errorLoading}}

{{#if Discourse.Mobile.mobileView}}
{{adsenseBlock "320" "50" "topic_top_mobile"}}
{{adsenseBlock "728" "90" "topic_top"}}

{{#if postStream.loaded}}
  {{#if postStream.firstPostPresent}}

          {{#if editingTopic}}
            {{#if isPrivateMessage}}
              {{fa-icon "envelope"}}
              {{autofocus-text-field id='edit-title' value=buffered.title maxLength=maxTitleLength}}
              {{autofocus-text-field id='edit-title' value=buffered.title maxLength=maxTitleLength}}

              {{category-chooser valueAttribute="id" value=buffered.category_id source=buffered.category_id}}

            {{plugin-outlet "edit-topic"}}
            {{d-button action="finishedEditingTopic" class="btn-primary btn-small no-text" icon="check"}}
            {{d-button action="cancelEditingTopic" class="btn-small no-text" icon="times"}}

              {{#unless is_warning}}
                {{fa-icon "envelope"}}

              {{#if details.loaded}}
                {{topic-status topic=model}}



              {{#if details.can_edit}}
                {{fa-icon "pencil"}}

            {{#unless isPrivateMessage}}
              {{topic-category topic=model}}

        {{plugin-outlet "topic-title"}}


    {{view "selected-posts"}}

          {{render 'topic-progress'}}

          {{loading-spinner condition=postStream.loadingAbove}}

          {{#unless postStream.loadingFilter}}
            {{cloaked-collection itemViewClass="post"

          {{loading-spinner condition=postStream.loadingBelow}}

        {{#loading-spinner condition=postStream.loadingFilter}}
          {{#if loadedAllPosts}}

            {{view 'topic-closing' topic=model}}
            {{view 'topic-footer-buttons' topic=model}}

            {{#if Discourse.Mobile.mobileView}}
              {{adsenseBlock "320" "50" "topic_bottom_mobile"}}
               {{adsenseBlock "728" "90" "topic_bottom"}}

            {{#if details.suggested_topics.length}}

{{i18n 'suggested_topics.title'}}

                  {{basic-topic-list topics=details.suggested_topics postsAction="showTopicEntrance"}}





    {{#loading-spinner condition=noErrorYet}}
      {{#if notFoundHtml}}


          {{#if noRetry}}
            {{#unless currentUser}}
              {{d-button action="showLogin" class="btn-primary topic-retry" icon="user" label="log_in"}}
            {{d-button action="retryLoading" class="btn-primary topic-retry" icon="refresh" label="errors.buttons.again"}}

        {{loading-spinner condition=retrying}}


{{render "share"}}

{{#if currentUser.enable_quoting}}
  {{render "quote-button"}}

{{#if currentUser.canManageTopic}}
  {{show-topic-admin show="showTopicAdminMenu"}}
  {{render "topic-admin-menu"}}

. Compiler said: Error: Invalid end tag `br` (on line 24) (void elements cannot have end tags).
  (in /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-adsense/assets/javascripts/discourse/templates/topic.hbs)/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/barber-0.9.0/lib/barber/precompiler.rb:25:in `rescue in compile'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/barber-0.9.0/lib/barber/precompiler.rb:23:in `compile'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/barber-0.9.0/lib/barber/precompiler.rb:8:in `compile'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/ember-handlebars-template-0.1.5/lib/ember/handlebars/helper.rb:67:in `precompile_ember_handlebars'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/base.rb:395:in `circular_call_protection'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/base.rb:373:in `build_asset'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/index.rb:94:in `block in build_asset'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/base.rb:374:in `new'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/base.rb:374:in `block in build_asset'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/base.rb:395:in `circular_call_protection'
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/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/index.rb:93:in `build_asset'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/base.rb:287:in `find_asset'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/index.rb:61:in `find_asset'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/manifest.rb:211:in `block in find_asset'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/manifest.rb:257:in `benchmark'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/manifest.rb:210:in `find_asset'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/manifest.rb:119:in `block in compile'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/manifest.rb:118:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/sprockets/manifest.rb:118:in `compile'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-rails-2.0.1/lib/sprockets/rails/task.rb:60:in `block (3 levels) in define'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-2.11.0/lib/rake/sprocketstask.rb:146:in `with_logger'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/sprockets-rails-2.0.1/lib/sprockets/rails/task.rb:59:in `block (2 levels) in define'
Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Bundling assets

Not sure where to start, Thanks for the help

Posts: 3

Participants: 2

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Post reply on different topic no longer works


@yamikuronue wrote:

1. Quote reply on the thread you're trying to quote from
2. Navigate to the thread you want to reply on
3. Finish adding snarky commentary and hit "reply"

Expected: A popup asking which thread to reply on
Also acceptable: Just replying where my browser is pointing now
Actual: Replying on the original thread

First reported here: http://what.thedailywtf.com/t/cross-posting-broken/48629/4 I believe we're on Beta 9 now.

Posts: 6

Participants: 5

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Groups for private boards not working


@Bill_S wrote:

I created private boards, created groups, added users to the groups, then added groups to the private boards. However, none of my private boards show up to any of my users. I've refreshed the page, as well as signed out and back in. Nothing worked. Am I missing something?

Just so you know, I am nesting the private category within another private category

Category 1 = group can see only
--> Category 2 = group has full permissions

Posts: 6

Participants: 3

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Move pending post to private message


@watchmanmonitor wrote:

What approvals is going to need before I can use it is the ability to turn it into a PM between me and the OP.

Otherwise, all I can do is edit for typos and approve. Having a conversation with the OP is what I really need.

Posts: 2

Participants: 2

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1.3.0beta9: No rate-limit popups


@RaceProUK wrote:

Normally, actions such as Liking are rate-limited, and when you hit the limit, you get a message telling you you've hit the limit. However, in 1.3.0beta9, it seems those popups are no longer appearing.

Edit: Possibly linked to this issue?

Posts: 9

Participants: 7

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Issues with custom emoji


@billgraziano wrote:

I've uploaded four custom emoji. Emojii? All are GIFS.

  • /admin/customize/emojis shows an image for one of the four. It's the animated GIF. The image location is showing /uploads/sqlteam/_emoji/sniped.gif for one that doesn't display. The one that does display has the same folder.

  • Two of the four emoji work in posts -- meaning :emoji: brings up a preview. Two don't. The URL for those that work is similar to http://virtual-host-discourse.global.ssl.fastly.net/uploads/sqlteam/_emoji/sniped.gif?v=0.

I'm on v1.3.0.beta9 +45.

Posts: 2

Participants: 2

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Jira Onebox Plugin

Embedding wiki pages?


@trilson wrote:

A bit of a long shot, but thought it worth asking. Would it be possible (or is it currently possible) to embed certain types of discourse content in remote pages, similar to how comment embedding works? It'd be great if I could create a community wiki on our discourse site and subsequently embed it on a static site elsewhere.

Posts: 1

Participants: 1

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Unable to change reply by email address for .gov top level domain


@stroupaloop wrote:

I've setup the reply by email address settings as listed in the thread below, EXCEPT I'm unable to change the reply by email address

NOTE: I've setup everything else according to the post, to include the correct polling port (995), polling host (pop.gmail.com) and the accurate username/password combo (plus SSL enabled).

The field contains the following


When I try to change it to


I receive the following error

I'm currently receiving a polling error via AWS SES (our transactional email service) every 5m (POP3 polling frequency) and I'm guessing it's because the reply by email address is incorrect, BUT I can't change it. Help?

Posts: 5

Participants: 3

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